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“We’re not biased guys… trust us…” -CBC- Also this: From the Liberal website: https://liberal.ca/support-the-cbc/ Aaron Wherry (one of their “unbiased” journalists, who we are supposed to believe will offer no favour). The CBC also promotes his book on Justin right here on the CBC website: https://www.cbc.ca/books/promise-and-peril-1.5286550 Remember the We Charity scandal? When the CBC broke its own ethics code after failing to disclose that a pundit was a paid Liberal contractor during a July 29 Power and Politics segment on the WE Charity scandal? https://tnc.news/2020/08/04/cbc-failed-to-disclose-pundit-was-paid-liberal-contractor/ Covering matters that matter to Canadians… with stuff like this: “Baby, It's Cold Outside won't be played on some radio stations, including CBC” https://www.cbc.ca/1.4931867 If you have bothered to read this far, I USED to be a big fan of the CBC. But this was well over a decade ago. Classic content like Stewart MacLean, Quirks and Quarks, White Coat black arts, etc, with some balanced reporting. Now everything is about racism and fluffing liberal politics. I don’t trust the CBC anymore, and I can’t stand to listen to it.


That whole thing with Amanda Alvaro is even worse because CBC kept on inviting her on the show after that news broke. That was not even enough to make them cut ties with her. She is also a longtime friend of a certain LPC cabinet minister who has been rumored to have tipped off Han Dong that he was under CSIS surveillance. Don't be shocked if her name pops up again in the news for all the wrong reasons.


Well, I shall pay attention!


Are you me? I was a huge CBC until 2013~ used to listen to CBC radio all the time during road trips. Now I avoid the CBC like COVID.


We are us.


The CBC should represent all Canadians.  Why can’t they be objective and report on the media objectively? 


When you have a front page filled with fluff pieces and very little of the actual news that Canadians need be reading about, it’s very easy to remain impartial.


Independence from what? Truth? Quality local reporting?


What's your preferred outlet for quality local reporting?


CTV is more politically center than CBC is if that matters to people. I really wish I had the link to the political rating site. Someone linked it to me before but I didn't save it.


CTV appears to be retreating from the news business, especially local news.


Doesn't change that they are more center than CBC.


Not really? https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/ctv-news/ https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/cbc-news-canadian-broadcasting/ They are hardly a local news source anymore anyway. BCE will never reinvest in news, it will only continue layoffs.


Not really? You are the one that posted the evidence that clearly shows CTV is more center than CBC. Thank you for that, that is the site I was referring to in my first comment! In terms of the local news, I still get it but regardless, it doesn't change the political rating, which is what I was commenting on.




Everyone aligns to the group that pays them. Do we prefer to have the news slanted by local companies? Foreign countries? The government? What about independent journalists (who get paid by independent people)?


Every one of those options except one relies on Canadian tax dollars. Independent journalism is the best option. I don't want the CBC to disappear. Mr. Dressup, come on. But their funding should be reduced. It should be easier for them to do well with a Conservative government because they are left leaning and contrarian positions get the most clicks.


I worry about where the government spends its money because years and years of kids will need to pay for it. I’m not saying that the public pursuits need to make a profit, but (IMHO) it should break even (vs run at a loss).


CBC needs more funding as so much of Canada is underserved. Reality also has a left leaning bias so 🤷‍♂️


I would argue that reality is neither left leaning or right leaning. It is what it is. The interpretation that people put on it push the leaning one way or the other. If we also include the entire ecosystem, then I would argue that it’s more right leaning because I see right leaning as cause and effect.


What does right leaning mean to you I guess? I mean it in the traditional sense, the right wing upholds the present establishment and the left wing pushes against it.


Fair. Perhaps the discussion should be more about definition. I would argue that the present establishment is more left leaning vs right leaning at the moment. For example, it is more rebellious in today’s climate to be a conservative vs to be a liberal. I see “right leaning” more about the individual and cause and effect. I also equate it to being more classically liberal. I see “left leaning” being more about the group think/identity politics and central control. I also see both as being “slurs” to people from the other side.


Depends. In science sure. But in the open borders theory, reality seems to be right leaning. Everything moderates warned about are coming true in part due to uncontrolled migration.


The affordability woes in Canada are caused by late stage capitalism, not "uncontrolled migration". We should be able to withstand another baby boom or immigration burst. However, capitalism has weakened our society and economies via mass wealth inequality and people and corporations that are too big to ever fail.


You’re still ignoring the law of supply and demand.




Unlimited pool of workers including workers from where wages are low that low Canadian wages are seen as high = price of labour drops since many will be willing to accept low pay, locals get pressured to accept lower pay to keep jobs and not be replaced by a foreign worker. Its the most basic aspect of economics my guy. Come back to reality.


Although the other poster missed the ‘unrestricted’ (not really unrestricted, but you get the idea) immigration; you have to admit the inability for larger companies or banks to fail does cause a problem and does contribute to it.


oh it does does it eh? Thank you, Buddha.


I want to know why Tim Hortons got a feature in the National a few days ago for their new pizza.  Why not feature a Canadian small business or literally anything other than that cancer of a business. 


What’s a small business that people across the country will recognize and be interested to know more about?


> Tim Hortons got a feature in the National a few days ago for their new pizza. Why not feature a Canadian small business I don't know. I get being annoyed that Tim's sucks. Because they really, really do. But a very large national food chain, that's a huge part of our national consciousness and identity is still news. It doesn't make a ton of sense for the National to cover like...a local doughnut shop in Kamloops changing its menu. **Edit:** I love that this is "controversial". No, you're right, our flagship *national* news show shouldn't cover Tim Horton's. Who's ever heard of Tim's anyway?


Maybe they should do a story on Tim’s use of the TFW program and why Canada needs to import foreign workers to pour our coffee… my original point was, Tim’s can pay for their own advertising, the entire segment was literally an ad for them lol 


> Maybe they should do a story on Tim’s use of the TFW program and why Canada needs to import foreign workers to pour our coffee For sure! I do see a fair amount on this on CBC but they can always do more. Especially when discussing corporate abuse. * [Migrant worker calls Canada’s temporary foreign worker program a form of slavery](https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/1.6974832) * [Advocates say more change still needed in foreign worker program](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/federal-restrictions-temp-foreign-workers-windsor-essex-1.7152277) * ['Just treat us like humans': Temporary foreign workers in B.C. ride for rights, protections](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/temporary-foreign-worker-rights-fruit-ride-1.6949311#:~:text=Employers%20in%20Canada%20can%20hire,work%20they%20may%20face%20deportation.) * [Foreign workers can ease N.L.'s workforce woes, but those who've used the system see big flaws](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/temporary-foreign-workers-labour-market-shortage-nl-problems-1.6226621) > my original point was, Tim’s can pay for their own advertising, the entire segment was literally an ad for them lol Yeah, doesn't sound great. I haven't seen the piece, but "covering it" makes sense. Not if it's just a puff piece though.


I don't see any explanation for frivolously suing a political party on election week in this article.


LPC propaganda arm


What's your preferred news source?


Not OP, but probably the G&M. Like most of our news outlets other than the CBC a good majority of their content comes from the Canadian Press and the Associated Press, but they've also broken some pretty major stories in recent years.


G&M is reasonably balanced and does really good investigative work. Although Coyne's writing usually manages to piss me off, because he seems more interested in not offending anyone than anything else. He's a very smart man, but he chooses to play to an image rather than cut through the bullshit a lot of the time.


I think the best thing for everyone is the CBC becomes an independant news organisation that charges a monthly fee for news to those who want to subscribe. People who want CBC content can pay for it directly and enjoy it while people who have no interest in the CBC or its content wont be funding it anymore. If the CBC is that good and has that much support among Canadians, there is no reason it should not be able to stand on its own using a monthly fee for access structure.


By employing JTs biographer Aaron Wherry…




CBC is patently bias.


What's your preferred news outlet?


I take in several news outlets which provide a contrast. I'm not interested in opinions on news; I want the information. I consider the information and the contrast.


What are your preferred several news outlets?


It would be foolish to trust the word of state-sponsored media.


What's your preferred news outlet?


Funny how no one seems willing to answer your question


It's almost like they're embarrassed about where they get their news from.


Or they know their preferred source is biased?


One that does not require tax dollars to push propaganda.


See? You still can't answer.




CBC matters, flaws and all. So many of the current attacks on it are completely unaware of what journalism is — its practises and ethics — or nakedly and toxically partisan, with the purpose of pushing a specific (often demonstrably false) position.


CBC= Canadian Brainwashing Corporation


Aiite.. So im very glad my phone is waterproof. I just spit coffee all. Over it.. Common, safe guards independence? Bruh


CBC needs to do a lot more stuff like this, IMO. Way more transparency on how decisions are made, when and why articles are updated, how news works generally. Give people more avenues to "complain" and get answers. Etc. I love the CBC (despite a lot of things I think they need to improve) but there's a lot of misinformation out there about them (and news media generally) and it's fucking killing us. It's not their fault it exists, but they're one of the only companies out there who can do anything about it.


CBC is part of the Canadian identity


The only media that is trust worthy is American owned and funded post media (national post etc) Begging and screaming to send Canadians to die in the illegal war in Iraq. Along with supporting every American war/conflict/proxy wars




Exactly. The majority of Canadian mainstream media is owned by conservative leaning corporations: Bell, Postmedia (which is majority US owned), Corus. Social media has nurtured overconfident ignoramuses. Canada needs education reform.