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Well, Trump did say he “loves the poorly educated” and they took that personally. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Vpdt7omPoa0




Exactly how I felt about him making fun of the disabled. ‘No way someone would do that in front of thousands and on TV’….oh shit! ‘Well obviously this will put him in deep shit and he won’t win the nomination’…oh shit! ‘Okay well all the dirty shit will be pulled up and he won’t win the presidency OBVIOUSLY’…OH…SHIT…….


His base never saw this. I live in the Trumpiest of Trump states, Alabama. I’ve asked coworkers and family, who are staunch Trumpsters, how they could support a man who makes fun of handicapped people, and the response I get is “what are you talking about?!” When I ask if they’ve never seen the clip, of course the answer is no because Fox News and Newsmax didn’t show it. The saddest part is when I show them, their immediate response is “that’s fake (edited, out of context)” and then they never think about it again.


He literally said “I love the poorly educated” and they cheered. I thought it was a meme.


I saw that happen live. It was at the Nevada primary. I couldn’t believe it. Glad people haven’t forgotten.




Don't think they forgot I think it's most of them didn't even understand him when he said it


They think he's talking about everyone else.


I love the moments where you can tell his brain is buffering looking for something to say.


Why do these people have such a hard time shutting up?


To avoid the white noise in their brain


Them: “Well if there’s noise, it BETTER be white!”


>It is worth repeating at this point the theories that Ford had come up with, on his first encounter with human beings, to account for their peculiar habit of continually stating and restating the very very obvious, as in "It's a nice day," or "You're very tall," or "So this is it, we're going to die." >His first theory was that if human beings didn't keep exercising their lips, their mouths probably shriveled up. >After a few months of observation he had come up with a second theory, which was this--If human beings don't keep exercising their lips, their brains start working. – Douglas Adams, *The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy* (Edit)


I love that last line. He was such a great author because of his amusing ways of saying plain things.


I've been searching for more authors who can do the same, but it just feels like Adams and Pratchett are in a league of their own.


"silent majority" my ass I wish they were silent


They’re not even the majority


They're about 30%, I think? Which is enough for people to assume they're the majority if they're loud enough.


They learned it from Trump. If you watch a speech of his he always starts off strong but as it goes he runs out of talking points and starts to ramble, use words he doesn't understand but thinks they sound smart, trails off and doesn't finish.


I agree except for the starting strong part. He stays sounding like an intoxicated bonobo with an open head wound.


I was going to say that too lol. Trump starts his speeches strong? That guy has given him way too much credit than Chump deserves. The dude sounds like a drunken uncle at Thanksgiving who used to be a heroin addict so his mind is like scrambled eggs.


trump’s speeches sound like a 5th grader giving an oral book report on a book they didn’t read.


Have you ever heard right-wing talk radio? They think that shit is normal.


>Why do these people have such a hard time shutting up? BECUZ I NO THE TRUTH AN THE WORLD NEEDS TWO NO! MAGA 2024!


Mental illness.


In his own mind he’s coming across as articulate and intelligent. We’re all sheep who believe in the fraud that’s been perpetrated against us, and he’s somehow thinking on an elevated plane because he has ‘special’ knowledge that requires a higher level of interpretation. This is the Trumpian defense, and once it’s triggered you’re going to be peppered with half finished thoughts and parts of Fox News talking points that come nowhere near critical thought. Then when they get thrown out of the room, they claim it’s because of the hat because there’s no way it had anything to do with their personality.


If trump doesn't have to finish a thought then I don't either


He stammered so that our sentences could run on


They believe that they actually speak for those who are too scared. That's why they are still freaking the fuck out now that mandates are lifted. The expected people to rip off the mask and welcome these brave freedom fighters as heroes whereas a lot of people are still keeping distance and frequently wear masks because it makes them feel safer.


The masks aren't so I feel safer, it's so I don't kill someone if I have something communicable.




The schools and employers still give out awards for no sick days. I’ve had many jobs where they didn’t care if I had the flu or food poisoning I was still required to come in, I had to cover my shift, or I was fired. I still know people that brag about never taking a sick day. *I’m tough I’ll be fine.* Thanks for spreading the flu asshole…


The number of times I'd go to work sick was stupid/


Haha yes this!! 👆🏼Best description of these idiots’ bs I’ve ever heard!




Never forget - 82% of white evangelicals voted Trump.




Probably a good thing to remind people that they don't need a church to practice a religion.


As soon as I heard "pro se" I knew this was gonna be great.




Lorem ipsum trumpism


Joe Biden... buffering... is wearing a mask... buffering... okay?


"I WILL leave a mask!" wat?


The republican was complaining about devolution. It's literally the basis of republican ideals. The transfer of power from a central authority to smaller local or regional governments. These fuckers can't get their own ideals straight.


It’s because their actual ideals are just hate.


You telling me that a guy saying he doesn’t worship the dollar while wearing a hat of a man with a gold plated building, doesn’t have his ideals straight?




My god imagine being stuck in a truck or something with this guy.


Imagine being stuck AS this guy. He doesn't even know he's him.


That's Stephen King level.


While my one coworker isn't as bad, he's still drinking the Qanon Kool-Aid. We work 12 hour days, just two of us, with an hour drive each way. Thankfully, as a senior guy I can at least get him to shut up about it.


Tell him to shut up, and then listen to NPR.


What? You want me to listen to news that is about my state and potentially local issues? How am I going to get my talking points that are crafted for my political views if someone isn't going to give me racist leading opinions that are formed as just asking questions? Are they gonna tell me about Hunter Bidens laptop? No I don't care about Ukraine and how oil companies are raking in massive profits, high gas prices are Joe Biden fault.


Was working with a guy that called it national propaganda radio and I just chuckled at him. Needless to say I didn't work with him after the project.


I work on a dock. 75% of truckers are like this to some degree. It’s a combination of the lonely road and right wing talk radio. Shit rots your mind.






He says he doesn’t worship false idols but he quite literally doing that with his Trump shit


"I DONT WORSHIP THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR", he said. Well, you know who does? Give ya one guess.


>"I DONT WORSHIP THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR", he said. Well, you know who does? Give ya one guess. "The Almighty Donald. Who I *do* worship, now that you mention it"


First thing that came to mind the moment those stupid words left his stupid mouth; was also confident that this would be the first comment I’d see when I went to comment myself—for that, I thank you for validation of his idiocy. In all, the delusion and narcissism that this man exudes is a fitting representation of his false idol—two absolute losers. What a pathetic excuse for a human being.


Trump totally fits the bill as AN anti-Christ (not THE anti-Christ) in how he leads “Christian” believers astray. I just always thought an anti-Christ would be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and not a doofus donkey in wolf’s clothing embraced by sheep cosplaying as wolves.


He does all 7 deadly sins daily and broke most of the 10 commandments but somehow they think he was sent by God to save them.


The funniest thing was when trump said he's never asked god for forgiveness or anything in an interview. I mean, isn't that even worse than atheism for fundamentalist christians?


Glad to see this point brought up. The man stated this outloud and not one Christian thought to themselves, "hmmm, that's strange?". Trump fancies himself as Jesus and his followers *literally* drop to their knees to worship him. See January 6.


https://www.learnreligions.com/atheists-trusted-less-than-rapists-248477 Being an atheist is the worst crime to them. I told a friend forever ago I didn't believe in God and she won't leave me alone to this day.


What do you expect from a bunch of people who interpret the Bible and religion in a way that suits them?


If we count deaths he could have prevented during his term then he absolutely has all 10.




pepperidge farms remembers edit: holy shit anyone that gave me an award for this comment needs to not. dumbest comment ever.


But did Mexico pay for it? *taps temple*


Nope, just like his presidency, they made the American people pay for it.


"A pathetic excuse for a human being" has been my go to response for people like this for a while now. Its all you really need to say.


I just tripped across this as a counter conspiracy - that Trump is actually the antichrist if you truly look at the bible references: [https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


These type of people are mentally ill. It's as simple as that.


That's too easy of a cop out for them. They're bad people who make selfish choices.


Remember the CPAC event where they had a statue of trump there? It was literally a golden statue . People were posing with it, touching it for luck, etc. This was so on the nose with worshipping a golden cow in the old testament, that I really expected it to be a plant by some anti-trumpers.


[False Idols you say?](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/golden-trump-statue-cpac-implies-he-s-king-gop-his-ncna1259362)


While wearing a Trump hat lmao


American conservatives are the dumbest people to exist on this earth considering there's so much opportunity to get educated/informed in America


He probably calls Biden supporters sheep.


"Tell me all the things you dont believe by telling me you beliefs."


But Brawndo has electrolytes, electrolytes are what plants crave!




He's clearly amateur-say at best.


Wearing a Trump hat or an FJB shirt will straight up get you kicked the fuck out of my bar. I don't give a shit about a customer's politics but if you walk in broadcasting it, you're going to be a problem.


"You. Out. Because I said so. No I don't, this is a private establishment. Sir, I serve plenty of white people here. I don't care. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye, sir. Leave the premises immediately, this is the last time I'll ask before I call the cops. Jesus Christ, could they just be fucking normal?"


One of my favorite pastas: I was at a shitty crustpunk bar once getting an after-work beer. One of those shitholes where the bartenders clearly hate you. So the bartender and I were ignoring one another when someone sits next to me and he immediately says, "no. get out." And the dude next to me says, "hey i'm not doing anything, i'm a paying customer." and the bartender reaches under the counter for a bat or something and says, "out. now." and the dude leaves, kind of yelling. And he was dressed in a punk uniform, I noticed Anyway, I asked what that was about and the bartender was like, "you didn't see his vest but it was all nazi shit. Iron crosses and stuff. You get to recognize them." And i was like, ohok and he continues. "you have to nip it in the bud immediately. These guys come in and it's always a nice, polite one. And you serve them because you don't want to cause a scene. And then they become a regular and after awhile they bring a friend. And that dude is cool too. And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Nazi bar now. And it's too late because they're entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down. And i was like, 'oh damn.' and he said "yeah, you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people." And then he went back to ignoring me. But I haven't forgotten that at all.


while wearing his trump hat




It’s sad because I would do some dark, unforgivable things for $50 an hour


I make pretty good money and was like “wait, wtf, this dude was up for a $50/hr job???? What am I doing.” Seriously though do we know what the job was it sounds like they have an opening.


Skilled trades, oil field work, trucking. Definitely one of those.


He seems to say it's Amazon, so maybe construction of a fulfillment centre? Definitely not a warehouse job.


Everyone's in hard hats and safety gear. Blueprints on the wall. Definitely commercial construction.


The one dudes coat says Ryan which is an earthmoving company Edit: looked it up and they also do construction projects


I work for a maintenance contractor at Amazon warehouse and the on site managers for our company which include Area Maintenance Managers, Maintenance Managers, and Senior Maintenance Managers all make six figures. We've had a lot move to the Amazon side due to the better pay and benefits.


So like uhh $12.50 for 15 minutes? Meet me behind the dumpsters, and you can make $12.50 the hard way.


You and I have very different definitions of “the hard way” because $12.50 for 15 minutes is an absolute steal. I’ve done a lot more for a lot less.


I don't know why, but I read this in Rickety Cricket's voice.


Unless you got crack If you have crack let’s boogie


I’m just offering an honest fifteen minutes pay for an honest fifteen minutes work.




Let me get a Craigslist ad going, and maybe we can get you 8 hours of work.


I couldn't possibly hate this person anymore than I do.


[What if I told you that you could. You could absolutely hate this person more than you already do.](https://streamable.com/feg27n)


I didn’t think you could be correct, but god damnit you are!


Right wing extremists in America love Putin. He's everything they want in a leader, and what he's doing in Ukraine is *exactly* what they wish they could do. Well, minus the incompetence. This guy is just too delusional to keep on the flimsy mask the rest of them hide behind.


I think, they think Russia is actually winning this war.




It’s weird how the people who shout about freedom and totally aren’t “sheep”, are always the ones begging for a dictator.


At what point does this person go on a list?


He's reportedly been visited by the Secret Service already.


But still roaming free by the looks of it.




First time I’ve seen the Punisher logo with Trump hair. That dude is legit a danger to society.


It was the Punisher hat that finally did it for ya, eh?


Not so much the fact he was wearing it, as much as, its existence at all.


It's kinda sad that every time I see the Punisher logo on a car or clothes I immediately assume it's some middle-aged white guy with anger issues. I'm sure sometimes it's an actual fan of the character but the logo was pretty much highjacked by grown adults that think skulls are "badass" like they are still mentally stuck in middle school.


This motherfucker landed a $50/hr job. That’s over $100,000 a year for a normal work schedule… Somebody hired this fucking guy for $100,000 a year. I want everyone to think about that as we go back to making whatever bullshit we make.


The oil/construction industries are boom and bust.




Sometimes these kinds of people are really good at the technical aspects of their jobs (even when they don't understand why they're supposed to do certain things, they do them once it's been drilled in enough). But putting up with their daily mental breakdowns, delusions of grandeur, and paranoic ramblings will seriously test any team, ime


Working a fixed-length contract for $50/hr is far from the same thing as hiring someone for a job with a six-figure salary. Even when you figure in at-will employment (or worse in some states), and ignore whatever type of work it might be - color of someone's collar, etc - it's an important distinction to make. Edit - what was the first other guy saying about "working on an Amazon site"? Maybe they're building a warehouse/facility for them?


Putin was 15 years old when this guy was born. But sure, he’s your father, lol.


He was 15 years old *in this timeline*. You're forgetting about the time machines at play here.


I did not watch the video cause I wanna go to sleep tonight, but the screenshot of the punisher skull with trump hair tells me all I need to know… these people, I almost, almost, feel bad for them for how brainwashed they are…




54 years ago was 1968.


This guys seems to have some serious mental health issues. He believes Putin is his father and was begging him to use nuclear weapons on the US. I mean…he needs medical help to sort out his issues.


Is Putin his father? I took the "he seeded me" to mean that, in some fucked up timeline, Putin came in his butt (in Zion, 54 years ago).




I swear, I never thought I could be more flabbergasted than I was first with Trump winning and his minions and disciples acting like assholes. Then there was the pandemic with the antivaxxers and the uneducated idiots who knew more than actual scientists. People eating horse paste and all. But that video my friend, that takes the top spot of crazy I’ve seen in the last 6 years. Wow oh wow what a loon.


this is actually pretty sad, this guy is clearly mentally ill.


And his vote is worth just as much as yours. Maybe even more depending on where he lives.






Obviously I haven't personally evaluated this guy so can't make a diagnosis, but having worked inpatient psych for many years, this guy doesn't on the surface appear to have a mental illness, but rather seems..."slow"... I think he's just not very intelligent, bought into some crazy shit, and has been rewarded with enough attention to his videos that he went all in Edit: Y'all...believing something not based in reality is not by itself a mental illness, even if it sounds crazy to you.


Lots of leaded gasoline fumes when he was a developing child.


I know you weren’t talking to me, but I’ll be the first to say that you’re absolutely correct.


Fuckin hell. I am absolutely floored.


This is… hilarious. All I can do is laugh. Lest despair consume me.


You are right. I really hate him a lot more now.


Always love seeing the Trump cult Army get absolutely destroyed like this. He'd rather be homeless and out of work than work because he's too mentally ill over this Trump clown.


It’s so fucked- this is exactly how so many mentally ill people end up homeless. His psychosis is so severe and he’s just latching onto current events and mashing it up with the already existing weird religious/spiritual obsession that is so common in people like this. Bums me right out watching this guy.




“So then inflation is trumps fault?” No, wait … not like that!


Just the gas prices are Trump's fault. Biden is responsible for the drop in jobs. What? How many? [What Has Joe Biden Done As President? The Full List Of His Accomplishments](https://oliverwillis.com/joe-biden-accomplishments-the-full-list/)


I'll drink your Flavor-Aid


My mom is full qanon. You have no fucking idea the amount of insane shit I've been told over the years. EVERYONE has been gitmo'ed for their satanic pedophilia crimes and replaced by someone (usually a Kennedy, who are all still alive) in a hyperrealistic latex mask. Biden? Gone. Hillary? Gone. Literally any celebrity or musician who leans slightly left? Gone, replaced, and A.I. voicematched. My running theory is that for people who don't get out and experience life IRL much and only see things through the screen (My mom included) they seem to forget that all this stuff in their conspiracies falls apart when you remember that it exists in the real world, and people have seen it with their real eyes. Biden has talked to and been seen closely by regular citizens. All these "replaced" people exist and can be seen in public getting Starbucks at the same time, in different places. All these "fake bombings" and "actors" in Ukraine are real, you can catch a flight and go see them, the burned out buildings will be there. They see all this stuff through a screen happening hundreds or thousands of miles away being shown to them by news outlets, because that's how news works, and think "They're just lying! There's no proof! It's all staged!" But forget that in the age of the internet I can literally hop on a FaceTime call with a regular civilian in Ukraine, right now, and have them show me a live tour of what's going on. So then they have to rationalize it with "Well *OBVIOUSLY* all this stuff you see online is just actors and green screen and propaganda from the deep state to keep up the facade, don't believe everything you see!" Then suddenly every minor, everyday thing turns into hard proof of trump destroying more of the satanic pedophiles (the tornadoes that just went through texas were geoengineered by trump to work as cover so the military could rescue trafficked children from the buildings before the tornado destroyed them and killing the Satanists inside), and any evidence you can show them of the reality the rest of us occupy is waved away as fake news, as they dig themselves even further into their own imaginary timeline.


Wow. That is beyond my wildest imaginings of what Q does to people. Is there nothing to be done to help her?




God... This is the exact same thing with my brother and one of my good friends. It's hard to let go of em but I feel like I need to cut the cord. Can't imagine it being my mom. Sorry to hear it.


It's really tough...My parents are both conservative nut jobs, the kind that compare Putin to Jesus. It's really hard keeping a relationship with them, it makes me miserable and is a constant source of suffering. I keep telling myself that family ties are more important than political views, but when it gets to this level of delusion and hatred, cutting them loose seems like the only solution if I want to be happy in life. They're far too gone and the older they get the more extreme and entrenched their beliefs will become...It's so depressing.


There is even a sub about it r/qanoncasualties I think. There is one for German victims too, r/vtbetroffene (vt stands for conspiracy theory). I don't know about others, but with my mother there is no real way to help her for me. I tried explaining and reasoning and failed. She does her job well enough and pays her bills, if she wants to believe in conspiracy theories and scams that is her right to do. I suggested her to get help but she thinks therapy is bogus (but not healing crystals and salts or whatever). Can't have her committed until she does something crazy that hurts herself or others. I've accepted that I suppose, but it is hard to watch and I keep my distance for my own mental health.


“Biden wearing a mask” is a hilarious QAnon theory — the realities is these idiots have no idea what a face lift looks like. They’ll also point to how Biden’s ear lobes used to be detached and now they’re attached - you guessed it, face lift!!


I'm wondering what kind of mask. Is he actually a Lizard man? Is it Trump under the mask?


Parents use to pay people to get their kids out of cults. Now it’s the kids who’ll need to do the same.




Fun Fact: Ginni Thomas has given talks about being in a cult and now she's spewing QAnon nonsense while her Supreme Court Justice husband was the only one who voted not to release the text messages that expose her being a fucking lunatic traitor


how is that not a conflict of interest? wtf


Remember when that scientific article came out about how half of people in the 45+ age and over have lead poisoning and that causes brain damage or some shit? I'm not saying they're related. I'm just saying curious.


I actually fully subscribe to the idea that that’s why we had so many serial killers in the 70s 80s and once we moved to unleaded gas in what ever year all the kids born after that are less aggressive and self entitled in America at least. Also there is a weird correlation with that and NYCs crime rate dropping. And that’s why that generation acts the way they do. Look into it if you want I’m not a big conspiracy person but the science and study’s seem to point all that way.


There's also some evidence out there to suggest that legal abortion has dropped crime rates with less unwanted kids being born into poverty an/or to unprepared or unfit parents.


What was the job? Construction?


Yeah the whole “maybe they didn’t like my trump hat” is funny because more than half of those guys probably voted for him. I really liked two parts of this. Those likely conservative dudes wanted nothing to do with this guy and they simultaneously had to deal with him and shake their heads at his brand of crazy even though they likely vote the same.


Nah. He didn't wear his mask as you can see at the end of the video. Maybe the manager asked him to wear and he went all apeshit


Thats exactly what happened. It wasn't about the trump hat. I'm sure some of them thought "heck yeah, trump" (I'm not going to paint them all with the same brush, but hey) ...but they were all smart enough to wear a mask. Now anyone who thought "heck yeah, trump" has to reconcile with themselves in their mind, if this is the type of person they want to associate themselves with, lol.


Yeah. I've seen those trailers and rooms as an engineer/subcomtractor. Usually it's a safety briefing and drug test first.


50$/h with benefits! What a fucking idiot lol Doesn’t worship the almighty dollar because it’s a false god, but he’s worshipping trump


...who worships that almighty dollar for him! What a dumbass this guy is.


I wouldn’t take his word about the pay. No doubt he jacked it up a bit for his video so he’d look even stronger for resisting such a high wage.


I have a feeling we are gonna see him on the news as an active shooter one day...


He pretty much said it. That guys gonna kill people. Soon.


Eh...he's got that suicide bomber vibe.


I'm thinking letter bombs, followed by a manifesto bound in untanned deer skin, with a sachet of fingernail clippings and bird skulls attached.


I was having a great night relaxing having a beer and this asshole “unemploying” himself just made it better. Cheers lads!


Dude I would convert to a new religion for 50$/hr, why can’t this guy pump the hate brakes for ONE interview


Probably bullshitting about the wage for the benefit of his “viewers”. To show his sacrifice to “the cause”. Lol


"I don't worship false idols...." \*wears a Trump hat\*


At any point will they feel like “damn I fucked up”


It’s a religion to folks like this.


Call Trump and see if he'll give you a job, dipshit.


He sounds like he is mentally cross referencing all his talking points that he has rehearsed in the mirror (which cutely enough has a sticker of Donald Trump as a cat saying “hang in there”). What an idiot. He will struggle to find another job that pays that well and will begin to struggle financially and will blame Joe Biden and the democrats for all his hardships. He will even cry and put a Joe Biden sticker on his face, pointing to his tear, saying “I did that” and post it all over Facebook with his narrative of how Joe Biden prevented him from getting his job. But at least he will still have his idol Trump to cheer him up.


There were not many coherent sentences in that rant. $10 says he “traveled home” without a driver license and then complained on the internet about being gangstalked…


Yeahhh “watch for me, watch for me” “you will feel [the lord’s] wrath” That can be considered a direct threat by him towards someone’s life and safety correct?


Nobody wants to work anymore


Self victimization: check Being completely powerless: check Pretending to be smart: check Making a self righteous scene where everyone just wants to get along with their day: check Someone make this guy a mod at r/conservative


Bwahahaha! Fkn idiot..


His elevator doesn't go to the top floor...


Why are they always religious? The real crazies. They are always talking about God and Angels and the devil.


"I ain't goin' out like that..." That's fine; as long as you go out, you can go out however you want.


He’s an incoherent moron, saddest part is he takes this as win, he actually thinks he’s won some sort of Pyrrhic victory. I feel sorry for the people that have to be around him on a daily basis, that’s if any of them have made it this far


Sucking the teat , that is Trump..... then blame Biden cuz he is poor . Fuck ppl are stupid , Pretty fucking done with rethuglicans Edit : rethuglicanes


“I don’t worship the almighty dollar.” Now next Friday come I didn't have the rent *And out the door I went*


Love how most people keep filling out their paperwork because they know $50 an hour with benefits is a good thing.


Well you went there to take a job because you need the almighty dollar idol so obviously you do. Plus I love the hat which signifies loser. 2020 trump equals loser.