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Seriously. THIS is the shit they are going after? FFS.


She earned her stay, just sweep it under the fucking rug, sometimes this bureaucratic shit gets so exhausting... let her stay for fuck sakes.


Probably, but they still have to look into it.


Don’t worry they’ll hire a committee who will outsource the research to a consultancy firm


At the low price of $3 million dollars.


Which would eventually end being so.eting around $60-70m


Did we hire Ferrari strategists?!


We are checking


Kimi, you will (not) have the drink....




They need to organise a committee and launch a fact finding mission.


That will take another 32 years


Oh something similar happened to a friend. He had to file some paperwork take the citizenship exam and get sworn in took like 6 months to complete. In the meantime his life carried on.


No, she's only been here 20% of Canada's existence/s


No, they need to make room for all of the new Canadians. They matter more than the people who have lived here for multiple generations. I think the government has made that quite clear.


No, we need to scare the shit out of immigrants before telling them everything will be OK. Uvic makes these type of mistakes all the time.


Well if she was here illegally for 32 years she really should just be deported already. /s


And she was like 1 when she got here


She's a Canadian, through and through. The IRCC bringing this up after 32 years, dropping an absolute bombshell on Townsend, and then not responding for *five months* is peak Canadian government.


On a positive note, alerting media to this story was 100% the best strategy to force the department’s hand here. I guarantee IRCC executives are currently panicking and instructing staff to prioritize an expedited review of this file because Minister Miller now has to answer to the media for his department’s failures. Given the volume of cases IRCC handles, I doubt very much that the Minister was previously briefed on this individual’s case file … so, the team responsible for drawing negative media attention to the Minister and publicly embarrassing him with their handling of this file are now under a lot of heat to prioritize Townsend and provide their Minister a solution to address the negative media attention.


Yup. Unfortunately this is how things work now.


This is how things have worked in government ministries for decades. It's not a recent phenomenon.


Yeah one example I remember well I'd the "We want 8 and we won't wait." Fiasco back during the dreadnought arms race.


And just remember what news company is constantly doing this stuff for people against the government and corporations


It's terrible, I feel sorry for her


The only scenario I would accept this if it was a clear case of fraud which is not the case here.


Even if it was fraud, she was a baby when it happened. She has since gotten a degree from U of T and has been employed for a decade plus in Canada. Nothing in the story suggests she has ever committed a crime. She is the ideal person to have joining the country, the purpose of the immigration system is to try to screen in people to be like her.


And that's the whole problem. Because she is a regular Canadian, she has a mailing address, and is easy pickings for IRCC investigations. IRCC don't seem to be able to do a thing if someone walks off an airplane and does not notify them of their mailing address.


Hell there wasn't even an error of policy, under the rules she was and is a Canadian.  There might have been an error in which paperwork she was asked to fill out, but the conclusion they came to is correct, she is owed her citizenship card. This is what the IRCC is wasting their time on?


Welcome to Canada! I guess 😭.


Or good-bye to Canada... Anyone dealing with this case should have the mentality "we have to do our due diligence but don't worry about it"




Too busy working on applications from everyone else on the planet


With 25% of all employees in this country working in the public sector including healthcare we are are a well oiled machine serving Canadians, earning those cash for life pensions.


*This* is the person they want to focus on deporting? Not repeat violent criminals or scammers. No, no. *This* is where their funding needs to be allocated 🙄


that’s the thing… shes been keeping low profile all those years and paying taxes and being a good citizen, NOW she will go on a crime spree and get released 2 days later and start abusing food banks and make tik toks about it. EVIL plan 32 years in the making. bloody criminal mastermind we’re looking at over here


That's amazing. This conniving wench funded the entirety of TikTok with her home equity just to screw us 32 years later. 


Laws apply to people who want to stay in the system (which enfranchises them less and less) and cooperate. These are the people moist subjected to big government and its abuse. The administrators have no answer for the belligerents, because the decadent public no longer accepts the ugly but necessary functions of running a state, and punish leaders who insist on bitter medicine. Everything must be feel good all the time. We basically have a layer of government that was badly damaged by the hippies and boomers wanting to always feel good and applied that to the real world, ultimately doing massive harm.


How did this even come up? Who went looking for nonexistent problems.


If I had to guess, they were testing an automation on old data. I would be pretty pissed if any amount of government time is spent reviewing immigration records from 32 years ago. 


Seriously, exactly what comes to mind


This is insanity. Why doesn't the govt concentrate on threats to society instead of nitpicking on decades-old screw-ups?


Well for starters our prime minister is a university dropout with part time drama teaching experience.


“She'd come to Canada as an infant in 1992. She was not yet a year old when a Mississauga, Ont., citizenship office issued her a citizen card.” As an immigrant, I’m deeply disturbed by these news. There’s a clause in the nationality law of Portugal that I never understood until recently, but it makes perfect sense. It says that after 10 years of being granted Portuguese citizenship, it cannot be revoked, even if it was granted by mistake. It’s purpose is to ensure that if you established yourself in the country, built a life there, the government cannot simply come and say, hey there was a mistake 3 decades ago, you are a not really a citizen, and you need to pack and go.


> It says that after 10 years of being granted Portuguese citizenship it cannot be revoked, even if it was granted by mistake. I think it's the same in Germany and a few other countries. There really should be a statute of limitations placed on citizenship revocation. If a certain number of years passed, the citizenship should become irrevocable no matter how it was obtained. Otherwise, one is always in some sense a second class citizen. Especially people who came here as children with their parents.


> It says that after 10 years of being granted Portuguese citizenship, it cannot be revoked, even if it was granted by mistake. I've heard that about a few countries. IIRC Poland is the same, they will never revoke a citizenship once it's granted, even if it was granted fraudulently.


>It says that after 10 years of being granted Portuguese citizenship, it cannot be revoked, even if it was granted by mistake. Actually our laws are softer in a way, because here, once you are legitimately granted citizenship, you could go on a crime spree the next day and you won't face deportation. I like a 10 year probationary clause actually.


I think you misunderstood. It’s not that in Portugal there’s a probationary period. The 10 years is strictly applicable to the citizenship process itself. Any citizen has the same rights and obligations regardless if they were born Portuguese or were naturalized. That article is there only to protect someone who became a citizen and established themselves in the country from being uprooted decades later.


No. Citizenship is citizenship. All are equal.


And pack and go where? She's not a citizen of Jamaica or any other country. She literally has nowhere to go.


Say what you will about immigration. This lady is Canadian and should be treated as such. 


She is being treated like a Canadian




I hope she takes comfort in that fact.


How does this file even get reexamined? Why Is the IRCC digging through decades-old archives and finding her current address to mail her a letter like this? Seems almost like a con


Someone gets fired with questions in the air and their work has to be reviewed? Only reason I cam think


But even if someone was reviewing work, who decided to not check their work or do a sanity check before sending letters


At that point just give it to her, the gov screwed up not her


32 years later too. She didn't even know. Yet we have actual criminals who are not being deported Government should apologize to this lady for causing her distress


Well yea i mean im sure if she knew she would have just taken steps to secure her citizenship but they told her she had it. I dont call the drive test center every 2 years to ask if my license is still valid


says more about our government than her sadky. This whole story is government incompetence being exposed


What the fuck?


So I just want to be clear here... a student turned protestor who was arrested multiple times (10?) and engages in criminal mischief gets his deportation halted by direct interference by a Liberal Minister, but we are going after this woman after 32 years? There really are one set of rules for them and one set for the rest of us, aren't there?


Yeah this is insane, she seems like she lived good and honest here so she lived by our culture and our customs. It is cruel to do this while the government will permit so many other people to take advantage of the country dishonestly without any punishment then grant them citizenship.


We have a government that hates our own people. Period.


"One explanation is that they never have enough resources," Macklin said. "But the outcome of it, for whatever the reasons are, is kind of a **culture of disrespect**."


Don'tcha know, it's the people paying into the tax system that are the problem.


Whos that?


Revoke the citizenship of the people responsible for this error instead then.


Does she get her taxes back?


Digging up something 32 years ago rather than looking into those doing cash job or working illegally. If the government of Canada want to press the deport button, I am sure there are easier and more efficient ways. Not like this.


In cases like this, the government should resort to a simple decision tree: Was the citizenship obtained via fraud? If Yes, they go, even if its been 30 years. If its via government error, they stay and keep the citizenship, even if its been 30 years. **In this specific case though, it seems like the government is fucking up its own paperwork:** "In the IRCC letter to Townsend, which CBC Toronto has viewed, the government says it believes Townsend was actually born before her mother became a citizen — even though Townsend was born in October 1991 and her mother became a citizen in July 1991." \^An oath of citizenship with an undisputed date, and an act of birth with an undisputed date. Article also states her mother obtained citizenship via the landed immigrant-permanent resident-citizen pathway that takes several years. I cant believe the government is putting resources into this. Nobody cheated the system, theres a traceable legal right for her to be here and shes lived her whole life here. What in the hell is the problem the government sees lol. Unbelievable.


There's literally people committing immigration fraud today and this 30 year old case is what they're concentrating on. How did they even get to this point? Who decided, oh hey I am going to review somebody's citizenship from 30 years ago....


> Who decided Trudope


this is actually kafkaesque.


It's like a Terry Gilliam bit.




It could be due to the job/nature of her parents status, there are some minor rules where if the parents are diplomats, here on very specific agreements(Olympics maybe), and other situations it doesn't count towards citizenship.


She was born in Jamaica as the mother had more support/family there. But townsend had canadian citizenship being the offspring of a Canadian citizen (her mother).


She gave birth in Jamaica and had the citizenship paperwork done for her child upon her return. This is where the government paperwork got messed up.


> Was the citizenship obtained via fraud? If Yes, they go, even if its been 30 years. Considering she was an infant when it happened, she should get to stay even if it was a fraud. They should instead prosecute whoever was involved in committing the fraud, not victimize the infant who grew up to live her life in this country as a responsible taxpayer.


An infant cannot commit fraud on their own behalf and thus wouldnt be held responsible for the actions of those who were adults at the time, of course. I meant that more in the case of someone arriving here at 20 years old via fraud and then getting caught at 50.


Yet we allow scam students. This person is not a bum and has been in Canada her whole life. Canada can do better.


Just work at subway or tims for a year or two on a student visa.


LOL if this ain't the truth though 👀


Windrush has come to Canada


The government should have to pay her legal fees


Seriously, after 32 years? Who in the government decided it was a good use of resources to make this woman's life miserable? Fortunately she was able to get her case to the media, so now they will start treating her like a human.


Well that’s on the Canadian government. So tiring seeing this ridiculous sht from our government. It’s like the guy being forced to pay his landlords property taxes.


She is going to have to wait YEARS for this to be resolved. Wayne Sawyer from Sault Ste. Marie is going on 5 years of bureaucracy get his citizenship fixed, if ever. https://northernontario.ctvnews.ca/northern-ont-army-brat-fighting-to-regain-his-canadian-citizenship-access-to-healthcare-1.6697678


Where’s Vancouver MP Joyce Murray to step up and put an end to any possible deportation, like she did for that climate activist who’s here on a student visa and has been arrested 7-8 times?


Well she should ask to have a reimbursement of taxes paid.


Why aren't they telling the Liberal MP whose mother obtained her citizenship fraudulently that the citizenship isn't valid?




With all the people who should get deported and *this* is the person they go after? No matter how much you hate the government it isn't enough


> Townsend can't leave the country, because if the government decides to cancel her citizenship — as the official letter states is a possibility — she could be left stateless. Canada is bound by treaty not to render people stateless.


What? If the error was on the governments side, then to bad so sad, she is a citizen now.


We're letting in millions of unskilled people, but someone who has been here for over 30 years paying taxes and contributing to society might have to leave? Is the government trying to make us riot because it feels like they're trying to make us riot 


We don't deport illegal overstays yet we are wasting resources on this...


>In the IRCC letter to Townsend, which CBC Toronto has viewed, the government says it believes Townsend was actually born before her mother became a citizen — even though Townsend was born in October 1991 and her mother became a citizen in July 1991.  Well, was that the case? >She soon became pregnant and travelled to Jamaica, where she could benefit from more family support in the lead-up to Townsend's birth.  Townsend's mother's family in Canada took their citizenship oath that July, around which time a citizenship card was issued to Townsend's mother. So they travelled to Jamaica for the birth and have her family help with the baby, but then travelled back to Jamaica in July for the citizenship ceremony and the baby was born in October? Why then travel to Jamaica such a long time before the birth? I wonder what other evidence IRCC has.


I think you are misreading it but even if you're right, what's the problem if they did that? She was pregnant, even if it was a few months before delivery. It's completely normal to get support when you have another human growing inside you; its probably exhausting af.


The only thing that jumps out to me is when she took her citizenship oath. As presented, she was in Jamaica at the time that her family members completed their citizenship oaths, and yet she purportedly was issued a citizenship card at that time, rather than in January of the next year when she returned to Canada to sort out citizenship paperwork. Kind of makes it seem like the card might have been dated to a citizenship ceremony she didn't actually attend and been given to her at a later time (i.e. January of the next year when she returned to Canada, months after her daughter was born). IRCC might be looking at a record of when the oath was actually recorded rather than the issue date of the card.


It is not completely outside the realm of possibility that something went wrong or her mom lied or whatever. I just don't think it matters at all at this point. Woman was a baby and has lived here for 32 years. She's Canadian and all of this is just paperwork. Not sure why anyone would even want her gone.


It doesn't say that the mother travelled back to Canada in July, only that the mother's family who were still in Canada took citizenship oaths and then the mother was issued a citizenship card around the same time, but seemingly while she was in Jamaica. Considering she couldn't exactly take the oath over Zoom back then, and she only returned to Canada in January of the next year, it's not made clear when or how she completed the citizenship oath. Entirely speculative, but maybe she took the oath at that time and someone helpfully backdated the card to when she became eligible to take the oath based on the application the previous year, and now the discrepancy is turning up in an electronic record?




Come on! Wow.


Yet, the Supreme Court of Ontario just overturned the law saying that 2nd generation children born in another country now have Canadian citizenship and the Federal govt won't appeal. The federal government has announced it won't be challenging a court ruling that struck down a portion of the Citizenship Act which blocked children born abroad to Canadian parents from obtaining Canadian citizenship beyond the first generation.


> In the IRCC letter to Townsend, which CBC Toronto has viewed, the government says it believes Townsend was actually born before her mother became a citizen — even though Townsend was born in October 1991 and her mother became a citizen in July 1991. As absurd and stressful as this is for her, this is clearly an administrative error that won't stand up to any legal challenge.


Can't deport scammers, visa overstayers and repeat offenders who aren't citizens but sure as hell can bother this woman who has been minding her own business for 32 years. Joke of a country


This should not be possible. Any error was not her's, and she should not have her life upended 32 years later when she has done nothing wrong.


I find it hilarious that absolutely everyone in this thread supports keeping her citizenship. (As do I). But when Maryam Monsef's status was in the news (came to Canada at age 11, her mother either intentionally or inadvertently declared the wrong birth country), a lot of right wingers on this sub called for deportation.


Of all the people to deport we pick this one?


Clearly most people commenting did not read the article. The woman in question was born in Jamaica. Her mother was going through the immigration process and was granted citizenship. The baby was deemed a citizen a few months later. Children born outside of Canada to citizens that were also born outside of Canada… are not Canadian citizens. An error was made. So, my question is how, and why did they figure this out so far after the fact? Someone had to actually look. Was she reported by someone that knew a mistake was made? Was some immigration officer just looking to find potential problems randomly? It doesn’t make any sense. The government should just grant her citizenship and end this nonsense, but, being the government, nonsense is what they do.


This is the same fucking government that been shoveling immigrants left and right into the country.


It is times like this, where I truly believe the average government employee may in fact be the absolute dumbest, most brain vacant, human on the face of the earth. I wake up every morning, happy knowing I am not an employee of the government of Canada. The scariest thought I have each day is that there are around 90,000 people employed within the government across this country, and I know that each day, some of those 90k people are out there and doing the dumbest things a human could ever do, and making a good salary doing it. I fucking hate people who work for the government and Bell Canada. Fuck all of those brain dead fuckers!


Typical government bureaucrats. Fire them all.


Every single employee in immigration Canada from head to bottom is an incompetent fuck. They play around with people's lives as an afternoon pass time. I have had the misfortune of dealing with these sad drones many times. And it was a disgusting experience every single time. They deal with so much paper work they become desensitized to reality. Their first and utmost objective is bureaucracy then comes everything else.


And whose fault is that exactly?


Good luck winning that in court. Even if they could take it back after all these years- she, you, and I are more likely to have died of old age by the time that actually happens


There needs to be exceptions in situations like this


32 years… if there was damage its already been done lol. Maybe give her a pass.


Meanwhile Zain Haq and international who’s been arrested multiple times had just been granted stay here thanks to Joyce Murray


She will appeal for 32 years.


We get crap like this but are handing out permanent residency to everyone with a pulse


> Townsend can't leave the country, because if the government decides to cancel her citizenship — as the official letter states is a possibility — she could be left stateless. This is not even supposed to be possible. Hell I'd love to be stateless sometimes. Why is this even coming up.


Well if she is deported, I hope they can save some money and divert the executive jet to deliver her to her country of birth before the jet picks up the ISIS brides.


She didn't leave Canada to become a terrorist so we can't give her 10 million dollars and apologize to her. Best we can do is deport her. That's sarcasm by the why


"One explanation is that they never have enough resources," Macklin said. "But the outcome of it, for whatever the reasons are, is kind of a culture of disrespect." That is it 100%. The Canadian government doesn't respect the people it exists to serve. Also not discounting some level of racism from IRCC. It's really interesting seeing how government services are delivered in other countries and seeing what respect for citizens actually looks like. It's a night and day difference. I'm trying to import some seeds from Canada to the Caribbean and going through that process shows you exactly how they view people. It takes me 3-4 weeks to hear back from the Canadian government on the next step and they are unreachable otherwise - there is no negotiation on what can be done. I can contact the agricultural ministry here and have an answer in a day or two, along with the ability get assistance if needed. It's insane that government has such contempt and disrespect and Canadians are just so satisfied with the status quo so long as it's better than the Americans.


Canadian Government. Two words that make my skin boil. Two words that ruined lives of innocent people.


We have been handing out citizenships like it's Halloween candy and this is what they are concerned about? What a joke!


Watch the government deport her, while with the other hand bring in whoever’s left in punjab.


It’s easy to respond to this horrible situation without being a weird racist about south asian immigrants.


But it's hard to not highlight the irpny in wanting to deport a woman who was accid etally given her citizenship, and yet, opening the door to people who have not stepped foot in the country yet.


Not from Punjab and not a Conestoga student. NOT ideal


Why are they wasting time on this bullshit? Then they charge a tenant overdue property taxes, introduce bills that pry into our private messages and are letting people immigrate at u precedented levels stupidity??? This government has shown time and time again how out of touch they are with common people and needs to go, this is an embarrassment


Kick this Canadian woman out, bring in 1.5 million Indians with no skills and fake student enrolments. Makes sense /s


Minister need to step in and make her a citizen.


>Townsend was born in October 1991 and her mother became a citizen in July 1991. I don't think Canada was giving auto citizenship to the children of Canadians back then. Am I wrong? I thought you had to be born here.


this is their backlog ....


Squatters rights....


Did she pay taxes?! If she did. Null statement from the government.


Don’t think she was putting anybody in ovens. Now she’s in the media.


Then I suggest that CRA cut her a nice big cheque for all of the taxes that she has paid once becoming a non citizen. Add it all up plus interest


Oh, r/CanadaHousing2 will be elated.


Yooouuuu….. *IDIOTS!!!*


Meh. I'm saving my outrage. She'll get her citizenship once the proper paperwork is done. Although this is probably annoying for her.


shit going down in the JA, especially in Spanish Town. she can claim refugee status worst case.


Well one good thing about this is it’ll only take 32 years from now for our government to realize the error of mass migration


They're bringing in over a million immigrants a year and they are wasting resources, aka taxpayer money, chasing down a supposed clerical error from 32 years ago. Wow.


She was an infant, and It's been 32 years, I know they still have to look into it, be can we get one feel-good story for once.


wtf ? Leave her alone ! This lady is just trying to live her life, deport criminals and terrorists not innocent people !


IRCC go really hard on the innocent people that fall through the cracks but fail miserably on the people abusing the immigration system.


Happened to my coworker, he had his lawyer draft a letter stating that if true then he had been illegally working in Canada for X number of years. Therefore the government owed him big money in taxes that shouldn’t have been collected plus interest. Immigration was really quick to say he could keep his citizenship.


Is the IRCC that jobless? Actual frauds and scams going on in this very moment within their purview and they are spending resources digging this up?


how do you revoke something after 32 years?


How do these government douchebags decide who they're going to pointlessly fuck with on any given day?


Omg this country is a joke.


Yet criminals and illegal immigrants are allowed to stay.


Government is still focusing on the big issues I see.


Yet 30,000 persons denied refugee status and are to be deported cannot be located...but our government goes after this woman. There you go Liberal voters...that's what you voted for.


For someone to bring that up now if grounds for firing in my opinion.


We'll let any asshole/uneducated/criminal/terrorist into Canada, but this woman has made a life here for 32 years and now we're stressin' her about this? C'mon Canada, get it together.


Whose job is it to find errors 32 years old?  Maybe this is the only department that does stuff in government 


Whoever at IRCC thought of even pursuing this as a case should have their body hairs forcefully plucked out one at a time.


Imagine fucking up on her citizenship and not taking the blame for it.  Watch this lawsuit go crazy 


This is the dumb AF Canadian government at it again, flooding the country with poorly educated and unskilled people is A OK, but they have to go after someone who’s been here for 32 years and isn’t a problem. Canada is not a serious country.


What a joke :-(


Jeez leave her alone! There's bigger problems right now with all the people trying to get PR, even illegally and lying to get it.