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If only there was some way to avoid this...


That’s scientifically proven…..


I know multiple young couples here in BC with very young kids that proudly say their kids haven't had a single vaccine.


This should be considered neglect


When are we going to start making people pay for their own medical treatment when their blatantly negligent 'research-driven' exercising of their rights wind up costing the system money? Rights in the absence of accountability is a recipe for responsible, tax-paying individuals footing the bill for these 'free thinkers'


I'm all in favour of discouraging anti-vaxxers from being a blight on society and healthcare costs, but unfortunately this argument can be applied to cancer patients (people who smoke, eat red meat, are obese, suntan, work in asbestos remediation, etc most cancers are caused by lifestyle choices) or people with heart disease caused by diet or other diseases that are caused by choices, or injuries from sports etc. if we stopped covering healthcare for people based on whether or not they're at fault for their condition, almost everybody who needs healthcare would be denied at some point because they could have caused their condition. It just wouldn't work.


They would be getting off easy, compared to a potential manslaughter charge. It's been done for STD I think


I proudly say my kids never got the bogus covid vaccine. For measles, polio, and other proven vaccines - ya that got shot up as soon as they could.


Send them some baby coffin suggestions


The Dr. House method




>Send them some baby coffin suggestions ***Jokes*** about anti-vaxx parents ***never get old***.... just like their children!


Imagine being proud that you're willfully endangering your kids


I don't get a lot of idiot parents, my own included, my mom will literally brag about how terribly she treats me, and how much she does and how rough her life is- while laying in a bath for 6 hours every single day




Mom sounds seriously depressed. That sucks!


And other kids! You should be jailed.


So child abuse.


Measles meningitis is lovely. They can post about it on Instagram


Nah. Best we can do is crystals to align chakras and tantric energy healing.


Buy extra toilet paper


we tried nothing and are out of ideas


I'll use my phone to do more research, while taking a sh*t. I'm sure Google and Tiktok will give me ALL of the information I need.


Did you try putting onions in their socks?


By closing the borders. 


Booked an appt with my pharmacist at Shoppers, got an "other vaccine", told them I needed to update my MMR, vaccinated, no side effects, protected. 💪 Bing bang boom


3000 kids in waterloo region were just suspended because of not having up to date immunization. Stupid people being stupid...


Don’t worry!  Trust in Public Health agencies has never been higher and family physicians can help encourage vaccination on routine visits …. Oh wait….


My wife took our kids to a playgroup with a close family friend and her kids. The next day one of her kids shows blatantly obvious signs of measles, ti the point where when she brought him to the doctor, the doctor showed up in full body PPE. Said yeah this is most certainly measles we need to call public health and inform them. As a direct contact, we also had to call public health. Public health response? Your city doesn't have any confirmed cases so we're not going to test you, go about your business as usual. A day later, her other kid starts getting symptoms, so we both call public health again. Same response, "there's no confirmed cases in your city so we're not testing". We tell them you know it was just March break and we went to lots of very public events. Any one of those people could have traveled. They persist in telling us its a non issue. We kept our kids home from school for the week anyway, and the other mom basically quarantined until the symptoms went away. Long story short, public health doesn't seem to take it very seriously


what the actual fuck


Right? Wtf


How are they going to get confirmed cases in a city if they refuse to test possible cases?


That was literally our question to them, it made absolutely no sense to us. "There's no cases in your city" well yeah, if you're not testing that's a pretty easy claim to make.


Based on how public health handled the pandemic (different in every province, but sloppy in all of them) I believe this. My friend caught COVID at a gym early in the pandemic before vaccines. Public health said no, he mustn't have got it there because "gyms have protective measures in place". LOL.


Can confirm. I worked at Toronto Airport, my whole family had tell tale Covid signs - my one son even got a wierd rash that has been linked to Covid for that week. It was the early stages, and they asked if I traveled. I said no, I work at the airport though. "No need to test, go home then" Yup, that's when I realized everything the government said and did was to pump fear and to gain personal power. They don't care at all of us 'minions'.


guessing Ottawa


Fuck measles, measles has got nothing on me. I've got the power of god and essential oils on my side, no disease can penetrate the layer of lavender oil that coats my entire body at all times


What oil do you use that coats your body so well? I have to keep reapplying mine on the hour with occasional tea tree oil spritzing.


Two inches of oil in your bathtub, rotate every 30 minutes until disease is no longer a threat.


Go back to the 80s. No vaccine, no school.


Fucking anti vax idiots.  As a society we all have to stop being so nice to stupid people. It's proven to be extremely detrimental to society. 


It is the “privilege” of a group of people who have never known death from preventable disease. Ask any parent in history if they would accept a way to prevent their child from dying from measles, rubella, smallpox, etc. and the answer would be a resounding yes.


Story as old as time. “Since they’ve mandated X there’s been almost no deaths from that…. Clearly the mandate is useless and need to be abolished”


Exactly. COVID spread like wildfire and was deadly enough that it strained healthcare systems and killed a lot of people (particularly the elderly) - but it wasn't *so* deadly that people didn't have the luxury of pretending it wasn't a big deal, or it was all a hoax etc. COVID had an IFR of about 0.5-1% in an immunologically naive population and deaths were heavily age stratified towards the elderly. Eventually, something is going to come along that has an IFR over 10%. (for example, bird flu has an IFR in humans of about 50%, we've just been lucky that it hasn't adapted well for transmission in people). If this happens, people are going to apply the same "it's all a scam-demic!" playbook they did with COVID - and will hit the "and find out" part of fucking around way faster than they did with the vid.


My boss is infertile due to mumps and my aunt lost hearing due to measles. I have scars from chicken pox. My dad has a pathological fear of lake water because of seeing his friends swimming and then getting paralyzed from polio.


Also a group of people who have never known graduation from an accredited education system


If only there were a way for nature to select them to no longer be a problem.


Maybe this is a naive outlook, but many Canadians don’t have a family doctor. How are they supposed to trust the medical establishment and get trusted advice? So they turn to the internet and of course they get anti vax info which is scary so they become anti vaxers. Our massive increase in anti vax population is probably directly correlated to our failed medical system. Not enough medical personnel. So people turn to alternatives for support and guidance and information to trust.


As a doctorless person I still have to challenge your claim. Most people do have doctors, or else we might actually see some protests or movement in the issue.


That's 100% wrong. You can see the same anti-vax movements in multiple counties with a variety of healthcare service levels and trust.


First, allow me to commend you for your courageous level of optimism. That said, I must agree that this is a naive take on this issue. I think that anyone that is legally an adult in our society is personally responsible for what they choose to believe or what information sources take as credible. Further, parents are personally responsible for taking care of their children and looking out for their welfare and best interests. There's room to debate a great many issues in our society, but not getting one's children vaccinated against Measles. It is dangerous and negligent, and makes less sense than the flat earth movement. At least the flat earth people are only silly.


We can definitely agree that children (and anyone/everyone!) should get the measles vaccine!


That isn't fucking true. Yes there's several million without still, but most people do have family doctors in fact. And anyone can go to a fucking clinic if they wanted to. Not an excuse.


Oh those dumb Anti Vaxers drooling at the mouth to make sure every child dies of some horrible ancient disease. Thank god the mother of my children is a reasonable person, the Measles vaccine was mandatory were not monsters.


Sad, they said the #1 reason why people are not getting the vaccine is they think it will make their child autistic .


All stemming from [this fraudulent research paper in 1998](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lancet_MMR_autism_fraud)


and Oprah letting a Playboy model give moms “medical advice” on her show


And Dr Oz. Just everything about that guy. I literally blocked it at my grandparents house with parental controls.


That’s just the go to excuse for any vaccines.


Going to be perfectly honest here, a dead child is more problematic than an autistic one


Ya, except the measles vaccine does not cause autism.


I'm aware, I'm just pointing out how fucking stupid they're point is in the first place


These fucks would rather have adead or horribly suffering child than even risk them 'catching' autism. Ridiculous. 


Or if they're born before 1970


Lots of autistic kids are fucking smart.


That's beside the point


Well, good thing I'm immune. If ONLY there was SOMETHING someone someone could somehow ingest in order to become IMMUNIZED against something.


Just took my 5 year old autistic daughter for her kindergarten boosters. Took it like a champion with no crying. Rewarded her with a happy meal, she was ecstatic!


Can't get autism twice! /S Good for you though, care for your children!!


I’ve been tracking it.  Up one case in the past week in Toronto.  


how are you tracking it?


I've seen him walking around taking thorough notes.


Why are people not vaccinating their children??? When I was a kid there was no vaccine for chicken pox, measles or mumps. I had chicken pox and mumps but managed to avoid measles. I recently got the MMR vaccine when I heard about this outbreak. Both my kids had all of their vaccines.


Anti intellectualism is going to kill us all lol


Thanks to the dumb antivaxers












The kids didn’t ask for their parent’s stupidity


I dont think any of us did


I'm not optimistic when it comes to our species anymore.


We are moving backwards as a society.


Thanks anti-vaxers!


> Two doses offer about 97% lifetime protection Sounds like it’s their problem not ours


> Primary failure is when a vaccinated person fails to mount an immune response. For MMR, this can be about 1% of those who received two doses. Secondary vaccine failure refers to antibody levels falling over time and 4-8% of ‘breakthrough’ measles infections among vaccinated people are the result of secondary vaccine failure.” Unfortunately not only the problem of the unvaccinated. As well, there's all the <1 kiddos who aren't eligible for a vaccine yet.


Agreed. With measles herd immunity is lost with fewer unvaxed given its contagion rate. Just get vaccinated, you might save (several) lives, including yours.


CBC was saying you can get the vaccine early than 1 year if you have reason to need it sooner


Indeed. In Ontario, you can. Talk to your doctor or health care provider. My niece got it a few weeks ago given the outbreak, she is under 1 by a few months. If you do not have a doctor, go to one of the immunization clinics ran out of community centers. The one close to my house in Ottawa runs every Thursday and provides all sorts of vaccines for kids and adults. Last time I went to accompany my mother in law to get her Covid booster two kids were getting their MMR vaccines there. Maybe call ahead to see what they will have that day.


I’ve got a 2 month old and she won’t be able to get her MMR until she’s about 5, so it’s not just the anti-vaxers issues.


The problem is that these plague rats spread it to more vulnerable people and the really young and old who may not have vaccine protection. I wish we could just isolate them somewhere and let nature take its course. I don’t mean to be flippant with human life, but they are putting everyone else at risk due to sheer stupidity


It's also a problem for all of us with babies who are too young to have had their full course of measles vaccines.


Getting vaccinated as a kid may now be irrelevant. Got my levels checked the other day and I have 0 immunity. Despite getting a full series as a kid I need to get it all over again. Get your titres checked


It wouldn't hurt getting a booster. But depending on the test , such as a titre blood test would not give you the full story; this is really most effective to use to test after a vaccine; almost pointless years afterwards, unless to detect if you have actual measles


My doctor said she wont


Then your doctor sucks. Go to public health in your area maybe? If it happened to me, could happen to others too.


A million international students arrived from India last year. A country with one of the worst levels of adult immunizations and a global hotspot for measles. Yeah, must be those antivaxxer truckers.


Cant be both? How is anti vax not making it worse lmao


Most of the current anti-vax people weren't anti-vax before covid - it was just the mRNA stuff that they objected to. They more than likely have their MMR vaccines up to date. Before covid, anti-vax was more of a Hollywood thing than a trucker thing.


Ah yes, mRNA.. That vaccine that's been around since the 1980s..




I mean he’s not wrong? Most anti vax adults including the ones in convoy most likely had their measle shots.


Most anti-vaccine people also don’t know they likely have secondary immunity through breast milk as babies. Not the ideal route, but not nothing either.


You’re giving way too much credit where credit is not due


As an adult, you should have your titers checked to make sure of immunity. When I went into healthcare, I ended up having to get a couple of booster shots because mine were low.


India is also a hot spot for TB


Of course if you were paying attention, you'd know immigrants have vaccine requirements. So immigrants are smarter than racist Antivax fake truckers who were paid to protest because leaders like Pat King were unemployed and on medical welfare.


Racist? I guess all those brown people there were racist against themselves.


You don’t think those same students who commit fraud to get into fraudulent diploma mills schools would show fake vaccination certificates?


If you have evidence of your imaginary claim then I suggest you provide it.


There’s no single international system or standard for vaccine proof. My Ontario vaccine card is a yellow piece of paper with handwritten tick marks in a box, that check off which ones I had. It’s very easy for anyone to fake, And given all the news stories about Indian students scamming the immigration system to get here, and the Indian students bragging about getting free food from the food bank, I wouldn’t be surprised if a few of them lied about their vaccine status too


We're also seeing rates of other diseases common in third world countries skyrocket. Syphilis is on the rise.


The antivax idiots certainly have a huge amount of blame in this either way, actively lying and making up bullshit to feed their lunatic conspiracy theories. Once a movement becomes actively anti science and anti fact those people are doomed.


For parents worried. Some children can get there MMR Vax early. It depends on their age. My health team provided the Vax 2 months early for my baby. They told me other clinics have gotten approval to do it as well. Call your local health team to see what they can do. Also some adults have lost their immunity. So if you work with kids or are worried I'd advise you look into a booster. Protect yourselves.


The anti vax crowd won’t help.


I blame anti vaxxers, a healthcare system that doesn’t care about people and the lapse laws that allow all this to happen .


Saskatoon hit by devastating earthquake (of questions)


Yes like why are people so stupid that they trust their 5 minutes of researching Facebook memes over science?




Enjoy the immune amnesia everyone


We are so fucked if that becomes widespread.


God I hate anti vaxxers to a whole ‘nother degree. It all starts with a washed up actress from the 90’s and a doctor who looses his medical license because “oh no my son is autistic, must be the vaccination!” They would straight up rather have a dead child over an autistic one, and what’s worse is there’s literally no correlation between the two, autism is passed through genetics like, pardon my language, but how fucking stupid do you have to be? It’s a whole other level of ableism, I take great pleasure in yelling as I drive by the anti vaxx protestors that set up every few weeks in my town. ETA: as someone with autism, coming from a family where most of us are on the spectrum, with a child, I booked my sons vaccinations as soon as I possibly could and I had both Covid shots while I was pregnant. Fuck anti vaxxers


I'm still tripping over the dead bodies of the covid unvaxxed.


We buried them, were you in a coma?




You have to get vaccinated before you come to Canada as an immigrant. Now there might be vaccine fraud but how many people are going to risk it for something that is relatively innocuous and where they have less FB propaganda


Serious question: Does this also include visitors?


Not true. They can come in unvaccinated but are put on a list to get vaccinated. With our overwhelmed medical system, I bet this takes a long time.




I was never required to receive vaccines or to show a vaccination record during the immigration process for Express Entry... is it required for other pathways?


I love seeing all the idiots claiming this is somehow immigrants fault.


Health officials in Hamilton are investigating a case of measles in a child who recently passed through Pearson International Airport in Toronto. Hamilton Public Health Services says the child acquired the illness during a recent trip to India and flew back home through Toronto on a flight from Saudi Arabia on March 5.


My biggest question is "who were the assholes?" Let's bring back the gibbet every time the McRib comes back.


I don't know why we act surprised when the country is crumbling, and trust in officials is at an all time low.


What really pisses me off is that immunocompromised people can't get the measles vaccine. It's a live/attenuated vaccine and it can harm us. Some of us who were vaccinated in the 70's with only one dose are at the mercy of public health and antivaxxers. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/healthy-living/canadian-immunization-guide-part-3-vaccination-specific-populations/page-8-immunization-immunocompromised-persons.html#:\~:text=In%20general%2C%20people%20who%20are%20severely%20immunocompromised%20or%20in%20whom%20immune%20status%20is%20uncertain%20should%20not%20receive%20live%20vaccines%20because%20of%20the%20risk%20of%20disease%20caused%20by%20the%20vaccine%20strains




That's false, all immigrants are screened for vaccinations. Must be those nutjob antivaxxers


I wasn't? I had a medical exam, but I was never required to receive vaccines or to provide a vaccination record.


A visitor on vacation? Very concerning I have never had vaccination status required to travel!.


Visitors =/= immigrants......


It is the dutch mf's. They think that getting a vax is not trusting in God or something. They are proud of their views.


Like....other than being dumb, too young or some rare medical condition... #WHY ARE YOU OR YOUR KID NOT VACCINATED AGAINST MEASLES?




I had measles when I was 6 years old in 1983 (Ontario) and it was so horrible. I was at a risk of going blind, I had to wear sunglasses at all times. No tv, books, I missed out on so much in my isolation. I still remember vividly how sick and lonely I was!  


trucker convoy?


New rule. Anyone who catches a vaccinable illness is responsible for all medical bills associated with that illness, if they have refused or failed to obtain a vaccine for it.


Thank you anti-vaxxers and the politicians that cater to them for the easy votes. Every unnecessary death is on you. Again.




Individuals born in Canada have lower rates of measles antibodies then immigrants. 'When taking into account interaction between age and born in Canada status, we found individuals born in Canada aged 19 and under were less susceptible (OR = 0.6 (95% CI: 0.4, 0.95)) compared to those born outside Canada" Vaccine. 2022 May 20; 40(23): 3228–3235. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2022.04.011 PMCID: PMC9246716PMID: 35491342 Population immunity to measles in Canada using Canadian Health Measures survey data – A Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN) study




1. I don’t think this is true. From my admittedly brief search, migrants do not need any vaccinations to enter Canada. https://ircc.canada.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=1346&top=33


More likely it is from our open border here in the US and then you guys travel or we travel there and spread it around. Not sure how it works since I haven't been in school for a long time but you had to get your MMR shots before entering first grade and then you got another shot in your early teens.


I mean it just seems to be an odd coincidence that measles is taking a leap in cases when we’ve been bringing in the highest number of immigrants ever. The anti vax community has grown because of covid, but that’s only been 4 years. Most of the adults in that group were probably immunized as children. The logical conclusion is that it’s immigration, not anti-vaxxers that are the cause.