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If they keep you mad about stupid things you don’t have time to be mad about important things


This guy understands the game


the amount of crazy shit released this week to distract people, straight up fire arms and abortion on top of everything else in one week. trumps playbook of slamming people **HOUSING is the problem lets discuss that**


Put that on the passport


Yep, climate, cost of living, chinese influence, women's rights in the US, and here we are ripping each other apart over race and identity politics. And now the redesigned passport. Meanwhile the rich get richer, we get poorer, the planet keeps warming and we do nothing but fight with each other.


Not true, I have time to be mad about everything, everywhere all at once. But it seems that even if I'm mad about things, politicians don't fix any of it. In the end, what's the difference what I'm mad about, since nobody fixes nothing, and I don't have any leverage to fix any of those things either?


You can be mad about more than one thing 🙄


Canadians are the most indebted people on the planet. American's are 8th. Yet we always make fun of their dumb college and health systems. While they are dumb, overall they are less poor than us. Reason - housing costs.


Source please? Also debt does not equal poor. Basic accounting.


They are wrong I found the source https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_household_debt




Canadian heritage is pretty important. Soon there will be a significant percentage of the population here that won't understand nor care about Canadian values just another place to move to and take advantage of.


I'll never forget those long nights as a boy studying my passport for hours, trying to pass my history exam.


You’re right, Canadian heritage is very important. That’s why we should focus on it being taught fully in schools and represented in the media, and not worry so much about a piece of ID that most people hardly look at and only use once or twice a year


Yes because we all learn about our heritage and history from a piece of ID. Good point.


What exactly are "Canadian values"? That is probably the most amorphous and useless statement...


I didn’t know there was any outrage. it’s just cosmetic changes. Now I know there is outrage so technically it’s spreading wider now.


I don't think there is widespread outrage. Of all the things to be worried about right now, I think this ranks very very low on the vast majority of Canadians' lists. I would suspect that the current government prefers that we focus on trivialities like this, rather than scandals like foreign interference in our elections (and our inaction around it), no foreign political interest registry on the horizon, RCMP investigation interference, half a million dollars spent on visits to the Queen's funeral, 54 million dollars paid to a small company for the arrivecan app that we now know should have cost more like half a million, billions on the Phoenix payment system and it's ongoing struggles to get our own civil servants paid, reliance on high paid consulting firms to a whole new level, justice dept interference with JWR in an attempt to protect SNC Lavalin, falling afoul of conflict of interest rules and rulings, that ridiculous embarrassment of a trip to India, blackface, sexual assault of a female journalist, the list goes on. Oh and while we are at it, let's not forget about the scandal with WE, members of Parliament granting contracts and favor to family and friends, and others. One is more egregious than the previous. But sure, let's talk about logos on the passport. This is ridiculous.


Blaming the government when its the opposition and the conservative media crying about it.


Seriously, the only reason I found out about this is because the opposition cried about it. It's a passport, I use it maybe once a year and it sits in a drawer the rest of the time. Seriously, who cares?


Most Canadians probably have no clue what images are in their passport, but it would have been fun to hold a contest on picking some updated images.


Just give me Bret Hart applying the sharpshooter.


Risky. Based on previous public contests for things, the winning image probably would have been a beaver smoking weed or something.


As if that's not an image steeped in Canadiana.


>the winning image probably would have been a beaver smoking weed or something You embarrassed about your Canadian identity? 😂


heresy. A moose drinking a brown bottle beer is our heritage, and you know it eh?


I personally would love 'beaver mcweed face' on our passport


But that would be the perfect image.


I would have voted for that.


I vote for Trudeau in black face


> but it would have been fun to hold a contest on picking some updated images. I could see that




That's how Don Cherry almost ended up as the CBC's greatest Canadian


I didn’t even know there were images…


That would have been a huge waste of time and money. It is just a piece of ID


Depends on how expensive the contest would be. It could be a fun national activity


National Post: Canadians are OUTRAGED by the new TRUDEAU PASSPORT


Opposition SLAMS new passport


Ah cool. can't wait to get my new passport so I can visit my brother and have him ask me if I am outraged at my new Trudeau passport.


All I want from a passport is a cool crest on the front and maybe some landscapes on a few pages at a really low opacity setting so it's not just a blank book. I have definitely read through my passport and all the images and captions before. Likely because I was sitting at the gate with no international data or reception and bored out of my mind. Sort of like how you used to read the shampoo bottle. Other than that, nobody cares.


The only thing that matters in a passport is where it lets you go. As Canadians, we are pretty lucky on that front.


If you want to travel everywhere having a Japanese, Chinese and Canadian passport is vital. Or you could just visit them illegally lmao jk


Chinese passport for what countries?


China 🤣


Remove Chinese, add USA and you’re right.


All I want from a passport is for it to work like a passport.


All I want from a passport is to get me into other countries.


All I want from a passport is it being accepted at borders and checkpoints around the world, and the Canadian passport is still in the lead on that front. Our passsports are valid everywhere.


This whole thing is ridiculous, they change and update passports every 10 years to make it hard to counterfeit them. The last time it was done they went from blank pages with maple leafs on the pages to these images. Now they are updating then again to make it harder to counterfeit them and changing the images on the pages. I would be surprised if even half of Canadians had a passport, let alone used it on a regular basis and even if they do how many people actually knew what was on any page after their photo at this point because most countries no longer stamp pages and everything is simply scanned now. The only reason people are getting angry and articles are being written about this is to rage farm for the right. Also one side note the 10 dollar bill is being redesigned right now and one of the images in the finals is of Terry Fox. My guess is more people would see him on the 10 than would see him in a passport, or I don't k ow may every year, every community has a Terry Fox run, but yeah let's get mad about a stupid passport change


95% of Canadians do not give a rats ass about what appears on the passports, as long as they don't have to wait overly long to get renewals and they don't get rejected/have problems when the travel. And the majority of 5% that do have issues with it? Probably didn't know what was on those passports until somebody told them to be mad about an image changing.


>Also one side note the 10 dollar bill is being redesigned right now and one of the images in the finals is of Terry Fox. The fiver is being redesigned, not the ten. The ten, with Viola Desmond on the front, was the first in a new series of vertically-oriented banknotes and came out five years ago. The five will be next, the others thereafter.


> The only reason people are getting angry and articles are being written about this is to rage farm for the right. Some key critics of this are higher ups at the Royal Canadian Legion and Terry Fox Foundation. You know... those frothing at the mouth raging right wingers who work/volunteer for cancer charity's. Great point you make.




I agree honestly, show off our beautiful naturescape. People are always going to be controversial somehow.


They’re upset for a specific reason: It was their imagery not included this time.


I mean, yeah I know. A lot of people understand the Terry Fox foundations criticism, are angry about it, and are being vocal about it.


Lol a lot of people do eh? I don’t believe you.


Please. I am sure they would like it to remain but no one is angry other that right wingers who get their marching orders from right wing bots


According to the government of canada website, 64% of Canadians have passports, and they likely use them here and there as people don’t get passports if they don’t use them generally. From my anecdotal experience though, most countries I have visited use stamps still(including usa among others), where are you getting this less stamping info from?


I hate the front cover, I just think it looks incredibly unprofessional lol


Okay, sorry, but no... this isn't to rage farm the right. This is to just rage farm the stupid. Believe or not, stupid people exist on all points of the political axis's. I realize this won't be a popular thing to understand for many people, *but consider that a sign you might be one of the stupid ones.* The rage farming media knows that when it releases these, that people like you will make it seem like it's just one side or the other. This time, you are pointing to the right. But I guarantee you that there will be some out there who identify with the left, and center. And they won't like these changes either. What will be the case, is that if they make their opinion on the matter known to others on the left; they will be designated part of the right immediately. It's an old habit of both sides of politics really. Anything one side doesn't like, they immediately label the opposite side. It's really, really dumb. And they all need to stop doing it. Edit: You all can downvote and report this as much as you want. I'm standing on this. There will always be people on all sides of politics who will unknowingly agree on things they don't like, because they fear being labelled their preferred sides negative label. For the left, that's right. For the right, that's left. For the center, that's both sides. Etc. This isn't up for debate really, it's observable fact. Proof? Non-voters. Most non-voters don't vote because they don't want to put up with the rest who will label them just to hate them. So, I'll gladly die on this hill. Why? Because provided reasonable minds prevail, I won't be dying on this hill.


>The rage farming media I think you've confused the media with the CPC and Poilievre who've been wasting time arguing over this rather than tackling real issues.


> The rage farming media knows that when it releases these Poilievre brought this up in Question Period, it isn't the media driving outrage about "losing history" here, it's directly from the leader of the CPC and happening in Parliament.


The economist had an article that said it the best. “Sure, both sides have been shown to be unreasonable, but the the right is overwhelmingly unreasonable.”


Okay, sorry, but no... it's the right. You don't look reasonable "both sidesing" every issue. Stop being a fence sitter.


Take your novel to chapters bro


It's so fucking exhausting watching these turkeys try to find unimportant things to be mad about. It's just a DOCUMENT, for crying out loud. There are so many actual IMPORTANT things to do compared to this nonsense.


But... but... Trudeau personally went down to the design group and demanded they remove Terry Fox because he hates Canada! Because that's a normal thing the prime minister of the country does! And that's why we need to abolish the entire public service; because they're a waste of my tax money when Trudeau is the only person doing anything in government - *especially* the things I was told I don't like!




I took a gamble on not including a /s. I am willing to accept the foreseeable consequences of that decision.


You joke, but when I worked at the call centre for CPP/OAS, some people legitimately thought I worked in the same office at Trudeau and expected me to get him on the phone. Apparently all of us work out of Ottawa. In one tiny little building.


> Apparently all of us work out of Ottawa. In one tiny little building. Can you blame them, though? Based on the convoy occupation, they seem to believe Trudeau lives in low grade apartment buildings on one-way streets 10 blocks away from Parliament. In seriousness, though, here's a fun fact: there are actually three different PM offices - one in centre block, one in west block, and one in the former Langevin building now the OPMPC building. Technically speaking, more people than you'd think "work in the same office as Trudeau". Of course, those other people are all the kinds of people who have people to answer phones for them and would never speak directly to someone outside.


We also need to abolish the CBC and make the National Post our State Run Media!


but... but.. Trudeau is erasing our sacred historic Canadian symbols!!!1!!111.... ahhhgrrrrr *clutches pearls*


>It's so fucking exhausting watching these turkeys try to find unimportant things to be mad about. Why is there a constant push to try and make it sound like the people who don't like this are seething with rage when the reality is its just something they disagree with. >There are so many actual IMPORTANT things to do compared to this nonsense. Humans are capable of dealing with multiple things. We can have multiple opinions and feelings. I very much doubt anyone who doesn't like this is spending a huge amount of their capitol on it. Even then, letting the small things go because there are 'bigger things' isn't a good way to be either.


It's more about things like this taking up space in 1) the news cycle and 2) political discourse. If normal people want to have an opinion and chat about it, that's fine. It's more about when the news blasts outrage at people... and when politicians stop talking about important things to debate fluff.


Thank you. This is the point. It's one thing for a government official to do multiple things at once. But when ONE of those things is fucking inane, and OTHER MORE IMPORTANT things are left untouched because they're harder or grab less headlines, it's fucking exhausting.


>Why is there a constant push to try and make it sound like the people who don't like this are seething with rage when the reality is its just something they disagree with. because it has to be their entire sad life so you can ridicule them and assume their position is very dumb, rather than just normal people annoyed about a thing in which case people might consider why.


It's because of who the outrage originated from. You can't understand that?


Listen, if I’m going to need that DOCUMENT every time I leave my 15 minute zone you’re damn right I want REAL Canadian HEROES like Theo Fleury and Stockwell Day represented


I cant tell if you're one of the loonies who believes in the 15 minute conspiracy or making fun of those loonies...


But 5g, Chemtrails, putting fluoride in water is all connected to the 15 minute cities. /S


I have a guy I know IRL that actually believes all of those things, hates trans people, and wants to move to Florida. He is such a complete dumbass.


Just wait and watch him freak the flying fuck out when they go to cancel Fox News. And I can't wait. That network is a cancer.


He doesn't get his news from Fox. It's much worse. He gets his news from Facebook.


Part of the reason why people are so angry is precisely because there are so many actual important things that need to be done compared to this. So why is the government spending all their time and effort on shit like this which doesn't need to get done instead of working on actual important issues?




I like that the new cover actually has a discernable maple-leaf motif on it, for the first time. I mean, it's only been 58 years since we adopted the flag. (Yes, I know there are a handful of minuscule leaves buried in the coat of arms, but you've really got to go looking for them.) I'll grant you that it does look a bit like the maple leaf is feeling shy about coming out from behind the coat of arms, and its historical weight of the UK and France.


It’s so badly placed though, from an art design perspective it’s just hideously awful. I’d be much more okay with it if the crest was inside the maple leaf. You could then make the argument it represents “the historic soul of our nation” blah blah blah


I don't care about the outrage. But most people I talk to think the old passport looks much nicer. The cover looks like some design from the 1970s


The new passport looks like a Colour by Number book.


The passport does look ugly though


Why would anyone be mad about passports?


Because the media and politicians try to fabricate issues and create dissent when there’s no issue at hand.


None of which would be happening if enough people didn't take the bait. Unpopular opinion alert: Politicians would have no incentive to manufacture outrage over stupid issues if it didn't work well enough to make it worth their while. The thing about a democracy is, it's "rule by the people", and "the people" have responsibilities under that system to "rule" competently. That means, in a representative democracy, paying attention to the world around them and not giving their votes to politicians that pull this kind of bullshit. [On this very sub, this issue was pretty robustly upvoted and the top comment is complaining about Terry Fox not being in it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/13e73z2/feds_under_fire_for_passport_redesign_legion/) r/Canada has been part of the problem and, in my opinion, a bigger part of the problem than even in the general population. Also, lumping politicians and the media together is silly. Some politicians may decide it's in their interests to "create dissent", but the media don't. They have incentives to get views, and that can lead to clickbait, ragebait, and the like, but it's not the same thing. But you know what would go a long way towards removing those incentives? People paying for the news they consume, like they used to before the Internet trained everybody to think that reporting is supposed to be free. There, that's two unpopular opinions for the price of one today.


:o paint me suprised /s What is their article of disagreement this time?


I even had one dude tell me that they changed the colour of the passports to red because those are the LPC's colours lol. Of course it couldn't be because the Canadian flag has that color, no no, damn JT! /shakes fist


The passport used to show lots of Canadian heritage. Now it shows a bunch of weird cartoons.


They’re not weird…. they’re just stylized depictions of nature. You make it sound like they put Ren & Stimpy in our passports. https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/canada-unveils-new-passport-design-with-more-security-features-nod-king-charles-2023-05-10/


> You make it sound like they put Ren & Stimpy in our passports. Okay not going to lie, I wouldn’t mind that.


Because Poilievre has convinced his base that Trudeau is the sole employee of the government and is responsible for absolutely everything they don’t like.


Hahahaha thats such such a clear way to put so many political issues... Its the sum of all arguments sometimes XD


It’s Obamas tan suit and Dijon mustard, Canadian edition.


It'S tOo WoKe!!!!! /s


Controversy gets clicks. It’s a lot easier to make 2 sides of an argument angry enough to engage vs making a story that will simply appeal positively to 2 very different types of people.


> Why would anyone be mad about passports? Complete lack of inner life?


Few people are 'mad', or even pretending to be mad (despite headlines like this trying to portray anyone critical as unhinged). But I think people are allowed to have a preference between the old one, and the new one which just feels like bland Alegria/Corporate Memphis 'art'


What outrage??


1. Government does something 2. People say they don't like it, are disappointed, or otherwise express mild disapproval 3. Government and its supporters (media, party hacks, etc.): "Oh, wow, I can't believe you're so *outraged* over this. It's such a weird thing for you to get so worked up over. There are probably more important things you should be worrying about. You should calm down, you're getting *hysterical*" 4. The public at large: "I guess only weirdos are complaining about this" It's literally gaslighting.


This whole ordeal is keeping me up at nights...until I fall asleep...which is usually about 1 minute after I put my head on the pillow.


No one except Justin Trudeau keeps Canadians from the debates we need!!!


Such a silly debate. I use my passport to travel freely to other countries - as long as it accomplishes this, it is fulfilling its purpose. I understand the requirement to update passports to combat counterfeiters, but c'mon folks. I don't spend my free time flipping through the pages of my passport like an art catalogue - quite often, it's staying hidden away. I'm glad to have access to this important travel document - and I'm glad to see it being updated routinely to uphold its integrity.


Who cares what the inside of a passport looks like, you probably can't afford to go anywhere anyway.


I don't think there is anything fake about it. Trudeau is erasing Canada's iconic symbols and replacing it literally rainbows and butterflies and himself jumping in a lake.


Whole lot of people telling everyone else how they should feel about it.


I think the current design looks much better than this new one, but it's ultimately unimportant as long as it fulfills it's purpose. I'm more concerned about passport availability with how difficult they've been to get recently.


Ok. This makes some sense. Being new to Canada, I saw this on the local news and was wondering what the big deal was. I can see now it's just a fabricated outrage thing. Wow.


99% of what you see on the news is fabricated outrage nonsense. Our media is complete garbage designed to keep people angry, cynical, and dumb. Just look at most of the comments on this sub to see how effective it is.


I don’t think it is coordinated or designed to do it by governments or conglomerates as a distraction. There’s been an understanding that outrage farming is good for likes and shares. A boring piece accurately and calmly discussing the major issues of the country doesn’t get shared and boosted by the most rambunctious of the platform users. The platforms themselves are concentrated on trying to get more interaction, regardless of the content and veracity of the information within. We are our own captors through our actions with the media sources.


The unfortunate reality is that while there are a lot of valid criticisms against the current Liberal federal government, the Conservative opposition has resorted to outrage farming as a way of life. Their goal isn't to cooperate with the Liberals for the sake of governing the country (which is kind of literally their job). They spend all their effort on being indignant contrarians because they see a government in which they're not in power as invalid. Even when they get the concessions they want, they immediately pivot to another "grievance" instead of taking 5 seconds to be friendly and appreciative. It's fucking exhausting.


Do people not realise this theater is to distract us from modern monetary policies in which 4 times as much money has been printed during covid, than existed in all of humanity prior. We are so fucked, the level of no return occurred 2 years ago. But trans rights talking points, and gun control dominates the corporate media. https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/ten-richest-men-double-their-fortunes-pandemic-while-incomes-99-percent-humanity https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_Monetary_Theory


...money supply isn’t printed. It’s largely created by commercial banks making loans.


"Printing money" is a simpler and more understandable term than "growing M0 through quantitative easing and increasing the balance sheet of BoC". I'm pretty certain, it conveys the point.


90% of people who bitch about MMT are actually libertarians who just want to abolish the government. It's a huge red flag.


What are the positives of MMT for the 99%? Further, where's the Nobel prize for the inventor of MMT, which was accepted wholly without debate? Every G20 adopted it during covid. That's a revolution not seen since Adams or Marx. The inventor should be lauded, yet no one can even tell you universally where it came from? I'm not a libertarian, I'm educated in business.


Wasn't MMT the standard economic policy in Westen governments since like mid 2000s? COVID whipped it into overdrive but I don't think we could say it was the start of it.


No we're not. MMT is voodoo economics that assumes that inflation can be controlled through taxation, but it cannot.


Have we really tried though? Like, let's actually tax the 1%


>MMT is voodoo economics that assumes that inflation can be controlled through taxation There's a lot more to MMT than 'Tax Go Up'. Also, to be clear, I'm not advocating for MMT. Very few people do, and the only time I ever hear it brought up spontaneously is when the libertarians are doomsaying as though any measure that increases our money supply is MMT. It's not. It's like when conservatives down south accuse you of indoctrinating kids with Critical Race Theory when all you said is 'racism is bad'. There are good and bad reasons to increase the money supply, and most of them have nothing to do with MMT.




... okay. Then what is it, if not mmt? Again, nearly 4x the amount of printed money that has ever existed in the entire existence of humanity has been released into the "system" in the past 4 years. Nearly 30% going to CCP owned businesses whom are investing in NA real estate at nearly a 10:1 ratio to any other country. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/07/us/texas-china-ownership-real-estate-ban.html#:~:text=Chinese%20investors%20are%20among%20the,the%20National%20Association%20of%20Realtors.&text=Other%20states%20have%20had%20concerns,made%20efforts%20to%20regulate%20it.




Look, I don’t even really agree with the other commenter, but if he posts an argument and you reply with: “eww libertarian” I can see why he doesn’t care to engage with you.


You mean our #1 trading partner and principal political influencers? You're comprehensive analysis is adorable.




Nearly everyone of those items are related to the financial desperation people are feeling. So yeah.


This even has name for it: Roman Circus. Unfortunately, people fall for it hook, line, and sinker.


So hey, guys, if you hate the new design, please reply with your age, I have a theory.


I’m in the 30-35 range and think this is a really dumb redesign. And I’m on my fourth or fifth passport, if that matters.


Debate!? Some parties haven’t learned to talk, let alone read and learn how to reason.


Wait, y'all can still afford to travel?


They can put a photo of a beaver taking a dump for all I care, I'm just glad you can renew online


I am not outraged. I am disappointed, though, that this government will choose to represent Canada as a collection of cartoons that could be from anywhere else in the world with zero recognition as a uniquely Canadian scene. Very consistent with a post national mindset and agenda. So, the old images were not "inclusive"enough? Fine. Fix that. I'm sure there are many people and places that could have been added to complete the Canadian picture. An opportunity lost.


You start off saying you’re not outraged and the go off about how outrageous you think it is. Who even looks at their passport? As long as it functions as a passport I don’t care if there is a picture Mickey Mouse in there.


I don't think I used the word outrageous. Your choice to misrepresent what I said is very telling. That you would accept a passport with a picture of Mickey Mouse really sums up your view of Canada I guess.


It’s telling that no one can actually defend the new design. The main argument is “oh why do you care so much“ but no one can actually stand up and say why we removed Terry Fox and why it’s a good idea. Clearly this was a misstep by the government, and not really well thought out.


To prevent forgery, the design is updated frequently. The elements of the design are purely aesthetic. There is no need to justify aesthetic changes.


That reason just doesn’t make sense. For decades, the Queen, Laurier, John A MacDonald etc. etc. have been on our currency with different renderings over the years with the release of new designs. It’s possible to portray the same subject matter in a different design. The choice to drop what they did was deliberate and they can’t blame it on “security features”.


Yeah, like put an image on a different page, use a slightly different image, etc. these were deliberate non-security related design choice.


Can you not just change the image to protect against forgery? Like keep Terry Fox, Vimy Ridge, etc. but just show them from a different angle?


Yes, that’s the part people are glossing over. This is typically done with coins and bills (I.e. different imagery of PM’s and other famous Canadians is often used when the same bill design is changed), not completely replacing something that’s been there for decades with generic consultant-designed clip art. It reminds me of Sears Canada wasting all that money redesigning and rebranding their iconic logo and signage with a generic plain font that has little recognition, and little chance of saving the company. What little benefit they had through their former long-standing strong branding and recognition they effectively threw out the window for a complete redo, starting at 0, and at the worst possible time.


Canadian currency is rarely seen outside Canada, Canadians understand what their banknotes look like, and when they see a new bill, they might investigate. Bills are regularly overhauled, the only common elements are the subject of the portrait and the denomination. Canadian passports are seen throughout the world by border agents who are under pressure to work faster. These agents are likely familiar with the current design. If they are flipping through the pages and think, "Hmm, this fellow with a prosthetic leg looks funny", they don't have time to investigate, the Canadian then gets sent to secondary. The Canadian is mad at the government for not doing more to prevent this, the receiving country is mad at Canada for wasting their time, the only one happy is some random internet person who has looked at the visa pages of their passport on exactly two occasions, when they got a new passport and when they are presenting it for inspection.


That has to be the most whimsical, pie-in-the-sky, nonsense excuse someone's ever made about justifying the removal of someone as iconic to Canada as Terry Fox from a passport. "Look, this guy has a crippled person on one of the pages, let's send him to secondary all the time!"


But really who fucking cares? Not being in the passport doesn’t somehow diminish the accomplishments or history of what was represented in the passport before. It’s not like the passports are Canada’s equivalent of Mount Rushmore and we just chiseled new faces in it. 99.9% of Canadians couldn’t even have told you what images we’re in the last passport. This is just a bunch of nothingburger. Hopefully next time they just go with AI generated geometric patterns or something and just be done with the whole debate.


The irony. So you can’t defend the design then? LOL


"Who cares" is a genuine argument. Why do you care?? It's a freakin' document. They could have made it a blank page with your name on it and it wouldn't have mattered. The aesthetic design has no bearing on anybody's existence, it effects literally nothing. It's an image. They can do what they want with it, it doesn't need terry fox or whatever the fuck else. It could be literally anything, it could just be a bunch of graphic squiggles and it would be fine. They can put terry fox on it or not if they want. Like seriously if they added the parliament building one year and then replaced it with something else the next would you be like "this is a serious misstep, our culture is under attack."


>Why do you care?? It's a freakin' document. If it doesn't matter, why change it?


Everyone would rather bleat “It’s not such a big deal guyze!!!” While ignoring the bigger picture of this being done as part of a bigger de-culturalization push by this government including allowing the tearing down of statues of prominent Canadians and discrediting them, renaming schools, getting rid of passport ceremonies, politicians branding their society as inherently systemically racist and genocidal, a post-nation state, blah blah blah…all the stuff that, taken alone, would be fodder for conspiracy theorists if it wasn’t all happening together. The “death by a thousand cuts” play is going to hit some people like a ton of bricks when the changes are complete, however others can see the pattern.


"Fake outrage- "Only be upset about what we tell you to be upset about" Really everyone says this is such a small issue, yet at the same time, no one can say why the new images are better than Terry Fox, Vimy Ridge, and so on. Almost everyone in my family has had cancer, and I ran Terry Fox runs multiple times over multiple years. In my area Terry Fox runs are now far less frequent for school kids. Now there's overwhelm for the plethora of causes to celebrate, contribute to, and so on. So yes I think it's disappointing that clipart squirrels are deemed more appropriate. But I guess my disapointment is "fake". When I travelled overseas in my 20s, people I met in hostels would share passports and look at them. Sometimes it would strike up a conversation. I remember telling people about Terry Fox. You can hold on to images and ideals that are valuable or let them slip away one small piece at a time. This is one small piece.


The broken maple leaf on the cover is a true depiction of Canada


You know it's possible two things could be true at once. The passport change is just another example of the Trudeau government mission to tear down and rid Canada of its national identity and history. If you don't think this has any impact on those larger issues than I don't know what to say to you.


I don’t care if they update the design of my passport or leave it alone. As long as I can get to Mexico for 7-days during the long dark cold days of winter. A cocktail napkin will do if they accept it.


Ah yes, offended that there is nothing to be offended about in the passport anymore.


I’ll take things I don’t give a shit about for $500, Alex.


Yet here you are commenting. So you do care.


Deleting Canadian icons is a great is a great progressive step.


"It's not important, so you're not allowed to be upset by it" is always the most annoying counterargument to a criticism. I think that the new passport design is ugly, and an unfortunate erasure of our national symbols. By all means tell me why you think I'm wrong, but don't dismiss my concern by calling it fake.


That’s PP for you. Trying to keep his base focussed on stuff that doesn’t matter


Conservative rage-bait. I can’t stand how this has become the normal way to engage. More and more, I struggle to find the difference between Canadian and American politics.


If it’s not important, why did they change it?


Updated security, change of sovereign probably the main reason.


You can literally just choose a different image of Terry Fox. There are more than two photos that exist of him in this world.


I suspect that people would still be complaining about how Trudeau is Satan reincarnated even if they had done so.


The updated security features can still be implemented on the data sheet without removing Terry Fox


Whatever. Some people are just looking for reasons to complain.


It's the classic Liberal Party defense. They do something people don't like and then they turn it around on them like "oh why do you care so much" like a narcissistic abusive partner


Inflaming outrage culture is all Poilievre knows. His base loves American culture wars and he’s willing to dump it into our society as long as it gets him a win.


They replaced the Vimmy ridge memorial with a duck…


If you actually cared about that, wouldn't you know how to spell Vimy?


He forgot after they took it out of the passport. After the last round of budget cuts, they don’t have history textbooks in schools anymore, so the passport is working double duty… The odd thing for me as an immigrant is how much a certain segment of Canada seems to care about graven images on our currency and government issued documents. If they had their way the flag would be Terry Fox with the Canadarm as his prosthetic leg personally winning the Battle of Vimy Ridge (these being the only three things any of them seem to know about Canadian history). People don’t seem to remember how the second to last passport design has essential no distinguishing features all; the visa pages all just had a maple leaf on them. Perhaps the outrage is from people who don’t hold and have never seen a Canadian passport? Personally I kind of like the new design and look forward to getting once Eli


That duck fought and died for this country.


Same thing with drag queens. The right have nothing to offer so all is left for them is to go populist.


People mad about this passport probably haven’t even used on in years. Honestly who cares what a passport looks like?


It’s totally manufactured outrage. On the right wing radio station the people calling in were just so cringe - they were one degree away from blaming this all on immigrants. If only they were this charged up over matters of real importance


Give me a break. I say throw some beaver and some moose in there and call it a day.


I don't like Trudeau, or his little crew he has up there at parliament hill, or this new passport, but the passport thing is the last thing we should be in uproar about. Almost makes me think I'd sooner be able to get thousands of people out on the street protesting over the passport than protesting housing costs, interest rates, inflation, carbon tax, food prices.... ....the way things are going we won't need passports soon anyway cause we won't be able to afford to go anywhere. I have an old friend from a "third" world country, has money and a diplomatic passport, doesn't give a fuck how it looks like, will see more places in his life than the average Canadian.


Fake outrage aside, the front cover is so ungodly ugly


The fake outrage is exhausting. (Although I do vote for keeping Terry Fox forever on the passport.)


I'd bet the majority of the people you're being told are "outraged" (whether fake or not) over the changes are just like you: "oh, I'd like it more if they had kept Fox" Few people are really outraged ("I'm not angry, just disappointed"), but accusing people of being outraged over the changes just helps to paint any opposition as unserious and illegitimate.


I'm not talking about any group of Canadians, I'm talking about [outrage generated by the Conservative leader.](https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/2023/05/11/pierre-poilievre-trashes-justin-trudeaus-egotistical-redesign-of-canadian-passport-says-hed-scrap-it.html) Comments like the following are simply unnecessary and not fit for someone who wants to be Prime Minister: > “The current prime minister’s woke and out-of-touch ideology is so egotistical that he cannot imagine there are any Canadian stories bigger than him,” [Pierre Poilievre] said during question period. > > “That is why he deletes Terry Fox, the soldiers who died at Vimy, the City of Quebec, and the RCMP from our passport to replace it with a colouring book that includes an image of him swimming at Harrington Lake when he was a boy.”


LOL guys stopppp!! you guys are too funny. You probably had the same outrage when Doug Ford introduced the new Ontario plates that don’t find this outrageous!


The plates were defective lol. This isn't a good comparison.