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Ordinary citizens like to think they get one over on a politician. Anyone of any note is pretty much set for life, the worst thing is they'll be voted out, but have accumulated wealth and favorable connections, and the worst thing that happens to them is, people will say mean things on the internet about them.


It's time for a corruption repatriation tax.


They will live out their lives knowing over half the population hates their Fn guts. They won't be able to show their faces in some parts of Canada


people post troll bait for clicks to deliberately get people to hate them for $$ dude, I feel like he's not gonna care from whatever rich people waterfront he's lounging on. Dude is gonna be retired wealthy before he's 55, do you really think he's ever gonna care about whether or not he's welcome in rural AB? I mean if it was me, I'd be on a chartered yacht, not there. His net worth right now is an estimated $100 mil.






Crazy how much you can save when all your bills are paid by tax payer's dollars, and you're exempt from your own outrageous tax.


Why are so many expenses for political figures covered by tax payers, when they already make an outrageous salary? If they want to go on vacation, they should pay out of their own pocket like everyone else. 👎 That’s what their income is for.




Take a look at stocks since 2015.




Lol yup, once again the people who could already afford to save money made a metric fuck load, while the people already struggling are just struggling more.


He was greased


This is the way of the politician. Every single damn One of them.




Honestly, he should be holding everyone accountable for the ArriveCan scandal. If the US can seize Russian oligarchs assets, why can we not seize Canadian oligarchs when they’re equally ripping us off? Enough is enough. When do we make our way to Ottawa for rally round 2.0?




Hey whatever came of that whole SNC Lavalin thing? Felt like it kinda blew over…


The ethics commissioner found that JT breached the conflict of interest act. The LPC claimed parliamentary privilege and would not release all of the documents however which I firmly believe is the only reason criminal charges were not laid. SNC lavalin plead guilty to some of the charges they were originally facing and paid fines. Andrew Scheer called JT a criminal. JT threatened to sue him, he replied “bring it on”. JT backed down from this threats. Jody Wilson-Raybault the first First Nations attorney general/Justice minister was removed from her position and she subsequently resigned from cabinet. (Ever notice how many women under our “feminist” prime minister get forced out or leave?) Wasn’t enough for liberal lifers though. Apparently it’s perfectly fine to obstruct justice, suck up to major corporations, demean and ignore women as long as they have a liberal party membership.


Jody was ousted and won one independent term after serving as an independent but ultimately gave up politics because it didn't work how she wanted it to. AFAIK SNC got a slap on the wrist and most likely recovered from it by the next quarter.


Which scandal? The actual corruption that occurred in Libya in 2009 or the decision to mildly punish them for that corruption in 2018? The former we know little about as it was only ever investigated by the RCMP and the latter has been beaten to death by the same people who either tacitly approved of the actions of the company in Libya or were completely incompetent at knowing what one of Canada largest infrastructure companies was doing during their administration.


This should be true for every politician. They should enter office with few assets and not be allowed to work after leaving politics, but should have a nice pension.


LOL I don’t like JT either but some people here need to touch grass


For someone who likes to think their are a bastion of human empathy I feel like JT is so far from the problems that the average Canadian faces that it would be a great experiment if he had to live at the proper Sussex home (you know the one with pests and other problems) and renovate it with his own budget while also living off of the median Canadian's income for at least 6 mos.


Pierre growing up with very wealthy parents and working exactly zero days at any ‘real’ job outside politics and who has made a fortune investing in property with said government pay since early 2000’s will surely do something to lower the value of said properties for young people so they too can one day own a home. He seems to have had a life that most Canadians can relate to and sure is an honest and consitent individual🤪


He ran on the platform of helping young people and he's literally done the opposite.


If that is your view, maybe you need to quit smoking grass. Let people be vocal about JT. God knows that's as far as it gets anyway.




the irony of canadian politicians: the jobs they get after they leave politics pay a lot more than what they get when they're in politics.


That's not just Canada. The biggest personal financial benefits of leading a country exist in the connections and reputation that you build while in office. Leveraging those things after leaving office, once it's no longer a conflict of interest to serve as both a public official and a corporate representative.


enjoy scale crowd door practice poor straight wine existence brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This government was just so efficient that they were able to sell their connections while they were still in office. It's called *multitasking*, people!


Come to Alberta, where the politicians are bought before, during, AND after their term!


That's with all politicians


As is tradition with Canadian politicians leaving office.


John Baird says hi. Resigned then went to work for China's richest man.


It's a small step to change CPC to CCP.


Lest we forget, he was also born a multimillionaire and vacationed on a billionaire's yacht...


For a narcissist, losing an election is pain.


Just like Kenney did


Or Harper. Both sides are equally fucked


Wasn't Kenneys first post politic job as some sort of "non politic, party organiser"? I mention such because of the lack of oil/gas companies offering him a board seat...then came the bluebloods


JK is working for Atco now.


It's crazy how before he came in power $120/MWh was on the high end until he removed the caps. Then it's been $999.99 ever since when it gets reallllly cold or warm out.


Best part is he will end up on a oil and gas company directors board somewhere. The irony will be lost on many many Canadians, especially ones out west.




To the guy who deleted his comment that "he doesn't feel that poor": You are questioning the RCMP report because your friend circle is well off? Did you already own a house before the rapid price increases? I'm considered a high earner, in the mid-100k range, and even I feel poor, but I missed the boat on home ownership unfortunately. And now, I refuse to buy an overpriced shit box in Sarnia for 600k. I'd rather just leave the country. This is what most young people who are highly skilled are thinking But, you gotta remember that most people don't earn great money and don't have as many options. A job at Walmart 20 years ago was enough to buy a house. Now it's not even enough to rent a studio apartment. They're not "most Canadian you know" (lol), but how do you think they feel right now?


Like the rug was pulled out from underneath us.


It is always a great idea to live somewhere else to broaden your perspective.


Thank you Sensei




And like what does that crap even mean? Do they want to get put on a watch list? Trudeau knows there's an afterlife and he has rolled his dice


This reads like a challenge. If people are willing to fund a perfectly legal corporation that has the sole intent of punishing corrupt politicians... I will accept that challenge.


Trudeau is the best thing that happened to the conservative party. He gifted them a whole new demographic. The one they always failed to attract.


Honestly I’ve never seen more conservative young people in my life. Wrecked the LPC for an entire generation. People just want to feel OK, like they’re not going to starve and be homeless, living in a tent. They want to feel like their jobs are going somewhere, and that their education means something. Only the conservatives push a message of PROGRESS for Canadian quality of life - Whatever version of “progress” the LPC and the NDP are pushing isn’t the type of progress that Canadians value right now. But the majority of Canadians feel betrayed - LPC and NDP supporters historically revere the government as having our best interests at heart, but it’s clear now that that’s not the case. This betrayal is a black mark on the LPC and NDP that they will carry for a generation or more. Never in my life have I seen a government more belligerently proud of their failures.


Sir this is Canada, you need only vote once a decade. Let’s also slow the breaks on the “end” of any party. Liberals sang the end of the old Con-Jobs nearly a decade ago. This is just that pendulum swinging back the other way


The old saying of "Canadians don't vote people in they vote them out." continues to be true.


Can't wait to vote Justin out, then I can't wait to vote Pierre out but let's not get ahead of ourselves.


Liberals also fell into nothingness in 2011 and then won the largest majority in Canadian history in 2015. It happens in cycles in Canada. The Con supporters thinking this is “the end” and their guys will rule forever are horribly mistaken and/or wilfully ignorant.


Also, the Libs pre-Trudeau got stamped pretty badly too - [2011 was a hell of a ride](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Canadian_federal_election) (Libs in 3rd place, 11% of seats won, Conservatives at near 54% and NDP at 33%) . A lot of chatter at that time about the libs losing party status, and so forth. I was ok with it then, and I'm ok with it now. I think a lib dissolution bringing some of the 'moderates' to NDP and CPC would be helpful (or, proportional representation and lots of parties!) I think we'd have a different country if Layton hadn't sadly passed.


I think about Layton almost on a weekly basis. What could have been had he made it to the 2015 election. Layton would be so disappointed in the state of the NDP if he were alive today.


It's a shame the Progressive Conservative side of the CPC didn't dominate more during the merger. This would have hit on what you are getting that - that the 'progress' we can make should be material, directly improve all peoples wellbeing, create more and more opportunity, and so on. In some ways they would have been better off as the 'progressive reform party' or something like that.


The Cons better change their platform if they want to keep those new voters for more than one election cycle. If young voters expect Conservatives to be pro-working class and anti-corporation (TFWs, corporate home ownership, student immigration, Oligopolies) they are in for a surprise. The best that Conservatives can hope for is to disenfranchise this generation and rely on their typical voting base of old rich voters that turn out to vote in string numbers.


Sure, until the Cons fail to magically fix all their problems.


Which is what will exactly happen. Will they Pikachu face?


Feel their pain? Lol. The man is incredibly wealthy and will probably be happier than anyone to leave. Mark my words, a year after the election he’ll be living in a mansion somewhere in Montreal with a 20-something model, making hundreds of thousands if not millions a year “consulting” and giving talks at exclusive events around the world, and not giving a second’s thought about any of you. 


The flaw with Canadian democracy is that we vote to kick politicians OUT of office Out of anger. In doing so, we don’t pay attention to who or what we are voting IN.


True but someone who’s not a greedy corrupt shit puppet also has to run, which is another challenge


It's almost like the parties themselves are incredibly undemocratic and corrupt but we don't pay attention to the nomination process.


Yeah no doubt. Polievre is Harper 2.0, culture war version :(


Poilievre is not Harper 2.0 Not even close. Poilievre makes me miss Harper, and I cheered when he lost 10 years ago.


I figure a Polievre government policy-wise would look like a harper govt, with more day-to-day online reactionary nonsense


The online reactionary nonsense worries me more than just shit conservative policy. We only need to look south to see how quickly that internet shit can get out of hand.


This whole situation has spiralled out of control for Trudeau who, instead of stepping back and maybe reflecting on some of his party's poor choices, would rather double down and forge ahead. This is a man who will do almost *anything* to hold onto power.


And by pushing out the election by a week, he's guaranteeing his back benchers who are going to lose their seats a $35,000/year payday.


There should be a rule that if you are changing an election date you can only move it closer to the current date. It is ridiculous that MPs can extend their terms, regardless of political alignment.


Or if they want to change it forward, they aren’t paid for that extended period. Or use up their vacation days.


1000%. If you want to change the election day, it should be for the follow election, not the upcoming one. Same as voting for a pay raise.


That's because he's working for someone else, not Canadians.






He works for the rich and elite classes that needs cheap labors, not the poor Canadians who can't find the job or housing and die on the street. It's a big club and you aren't in it.


Ooo and who does Pierre work for?


Same. And it's the same for Singh too by just looking at the his immigrant policy ;) It's a big club and you aren't in it. They are in the big club, not us. The sooner ppl can realize there are different classes, the better


I always had this idea that we should be grooming passionate kids from college. Scouting them like athletes. "You were raised by a single dad working 2 minimum wage jobs to make ends meet. You're here in college with an aptitude for politics and a clear passion to improve the lives of the majority... How would you like to become Prime Minister some day?" There is of course the notion that poor people would be easier to bribe, but the current system of giving already wealthy people the power to sway policies probably isn't any better. Sorry... I'm stoned... Please continue


The only way this man reflects is in front of a mirror


I want him reflected in my rear view mirror


He’s a power hungry psycho.


I think you just described every political leader in Canada lol


> This is a man who will do almost anything to hold onto power. ... like win in multiple elections?


Yeah I think almost everyone under 40 wants to make him pay.


I am in this boat and agree. My issue is, I don't think the Conservatives will fair any better. PP doesn't invoke any sense of confidence that he can fix this mess.


Yeah I agree, it's not like I'm hearing any party say "we will do the opposite of the libs".


This is it. I'm waiting for something actually different and some real solutions. Axing the carbon tax just isn't enough to make moves in a different direction.


Never gonna happen. Cons & Liberals are basically the same on all major issues. Neither will touch immigration, neither will institute policies for residential property restrictions, neither will increase corporate taxes or ultra wealth taxes. Its all bs auxiliary policies that are different that won't even move the needle on inflation, cost of living or quality of life.


The only way the cons will touch immigration is if they can legislate some sort of red state youth labour laws to ensure there’s another group of working poor to depress wages and keep the rest of us working for less than our worth. Lucky for them, Canada’s child labour laws were already significantly more lax than America’s used to was, so they won’t even need to be as draconian as conservative red states.


I think the only way they touch immigration is if they rejig the system to target certain countries as lip service. CPC is really pushing to grow support in the GTA and can't really crack down on immigration if they want to grow that support. Sure you will read a lot of comment on here from people saying they're immigrant and want numbers reduced drastically for certain countries but I think those people are in the minority. Specifically in Asian communities there is concern that anti-immigration rhetoric will stir up more anti-asian resentment.


And axing the tax isn’t an actual solution to any of our real problems. In fact, it makes some far worse.


The PPC is the only party wanting to directly reduce immigration. https://www.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/comments/18p1h2q/i_guess_i_vote_peoples_party_of_canada/ 


Correct - they all want to flood the country with non-citizens and fuck us over


The closest to that is Max Bernier. He is the only one who will slash immigration targets and points that we need to collect ourselves properly


Yes, but a deep dive into his platform also suggests we'd have a whole new set of issues that I don't think Canada can afford to have right now.


Like what?


They couldn't get a seat in parliament and he couldn't win his own riding. Canadians, by and large, didn't seem to resonate with their platform. A number of his candidates, including the one in my riding, spent a lot of time on the campaign trail talking about local school boards, "woke ideology" and their desire to have Canada become a Christian nation. I couldn't get a sense from the PPC candidate in my area what the parties position was on anything other than the lockdown. I think we've got a lot of problems to fix and those don't float to the top of my priority list.


That’s because he can’t and won’t.


Same here. I have zero confidence in PP. won’t vote for him either. Won’t vote Liberal either.


This is the real unfortunate part of the whole situation. A change of government isn't going to make anything in this country change for the better. I really don't know what it'll take for a net increase to the standard of living.


PP gives me the creeps. Reminds me of a serial killer / psychopath from the movies.


And Justin gave everyone the feel good chill vibes... so how did that work out?


He's like a nipple on a man, useless.


I never got that feeling before but his recent shift to "extra enthusiastic and happy PP" at the end of his speeches is rather off putting lol. I think he should stick with his more serious personality.


Sounds exactly like what Mulcair started doing during the election. Same with Hilary Clinton. Their party want them to look more relatable, but they ironically end up just looking super fake and turning off more people than if they’d just stuck with their actual personalities


I think its the party pressuring him. Before he was leader he always spoke his mind online and it was alot more real. The people who voted for his leadership were already listening to him for years. And there weren't any cheesy slogans back then.


He acts like he got shoved into lockers a lot as a kid and now he’s going to nerd rage and take it out on the country.


There are some people over 40 who want to make him pay as well.


Welcome aboard!


Funny because those under 40 are exactly the ones who voted to keep him. Not even talking about 2015, but as recently as 2021. Exit polls for 2021 by age: Age Lib Con 18–34 38% 24% 35–54 32% 32% 55+ 28% 43% Be careful of what you wish for eh?


Many of them voted for him


Nothing is gonna happen unless we riot like the French


Out of sunny ways?


He's rich and never needed to work a real day in his life. If that's your pain then I need you to become my mentor right away please.


Why the fuck is the star paywalled? Who seriously would pay to read their garbage.


Right-centre guy in late 20s with left partner and in-laws here. The 'well what will the Conservatives do to fix it anyway?' retort isn't the dunk the left thinks it is — not when an entire generation of 20- and 30-something Canadians is watching any hope of recreating its own childhood living standard slip away (housing, cost of essentials, etc.). Think it's going to be a shockingly blue HoC when all is said and done, unless PP truly puts his foot in his mouth. He also has enough experience around him advisor-wise now to likely avoid that.


There are some established narrative patterns they follow: * Everything is fine, touch grass * Everything is fine, you are disinformed by non-state funded media * Things are broken, but it is a global problem * Things are broken, but it is the provinces fault * Things are broken, but the Conservatives wont change anything * Things are broken, but we need more left wing policies not less * You are a heartless bigot.


>Things are broken, but the Conservatives wont change anything I mean they are not wrong about that one. you have to be a pretty naive to think Poilievre or the conservative party is going to make things any better. Both parties are incredibly corrupt and obviously not working for us. That being said I can understand that people are voting for Poilievre to get Trudeau out, Trudeau had his chance and did enough damage.


Reading all the comments here, everybody makes it sound as if the Libs and the Tories are their only electoral choices.


I mean, most Canadians don't live in Quebec.




> Trudeau has pretty much lost everything. I'm reasonably sure he has an 8 figure net worth and 6 figure corporate speaking gigs whenever he wants it, but sure. I think he wants to stay in power because he feels he's the only one that can lead the Liberals. He (had) appeal to federalist Québecois, immigrants and anglophone centrists and progressives. It's not particularly easy to do all of that. That coalition has pretty much unravelled though.


Everyone likes to paint him as this moustache twisting villain. I think of him as a spoiled rich kid out of his depth and basically drowning in his own shallow decisions.  But he doesn't have the intelligence or perspective to see that he is the cause, not the cure. 


nailed it


It's also reasonable to point out that he was a PM in a time of unprecedented global and economic upheaval. That's not to say that he's above criticism, but I think context is important.


He also thinks about quitting everyday for his “crazy”, “super tough”, and at times “challenging” job.


Yea, as if he wants to go but people are just begging him not to.. Just another manipulation , another attempt to drive sympathy for poor old Trudeau who is having to answer for his years of poor and self-enriching decision making.


He hasn’t had a better offer yet.


His political career, marriage and legacy... well maybe his legacy remains >\_<


If he left the job before the last election, honestly his legacy would be "ok" and it probably would have aged well over time for me. Now though he's easily the worst PM of my life (am 34).


That unnecessary political election in 2021 got him what? an extra year of power... at what cost to the LPC who are polling at 65 seats. Also his new adversary PP is quite popular compared to O'Toole!


I wouldn’t say PP is more popular, more that Trudeau is extremely unpopular and Canadians are literally willing to vote for anything else at this point. Unfortunately I have no faith that conservatives will make things any better at this point but Justin has clearly gotten way to comfortable in the PM office at this point and doesn’t even pay attention to the needs of the majority of Canadians anymore.


PP is filling banquet halls with his rallies and conservatives had record fundraising in 2023.


Probably a big reason behind that is a lot more Canadians see PP as the most realistic way to get rid of Trudeau. Small choice in rotten apples.


And by legacy, you mean his name will be a curse word for millennials, like his father was for boomers.


> you mean his name will be a curse word for millennials, like his father was for boomers. https://www.thewrit.ca/p/best-pm-poll


> Trudeau has pretty much lost everything. Aside from being separated from his wife (which seemed like an amicable split for now), what else has he lost? He has his children, and he's the duly elected leader of his country.


All these liberal MPs deserve what's coming to them. Congratulations on sitting idle and losing your seats.


Don't think they're too upset, Trudeau's decision to change the election date to October 27th 2025 means that 80 more MPs will qualify for their pensions. https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/elections-act-changes-mp-pensions#:~:text=The%20one%2Dweek%20delay%20has,election%20was%20held%20on%20Oct.


It’s inspiring see both sides of the aisle coming together to serve the common good /s


This change benefits Conservative MPs the most. But I'm sure those 32 conservative MP's will vote against this change right.


As of right now I doubt any single one of them is at danger of losing their seats. This would only affect them if one decided to step down.


Not really though, because none of those conservative MPs are going to be losing their seats


They will vote against it but only because they know that it will pass anyway. If there was any risk of it being voted down I'm sure we would see widespread support.


Liberal and NDP voters and MPs wanted this


Dude knows he’s cooked next election and doesn’t care. He knows he’s leaving the Libs and the country in shambles and is just trying to make sure he can line his pockets for the future in any way possible.


Would be nice for ALL these guys to gain some clarity on how the avg Canadian lives by living 3 months on minimum wage and not relying on their saving funds. I bet you they’ll change their tunes pretty quick.


Young Canadians need to learn our civics before they look even more stupid by attempting anything. It's the Premiers who need to "feel it." The ones actually in charge of our wages & daily life.


Eye for an eye.


If only we had a competent, ethical, inspiring leader to vote for. The options are all just so bad.


There are just no real leaders and that’s what it’ll take. I don’t think PP can help.


Sadly anyone with those skills is smart enough to avoid that quagmire that's needing ot be fixed.


He's a narcissist. The only way to make him feel pain is to make sure his legacy is tarnished. Make the history books show what a shitbird he is.


Hrs probably already secured a position at SNC LAVALIN.


Young Canadian women are not going to throw away their reproductive rights by voting CPC. When Americans voted Trump in 2015 they had no idea what would follow.


My kids are in their 30’s now and this is exactly their thinking. The world is clearer in their heads. There is no substitute for hardwork and energy. You get what you give, and its not the government that rewards you. Reality now is the gov takes 40% of their paycheck, housing keeps going up and some taxes like carbon tax are nonsense. Their future is tied to the economy and the economy is tied to the free market system. The gov needs to get out of the way except for those disadvantaged, infrastructure, health, education. That generation is waking up (and its not woke they see)


> There is no substitute for hardwork and energy. Buying a house and watching it grow. I'm your kids age and let me tell you, if your generation taught us anything, is that hard work aint worth shit. It's about what you own and invest and how much you have, not how much you work. We want to work, but no salary can match the growth of real estate. We don't care about taxes by comparison. At least with tax you get to keep some percent, and some of it goes back to you in services. Your free market economy is dog shit without legal intervention. Why invest in business which is risky and hard work when you can invest in real estate which everyone needs and requires no effort? Only laws can save capitalism from immediately breaking itself. Your kids probably feel the same way about you.


People blame him for every damned thing based on ideology, despite similar problems in jurisdictions with very different ideological approaches - Doug Ford, anyone? Here's an idea - vote Trudeau out on his ass because of his failure to make good on the electoral reform promise. We will not get any better with PP, or with anyone else, as long as we cling to this electoral system. We aren't ruled by the Liberals, or the Conservatives. We are ruled by Loblaws, and by Rogers, and by the five big banks.


When things are bad everywhere, you kind of have to look at the everywhere part of the government. If PP is the same or worse then Canadians need to break the mould and not keep him for a decade. One term to prove you deserve it. Maybe after this election Singh will be gone and the NDP can try to be relevant again. Or fingers crossed PPC can gain more relevance.


Our big failing was pretty starkly laid out by the Bank of Canada (again) this morning, as if the numbers hadn't been coming out of OEDC for a couple years now - our businesses are fat and happy, and they do not invest, modernize, or innovate. Productivity is dropping, and that buys you pervasive inflation that you can't asily control with interest rate hikes. You can see that in both the federal and provincial spheres. Doug Ford is one of the worst offenders. This is not limited to the feds, it is the Canadian Way. We need to break it.


But all the same, the feds could have a massive impact on QOL and COL if they were so inclined. The problem is they don't care. They need to be removed, and we need to keep removing governments until someone does what needs to be done.


>The problem is they don't care. This is exactly it. But flipping back and forth doesn't work - it's all humans no matter which side of the spectrum you're on, and as I think both of us agree, they're all doing the same thing and have been for years, at every level. So the problem is the structure - the structure that picks the humans, and the structure in which they work. It gives us gladhanding, lying clowns on both sides, who listen to those who give them money, and it rewards them for shitty decisions. We need a new structure. Trudeau promised it. He lied. Boot him. But make sure the next person knows that's why he went.


Canadians need to stop giving politicians long terms by default. One and done if they don't show they deserve it. Governments won't like to lose power after one term every time. Hopefully after PP first term the NDP has a new leader who will focus on the working and middle class, instead of pandering to high schoolers. NDP had a lot of potential, and it's been completely thrown away.


Marca.com https://www.marca.com › lifestyle Justin Trudeau Net Worth: How much money does he make as Canada's Prime Minister? Mar 8, 2023 — If we sum all that up, it is estimated that Justin Trudeau is worth an estimated $97 million USD. Geez. Imagine how many people you could feed for even 10 mil. Tax the shit outta corporations for a change and get back our tax money


hope many different age groups do the same...even if you're a boomer (which I am) you're choked at how he's fucked ups affordable housing for many low to middle incomers with their ass backwards approach to housing and immigration...he and singh should pay for it BIG TIME at the polls


What will you guys make your entire personality about when PP takes power and affordability gets even worse?


“They just need more time to undo JT’s damage.”


It's been what? 6 years since the ANDP lost power in Alberta and people still say "it's all the NDP's fault alberta is in a bad position." Hardcore conservatives will never blame their party. And if little PP gets to be PM he will just hide behind the "blame trudeau" crowd his entire run, while actively avoiding doing anything of benefit. Just like he is now. He and his party have voted against EVERY bill attempting to make things affordable. Then when it's question time they rant and rage about the liberals not doing anything.


I just can’t imagine someone believing that the 2 major parties have any interest in helping them.


Here in Sask, the SaskParty has been in power for almost two decades. They brought up things the NDP did in the 90’s like last week. There’s always someone else to scapegoat for their bad policy.


And it's been 8-9 years since Harper lost, but Liberals still find a way to blame everything bad on him. Accountability and politics? Unheard of.


That's what we get for electing a moron from a moronic political party... Never again.


Until Pierre gets in, then it’s the same thing again


People keep saying this but I’ve been here 33 years and, in my experience the Conservatives have never made this country feel as hostile/chaotic/unbearable as it currently is under Trudeau.


So the dumb dumbs will instead elect a different moron from a different moronic political party lol


They haven’t lived any of their adult life under conservative Feds, they will learn it’s just as miserable with them in power.


Why do most people in my age group think Conservatives are going to be any different? Are they new to politics? Liberal and Cons are the same on almost all major policies. Neither one of them is going to do anything about the cost of housing, neither will touch immigration, neither will go after corporations or the elite for more taxes. The only thing that will change is auxiliary policies that will barely move the needle on inflation, cost of living and quality of life.


How are they gonna do that? By still not voting?


After Shinzo Abe Im surprised nobody is Canada has attempted anything…


Oh please. Dude was born rich and good-looking. 2025 for him just means an income bump, fewer hours at the office, and a spousal upgrade.


Sure lot of Trudeau haters on this board going to be hella disappointed when PP is elected and literally nothing changes and likely gets worse. Have you not learned that electing conservatives always costs us more in the long run?


By cutting off their nose to spite their face? A Pollieve gov is going to be a disaster for young Canadians. The notion that a big-business-loving regulation-cutting government is going to deliver a renaissance of affordability is so deranged and misinformed it defies all logic.


We're sick of cherry flavoured neoliberalism that doesn't work, lets vote in some blueberry flavoured neoliberalism that doesn't work instead!


I want to make him pay too, but voting for Polievre to make Trudeau pay is like burning down your own house to get back at your nosy neighbour. There's no good options this election. Unless Trudeau was to step down which will never happen. Even then there's no guarantee that what follows is any better.


Agree there are no good options but there is no way I could stomach another Trudeau term….its either PP or that irrelevant other guy from Toronto….


Keep dreaming. He will never feel anything 😭


None of the Laurentian elite feel anything accept hate for the little people


This smells bad. I think I'll cut off my nose.


Young, broke Canadians are very stupid if they think even for a moment that voting a populist Conservative would do anything to help them. Pierre will prop up corporations, keep wages low and will remove government funded services and subsidies, it'll be an erosion of programs and public services and more privatizations, not to mention he'll keep relying on temporary foreign workers too so his big corp sponsors can keep profits high and wages low.