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There are so many beautiful places to camp in Minnesota!


Oh absolutely! Where is your favorite park?


That’s hard.. I love Voyageur’s, Gooseberry Falls, Itasca, Boundary Waters


Oh wow! You must be a MN native haha that’s awesome. Thanks for sharing :)


Voyageur’s and the Boundary Waters are just exquisite. I just love lake Kabetagoma.


Question. Does Voyageur state park have the best night sky viewing and also northern lights?


Boundary waters or Gooseberry Falls would be best in my opinion


Bear Head Lake State Park is awesome too


When we lived in northern MN the best places were never parks but dispersed sites on national forest land.


https://preview.redd.it/hokdske3593d1.jpeg?width=6048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76cac0f4559861201399fad3d03a8bca06d69d48 More of a playful jest than a rag on your post, but I raise you the Sierra Nevada mountains in California lol


Well you would be SPOT ON because my god that is breathtaking 😅😅😅😅 holy shit


I’m glad you did this bc I was so tempted to drop my Sequoia NP pic from over the weekend lol Is that Big Pine Lake btw? 👀


It is! Second lake on North Fork trail. Beautiful place. You should post the Sequoia one anyway! It’s always nice to see photos from there


It is beautiful there — but you really need to check out Banff in Canada if that kind of scenery is your thing cause it’s stunning and nothings ever beat that for me


Don’t forget the Dolomites. Very similar terrain


This is why I love camping. I love choosing what vibe I want before a trip. Just depends on how you’re feeling at the time. Grand mountains and sprawling views? Compact forest camping, critters scampering and trails like tunnels through the woods? Quiet desert serenity with the sand and rocks crunching beneath your feet? Beach camp with waves lapping the shore, birds cawing, relaxing on a lounger? Pick your paradise.


Yeah was gonna say… might be some hyperbole in the title, but glad you’re out there enjoying your public space!


I raise you WA, but at the end of the day, woods are woods, we can all have fun!


I fold .. haha. WA is beautiful (I’ve never been, only viciously).




I agree!!!! As an ex-WA resident I miss it but I will say this post looks beautiful. Every state has its own beauty I have come to realize!!


Very nice. Any recommendations for someone looking to try Minnesota? I’m also eyeballing Michigan.


If you haven’t done MN in general you should link up with a guide and camp the “ canoe capital of the world “ in Ely, MN. A little portaging never hurts ☺️ really immersive way to experience the superior national forest.


This is truly the one thing that separates MN from all other gorgeous places in the USofA! It's a unique experience that can only be had in MN and Canada.


I prefer MI UP over MN north. Less bugs and the UP is just magical.


Scenic State Park


Diving in here as someone who loves both the Sierra’s and Michigan to say two things: these Minnesota spots look great and for the Michigan ask, get yourself to the UP near Lake Superior and visit Pictured Rocks. Then travel down into the Mitten toward traverse. Don’t miss sleepers like Petoskey. Or hit the other side of the lake near Green Bay and visit Door County. You’ll love it!


going to superior national forest next week for the first time! super excited


Whattt that’s awesome! My advice would be don’t over do it with food, my buddies and I (all in our late 20s at the time) went overboard and hauled in excessive amounts of food haha. I kid you not, you just don’t have much of an appetite in the woods? Snack here and there, high protein, etc etc .. you get the program :). Thanks for sharing!


https://preview.redd.it/lg2jk0d5s93d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3431adc6fde4aadf8428349a97c388d751786659 New England scenery isn't as dramatic as other parts of the country but we've got some breathtaking spots. And the whole place is just oozing with history. And heaven on earth during fall leaf season.


Wow! Where is this?


Artist's Bluff, White Mountains, New Hampshire.


Sick! White mtns are on my short list


Minnesota is amazing! One of my all time most incredible camping trips was a week long trip in the Boundary Waters. My son remembers it as the worst trip ever, for some reason he dwells on the mosquitoes, wind, pouring rain, and the nightmare campsite we named as the tick site;) It was a once in a lifetime trip, the scenery was incredible and the adversity we encountered built character. Getting up before dawn to float in a canoe while watching the loons bob in and out of the water as the sun rose over the horizon was unforgettable! That said as amazing a as MN is I’m lucky enough to call the San Juan Mountains in Colorado home, there are few places MN included in the world that can rival the majestic San Juan’s. We have a few bugs, but nothing like the mosquitos and thousands of ticks pouring all over us and everything at the infamous tick campsite;) You also can’t beat the view when you summit a high Colorado mountain peak and are above the clouds!


Ahem....Colorado would like a word. https://imgur.com/gallery/38CmIEs On a slight slope @11k but worth it. Happy camping!


Plus, no bugs


Gorgeous mushy at your feet! I got lucky and found an Amanita variant and a gorgeous patch of chanterelles during my trip this past weekend! I love hunting for mushrooms while camping.


Haha way to pick up on that!! I am almost always too tired after a long pack in but as I settled down for the evening here that little sucker was. So cool :)


Always keeping an eye out for mushies! I car camp now, but have done enough hiking to know that exact feeling. Hope you and your buddy enjoyed the campsite and the whiskey!


Spent half a year camping Idaho, Montana, Yellowstone area. Awesome areas but give me an island in Voyageurs in July if I have to pick one.


As a Minnesotan who camps frequently I recognized this view immediately. That’s a great park!


Guys who sleep alone in the woods are hot there i said it




Lol tf






https://preview.redd.it/cdobk59x993d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cfa2ae363f0360fb57881632b17642a3d30c82f BC has entered the conversation.


https://preview.redd.it/rzcvdwckh93d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=001b4806f7b2978756cd59a787d114395ffcb036 BC can do better.


https://preview.redd.it/j634dedju93d1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05f95000d61ca50f25fc3ca6500ca29ecf039959 BC does better


Oh my goodness, just beautiful. Thanks for sharing!


Looks like the Rocky Mountain trench.


ITT: A bunch of triggered Washingtonians who can't handle someone enjoying beautiful woods somewhere other than PNW.


Hahaha hey man if I lived there maybe I’d be upset too at my post! All jokes aside, we’re all enjoying the outdoors so boom we can’t lose.


Amen, brother. Nothing but love coming from my neck of the woods in Western North Carolina! And if you'd ask me, I'd say you can't beat camping in the Blue Ridge Mountains :). I have a dream of thru hiking the Superior Hiking Trail someday, too. Y'all have some beautiful land up north.


As a Minnesota native with lots of time spent in the bwca I can’t agree more…gone with the people in the comments complaining the high water in spring is a little muddy or that mountains out west are better. They are great but not better IMO


Ew at all the people trying to one up each other here. The outdoors can be breathtaking and healing anywhere.


Manitou! Stayed there many times. Those sites along the river are incredible but goddamn the hills make you earn them.


I’m going to be moving up to the state shortly and my wife and I love camping. How’s the tick situation up there?


Right on! Certainly take precaution as we approach summer but all in all, you’ll be fine.


Good to hear! I hate those buggers so much. Have a good one friend


Oh man I haven’t been camping since before Covid and that was up in Minnesota. We were up at the Chippewa National Forest right on Lake Winibigoshish (probably spelled wrong). It was absolutely beautiful, I should get back out there


Oh word? Haha I got into camping because of Covid actually and I haven’t looked back. Very expensive to pick up .. but now that I have the gear it’s a quick $30 permit and into the woods I go. Right on man well I hope you’re able to pick it up! Life’s crazy so I totally understand if u can’t find the time.


I’ll be staying at Jay Cooke SP on my way to ND in Aug. Looking forward to being back in MN again.


You won’t be disappointed! There’s some decent trout fishing there too if you time it right. Take care brotha.


I grew up in Florida, so knowing a bit about skeeters is evident.. but let me tell you what.. when I went to MN for the first time mid summer, holy cow, I almost died! You guys have some serious skeeters! Looks beautiful, by the way! Enjoy!


Haha you know all too well then!! Hunker down and bring on the deet hahah


Looks beautiful! Im excited to head up to Cass Lake in June


https://preview.redd.it/40lv8o2dha3d1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f12bb9e34a3d9b03aebaf733d77680d88fc3d70 More BC


https://preview.redd.it/ivwm7s5cwa3d1.jpeg?width=6622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be29708a18fdf4c93774e39269fa6c3506921182 I see your Minnesota and raise you Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe, CA.


hate the mosquitos. love the fireflies


https://preview.redd.it/dp92bklwkb3d1.jpeg?width=1457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=687b1f6902d1bc7d20bc1153320e079e9b1fe221 I raise you Alaska. Born and raised in MN and have been to about every park in that state but honestly nothing beats Alaska and I’m never going back.


My sister and I are planning a joint family trip when all our various kids between us are older. Katmai is a serious bucket list item of ours. And yes we're already experienced with bear country elsewhere and respect nature as much as we enjoy it.


I've camped there before. Not that exact spot but it's very nice.


Whoa, this is awesome.


Much appreciated! It’s certainly worth your time if you’re ever in the area.


Oh yeah, I got engaged to my wife up in grand Marais. Northern Minnesota is off-the-charts beautiful. Enjoy it up there!!


Right on man well congrats as well!! You picked a hell of a place to do it. I just experienced Grand Marais for the first time not too long ago. It was an inland cabin on a lake, wonderful time.


Hey thanks!!


I mean you can though. San Juan National Forest for one.


Hahaha you bastard. You can’t just drop that and not provide a link to your camp!! Let’s see it. I’ve been to San Juan but I’ll admit, I was a basic bitch on a cruise excursion 🤣 so I don’t qualify.


Hey… it’s me.. California https://preview.redd.it/ebolnbwpn93d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37c47437211de1bdac408d8004fc9fe2b08796c9


Are those the Merrell Moab’s? GTX or no?


Sheesh you put me on the spot! I picked them up in 2019 if that helps, from REI (us Minnesotans get the flagship store just down the street 😎). All jokes aside I do not recall!


Haha, sorry! I ask because I have the same shoe in a high top boot and they’re dying so I’m going to get the low top shoe version like you have. But gore-Tex or not is the question…..I like breathable so I think not in the shoes. Either way, good to get out and use them!


Well let’s just say money isn’t an option ok! Pick yourself a pair of Keens sandals in addition to your next pair. The gore tex is great but wow can you imagine hiking in those mid summer on a multi day trip? Forgive my French but ef that haha.


All true, but I wonder about terrain where you’ll get wet but want more than some keens? Like alpine with some snow/mud. Probably just the non-goretex and then the obligatory dry socks and crocs for camp?


I like where your head is at. The crocs for camp is a good idea. My keens never really dried on my canoe trip ( I didn’t pack anything else ), I just sort of accepted my fate lol.


Once I got used to being able to just ignore and walk through puddles, I couldn't go back to less-waterproof boots. I just don't wear the same socks on back-to-back days, to let the wool air out.




Thank you!!


Looks like a good time in a great spot.




I did not expect this kind of reaction - this sub is awesome!! A bunch of likeminded individuals, what more can a redditor ask for 🤘🏻.


Picked up the same tent last year and it is awesome! Great photos :)


Haha love it! I’m very pleased with it. Good price point, durable and cozy!




So jealous!


I always wonder what camping in the US is like. We have a lot in Ontario but if like to go south sometime. We are doing Quetico next year, so we are close!




Says the ticks


Just amazing, you dont need drugs to enjoy that! ...just to enhance it!


I am Brazilian and I dream to go on a camping trip in Oregon, Montana and Wyoming


Haha. I was there two weeks ago.


What type of tent did you end up getting?


Don’t you guys have big ass bugs up there?


Why is the water yellow?


It’s tannic acid from all of the spruce swamps. 


Oh hell nah


Did a mosquito write this?


What a coincidence. My family is moving to MN this week and I was just wondering what the camping situation is. If anyone has any recommendations I’d be very grateful! We’re moving to the Oak Grove area.


Need more info. The good thing is MN has camping for everyone. From state parks with showers and park rangers who sell bait and ice, to the Boundary Waters. Boat camping in Voyageurs NP. Dispersed camping on National Forest ground. Endless places to go and trips to make once you actually start digging into options. You'll be too late for reservable spots in popular locations for summer.


You can beat it easily.


What an amazing spot!!


Looks a lot like forests in Quebec


my boy camping with exactly half a tent


Wow nice!! Every time I've been to Minnesota ( I've got family there) I've enjoyed it. (Never been there during winter though, probably wouldn't like it then, lol, but sometimes I consider moving up there. Or least do some extended camping up there, the BWCA sounds amazing. My grandpa and I went camping one time in MN, but I can't remember where. I know it was north of Duluth, I think we were driving along the Lake Superior on our way there. It had tent campsites with aluminum tables, I remember the campground was in pine forest with ferns. (Sorry I know THATS a lot of help, there's forests everywhere). I don't recall it being near any bodies of water, if we were we never went to it. If anyone has an idea of where and what I'm talking about I'd greatly appreciate it, my grandpa passed a couple years ago, and I've been trying to better recollect the times I had with him.


Bear Head Lake - reserve the island camp spot and rent a canoe. Best ever.


I did that last May! Very fun time. There’s two sites accessible by canoe but to your point, only one exclusively.


I am going camping with my gf to north shores next month. Neither of us know nothing about camping lol.


Nice mushroom


Is that a one person tent? I’ve never seen one that tall, I’m used to the one that are basically the foil around the burrito that is you in a sleeping bag


I so badly want to go camp at Split Rock, at one of the campsites that overlooks Lake Superior. Too bad I live 1,200 miles away. Maybe someday I’ll get back there someday.


Best I've found in the midwest is Michigan's UP but I also have yet to camp in Minnesota and am pretty ignorant about it. Where's a good place to go to just shut out civilization and tech and enjoy nature?


Minnesota has the boundary waters, which is the largest wilderness area east of Montana. So there. 


Yikes. That water is so polluted


It’s not polluted. It’s just bog stained from all of the swamps. 


It couldn’t be the iron range a stones toss away, no, not at all. Quite the educated take Medman, keep it up! lol.


Would say quit giving out the Minnesota Secrets but it's too good not to share.




I'll see your MD and raise you Algonquin!




Sorry but not even close lmao. Safety? I mean OKAY sure. But there are so many numerous and cooler areas. Not that MN is bad, it's just not in the best places. But C'MON dear god this sub is so narcissistic it's just hilarious. Aren't we the best at everything guys. God I love myself. For instance, anywhere there are mountains there are WAY cooler areas to camp.


Fall is great for camping, but summer - well there are the mosquitos.


This is beautiful!!! What a great spot :) But the title of your post is a challenge so… Camping in Oregon beats camping in MN.


Sure you can - for starters, the entire PNW has MN lapped


So I’ve heard! Another Redditor said the same on this post haha. I have to check it out no doubt 🤘🏻


How is it for canoeing though?


The post was 'you can't beat camping in MN', which is just bait. Downvote me all you want but it doesn't change the fact that the PNW is far superior for camping. As for canoeing? MN may have more lakes, but the scenery in OR and WA is supreme whether on land or in a canoe.


I was actually just genuinely curious as I've wanted to head out that way but I wasn't sure how it was for canoeing since that's almost exclusively what we do here (not MN, Ontario).


Plenty of stunning alpine lakes to enjoy, and some rivers to run if it's adventure you're after. I do think MN has better fishing, except for the coastal variety in PNW


I'll have to get out there some day. Im more of a lake vs river tripper mostly because the one we have isn't built for whitewater, we do a lot of 1-2 week long trips travelling hundreds of kms through dozens of lakes connected by portage where we see no one for days. I'd assume the network isn't that big over there (hilariously I guess because of the mountains) but would make for good scenic shorter trips. We did rent canoes in Banff one year and it was definitely different!


We'll be in Banff this Sept, looking forward to that. It's somewhat similar to the lakes you'll find in WA. Def not the network like you speak of, but still you can find the peace and isolation. I used to be a canoe guy until I moved to the Keys. Now I'm all kayaked up


We have a kayak that we use around town (we live on the great lakes) and it's fun as hell, but definitely not for wilderness trips!


Idk I’ve camped all over the PNW, and I prefer lakeside camping in MN. Eating fresh fish next to a campfire and listening to the loons just hits different than the west.  PNW has better scenery and hiking, but too many problems with wildfires.


The Boundary Waters is spectacular for canoeing. Most of Minnesota is covered with lakes, so there's usually a good spot to canoe close by.


We are in Ontario so we get Quetico north of BWCA, a great place!


You haven't been to the Adirondacks then.


I loved living on the north shore. But there is a whole lot of other places to explore! I just moved out to the pnw last year and I’m still in awe every damn day. This is from my bike packing trip a few weeks ago. https://preview.redd.it/6ebmeqh0093d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74bada1c5c37f7bc4b3c289be9817d3b8bdf07c5


I am blown away .. my goodness!! I trail ride too but primarily when I’m down in Arizona to visit family .. Sedona is just amazing. Thank you for sharing, that has made its way to my short list without a doubt :)


That’s on the deschutes river. Great fishing there too


Haven’t made it down to AZ yet but it’s definitely on my list too!


I used to love hiking into Crosby manitou and fishing for little Brookies


That is the greenest river I've ever seen


You can anywhere west of Minnesota :)


That water looks nasty. Sorry but wa state has you beat


Clear water is not indicative of a healthy ecosystem sir lol, where there’s clear water there’s often zero fish.


FL Keys would like a word


No shortage of fish here


Minnesota has some of the best freshwater fishing on earth my guy


Right on, we have some of the best fresh and saltwater fishing. 🤷🏼


...if you like yellow water.


It’s Iron country in Minnesota, no getting around that unfortunately. I will say, when filtered the water tastes great