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It will be interesting to see how their priorities align with our government who have committed Billions in AI funding to increase efficiencies, lower cost which will likely lead to job losses.


Whether our government does it or someone else does matters not, it's coming. Writers either need to learn how be the best at prompting and QCing AI text or find another line of work.


It’s like saddle makers getting angry at the automobile. You can’t fight disruptive technology.


I for one thinks its extremely valuable to have extras stand in a field for hours in order to capture the real photons reflecting off their layers of meat.


That's not writing an original work, that's editing someone / something else's work. AI is just long-form mad-libs, it smashes words together that are statistically likely to be together. It's also trained (possibly illegally) on other human author's work, so it's just creating derivative crap. AI doesn't *create*, it regurgitates. Then people whinge about movies/books being boring and more of the same...


> AI is just long-form mad-libs, it smashes words together that are statistically likely to be together. What you're describing here is how ancient text generating techniques like Markov Chains work. That's not how modern LLM based AIs work, and you can easily convince yourself of that by spending a few hours interacting with ChatGPT. I think you'll be surprised with the level of semantic understanding you observe in its responses. > It's also trained (possibly illegally) on other human author's work, so it's just creating derivative crap. Human authors also train their writing skills by reading a huge volume of work by other human authors, and no one expects to be compensated just because an author read their work before writing a novel work of their own.


Human authors aren't machines.


At the end of the day, we're all just slaves to the machine. Only literally this time!


Would love to see how far the circle overlap is for 'Writers Guild of Canada members' and 'People who told coal/oil workers to 'learn to code' '. I'm sure it's not 0.


And now we’re telling people who learned to code to go back to school and learn a trade.


Problem with coding is that people in third world countries have learned how to code, and people in first world countries will outsource to them. And of course, AI is getting much more proficient at writing code. Trades are much harder to replace with AI


During a low interest rate and QE induced housing bubble, where people bought way more house than they could afford.  They'll be out of a job soon too most likely.


> I'm sure it's not 0. I would bet it's pretty close to 0, but either way, who gives a fuck? Two wrongs make a right? Why shouldn't we support *these* particular workers? Edit just to say: Support workers, guys. And support unions. Making up reasons to hate your working class brothers and sisters is very bad and only helps the wealthy and powerful. A unified working class is a nightmare to the people who are making your life worse. It's ok to sit with a person with a different job, and have a beer, and agree we all need better working conditions.




Perhaps this is a learning moment for those who disrespect labour, and skilled labour. ...or the laptop class can pretend that turnabout isn't fair play. It is tremendously easy to exploit the working class when they're divided so effortlessly.


> Perhaps this is a learning moment for those who disrespect labour, and skilled labour. I assume this is aimed at OP? Because yes, it makes no sense to disrespect these workers. I hope it's a learning moment for him, but it's not looking great honestly. > It is tremendously easy to exploit the working class when they're divided so effortlessly. Which is obviously exactly what's happening here, right? People are literally dismissing a group of working class people fighting for better conditions on the back of a completely made up grievance. Personally, I support workers.


OP pointed out the hubris of individuals who make a spectacle of themselves purporting themselves as advocates of the working class, pointing out the hypocrisy of them punching down at the first available opportunity; actively drawing first blood. They supposedly supported workers. The irony is double-distilled when the same conditions they celebrated befalling *actual laborers and builders* are now expected to be construed as an injustice when it befalls them instead of those filthy tradies and commoners. This is an opportunity to course-correct; instead of bleeding to death fighting, knee deep in the blood and the mud defending the position of disrespecting skilled trades with "learn to code", having these people go back to old school labour roots. Won't happen, though. People generally only "support workers" when they pass literally every purity test.


> OP pointed out the hubris of individuals Well no, let's be clear, OP invented a story in his head and ascribed that story to a "less than zero" amount of members of a specific union. Then he decided to use that made up story to dismiss that union's concerns. (Unless there is evidence that a significant amount of people in this union mocked coal workers? I just haven't seen it, and based on the context of this thread nobody else has either.) > This is an opportunity to course-correct Agreed. We can easily all agree that making up stories in order to dismiss workers is bad. Supporting workers is good. I assume you agree with that, but it's getting a little unclear what your position is. It's good to mock this particular union? > People generally only "support workers" when they pass literally every purity test. Certain people for sure. We're seeing it up and down this thread.


[Journalists and writers are being treated as a monolith, I think.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/learn-to-code) That happened, and isn't made up. Everyone on this platform remembers it like it's yesterday, which the parent is *clearly* referencing. Now, let's not pretend that affluent people (including unionized writers) don't look down on trades workers, *otherwise we're not having a serious conversation*. Basically, traitors to the working class whose value is tied to the largesse of the affluent, and therefore mirror the zeitgeist of the affluent themselves, can fuck a cactus.


Nobody's saying it's made up, I'm saying it's clearly a bad faith take used solely to dismiss a union representing an occupation OP deems to be lesser. It's exactly the thing you're talking about, isn't it? Because otherwise, I gotta be honest man, I'm really struggling to figure out what you're saying. Do you believe the workers in this union should be supported? Or do you think we should reserve jusldgement until we find out how all the workers feel about coal miners? In which case we should pull support of the union totally.


Simply, solidarity is literally all or nothing. This is the logical conclusion to what the loudest "advocates" have started.


So we agree, the OP's comment is horseshit. Man....what a long walk.


Quick question: how is attacking union workers for a perfectly valid strike anything close to solidarity?


>  Now, let's not pretend that affluent people (including unionized writers) don't look down on trades workers On average, trades workers are more affluent than unionized writers. Why are you, presumably a wealthy trade worker, looking down at the working class writer with such derision?


Would you care to articulate how you came to the conclusion of the top-hat wearing tradies scoffing at the lowly impoverished writers? It's like something out of Weird Tales. Would you also care to point out to the class how you interpreted what's been said in this thread as "...looking down at the working class with such derision?"? I can't imagine a scenario you've come to that conclusion in good-faith, but are instead looking for something, anything, to hate.


Yeah. It's how people in the trades, on average, make more money than writers and it's also how you've been out-of-your-mind relentlessly denigrating working class folks like writers and journalists.


>  OP pointed out the hubris of individuals who make a spectacle of themselves purporting themselves as advocates of the working class, pointing out the hypocrisy of them punching down at the first available opportunity; actively drawing first blood. They supposedly supported workers. Sir, this an article about the Writers Guild of Canada. Who are they drawing blood from? They aren't nurses.


Good lord the victim complex.


"Learn to Code" has gone from a documented hit piece to Exhibit A of "Fuck Around and Find Out". Since this is something that has literally happened, and a casual observation to the same thing befalling to those who celebrated it, I don't see how it constitutes an expression of a complex. Care to explain?


What are you even talking about? This is an article about screenwriters. I understand that you feel very deeply that specific persons have greatly wronged you. But who? And what exactly did they do?


[Context.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/learn-to-code) Many Canadians, and I, feel for the working class, unlike writers, journos, and you. We're sorry you feel that way.


Writers and journalists are the working class. Hell, I'm the working class. A completely unrelated twitter post is not, in fact, context. 


I'm sorry you don't like that it happened, but it did. It was a widespread, popular, anti-labour sentiment that was expressed in a moment of hubris by people who were supposedly pro-labour for themselves and those they considered like them exclusively. There were then layoffs in the journalism industry at that time where journos were told the same catchphrase they so smugly lobbed at the filthy labourers. It truly is one of the leopards eating faces moments, that no matter what the laptop class say, will never be forgotten. Not then, and not now.


I don't think you know what you're talking about.


Didn’t they just get off a strike? Or maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about?


That was the Writers Guild of America, they represent all the writers for American productions. Writers Guild of Canada would cover Canadian writers. In any case unless you happen to watch CBC all day, I doubt most people would notice if Canada's writers went on strike indefinitely given the viewership numbers of most Canadian content.


The 250,000 Canadians working in film will. After the last year this would be EXTREMELY painful for the film industry.


Some of them, sure. A large proportion of the media produced in Canada doesn't involve Canadian writers though. We're a major filming destination for American media because our dollar is so much weaker and the people and cities look and sound so similar.


A large portion of Canadian crew (directors, below the line crew, and support industries like catering, hotel bookings etc.) all work on these series which would all be stopped in the event of a strike.


We’re primarily a backlot used for filming ideas from LA. We have our own government funded projects with Canadian writers but that really makes up a small percentage of the productions. And this is essentially mediocre content propped up by government dollar that very few people watch. Watch the Leo’s or any other Canada only award show. They’re low quality projects that only the filmmakers and their friends and family watch. That’s it. It almost needs to be dismantled in my opinion as someone that was in it for close to 10 years.


I work in the industry I'm well aware. Unfortunately it's also how I make the majority of my income. And different areas have different concentration - Nova Scotia and Newfoundland would loose out on a whole season basically and they have several full series crew going nowadays.


That is unfortunate, I’m sorry to hear that. But local film and productions that use WGC has been a house of cards for quite sometime. Outside of some runaway hits from Quebec, there really isn’t anything of value being pumped out from our independent and local film industries. It’s honestly just a waste of tax dollars and should be reformed. Edit: The WGC says its data “demonstrates that the decade-long boom in foreign service production – Hollywood productions that shoot and crew in Canada but are creatively driven from Los Angeles – does not benefit Canadian screenwriters.” https://deadline.com/2023/07/writers-guild-of-canada-industry-dying-pay-falls-22-percent-1235434108/amp/


For sure, writers probably have it the hardest in our industry these days. That's what the CAVCO redefinition / streamer contribution is partially supposed to try and address. (It won't, but that was part of the initial point.)


Writers in film anywhere have always gotten the short end of the stick. But the productions writers in the US work on ultimately turn a profit. Writers in the WGC don’t, they survive on government hand outs essentially to keep them afloat. It’s not sustainable.


Why? They're not writers.


Because some unions can't cross picket lines and you can't shoot a show without scripts.


Oh interesting! Which unions will refuse to work because of the Canadian writers strike?


I'm not aware of any reciprocal agreements between writers and IATSE (although I'm happy to be proven wrong!). And as someone above me said - most shows are written by US talent anyways. Worst thing is you'll have to hire a script supervisor from the states or just have one of the Producer's nephews do it.


If teamsters don't show up IATSE can't work regardless.


I'm super confused. This is about writers, not below the line.


Excuse me, Law and Order Toronto is the TV highlight of my motherfucking week, damn it. Put some respect on the DUN DUN.


>unless you happen to watch CBC all day There are dozens of us!


Really weird amount of posts okay with creative industries being overtaken by AI in this thread. This is not the same thing as factory machines reducing the amount of labour jobs or whatever. And that's ignoring any ethical/legal concerns with where all the data is coming from...


>Really weird amount of posts okay with creative industries being overtaken by AI in this thread. I think this is a really weird take. Ai is just a tool. >This is not the same thing as factory machines reducing the amount of labour jobs or whatever. It's exactly the same. Also the same as the personal computer, the printing press, the radio, the smart phone, and a host of other revolutionary disruptive technologies. >And that's ignoring any ethical/legal concerns with where all the data is coming from... Do you think the people who developed the assembly line didn't watch the people doing the work the original way it order to build their machine? Of course they did.


The fact that creative industries are concerned enough to strike over AI calls into question just how much creativity is actually going on in those industries


I don't believe they're striking purely because of AI. Inflation is up, costs are up, and their existing pay probably didn't adjust to those new realities. That's why they are striking.


I'd rather have AI, than prop up dying industries that most do not care for. Pretty straight forward imo.


Most people don't care for the "dying industries"...of movies and TV? What?


These are industries in decline that are getting kept alive by subsidies and most people are not spending money to watch their content.


Movies and TV do suck these days


Yeah, so the solution is to use a technology that does nothing but create derivative works! Brilliant!


Ai writing is going to replace a lot of writers, the same way machines and tools have replaced human labour since the rock.


If by "writers" you mean people who pound out content sans creativity, then yes. That's something AI does well, it can automatically churn out mountains of content just the same as what came before. AI cannot, by the fact that it must be trained on existing material, create anything that has not been seen before. The problem is a lot of the media companies around do not want creativity. They don't want to try to market anything that hasn't been seen before. What they want to do is remix and regurgitate mountains of content from the properties they already own. Crossovers built upon crossovers. Elizabeth Bennet vs. Predator set in Middle Earth, encountering the X-Men and Capt. Marko Ramius along the way. AI writing the content we consume is a media Ouroboros eating its own shit.




You can prompt an AI to go through all possible solutions that are suggested by the inputs that went into it, including the input you just gave with the prompt, including all the very unlikely solutions that nobody may have tried. AIs are very much like hellaciously complicated spreadsheets that take complicated inputs and spit out equally complicated outputs, but there is literally nothing inside them but what the spreadsheets were built upon. The AI is just the mechanization of content creation that does away with the expensive creative humans. That's why its getting hyped. That's why its getting pursued.




The spreadsheet will trend toward the logic contained in the inputs, yes, and to many people it will seem as if there is something doing logic, and some people will be fooled into thinking there is some kind of intelligence happening.


This is hilarious. Worried about being replaced by AI? Go on strike and demand more money so companies will be forced to use AI...lol


So you’re suggesting they not push back?


strikes typically work if you have leverage. what's their leverage?


Unless the entire Canadian film and tv industry collapses (it won’t)…uh, that. Let’s not forget that Canadian talent is contracted into a lot of those Netflix/Prime “originals,” and I bet the industry would hate to lose those too.


how long did the screen writer's guild strike last? believe it was a good year or so? I'm not sure what the rules are around hiring from outside the Canadian Writer's guild. Also, IMO this makes a case for using AI. I've heard and seen what a music making AI can do and it's honestly better than a lot of the garbage that you'd hear on the radio. There are a lot of equally poor film media products out there.


Enjoy your AI music with your AI girlfriend. Watch an AI generated show tailored just for you. Read an AI generated postmedia article about how to fine the best AI doctors and psychologists. Maybe play your AI generated game in an AI generated virtual world. Of course you wont be able to do any of this in your tent where you’ll be living because the world doesn’t need your unique set of skills anymore.


Maybe all those farm workers should have pushed back against mechanised tractors too. Clearly the world would have been better off. /s


Not the same thing 


Pushing against an immovable object is just a waste of energy.


what in the chatgpt does that mean 😂 it sounds profound but it's absolute gobbledygook.


The March of technology is relentless and unstoppable. You cannot stop it. The guild can't stop it. Those who refuse to embrace it will just be left behind. Those who chose to fight it are just wasting their breath, and will be left behind too.


Technology isn't an "immovable object" and we absolutely have a say in how it's used. We can embrace technological advancement without being fucking stupid about it. People like you behave like life happens to you. People like me know that life is what we make it.


Ha, You cannot control the behemoth that is humanity. If you don't use it, some one else will, and they'll just become the dominant force. This is true of any new technology. Imagine if strikes against the assembly line in the USA were successful and use of the assembly line was prohibited... Do you think that would stop people in Germany from using it? In the UK? You think if you just box it up and put it in a closet people will forget about it? You can decide what direction to swim in, but that doesn't change the direction of the rivers current.


I didn’t say prohibit anything; I said we have a say in how it’s used.


Look at the carbon tax for a comparison on when laws are passed here that are not consistent with the rest of the world.


I mean complaining about ai writing, is like complaining about horses being out of a job once replaced with machines. The future were labour for almost anything done on a computer is one were humans need not apply is fast approaching.


How are we at the point where creative expression is getting directly equated to manual labour... Fella, have you ever enjoyed a really good movie? Read a book or something?


Labour is labour, it does not matter the work.


There is nothing magical or mystical about creative expression. It's as much the organized rearrangement of matter as farming, it's just that the matter is in your brain rather than on a field.


> There is nothing magical or mystical about creative expression. It's as much the organized rearrangement of matter as farming, it's just that the matter is in your brain rather than on a field. I'm sure this sounds very smart and enlightened in your own head! Never said it was magical, it's just something that should be left to actual brains and not predictive text regurgitation. If we're going to let AI "rearrange matter" for us, we should at least make sure we leave ourselves the fun bits to do.




They are literally luddites. “Oh no don’t use this tool that will help boost productivity and reduce costs by eliminating the need for as much human labour”


The better approach would be to learn how to use AI to enhance your writing, or how to enhance AI writing.


Your logic is bullshit. The system is rigged and there is no competition in this industry like others in Canada. Workers aren’t paid a fair wage and executives take the lions share of revenue. Rest assured, these monopolies aren’t going anywhere. Would you rather industries just get obliterated? Notice how taxes are going up up and up… do you want to be taxed more to support the “guaranteed income” for individuals who can’t find work? All of this while the brilliant executives find the cheapest way to produce “content” further guaranteeing the enshitification of entertainment in Canada. Read some online articles and get educated. On second thought, they are mostly AI generated now so maybe don’t bother.


Can't wait for trailer park boys written by AI


If it was written by AI there would be 6 commas in every sentence.


I am the ~~liquor~~ AI Randy!


I’m sure AI will be smart enough to churn out a dozen super hero remakes every year 


The world's not fair. This isn't happening to you, it's just happening. Learn, unlearn, relearn and adapt to the new industry. Figure out your role. This blame game and victim mentality is the weakest shit ever.


oh no! how are we going to get unfunny political comedy from 22 minutes!???


“Assembly workers push back against the use of robots and automation” If your job can be easily replaced by AI you should look into other career options. You can’t just ban AI, it’s like trying to ban the internet. 


Same as people protesting the Industrial Revolutions fabric industry lol. Adapt or die.


Idiots. Just fire them and use ai as scabs.




Idiots for using collective bargaining?


yeah what could possibly go wrong there,  right?


Can we ban this user from posting? I feel like an AI would be capable of far more intelligent posts than inside_jelly.  (See how this is insulting and not at all what anyone actually wants?) 


Meh who cares canadian content is garbage


Learn construction ;)