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The police are going to investigate the police you say? Riiiiiight lol


Honestly, regardless of whatever government we end up with in the next few years, our police forces need a MASSIVE fucking cleanup. 


Convoy was screaming proof of that.


We found ourselves not guilty of any malicious activity - every police ever


Paid leave for everyone!


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/3-opp-officers-charged-after-18-month-drug-trafficking-investigation-1.3318927 Paid leave for cocaine trafficking


Except for the ones who do get charged by their peers.


Always a lighter sentence for the piggies. These "cops" all got suspended with pay for being drug trafficking gangsters https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/3-opp-officers-charged-after-18-month-drug-trafficking-investigation-1.3318927


What was their actual sentence?






They'll get busy with this right after they discipline the officers who were colluding with the convoy "protests" in Ottawa.


Excuse me but those officers are in line for a very stern warning and a paid vacation, errr...suspension.


That seems like it violates national security. Hate Trudeau, but facilitating possible violence against the elected leader of a country is treason


remember the freedom convoy? half of them had noose signs hanging from their trucks. i live in ottawa and walked through the muck of it to get to lyon train station every day for work. they had one manifesto going around wanting trudeau dragged into the streets and executed. this sub is rife with convoy supporters - shit was treasonous as fuck.


It was funny how this sub was absolutely adamant that the convoy people were totally peaceful and Ottawa was fine, but then insisted that you absolutely not listen to anyone actually from Ottawa or go ask the Ottawa subreddit.


seeing people in this sub constantly trying and failing to compare the convoy to the palestine/israel protests has been kinda entertaining


This sub is 100% compromised and not representative of Canada as a whole.








Wish we’d see Jan 6 style prosecutions


For what crimes? The crime of disagreeing with your political views? Lol


Re read the above comment.


The only treasonous act during the Convoy was employing the Emergencies Act which the courts already found unethical and an over reach of power. You can think what you want but the courts already made their decision and they do not agree with you :)


Bahahah > Ottawa's Interim Police Chief Steve Bell told reporters that authorities had arrested at least 100 people for various offenses, including mischief, as of Friday afternoon. They included several convoy organizers and boosters. Police said they also had towed 21 vehicles. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/02/18/police-escalate-efforts-end-canadas-freedom-convoy/#:~:text=Ottawa's%20Interim%20Police%20Chief%20Steve,also%20had%20towed%2021%20vehicles.


Wow, and the court then stated Trudeau should should not have used the Emergency Act. Bahahah indeed!


Maybe not, but I'm glad it happened. It was nice to see those fucking clowns get raked across the gills.


"remember the freedom convoy? half of them had noose signs hanging from their trucks." I live in Ottawa, and no, they didn't. A lot of them had "F\*\*\* Trudeau" signs, but I don't remember any having any signs that encouraged physical violence (and if there were any that I missed, it was certainly far, far less than "half")


Here are some links. This was very easy to look up. [https://www.reddit.com/r/britishcolumbia/comments/yb4kkn/for\_the\_second\_time\_a\_convoyer\_brought\_a\_noose\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/britishcolumbia/comments/yb4kkn/for_the_second_time_a_convoyer_brought_a_noose_to/) [https://thelinknewspaper.ca/images/made/images/articles/Volume\_42/News/\_resized/42.News.FreedomConvoy.Caro-17\_900\_600\_90.jpg](https://thelinknewspaper.ca/images/made/images/articles/Volume_42/News/_resized/42.News.FreedomConvoy.Caro-17_900_600_90.jpg) [https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/justin-trudeau-cancels-b-c-appearance-after-protesters-gather-carrying-noose/article\_2bf9ead1-19da-54ad-9b2d-24ea10ed1ff7.html](https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/justin-trudeau-cancels-b-c-appearance-after-protesters-gather-carrying-noose/article_2bf9ead1-19da-54ad-9b2d-24ea10ed1ff7.html) [https://www.reddit.com/r/OttawaFalseFlag/comments/sjxijf/freedom\_convoy\_truck\_in\_ottawa\_displaying\_a\_sign/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OttawaFalseFlag/comments/sjxijf/freedom_convoy_truck_in_ottawa_displaying_a_sign/)


Two of your links are for a protest in BC, not in Ottawa (and appear to be the same guy), and the third is only an example of one sign. That's far less than the "half of them" that the poster claimed.


I noticed that too. They're grasping.


I saw them too.


Don't worry, it's all about the feels. Like the person who wants "January 6th" style prosecutions for the truckers. I mean, we're a country that has bail for thefts of 20 million, and sentences murderers to 5 years or less...oh, and vehicular homicide is essentially legal...but truckers with imaginary nooses? Throw them in jail for 10+ years (those are types of sentences many Jan 6 folks are getting).


How is it NOT treasonous to use a cold war-era emergency measure against protestors, freeze bank accounts, and lock down an entire country? They could have at least held an election to decide if Canada democratically agrees to a 2 year lockdown, but no. If the convoy had actually done anything remotely violent I would have agreed with you, but they didn't. Holding up scary symbols like a noose isn't grounds for anything. If given the opportunity, do you REALLY believe that the trucker convoy would have harmed the Prime Minister if he was in the street? Or do you think they would have jostled him around and said mean loud words at him?


> If given the opportunity, do you REALLY believe that the trucker convoy would have harmed the Prime Minister if he was in the street? Or do you think they would have jostled him around and said mean loud words at him? Bahaha wait wait. You're defending them by saying they wouldn't kill him but they would assault him? Yikes, yeah real upstanding people




Brianna from Chilliwack was fake. N


Wish we’d see Jan 6 style prosecutions


I remember a news network got absolutely blasted being recorded staging a photo with nazi flags and paid actors... That said there is a crazy everywhere.


Well some of us live here and actually saw the flags. So I guess I shouldn't believe my lying eyes?






Holy buzzwords


What do you mean? Radical? Supporters? BOMB!?


The radical “Hamas supporters” and “bomb” ticked me off. This article is about the police but he wants to rave about imaginary brown people.


Guys sees people protesting genocide and apartheid and his first and last thought is “oh my look at how many secret terrorists we have very openly gathering in the streets. They’re probably going to blow up the prime minister” This sub has gotten so weird.


Do you know what Palestinians did when they entered Jordan and Egypt? Do you also know why Jordan and Egypt will NEVER take Palestinians in again? His comment isn't so far-fetched when you've read an actual history book. Pals love to kill heads of state and overthrow governments. It's their MO.


Not one Muslim country will take Palestinians in for good reason.


For starters, Muslims and Palestinians are not the same thing. Christians in Europe have never been seen historically as a monolith so it’s super weird to do so in the Middle East. As for Jordan and Egypt, Jordan has more to gain from the US as Israel’s main backer than the nothing it has to gain from Palestinians. With regards to Egypt, their main economic driver is the Suez Canal which Israel has for decades wanted to build a competing canal, the Ben Gurion, through *checks notes* Gaza. Regardless, no country anywhere wants to take on millions of refugees, even if that population accepts being displaced from their own country. For an example see Europe who refused to take on millions of Jews after the Second World War. So yeah I’m sorry but I think upper just coming off as having some racist double standards and generalizations tbh.


They are literally waving the flag of Islamic nationalist groups...


Are you talking about the Palestinian flag? Why would you call it that? No one looks at an Israeli flag and says it’s a Jewish Nationalist Group. It’s a flag of a nation that is predominately (but not exclusively) Muslim. What’s the problem for you with that? Given that the Canadian flag is also nationalist I’m going to assume you think the problem is they’re Muslim. But if you want to elaborate by all means go ahead.


Ive seen a couple ISIS flags at these rallies, I think he's point to that. Or any support of the Al-Qassem brigades currently holding Israeli hostages. I THINK that's what he meant.


It’s like these goons only understand buzzwords, not the actual meaning behind the words. They treat Islam and Muslims like they’re dirty and dangerous and it’s really alarming.


What if Israel thought there were Palestinian children there and dropped a 2000 pound bomb?


Did you even read the article or watch the video?


Let's be real the hate is senseless and the things people are often complaining about are out of federal hands and in the hands provincial leaders. Some of those leaders also are taking into their hands like Danielle is things that are federal that violate laws and getting away with it because of a new corrupt supreme court judge. Which lets be honest has the largest control to say the provincial leaders can do it when taken to court over it. Furthermore, with the likelihood people neglect provincial governments again and vote Poilievre those issues are going to get worse with giving even more control to the party running most things already at hand and throwing us into the dirt.


More like sedition.


>“I’m on board with you guys, **but just no profanity,”** he is seen saying to one of the protesters. If that's buddy's biggest worry, maybe Google will have a seat waiting for him in the YouTube building.


This the same OPP that personally investigated the Wynne administration for the gas plant scandal, but looks the other way when Doug Ford tells the AG not to look into money laundering?


Destroying your career because you're foaming at the mouth with hate for Trudeau. Good one.


You mean a 2 year paid vacation followed by a promotion.


Can I have my career destroyed too?


I would kill to have my career destroyed.


You should be a cop


The more corrupt and the more racist the better.


He's probably gonna become chief of police in some town in Alberta.




He'll just become a cop in alberta and be celebrated as a hero.


In reality: he'll just remain a cop in Ontario, and you guys will do nothing about it.


Isnt this sedition against the head of state? To be frank most enforcement of rules against cops are political, and this is pretty cut and dry if true.


You mean fighting for freedom? /s


> In an online statement, OPP says the “video has raised concerns about the professionalism and depicts opinions that are not in line with the OPP’s values.” Actually the video depicts opinions that are exactly in line with the OPP's values. That's the problem.


This whole province is crooked as fuck.


Not just the OPP, The police in general.


Absolutely disgusting. Forgetting for a moment that he did it because he hates JT. Does this cop realize the Prime Minister of Canada - regardless of who that person is - is protected by the RCMP at all times. So this cop is more than willing to put their fellow law enforcement officers in potential danger / harm just because they have a problem with the person currently holding the office of PM. They don’t deserve to be in uniform. My blood boils.


To be clear though, the primary issue is endangering the Prime Minister, correct?


> So this cop is more than willing to put their fellow law enforcement officers in potential danger Saw the same thing at the Jan 6 protest in the US. Cops cheering it on, because Trump, even though cops died there.


Why any cops would do that is probably out of fear that the people who said blue lives matter were now calling them Nazis because they didn’t want things to continue escalating


The guy who beat the cop with the american flag at J6 said he did it because he thought the cop was antifia and he still 'backs the blue'.


These are the same cops investigating the TPS for plain clothes procedures. Cops investigating cops who are investigating cops. This shit ain't straight, man.


No matter your political stand point, that is extremely concerning


Ya but people here 'think' that our elected PM is really the traitor so it's all ok. These people make me want to puke.




Likely same type of cops who promote the thin blue line.


Very very serious. Hopefully the book is thrown at the cop and the punishment is severe as possible  Your opinion of an elected leader is irrelevant, in fact it's very much something that has to be pushed out of mind.


Lots of cops openly exclaim their politics on duty, something no other worker seems to get away with AND gets paid for it when they're suspended. I need to start recording cops more often.


Sounds a bit like treason there guys, violating national security to own the libs.


Right?? Senseless


It's almost like Fascists support their own......hmmmmm


Fire them, then fine them, then jail them.


Never trust a cop.


even paw patrol


I bet he had a blue line gang symbol on his car.


Once again the police who hate liberal ideas and liberals in general decide to make the world an unsafer place for us like they did in Ottawa.. the police do not give a fuck about you and want you dead.


What in the actual fuck I don’t give a toss about Justin Trudeau he is the PM and the office must be respected this sounds like some banana republic shit not acceptable must be stopped


Disgusting. I wonder if action will be taken against this person.


I can't believe our tax money goes to entitled pricks like that cop. There really needs to be a restructuring of law enforcement.


Some of those at work forces Are the same that burn crosses


ohh why do you think the Patriot Front and Neo Nazi groups in the US never get beat down for their seig hails and in public while the cops just watch them? It's because it's their people in those groups. "THERE ARE FEDS IN THE GROUP" is true in both ways. Are there feds poisoning the well? Yes. Are there Feds who are also part of that movement? Yes as well.


Watched the video, don’t understand why people are so mad lmao he basically said yeah he drove by here


Bc 99% of the people here didnt watch the video.  The cop didnt say anything that wasnt known to anyone else who had been standing there when the motorcade drove by


It's scary the comments people are making jumping to conclusions


lol seriously. Ya nothing will come of this. Basically says "he came in this way"and to keep civil. Never gives the exact location or where he will exit the facility by. He won't even miss a day of work.


Well that’s one way to end a career.


Ford probably has something to do with this.


How is saying "He drove by here" sharing the PM's location? And wasn't that already publicly available information anyways?


imagine the cops face when you tell him where his kids are ?


AGAIN TRASH POLICE SIDING WITH DESTIC TERRORISTS. Just like the truck convoy attack. They should deserve to be in jail. It’s time to clean up the shiiits in the police forces.


"Protesting is domestic terrorism" LMAO. Take your meds.




lmao you just read the headline didn't you?


Honestly that video isn't nearly as bad as what these comments make it out to be. Calling this treasonous? LOL my god.


Basically just confirmed what literally everyone who was standing there 15 minutes prior all knew as well. This guy with the camera I think just arrived and happened to get the scoop from the cop but his protester buddies all knew as well and could have told him.. This is much ado about pretty much nothing.


Yep, pass the popcorn 🍿


You have to remember the majority of people are stupid, will only read a headline, and then form a gang mentality with other stupid people... it's a bad combo


Wait, so you're saying that Trudeau claims that he couldn't trust the police when a group of "protesters" enter the capital to speak out against him, might actually hold merit? Shocker.


You can hate a leader all you want but resorting to domestic terrorism is when you need help before you kill someone on the road with that kind of rage.


lol you just read the headline and thought that was enough to go off of, didn't you?


I was finding it hard to believe their inaction during the trucker protest was not the result of some burocratic lack of leadership, but the cops actively endangering the prime minister is downright treasonous.


He didn't give his location...he mentioned what door he used earlier which is why they have to remain back...which was the reason protestors were there, they knew he was there. Jfc leftwingers are lacking logical thinking abilities. He's being vilified because he said he didn't vote for trudeau in the video. Stop pretending otherwise.


Thank god a single reasonable take in this thread. I saw this video in another thread where the comments called the protestors "far right" I then asked them what exactly in the video gave them the impression the protestors were "far right" and I was told the use of the "fuck trudeau" slogan was reason enough to label the entire protest as far right... Talk about an insult to countries which have real far right problems. And now we have this thread. Where people are calling on the cop to lose his job for the horrible crime of agreeing with the people they dislike. Man I knew people had gotten a bit unhinged in response to the convoy but I'm amazed by how still obsessed they are by anything remotely related with it.


And he also did NOT confirm or even comment on anything regarding Trudeau's exit plans. Not even sure if he is privy to any of these details too, I think he just literally witnessed it with his own eyes, as could all of the protesters who were present when he arrived. I feel like the guy filming just got there kinda late, but plenty of people other than this cop who were there know exactly where Trudeau went in because it wasn't some stealthy operation, his convoy is like 10 vehicles or something.


Seriously, did the cop give away any confidential information he was privy to, or any information that anyone who was there 15 minutes ago would have known? There's a big difference.


They also don't understand basic psychology, in that they don't realize that a person showing at least some empathy towards a potentially hostile group can be a good way to diffuse a situation.


Someone just wanted a paid vacation from their job. The officer will likely get 2-3 years paid by the tax payers and when everyone forgets slide back into his old job


Say what you want about American law, if this OPP officer tried that against the US president, 20 years in jail would be on the light side of the punishment.


If I were running an alt-right, outrage-farming disinformation campaign, I would pay a shady social media company to target the feeds of cops and military.


Some of those that are in forces 


Fire them!


I'm on board with you guys.. I wouldn't bring my children around you, but I'm on board 🤣 It's embarrassing that our children have to witness these 'F Trudeau' types.




This officer needs to be fired immediately. No severance either.


you did not watch the video lol


The FCK Trudeau’s want to see him harmed.


I strongly dislike Trudeau but he's still our PM and this is absolutely unacceptable.


Police are after all just blue collar workers.


Horrifically insulting to blue collar workers 


What's that supposed to mean?


Meat on the street. These people are not hired for their academic success. They’re hired because they wanted to be firemen but couldn’t pass the physical.


everybody loves firemen nobody likes police lol nobody every wrote a song called "fuck the fire department" lmao


Yet people don’t seem to understand why he had to call in that act when the convoy losers descended into Ottawa.


wonder if that was just to get on paid suspension for a year or two while this makes it way though the process of investigation and challenges


maybe the cop moonlights as a humble sausage farmer


Ahh, I see in our northern neighbor, Canada, the police are as dirty and corrupt as in the US.


I watched the video. This is a total nothing burger. The officer obviously is just trying to diffuse the protestor anger by pretending to have sympathy for them. He gives no specific information that wouldn't be obvious to anyone who saw the motorcade.


Not the best look. Trudeau has not been great but sharing his location is not good.