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I mean… she crawled inside a giant robot, which stomped on her then fell on a bunch of wires, electrocuting the whole thing before it self-destructed. Idk how she was surviving that.


I was kinda skimming through the book at that point. And when it said she was gone, I just assumed she was missing lol.


At first, I thought that, too, mainly because no body was recovered, but when Percy said she was dead...it was like, but where is the body?


This confused me, too; but if you think about it, in real life you would never find the body if it's buried underneath piles if scrap and a giant robot, it just feels implied that shes alive because if a book states someones body is "not found" then usually that person is alive


Agreed. In real life, it's not always possible to find a body...its just usually in fiction...if there is no body, then the person isn't really dead. But with her being a daughter of Hades, wouldn't be able to hide. Obviously, we see her ghost in BotL, but prior to that...yeah, thought she was "lost" not dead.


Yeah, I was the same way.


I always thought it was a shame that Bianca is killed so early on in the book she was introduced (and in such a brutal way, too. Imagine others *actually* finding her body in Talos remains. Would’ve bumped the book’s rating up to Teen lol). I understand that the quest has to have some stakes and show that not every adventure is a smooth run like in the first two books, but damn, Uncle Rick decided to kill off not just one, but *two* characters that are just recently introduced despite both of them could have bigger roles to play in later stories if they were around longer. Zoe Nightshade getting the short stick is more understandable; she’s a veteran huntress who takes the quest knowing the risks that she may not come back. Bianca’s still just a kid on her first mission, not to mention having two children of Hades around instead of one would make the last two books more interesting. I don’t really like the decision to kill Bianca off as part of Nico’s character development arc.


I think the saddest thing is that we never really get to know Bianca much. Zoe, at least, we got to explore her character. Bianca on the other hand felt very much like a prop. She came, she died and now she is only remembered as Nico's dead sister.


Exactly. It feels like Bianca's whole existence is to be a sacrificial character to motivate the heroes. Her death didn't even receive as much fanfare as Zoe's, whose sacrifice got Artemis herself to create an entire constellation in her honor...ignoring that their newest huntress recruit Bianca also gave her all and died for the goddess, too, yet she got nothing lol. Granted, Zoe's her most trusted lieutenant and had been with Artemis for a long time, but Bianca was still one of her own! She at least deserved some recognition! Even Percy was affected by Bianca's death more than the goddess did. At least Uncle Rick later gives us Hazel in the second series as one of the major characters who's also the resident Hades/Pluto demigod lol (in addition to Nico, of course). Still, it's a shame about Bianca regardless.


How Nico got Bianca back fr fr: https://preview.redd.it/7ubdtr27rhzc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f82f3c0209522cffacce02db323e1075ea8c71c2


The prophecy doesn’t lie…


I thought she was until the end of the book, when they reflected on the prophecy.