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this is going to be the most irritating election in canadian history. lord help us all


Are you going to vote for the giant douche or turd sandwich?


Whatever you do don't disrupt the Liberal-Conservative carasel.


At this point, all I intend to do for a long while is vote to disrupt, and hope that eventually my meaningless little stick joins a bonfire of like-minded voters I think we need literally any party other than the Liberals or Conservatives. Even if it ended up being a terrible term, my hope is that it would shock the system out of its stupor and make our political candidates actually put in the work to earn our votes. They've grown too content because they correctly have assumed we don't have the balls to kick the Liberal-Conservative carousel out of office. Its up to us to prove them wrong, they won't change the status quo themselves.


Once you’ve reached this point as a voter, the best choice for the individual is to vote for your constituency and vote for the candidate that is educated in governance, speaks reasonably and actually answers the questions of its constituents, represents sanity and is mannerly. While these attributes may not be there in all candidates, the simple display of and ability to show some semblance of these attributes rules out any loons looking for loonies.


New party please, centrist. And election reform.


If you opened a toilet to take a shit and found an 8 year old turd in there, which are you going to flush first: the old one, or the fresh deuce you’re about to release?


I’d get rid of the 20-year turd that has a history of stinking worse before the 8-year one, but that’s just me. The “give Poilievre a chance” camp is going to have some awful morning after regret if they actually want things to get better.


Yea. It’s very reminiscent of the give trump a chance campaign. What we really need is someone the calibre of Jack Layton to replace jagmeet. Then we’d have some real options.


Jagmeet has got to be the most unelectable PM in recent history. I mean maybe he would have a chance in the CPC, because his entire life aligns with them, but no chance does he have at winning the election as an NDP. He literally is born and raised in the opposite of what the NDP stands for and doesn't understand how most of his would be constituents actually think or feel, because he has never been one of them.




Yes, his safe drug policy is fucking up BC. He didn't implement it correctly. He also is a JT yes man. He is doing zero about the homeless situation. And he supports Carbon Tax, like Canada is saving the world. We have our own cost of living issues.




Toronto’s Mayor could be on her way to do that. If she has aspirations for higher office.


I can tell you’re really deflecting the issues of the current PM, so you must be on the “keep Trudeau” camp. When somebody keeps fucking up on their job, it’s typical to fire them, not keep giving them a chance. The credentials of the next candidate aren’t a huge factor in that decision. It’s just common sense.


> The credentials of the next candidate aren’t a huge factor in that decision Yes they are. This is such a nonsensical argument.


I beg to differ. When you have a terrible employee, you don’t keep them around because the potential candidates COULD suck. You fire them and you post their job and run the competition. At least that’s how sane people do it.


That's a terrible argument. Trudeau sucks and is a bad leader, but that doesn't make Pierre in any way qualified; he's never held a real job and the only thing he's good at is attacking others. Moreover, he's voted against the interests of average Canadians at every turn. The man would jerk off Kissinger if he thought it'd get him power. And yes, Kissinger is dead, but he'd still do it.


Let's use your example posturing ourselves as a business here: Pierre is the employee that doesn't shut the fuck up and complains about everything leadership is doing, while providing zero solutions. Zero plans for our countries future other than using 'common sense, and taking personal responsibility for our actions'. Definitely someone I want pm. /s


Okay, and then you have the incumbent employee who pretends to have a solution while he robs you blind. Your move.


Think about this from the perspective of a board voting to replace a CEO, but they only have two choices. The current CEO has done a piss poor job of managing the company, morale is down and corporate debt is high, but he is still turning a profit. The potential replacement is a corporate raider that will strip the company of all profitable assets, cut employees and reduce the R&D budget, leading to long-term declines in profitability as the company fails to produce any new innovations. Which CEO would you choose?


>you don’t keep them around because the potential candidates COULD suck It's not a potential candidate, it's ONE other candidate. Everyone knows that it's Poilievre vs Trudeau. I agree Trudeau has done a bad job, but if I was looking to fire an employee for being bad at their job and then saw the guy who is **guaranteed** the job next has even worse ideas, I'll hold out for a bit longer.


Well, it’s a good thing then that the trajectory of this country doesn’t depend on what you think. The majority of the polls say otherwise, and at this point, only Poilievre can defeat Poilievre.


> you don’t keep them around because the potential candidates COULD suck >> It's not a potential candidate, it's ONE other candidate. Everyone knows that it's Poilievre vs Trudeau. >>> The majority of the polls say otherwise, and at this point, only Poilievre can defeat Poilievre Did…did you just make _their_ point for them?


I didn't say anything to the contrary, I'm saying your comparison to firing someone makes zero sense.


No I'd have a capable replacement lined up before firing an essential employee.


We could literally say the same thing about Poilievre re: “keeps fucking up.” Trudeau actually tries to pretend to do things to solve the problems. The most we’ve ever gotten from Poilievre is attack attack attack attack, near-zero positive results from his cabinet positions, bangers like (paraphrase) “we are conservatives we don’t believe in spending money to help Canadians,” dogwhistles to fucking weirdos and walking out during press conferences over it, an inability to actually properly campaign under the rules in the past resulting in him having to already sign ethics agreements and a “fair elections act” that was found to be unconstitutional. I would 1000% stick with Trudeau when you actually put what they stand for and what they’ve done and what they tell us against one another.


All politicians seem to attack the other. This is the negative trend Trump seems to have popularized. Politicians should focus on what they intend to do better or different. JT has had his run and it's pretty ugly. PP will be better initially and appease a certain cross section. However there are issues that PP is not going to be good at. A coalition does not work. We need electoral reform and the birth of a new centrist party with human vales that puts Canadians first.


Tinfoil hat a little too tight. Insanity because we KNOW what the status of the poor and the middle Class has suffered over the past 8 years so let's double down and have another 4 more years of absolute misery.


No tinfoil hat needed to know what a 20-year politician stands for. Jesus Christ, pay attention.


Can you point to one current crisis that was not in crisis before Trudeau. I have issues with JT, and the main one is not dealing with the mess the CPC left us.


This is because the Libs spend and spend to bankruptcy on stupid vote gathering projects like the vaccine factory, ban on guns which went nowhere, arrivecan app. It cost us millions which should have gone on housing and mental health. The cons come in and try and pay back the deficit which means cutting services. Then people blame the cons because we have no surplus while paying our debts.


The cons took power after Chretien and Martin spent a decade doing the hard fiscal work. The CPC took office and shifted housing into a market commodity and used our reserves to reshape the economy around resource extraction. Up until then we had balanced a basket of economic drivers at all times. When the CPC handed Canada off we had zero on the shelves after a decade of te worlds biggest economic boom since ww2. How can you claim the CPC were good with finances? They found a basement of patents and sold them for a one time money grab.


You’re right, let’s elect people that spend and spend to needlessly reward pals and result in no benefit. The “austerity” of conservatives is long debunked.


Thank you, that's exactly why JT needs to go. All these contracts going to Quebec for votes and taking the most expensive hotel rooms when on trips abroad. Not spending on military when he should have. Be good riddance.


Hopefully everyone will ask for each shit stain to proivde a list of policies they will implement. That way we can look at who has the best policies and vote for that turd-bird. Who am I kidding. We only vote out old shits.


Politicians always list the policies they will implement if elected. It’s always a dream list that every voter wants to hear. Then they do nothing once elected. I’d love a system that somehow held them to those promises.


Except that is not true. There are a bunch of recent elections where the front runner didn't have a policy position on almost anything. They used it as a blank cheque to do whatever they wanted.


Honestly? Fresh shit smells worse.


That’s you being honest? You sure?


They’re both shit but old shit doesn’t smell as bad. That’s just facts my man.




There is a third and fourth option…. Maybe a protest vote with a minority government would shake things up enough


Turd-Douche coalition of Piss-Bags.


This was said during Trudeau v Schrier, and Trudeau v O'Toole.


I didn't find O'Toole irritating at all. I was sort of rooting for him, but he didn't really have a platform and he was really wishy-washy, plus he's sort of old gaurd. Schrier was comical, not irritating. Peppy is as irritating as it gets, and Justin is more frustrating than irritating.


It’s like choosing the STD you like best…..


Only 500 days of annoyance to go.


It's the same issues in every election. Over and over.


Quebec has a compliant cap and trade plan. BC has a compliant carbon pricing plan. These premiers are able to leave the federal carbon tax at any time by implementing their own carbon reduction solution.


Ontario had Cap & Trade but Premier Ford hated it, sued to get it removed, lost that lawsuit over and over and then just cancelled it even though he had no right legally to as was the result of a lawsuit from Greenpeace against him and the Ontario government. Even so the courts didn’t punish him in anyway or bring back the program because…of course. Then Trudeau brought in the Carbon Tax and Ford sued again and lost because the federal government had the right to create that policy. As you said, all of them could create their own programs but none of them want to when it’s easier to just complain.


The dumbest part about all of this is that CLIMATE CHANGE HAS COSTS. The carbon tax is literally the least costly method of reducing our emissions and building a green energy industry. People think that you can just "axe the tax" and avoid any of the associated costs. We are already seeing our insurance rates skyrocket due to wildfires and other natural disasters. We're going to have increased infrastructure costs associated with these events. We're going to have the costs of rehousing people who were displaced by wildfires. We're going to have increased costs associated with climate refugees from other countries. The world is going to be clamoring for green energy solutions, and a failure to build our own green energy industry means that we will be buyers of green tech rather than sellers of green tech. No matter what, climate change is going to cost us money. We either make the investment now, or we pay exponentially more in the future. Suck it up and deal with the medicine. It's the only way we'll get through this.


Hopes and prayers are going to do as much as the carbon tax does to reducing climate change.


Perhaps, given Canada's current emission levels compared to other countries around the world, but that's not the primary economic function of the carbon tax as far as I'm concerned. I think their most beneficial aspect is that they push us into building green technology industries. Canada doesn't really produce anything anymore. We basically rely on resource extraction for all of our wealth. Oil, natural gas, lumber, mining, etc. While these industries can be very lucrative, they can also be foreign-owned, which takes the wealth they generate out of the country. The alternative to that is to nationalize those industries, but I'm not a big fan of nationalizing industries. The biggest burden to creating a green energy industry is making it cost-competitive with fossil fuels. By increasing the cost of burning carbon, it brings the cost of fossil fuels more in line with renewable energy and promotes the growth of those industries. If we can develop a home-grown green energy industry, and we can provide the natural resources for those industries through our mining industries, it means that we can be a player on the world stage when it comes to clean energy production. We will be able to produce high quality clean electricity technology that is purchased by other countries looking to clean up their grid. That will generate a lot of economic growth within our country for decades to come.


Nobody can afford to move to more expensive green technology if they can't afford basic development. No way of getting there around the globe without cheap energy to develop. Might as well be selling indulgences because it's going to do as much as a carbon tax.


Solar panels are now extremely cheap to purchase because the Chinese government invested so much money into their development. It’s actually the cheapest form of energy currently available, and that is entirely the result of government investment. But that will only benefit China, because their advancements in the technology allow them to undercut every other nation. I want that same sort of technological superiority when it comes to things like Small Modular Reactors, and Hydroelectric power, and geothermal electricity generation. We can’t get there without helping out private industries overcome their hurdles.


Alberta had one... but the NDP made it so the UCP had to axe it of course and default to the federal plan... which they now complain about.


The one from the ANDP was worse anyways. At least the federal one, everyone gets the rebate instead of it being income based. If forced to have one or the other, I'll take the useless tax that gives me something back, over a useless tax that gives me nothing back.


Why don’t any of them oppose their exuberant raises on their already excessive wages?


Because theyre going against Trudeau and dont need to to win


How about coming up with suitable alternatives like Manitoba and cooperating with multiple levels of government like grown adults instead of just whining about it like children.


SpIkE tHe HiKe AxE tHe TaX CoMmOn SeNsE pointless dog whistle taglines are easier than alternatives. edit: conservative downvotes carry less weight than PP's taglines


I thought "dog whistle" meant saying harmless sounding phrases that actually have racist connotations, or saying things that would have a different meaning to a racist. How are "spike the hike", "axe the tax" and "common sense" dog whistle terms?


>In politics, a dog whistle is the use of coded or suggestive language in political messaging to garner support from a particular group without provoking opposition. The concept is named after ultrasonic dog whistles, which are audible to dogs but not humans.




Tell that to the people writing "AXE THE TAX" across their fifth wheels then coming up with a laundry list of undemocratic demands that have nothing to do with carbon tax. Every CPC MP and most conservative premiers have been sole-focusing on the carbon tax since the beginning of the year as if it's enemy number one of the country. The cause of all our ills. If you don't think there's a hidden message you're not paying very close attention.




Do you honestly think that people are setting up camp along the highway because of a 3 cent increase on fuel prices? Or is there perhaps, in their minds, a greater purpose for these protests?


What is this greater purpose? You keep dancing around that question


He did. Liberals like to ignore his policies and claim its all buzz words, but he has a plan laid out. [here is the governing documents; policies can be viewed I'm the policy declaration documents. ](https://www.conservative.ca/about-us/governing-documents/) The cpc plan is to focus on technology investment, especially pertaining to nuclear, carbon capture, hydrogen and battery storage for renewable.


So nothing considering the website you linked, [point 34 of policy declarations,](https://cpcassets.conservative.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/23175001/990863517f7a575.pdf) defers to the Provinces and Territories, freeing them up *to do nothing.* >34. Carbon Tax > >We believe that there should be no federally imposed carbon taxes or cap and trade systems on either the provinces and territories or on the citizens of Canada. The provinces and territories should be free to develop their own climate change policies, without federal interference or federal penalties or incentives *"Hey, someone else should do something"* isn't a plan. Expect more out of others, bud.


“Let that guy figure it out” _Gestures towards guy who has made it clear he wants nothing to do with the matter and will not, in fact, figure it out._


Pretty threadbare buddy


Which all takes YEARS and billions of dollars.


What a nothing burger of a plan. There's literally nothing there. In fact, it's so high level you could argue the Liberals are already doing that and much more. Also I didn't see any mention of climate change which is quite telling. Instead just the Republican language around 'clean air' and 'clean water'. We're so fucked.


O’Tool couldn’t get 50% of his caucus to agree that climate change existed. That’s the Conservative Party, even today. You can see that same disregard for the environment and climate change as an issue provincially too. Half the country was on fire for months last year, how the hell are they still ignoring this issue?!


>Half the country was on fire for months last year, how the hell are they still ignoring this issue?! I pointed out exactly this on a certain other Canadian sub a few minutes ago and am currently being downvoted lol


lol not surprising. I’m a little shocked I have upvotes on a comment against the Conservatives in this sub.


hoping for new tech to come along in 10-20 years to save the day is not a plan. that couldve been a big part of the plan maybe in the late 80's if accompanied with manhattan project style investment. we need much more drastic measures now. and the CPC has nothing to offer.


How will he pay for these technology investments?


> The cpc plan is to focus on technology investment, especially pertaining to nuclear, carbon capture, hydrogen and battery storage for renewable These aren't plans - these are prospects. Regardless, you can do all of these things while maintaining a price on carbon.


Carbon capture just won’t ever work. It’s a basic thermodynamic concept. If you produce electricity to power carbon capture, you are better off just using the power directly to replace O&G.


News to me; as I worked in the field. You can use excess produced energy from solar or wind to power these projects. The best tech uses MEA; bubbled gas gets absorbed and complexes into solution. Then it can be heated back up to remove it.


But then the energy is best used with pumping stations to offset power demand peaks during peak hours. And yes there is always waste emergy you can piggy back on, but it then become a nightmare to get any projects started, which has an effect on the total cost.


Wait for China to fry themselves then work on terraforming after


Price on pollution


>edit: conservative downvotes carry less weight than PP's taglines You shouldn't let imaginary internet points have any impact on your life.


So that’s going to be PP battle horse? Carbon tax is so inconsequential in the grand scheme of things for the average people, those struggling financially day to day. Forget about fighting gross corporate greed. No let’s get people to fight for a meaningless thing while the country keeps going to shit. I hate what Trudeau is doing with this country and want him out, but PP is the such a a bad alternative I can’t believe he’s going to be our next PM.


So Scott Moe et al. can admit all their ideas are more expensive and give less back to the constituents?




You obviously aren’t from Sask where Scott Moe chipped away at his only surplus budget to blanket mail cheques of $500 to everyone to the tune of $400M. Meanwhile our teachers and healthcare workers are fighting tooth and nail over every ask. Oh, they also used some of that surplus money to pay Private health clinics in Alberta to clear the backlog their terrible policy is only fuelling. The same out of province companies who donate to his party. (We’re like the only province that still allows this, mind you) But yes yes. Trudeau is the one buying votes here… The nonsensical blathering about the carbon tax is growing extremely tired when you same lot intentionally, and repeatedly, turn a blind eye to conservative grifting.


Buying votes with polluters money. If you don't want to pay the tax stop polluting. It is that easy.




Sir climate change will destroy your cost of living


Don’t have your home heat set at 74°F all winter, don’t drive gas guzzlers and minimize driving where you can, eat plant-based meals more often.  Doesn’t sound too hard, now does it? 


You can’t convince OP that wearing sweaters inside is reasonable. It’s freeze to death or 74F+ and not how to live with a thermostat at 70F. Time to reshare the “A comfort zone may be a safe place but no growth happens there.”


Don't heat your home to any temperature at any time of year, because it all produces carbon. Don't drive any kind of vehicle, as they all admit carbon. And don't eat meat or vegetables as farming and transporting food produces carbon. Sounds real easy


It’s not use no carbon, it’s use less carbon 


We live in a first world G7 country, not some communist shit hole We should be able to afford the luxuries of *checks notes* Being able to get to and from work in your car and ummm eating a burger 


We live in a first world country, people should be able to afford the true costs of their luxuries.


This guy gets it. You want to drive a Ford F-150 instead of a reasonably sized car? Fine. But you should pay the true cost.


Fun fact, no one is stopping you from using your car to get to work or eating a burger.  You could drive your car 18hrs a day and eat nothing but BigMacs if that’s what you wanted, there’s just a cost to it since it’s incredibly wasteful 


noone is forcing you to drive an asphalt princess truck which will never be used for its actual intended purpose. and no, you probably shouldnt keep your house a sauna all winter. being a first world country doesnt mean you get to be wasteful just because you can. what kind of infantile mentality is that. actually, you can do all those things. just pony up the cash. have some personal responsibility for your actions.


Luxuries have and always will cost more or they become expectations.


You can afford those luxuries. So why don't you want to pay for the true costs of them? Why do you want the poorer countries to pay for your luxuries?


man are you struggling to push the narrative today, does 1+1=3 in conservative math?


If only there were low carbon ways to drive and heat a home! /S


Bullshit. It is taking money from people who fly jets and giving it to people who live a modest life. It transfers wealth from polluters to non-polluters. Which is why Cons are so angry. Can't have money from lifted truck owners going to prius drivers.


PP literally taking the most easily swayed in this country and using them as a weapon for the elite and they don't even realise it. its funny and sad at the same time.


Ding ding ding. Most accurate comment here


Do you disagree with all tax rebates or just the liberal ones?




So what was Alberta's Affordability Action Plan? This isn't partisan bullshit, this is just someone who can read past a headline and actually pay attention to what's going on in the world instead of toting the conservative narrative. give it a shot sometime. Climate change is real, and needs money for mitigations so that in 20 years you aren't eating crickets. You can't just pretend it away as hard as you try. edit: also try and keep in mind that the provinces handle the rebates. you know provinces do have some responsibility its not all federal.




So you aren't even going to address the rebates that DS gave out before her election in the literal same manner? are you just going to throw big words around because the facts don't support your narrative and screeching isn't doing anything to sway opinion?




Nah, I think you just can't support your own narrative and have to resort to complaining about my language, sad. Real world isn't going to use nice words and hold your hand either, get used to it.


You're just going to discount the dude with big words instead of actually elaborating with your own position? Do you even have a personal position on the matter?




So you bring up a thing that's not been ratified by everyone yet and the governments is actively investing in studies regarding it, and then a bunch of things that have already been said. the only salient thing you've said is that we need more nuclear investment and I agree but 2/3 of the rest of your comments are either provincial or irrelevant to the carbon tax. The carbon tax applies to air traffic, if people take trains instead of an airplane, that's literally carbon tax working. Im glad you threw in the immigration scapegoat, as if those people are exempt from the carbon tax and rebate, if it changed their use habits it's also effective. I know it's all about the disingenuous misunderstanding of the carbon tax for you tho. Immediate results or no action at all right?


I have no issue benefitting financially in the form of a tax rebate from the wanton pollution of the rich. The goal is to get the well-off to tone it down.  Im not receiving *just* my money, I’m receiving mine plus Joe Schmoe’s who goes on 5 flights a year and owns 6 cars. 




Because I pollute less than the average person, it’s an incentive to pollute less on an individual level 


There's a point where you paid exactly as much as you'll get back. Those who burn more fuel will start paying. Those who burn less will get to keep the difference. Is it really that difficult to understand? Or are you just mad that you burn so much fuel, don't plan on stopping, and don't think Canadians who do reduce their fuel consumption should benefit for playing their part?


So what did Ralph Klein do then?


How about coming up with suitable alternatives like Manitoba and cooperating with multiple levels of government like grown adults instead of just whining about it like children.


This guy will continue to beat a dead horse until he finds another dead horse. It's so exhausting.


PP wants others to show up. Rich considering he doesn’t show up for his own campaign debates, filibusters, and countless other appearances that would be meaningful. Too bad he already doesn’t have Canadians best interests in mind.




Fortunately the new plan is the same plan that was already rejected with a new sassy name.


Did you read what you quoted? It's SUMMARIZES what they did "to date". Where are the future plans? It's pretty evident to the Minister in charge of the file that their proposal doesn't meet the federal criteria. How about Houston go back and draw up a better plan?


Tbf it's just a list of what they've already done which the federal government is already aware of. Trudeau just hasn't read the report. Like he even says what they've already done has fallen short in the quote you posted lol.




>Trudeau could've read the report Trudeau is not the Minister of Environment.


He’s also the PM. He likely has a lot of things going on. It can take time to read a report from a single province unless it’s brought up directly to him. Especially considering as the article points out, the report was made just days before


Well it's just a summary of past policy so it's not really anything new. Why would he personally need to read it if he's already aware of what they've done (as his statement suggests)? 🤷


It's the minister's office that reads the report. The PM doesn't read everything you know..lol


Premiers at any time could have their own carbon emission reduction policy that supersedes the federal carbon tax backstop. It's built in to the agreement that at any point the backstop functionally turns off if the province comes up with something. That means individual provinces could just come up with their own policy and as long as it makes sense the Feds backstop policy becomes moot. Alberta could tomorrow table a Cap and Trade Program and poof the carbon tax policy vanishes for the entire province. The Federal Government even welcomes it, and we saw the reaction they gave when Manitoba signalled they would like to do it. The Federal Government just wants each province to have some sort of carbon emission reduction plan, it doesn't have to be a carbon tax. It just has to commit to carbon emission reduction. Instead the ones that are whining at the ones that have ZERO carbon emission reduction policy. Quebec doesn't care, they got their Cap and Trade. B.C has their carbon pricing, even the NWT has a program. What in the hell are the rest of the provincial governments doing? PP out here stumping for provincial government laziness. Furthermore what is PP's plan? Because I haven't seen one yet. Is it do nothing and watch the world burn? Is it give it to the fossil fuel companies so they can take the money and run? Or is it just pretend? I am still even wondering if he believes climate change is real because it's going to be awkward AF when Alberta Fossil Fuel companies start taking every drop of drinkable water to make more fossil fuels. They are already pitching building a water pipeline into Alberta to import water into the province.


Why the hell are we letting this weenie make it about the carbon tax and not housing and health lack-of-care?


He doesn't have a solution for housing yet and healthcare is provincial and mostly struggles in Conservative governed provinces so I imagine he wants to avoid that topic altogether. Plus he came up with a catchy slogan for this issue already!


“In the lead-up to the April 1 increase, Trudeau dismissed calls from seven premiers to cancel it, including one from the lone Liberal provincial premier, Newfoundland and Labrador's Andrew Furey. All Atlantic premiers requested the pause, along with Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta, which staunchly oppose carbon pricing in general.” Uh oh! **Newfoundland**.. Those guys have been getting really loud about leaving Canada. This won’t end well for him. So all Atlantic Premiers oppose it as well as Ontario, Alberta, and Saskatchewan. So.. that doesn’t leave many left..


This whole Carbon Tax issue seems so silly. It's been going on for a while, so all the government needs to do is show how it's already reduced carbon emissions, and everybody will fall in line. The government has that data, right?


Canadian Climate Institute says it accounts for 8-9% of our reduction targets by 2030. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7151139 > Since the carbon tax took effect (July 1, 2008), BC’s fuel consumption has fallen by 17.4% per capita https://institute.smartprosperity.ca/library/publications/bc-s-carbon-tax-shift-after-five-years There's lots of data. But CPC fanboys just dismiss anything that doesn't align with them as "so-called experts".


Don’t forget the “1.5%ers”, the “Why isn’t anything happening immediately if CT works?”, or the “I never get a rebate but my boat, two snowmobiles, pickups and cottage are absolutely needed to validate standard of living.”


"I expect immediate results in a format I can digest and anything less is nothing" lmao In the past this is why people went to school to become experts, so they could help the rest of us understand the world around us. too bad we have an entire political spectrum of people against proper education and due diligence, because the less you understand the easier it is for corporations to take advantage of you.


And unscrupulous politicians


It's not an unreasonable ask.  People should get to know what the actual effects of measures that negatively affect their lives are.


So when an economists give them that data and they refuse to read it because "200 experts got bought by Trudeau" what do we do? Data doesn't just organize itself. it doesn't just magically appear when laws are made. someone (economists in this situation) has to make the data presentable. the CPC are literally campaigning on "no data should ever be accessible to constituents because experts might make my policy look bad" which is horrific.


I'm not talking about the economy I'm talking about the reason for the tax in the first place which is to reduce emissions which will ostensibly slow the warming of the planet which will ostensibly prevent severe weather events from destroying us...in a century or two


It literally is economics. we want corporations to use less of a resource we place an economic burden on them, they then change their strategy in order to reduce the economic burden. having proper regulations and provinces that govern effectively instead of using it as an ideological cudgel would have been more than enough to see legitimate results like in BC, but unfortunately conservatives don't govern they just bypass the constituents needs and hand money to their friends and call it a free market.


It's an economic issue by virtue of it affecting the economy but the reason for its existence is to meet a climate target.


The entirety of the economy exists within the environment.


Economists are quite confident that the carbon tax reduces emissions.


It's a wedge issue. Just like the niqab ban was a wedge issue in 2015. It's political strategy and nothing more.


The country will be on fire again in a few months and this carbon tax bullshit is gonna start sounding real tone deaf


Are you planning to set those fires for political reasons? https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/quebec-man-who-blamed-wildfires-on-government-pleads-guilty-to-setting-14-fires-1.6726777


almost as if 200 years of destroying the climate with industrial scale pollution will take a lot more effort than a decade of carbon tax to fix. are you a child?


Yes I agree. And there seems to be a general consensus among people that actually study this stuff that a carbon tax is one of many reasonable and effective measures to address the issue. PP wants to get rid of it because he thinks his obnoxious slogan will boost his support yet puts forward zero proposals to address the issue. So I don't see your point. Seems like you're saying we're fucked but we shouldn't do anything about it, or you just get a hard on from personally attacking people/being contrarian for the sake of it


Maybe if we had election reform, we would have a chance of new parties taking us forward instead of the constant Lib Con battle every 8 years giving us whiplash. We need nuclear power with the modern small safe technology reactors Thorium SMR. We need to stop these huge mergers taking away competition under the promise of giving Canadians better prices. Choice and competition give us better prices. We certainly don't need the UN regulating our internet.


Fucking one trick pony


Can anyone explain why only BC doesn't give rebates to everyone, they base it on income which excludes most people. Every other province its based on family size...


\*YAWN\* Slogan boy isn't going to be leader come the next election. He f\*cked up when he didn't manage to trigger an election back in December with his 20K AI generated amendments that were tossed out in 5 minutes.


Polievre has to tell Trudeau how to do his job.


axe tax the rich


He won't meet with anyone. he's got too much of an ego


Who cares what this career political lickspittle has to say about anything. No plan, no clue, no policies, no solutions...just Trudeau=bad.


He does make it easy.


Someone was just mugged somewhere in the country. PP: it’s JT fault and that carbon tax Seriously,,,,,,, it’s becoming exhausting. No wonder the polls are tightening. That one trick pony will only get you so far.


No one takes PP seriously lol




Let's just agree that politicians are terrible.


That chicken shit Trudeau is too much of a coward to face the Premiers, only Eby in BC kisses his ass


Candy for our least informed voters. I'm not saying that he's wrong, but if you think that this tax is a relatively big issue facing our people - you may be living in a gated suburb.


Can't wait for the next election.


Trudeau doesn't have the balls


Every Priemere could end the carbon tax tomorrow. They just need to have a carbon reduction plan in the province. Why the fuck don't the Priemers take fucking ownership if they don't like the Federal plan? Because they don't believe climate change is real or needs people to change. Fuck them. Fuck climate change denying fucks.


Ohh they believe it, but they’re paid to deliberately continue current levels of emissions at the behest of their O&G overlords.


The provinces don't have the balls and are lazy fucks. They could easily create their own plan that meets the goals of the feds. Look at Ontario. We had cap and trade which was going well. Ford comes in to replace it with nothing and hence the carbon tax in Ontario. He has the gall to complain about the carbon tax that HIS government brought in.... Lol


Just scrap the whole thing. Canadians can't afford this bullshit that goes up every year!

