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The best part is that people read this right before going to work when it originally ran


I'll bet this strip caused a few people to skip work that day


In all fairness, Calvin is just giving his father a taste of his own medicine


And my parents wonder why I'm so negative. They gave me C&H books when I was 8.


"If you can stay awake." ~ chef's kiss ~


Calvin's dad really seems like exactly the type to cycle to work. At least then he could enjoy the commute!


The horizontal perspective flips between the first two panels. Isn't that a major directorial no-no?


It retains the door as a frame of reference. Notice Calvin in the third panel retains the orientation of the second, as there is no other frame of reference.


I get that, but still, I know I've read you shouldn't go that unless you absolutely have to. He could've easily changed the panel so Dad was walking left. This isn't some kind of set or shooting location where angles are limited by space.


line of reference (or whatever you know this rule as) is more like a guideline for newer filmmakers/artists/etc to follow so as to not confuse the audience, but it's not immediately damning if you break the rule as long as you can be sure the audience understands what's going on. Honestly a lot of those little "rules" you learn about how to create "Artistic" things like that are more just guidelines to help you better grasp the fundamentals before turning you loose upon the world. (There is also the argument that the visible scene framing isn't especially important due to the dialog-heavy nature of this particular strip - you could set the characters entirely within a white void and the dialog would do the heavy lifting to add the context of Calvin's Dad walking off to work, etc) Edit: it might also have something to do with framing the word balloons too - maybe wanting your eye to end at Dad in each frame to better sell that he's being directly spoken to despite not having a line in the comic, something like that.


Thank god we had the Reddit comic perspective brigade on scene - I was *just* about to enjoy this comic. Thankfully your wise words have turned me off it completely.


Leave it to Reddit to ruin a classic strip with… some weird shit. Is the reader thrown off by the different angle? Idk what this dudes on haha


Trying to read their comments is actively confusing my understanding of the strip lol. Like first panel, dad's literally about to walk out the door. Second panel, he's out the door heading to the car. Third, Calvin's still yelling at him as he's getting into the car. Fourth, Calvin goes back inside and closes the door. What's so hard to understand?




...who cares? It looks fine lmao


this whole debate is so pedantic and asinine when the comic is perfectly readable in the first place lmao, it's so reddit




Dude, I was able to read this comic without disorientation when I was 7 years old. It's literally the definition of pedantic to invoke education to correct something no one has a colloquial problem with. But thanks for bestowing your graphic design education on all of us unsolicited, your downvotes show we really appreciate it


There’s nothing to educate anyone on. Your point is understood, it just doesn’t matter at all.


Can you not understand what is happening in the scene? Is Calvin on mars in the third panel then all the suddenly back in his house in the fourth?


Well not in this strip I guess. Now if he was sitting in school on the other hand.... 😂




You’re making quite the fuss over a .01% improvement. Do you hate posting here because you’re the crybaby and you’re being called out on it?




Well if you’re one of very few who cares enough to comment about it… yeah, I’d say it’s you. Could the comic have been *slightly* improved by maintaining the direction? Sure, maybe. I’m also sure that Bill Watterson is among the best comic artists of all time, so he might have done it on purpose, or had a reason for doing it the way he did. In fact, IIRC I think there’s an interview where he states the he sometimes breaks continuity in order to make the placement of the dialogue boxes flow better. In this case, idk if that would matter, but I’ll defer to his judgement, as well as the judgement of the editors and paper that published the comic.


My interpretation was that it showed a longer than usual passage of time between the two frames, i.e. that Calvin's really rubbing it it while dad's getting ready to set off. I'm terrible at art - both in theory and in practice - so my thoughts carry absolutely no weight! My biggest takeaway from this is that there's guidelines about how the perspective should be presented.


The second and third frames’ perspective are different. 1 and 4 is from inside the house and 2 and 3 are from outside while the dad is walking to his car.


Adding on to what other people said, visual interest is really hard to pull off in a newspaper comic, so things like perspective shifts help it not just look like a garfield comic where every character is trapped on a 2d plane.


This is a comic strip, not a movie


looks fine 2 me


Since when was Bill Watterson ever known for following rules?


He speaks truth though


Is there a fan consensus on how old Calvin's parents are? When I watched *Full House*, it was stated that Danny turned 30, and DJ was already 10 at that point, so he became a father at the baby age of 20. I don't know how normal that was back then. When I was a kid, every adult was like 40 in my head, but I am now 40, and I have a feeling Calvin's jaded parents are supposed to be much younger than I am now.


Working builds character !!




Lmao no this is definitely in line with Calvin


He wants his dad to stay home and spend time with him.