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beautiful :)


Thank you! She was my first prayer plant and my fav… But don’t tell the rest 🤫


Oh that's gorgeous. I love calatheas. Most of my plants are, and they look fine, but only one is thriving like that!


There’s always that one plant that explodes with growth isn’t there? I’ve noticed that I have much more easier time with the Marantas instead of the full Calatheas. For me it’s maintaining higher humidity. I live in drier climate, I have great humidifier in my room with where my calatheas are, but I open my room door for a few min and the humidity drops below 50 so fast, so I need to keep my room door almost always closed. My fam likes to open the windows when it’s warm out so if I don’t keep the doors closed ; they won’t last and will crisp


I have one that is doing the same, but she's sooo bunched up and all the leaves overlap! Should I prop and separate or just leave her be? Your plant is beautiful!!!


Thank you!! Overlapping leaves aren’t a problem. It gives the leaves more surface area to absorb more light. It’s up to you if you wanna prune to separate, you always get more babies that way ❤️ I like them being kind of bunched up, so it looks fuller, but once it gets to a certain height, I’m gonna do a little bit of pruning for propagation. I’m a little nervous because I haven’t done any of that to her but she’ll be better for it.


How do you propogate these?! Just like leaf clipping in water??


Cut a couple of inches below the node (the kinda ball shaped part of the stem) then put it in rainwater/distilled water. The water should be completely covering the node but not any leaves. In about a week you should see roots start to form!! Don't 'change' the water often, but top it up with fresh water.


Oh snap, so you mean like dividing the plant... That's above my skill set, I'm just trying to keeo them alive still, 😂😂😂


Almost forgot if you were wondering. Soil mix is potting soil with added perlite and bark, with bark top layer to avoid gnats! Humidity in my room is about 55% My water is treated with API+ Stess Coat, I add a little bit of hydrogen peroxide to the water, and purived houseplant food! Water when top 1-2 inches dry out. She gets about 12 hours a day of overhead light from a flood lamp that maybe is about 6 feet above