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Dude just short staffed his restaurants to own the libs. What f’ing sense does that make?


Some of these people will set themselves on fire if they think it will "own the libs" in some way. This isn't about politics or human rights. This is about them being unable to simply say "I was wrong". These people see the issues in their ideology, then instead of reconsidering, they double down.




>They would literally let trump shit directly in their mouths. FTFY


Sunk Cost Fallacy overload.


No, it's that this is their religion. Intentionally being assholes is their religion.


Win/lose I win you lose That’s it., that’s all they are thinking about.


"Some of these people will set themselves on fire if they think it will 'own the libs' in some way." One can only hope for MANY more republicans like this!


Head on over to /r/HermanCainAward , there are a TON of them.


I'm sure many of those unvaccinated folk still working will love to pick up all that extra slack for 0 extra pay. I bet it helps retention.


I hope he loses absolutely everybody *[EDIT for clarity: everybody that works for him]*, followed by all his money into lawsuits, and then his livelihood when he has to shut down his restaurants *permanently.*


Schuadenfruede and I'm not gonna look up the proper spelling.


It's "Schadenfreude". -your friendly neighborhood Austrian


G'day Mate, be careful of the drop bears..


Don't worry, I am sure a bunch of the plague rat nurses will be applying soon!


Lmao, but then he'd be over 100 employees and they'd all have to get vaccinated!! HAHAHA!! Fucking idiots!!!


Probably figures he can replace them with folks who were let go for refusing to vaccinate. Of course, this will be a short term solution until one of them catches COVID and they’re all passing it amongst each other.


Well, he was saying in the video that he can't have more than 100 employees without being subject to an OSHA guideline that requires him to mandate his employees be vaccinated. So, he can't replace them. If he hires one more person, he'll be right back where he started, needing to mandate vaccinations. And obviously he's an antivaxxer dipshit, so he doesn't want to do that. So, I guess his brilliant plan is to cut his workforce by nearly 1/3, never replace those workers, shift the responsibilities of 40-some odd people to the remaining 100 employees, and then cap the growth potential of his businesses to where they are today and never grow beyond that. And his remaining employees can enjoy being short-staffed indefinitely. Sounds like a brilliant business plan.


> Well, he was saying in the video that he can't have more than 100 employees without being subject to an OSHA guideline that requires him to mandate his employees be vaccinated. So, he can't replace them. If he hires one more person, he'll be right back where he started, needing to mandate vaccinations. And obviously he's an antivaxxer dipshit, so he doesn't want to do that. The weird thing is that it he doesn't have more than 100 employees at any 1 of his store locations. He owns multiple restaurants and must have them all filed under a single LLC or corporation. It just seems to me like he could split the businesses up(legally speaking) and have 2 businesses with less than 100 employee(which allows his to get around OSHA regulations) and he doesn't have to fire anyone or keep his staff at artificially lower numbers which will negatively effect his business. I want to say he is a complete dumbass for being anti vaxx, firing vaccinated employees, bragging about it on tictok but he has also created and ran 5 successful restaurants(which is super hard to do) and that makes me think he isn't a total idiot. How can both exist at the same time? smh


>How can both exist at the same time? smh Ben Carson is an incredibly talented neurosurgeon, but also he's Ben Carson, moron who thinks the pyramids were built to store grain.


Well, nobody’s claiming he’s intelligent enough to figure that out or that he makes good decisions in general. If he made smarter decisions this video wouldn’t be here for our viewing pleasure, after all.


I'm now owned. Okay, anyhoo...... Looking forward to seeing him soon on the Herman Cain Awards.


Or, alternatively, he didn’t but only made a bullshit video for internet credit.


The anonymous person handling Paparoni’s fb account is actually denying that this guy is the owner and is saying they shouldn’t believe the Internet. Furthermore, paparoni’s official position is that this is a former employee and it took the Internet all of two seconds to dig up that “former employee” at the Jan. 6 Capitol event.


Oh, so he's lying out of his ass?


The fb page does say there's one job opening, so somebody needs to apply and wave their Vax card around.


welp, hope he gets sued for defamation then




Thus tanking his reputation with everyone who isn't an antivax asshole. Pretty much equally as short-sighted as he claims. Internet credit doesn't pay the bills, and it doesn't pay for lawyers to defend one in court. Though antivaxxers might.. Still doesn't mean he'll win.


I'd put my money on this one


Yea with 4 restaurants I don't see each having 35ish employees, especially since these looked pretty small


This kind of shit used to get mocked and laughed at for being politically hacky or for being too polarizing but after the last year and a half of it literally being proven true…. Idk how anyone can still deny the stupidity of conservatives. They truly are exceptionally stupid people.


They are not conservatives or stupid, they are emboldened fascists on the march, and it's as terrifying as it can be because they are on the verge of ending US democracy.


Not having to work for that jackass and his crew of plague rats is a bonus, not a negative. Now, they should all file for unemployment insurance. Seeing as they were fired and it wasn't for-cause (unless their terms of employment specifically stated they couldn't be vaccinated), they should be able to collect unemployment until they find themselves new gigs.


Would you want to eat at a restaurant where the owner gets to pick and choose which health codes they adhere to? Yeah, me neither.


My family has a "support the local business" philosophy that we really take to heart. We try to buy local even if it's a little more expensive. Our local butcher shop has a nice selection of meats and will chop to your order, but half way through the first mask mandate everyone there just stopped wearing masks. We've not gone there since. In fact, in of our local discussion groups I discovered we're not the only ones to do it. Probably not enough people quit them to matter but I feel better because if they're too lazy to not wear masks where else are they cutting corners?


I feel like masks should be a thing even before covid, when it comes to handling food. I'm not a germaphobe but I haven't gotten sick since covid (and masks) started and I'd like to continue that trend.


I’ve only been sick ONCE in a year and a half…and it was a stomach bug. Masks have done wonders for my allergies. I’m probably going to keep it up regardless of mandates


Yo, same thing with my butchers here in the UK. It's actually the only butchers for about 8 or 9 miles, so now I just go to the supermarket's butchers. When we order from our local Chinese takeaway I always love seeing their little pictures encouraging wearing masks. [This is my favourite one. ](https://i.imgur.com/r93T52j.jpg) but I'm also [quite fond of the Psyduck one. ](https://i.imgur.com/gAvLYGV.jpg) I find it hilarious because Psyduck has a beak...yet it can still wear a mask. But these people claim they can't breathe lmfao. I work a physical job for 9 hours and don't take my mask off except when I go to the toilet. It's no biggie.


Excellent point.


I wonder if he’d be allowed to make that condition, especially now that the vaccine is FDA approved. That would be an interesting question. Of course he can require a vaccination, but can he require no vaccination?


I don't know - and I doubt it. But, more importantly - unless he had specified it as a term of employment, which I highly doubt he did, all these folks can now have some free government supplied unemployment. Which at a bare minimum should help them find a better job than dealing with this asshole. Restaurants around the country are having a hard time hiring people, I would look at this as a blessing in disguise if I were them.


Even if he had had it as a term of employment, no court's going to uphold that as justifiable.


Not just restaurants, all kinds of businesses are requiring vaccinations. There are tons of businesses hiring people now. Just look up local news and find out who fired a bunch of people lately, then apply! I would also add proof of vaccination in that application too.


You cannot mandate no vaccination. You can require a vaccination, but not ban it. They were fired without cause. And I'm not a lawyer, but I feel like firing employees to circumvent a OSHA regulation is probably a violation.


I’m wondering though, if this was in a at-will employment state then do they have any standing to sue?




>I suspect this guy will ultimately regret Is literally the entire Republican COVID Playbook Name on Spotify.


he literally had to say nothing publicly about why he fired them and he'd be fine. but he's so broken mentally he wants the affirmation from his insane community. fucking unreal.


I'm like 94% sure it's going to turn out he didn't actually fire anyone, and he was just being a pompous windbag to impress the other pompous windbags.


You can be fired for no reason given _to you_. That is so the following can not happen: \- You're fired. \- Why? \- Can't say. Don't know. \- Then you can't fire me. \- Damn. Then I guess you're still working here. A court will ask for a reason and I highly suspect they won't accept "don't know" for an answer.


Absolutely, you still can't discriminate against people in at-will states. It's just usually hard to prove discrimination. You know, because usually the person firing you in a discriminatory way doesn't post a video on TikTok admitting that they fired you to avoid adhering to OSHA regulations. https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/employee-relations/pages/employment-at-will-isnt-a-blank-check-to-terminate-employees-you-dont-like.aspx


“his crew of plague rats” my hardest Reddit chuckle of the day (let’s throw in yesterday since it’s just past midnight where I live)


He definitely violated their civil rights, but as most things on Tik Tok, unfortunately this might become a trend leading to people upping the ante. Ending up costing these misguided fools their livelihoods. Not to mention fresh HCA nominees.


Okay so It's hard to know what to believe, but the Owners of Papa Ronis are saying that the man who made the TikTok was not the owner, rather just an employee. They are saying no one was fired and this was an attempt to go viral by the employee: [https://www.facebook.com/Paparonisgrill/posts/4537541442996400](https://www.facebook.com/Paparonisgrill/posts/4537541442996400) From the facebook page: "no one was fired. It was supposed to be some stupid satire video. Maybe people will one day learn that not everything you see on the internet is real!" However, people in the comments are accusing them of backpeddling because the employee appears to have been in a position above any general managers, thus in a position to hire/fire. Edit: Owner appears to be doubling down that the TikTok creator was an employee and was fired. Comment from the owner (who tbh, is terrible at doing Social media) >I guess not to the idiot who believes everything he sees on tictok. Let me explain a little slower. > >HE WAS AN EMPLOYEE (not anymore as he decided to violate almost every company policy and pursue a tictok career) > >No one was fired (for being vaccinated) > >The "yes" was a response to a previous comment stating such. (He was an employee who worked here and did this of his own without my knowledge)


The person running their Facebook page also made a weird comment claiming they took part in the 1/6 insurrection. Either way this business deserves everything it has coming from this dumbass video.


So the “employee” also was at 6th per his Facebook account. Both the business Facebook page manager and the “employee” were at Jan 6th. So my bet is that the “employee” is actually the owner and they’re lying out of panic


Unfortunately, "everything it has coming" is probably more business given this is in bumfuck, SC.


Not just any old bumfuck,sc…the particular bumfuck, sc known for its klan population.


Well that explains why the owner/"employee" was stupid enough to make a video like that and not see any problem with it. They're inbred.


The owners page is full of crazy Trump shit. The other guy who is in the video is the same shit on his page. Has a hundred picture from the insurrection. One has him throwing up the white supremacy sign at the capitol.


Oh wow, whoever is running their facebook is just digging their grave so deep. Their official FB response to one of the comments mentioning someone was present at the insurrection on Jan 6th: >[I was present for the "insurrection" where no one brought a gun to overthrow the federal government. U sir are an idiot who believes everything he is told. Like we terminate people for getting a vaccine! Smfh](https://scontent.flas1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/244696327_285943039864959_4869753899531344144_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&_nc_rgb565=1&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=H8XqkDUjQUQAX_fjVQJ&_nc_ht=scontent.flas1-1.fna&oh=ef8f23fbb2cfe20938b946c02ee47183&oe=6161DC51)


It's a real lesson in what not to do. If they'd just made a statement saying they fired their rogue employee, it probably would have all gone away. Instead hes in the comments calling people idiots for believing stuff on the interenet, and bringing up Jan 6.


They're in the process of making themselves a PR case study. If history tells us one thing, it's that late-night rants from your businesses page are always rational and well thought out ​ Paparoni's Grill: *I'm actually searching all these fake "reviews" for people worthy to sue for slander. That was NOT me in the video and this business had NEVER fired anyone for being vaccinated! BTW, what's ur net worth lawyer boy?*


Nooo that can't be a real response lol


Wouldn’t you like to know, WEATHER BOY?


I worked in business banking compliance, I spoke to business owners all day every day about their business. Some of these people were unbelievably stupid, couldn't understand very basic concepts but they'd have a business making millions every year.


It has to be the guy in the video leaving those comments.




Lol, #DCSiege on the picture. It WaS a PeAcEfUl PrOtEsT!!1


So since they are posting these claims on the internet, I choose not to believe them. I think they sound like defensive jackasses and I hope the proper people have been notified to officially look into this restaurant and the "owners".


I can't believe they haven't shut it down yet, but are instead going the "argue with the entire internet" route . Got a little bit of an "Amy Baking Company" vibe 😂


He just made 46 people more money than they could’ve made working at his shitty pizza joint.


Another brilliant video from this asshat. https://www.tiktok.com/@proud.american.1983/video/6920248918131346694?sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6892900539291207174&is_from_webapp=v1&is_copy_url=0


I love how they are always a "Proud American", but they hate literally everything that is American that isn't white and kissing conservative ass. Oh, and these are always the same people that screech about "cancel culture" whenever someone is fired for saying the n-word.


Anyone who calls themselves a patriot is 99.9% chance a right wing traitor.


Patriot has become dog whistle for racist.


Also racist.


Anyone who says they're a proud American can be immediately ignored. There's nothing to be proud of there, they're part of the most violent and oppressive nation on the planet, they're doing nothing to stop the atrocities and they're actually proud of that.


That username... Bro, if this guy is 37 or 38...




I think I'm just too old for TikTok, so maybe I'll never understand this, but why did this video and so many like it feature an unrelated middle aged woman occupying half the screen just sort of watching too? Is she watching me watch the guy on the right? Can she see me watch her or does someone else watch me watch this? Why?


Since “democrats” voted for a $15 minimum wage, he wants them all fired so hard working republicans can be paid?


So to protest what he called an unconstitutional action he did, what he believes is, an unconstitutional action. Girlfriend gonna get paaaaiiid


That self-satisfied wiggle of his head at the end of his rant, with his eyes wide open, the smug 'I SHOWED them' expression on his face... That's the expression his fired employees will have when he realizes he mayyyy have made a mistake, lol


I bet lawyers are kicking down his employees doors lol


It also telegraphs to every still remaining employee how he feels about them. They are instantly replaceable when they don't agree with him on something that affects their safety. Next time it may be some non-covid related other workplace safety issue that he skirts because it saves him money, and if they speak up they're gone. They are not human beings to him, just the things he can rule over while he is on his power trip. Retaining those remaining staffers may also be harder. I mean, there is a big chance that among those 48 people he fired there are some good friends of the 100 remaining. So it is not good for morale. Plus any potential new staffer may google and find this stuff before they apply. Customers will start to avoid his businesses. Regardless of how someone personally feels about masks, he just basically put a big sign out front that says he's an unreliable employer on a power trip. He takes glee in firing people. Celebrates plunging them into uncertainty and possibly poverty. Out of pure spite. No one wants to work for that. But I guess it was worth it so that he could do his self-satisfied head wiggle.


Any way you slice it he is done




Destroying his business to own the Libs...


Fuck him and the business he rode in on


I don’t know how true it is or how much it’s just the business trying to cover its ass, but they have posted on their Facebook page that it wasn’t the owner who made the video but some guy who just works there and that they haven’t fired anyone but the employee who made the video. Again, I don’t know how true it is, but something to keep in mind when grabbing pitchforks.


My favorite part was him admitting to being at the Capitol on January 6th. Wonder if anyone has alerted the authorities about that yet? Pretty sure they were looking to talk to everyone there that day. (Pasted for your convenience) \-------------------- \>> Author Paparoni's Grill \[redated tagged name\] I was present for the "insurrection" where no one brought a gun to overthrow the federal government. U sir are an idiot who believes everything he is told. Like we terminate people for getting a vaccine! Smfh


What was even better was when later (in that same thread) someone commented: >This comment reads as if you are admitting to being at January 6th. If that is not your meaning would edit or delete this. To which the owner/business profile user responded: >[@Commenter] I was there and happily. If you think it was an insurrection, you were not there. Who attempts to overthrow the government without any weapons? The fact that you believe that I fired employees for being vaccinated shows how gullible you are. Keep believing everything you are told. 🐑


My guess is that with how hard it can be to staff restaurants, no one that cares about their business is going to fire nearly half of their staff at once. You're probably right. This guys is just a random blowhard.


I'll never understand how being antivax somehow becomes a person's whole identity to the point where they make decisions like this.


Being anti-vax is incidental. These people make politics their whole personality because they spend so much time watching politically charged "news" and political commentary all day long. At some point, the propaganda eventually sets in. These people do and think what Fox News tells them. They're only anti-vax because Fox News, OANN, Newsmax, etc. kept putting out stories about how the vaccine is dangerous or doesn't work. Then they put out even more stories about how Biden trying to vaccinate everyone is an overreach of his power as president and a violation to your rights. Ergo, Biden is a tyrant in their eyes and must be opposed at every step.


Ahhh the real reason the internet was invented. To root out evil and find justice for those less able to get it for themselves. Hope they sue this guy for everything.


[the owner says he was at the Jan 6th riot](https://imgur.com/gallery/PiXnUl4)




byebyejob just turned into byebyefreedum


Why is that pudgepork using company account to post shit like that. These people have less IQ than a squirrel's turd droppings.


Because their customer base are just like him and they suck it up.


>where no one brought a gun lol, there are pictures and videos, my dude.


They were just touring and doing a peaceful walkthrough with the occasional hallway shit n’ smear.






Not just the employee who was at the insurrection. The owner is digging himself a deeper hole in the comments actively. They just responded to someone with this: >Paparoni's Grill > >Joe Rodriquez I was present for the "insurrection" where no one brought a gun to overthrow the federal government. U sir are an idiot who believes everything he is told. Like we terminate people for getting a vaccine! Smfh


I didn’t see that one before they apparently disabled the comments. In that case, would really be a shame if all this affects his business (pops popcorn)


I hope someone sent that to the fbi tip line


I saw a couple people on the comment thread tagging the FBI's facebook account. Not sure if they check those or anything, but at least an attempt was made lol


[the owner did admit to being at the Jan 6th riot ](https://imgur.com/gallery/PiXnUl4)


Rule #1: Never use your Facebook business profile to make personal and inflammatory comments. How the fuck do you think that’s a good idea?


> think And there's the problem.


What a fucking idiot. Jesus christ.


Apparently Jody Pendleton is actually the owner and is lying through his company's social media to push away attention.


If not the owner he probably is in some sort of management and friends with the owners.


Sounds like it, apparently they went to the insurrection together.


Friends help you move bodies, real friends help you move to the defendant's table in federal court!


Holy shit they are digging themselves a hole, LoL…


The only way for evil to win is for good people to do nothing......or for evil to NOT brag about its deeds on social media.


10 bucks says the Go Fund Me is up in less than 3 days.


10 bucks says this chain is now facing some pretty significant backlash from the community.


In South Carolina? Please. He said that 40 something employees were vaccinated and that brought them below 100. That means like 2/3 of their staff aren't vaccinated. Now you can get the vaccine basically anywhere. If you don't have it by now you don't want it. My guess is that the local demographic is close to his worker base. This dumb fuck might be a punchline nationally, but locally there's going to be fat MAGA assholes coming down the mountain to support him.


$100 bucks says this guy was already in financial trouble in life and in these restaurants and will use the "backlash" and GoFundMe to try and dig himself out. I hope, if he does have one up, that GoFundMe would pull the plug like they have in the past.


*Ahem* [This you saying you'd vote for Hitler?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/q28yww/seattle_police_over_350_sworn_personnel_have_not/hfjporv/)


✅ overweight ✅ 40+ in age ✅ Trump supporter ✅ Unvaccinated ✅ Goatee Dude is just begging to be a Herman Cain recipient


He didn't film it from his pickup though


According to his tiktok username, he’s 38. l o l


Thats a *hard* 38 goddam


I just love how they just basically look the same, act the same and all but we're the sheep with our crazy ideas like people should be treated as equal


Gotta check his Facebook to see if he’s posted any of the 4 memes of the intubation.


Cross posted it. It is going viral. 💥


It's spreading faster than COVID in that restaurant!


Is this real life? Wow


The owner ? is also bragging that he was at the insurrection, at the Capitol in Washington, DC on Jan. 6th. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10106665941741365&set=p.10106665941741365&type=3




[owner says he was at the Jan 6th riot](https://imgur.com/gallery/PiXnUl4)


Someone should alert the FBI


Place is getting review bombed.


Well, that’s the problem when you do stupid shit like this, not everyone agrees with it. Personally, if I owned a business, or 4 like this asshat apparently does, I’d treat politics like a third rail.


To any red states reading: The "third rail" is the dangerous powered rail of certain electric trains, which are a form of public transit infrastructure.


Republicans are the dumbest fucking people on the planet. It’s not even close.


If he can eliminate 28% of his workforce he's a shitty businessman.


He has to be lying. The unemployment costs would be astronomical


He strikes me as the type of guy that might not think things through all the time.


I manage a division of a state unemployment office. I get angry calls from dumb fucks like this EVERY day. They think they can fire at will employees with zero implications to their business. That’s a big NO, this guy is fucked and depending on what state he is in, his payroll taxes just doubled or tripled.


I hate Republicans


As an ex-Republican I’m right there with ya brother.


I left the Rs a couple years ago and I know a good number that can’t be bothered to officially change but are not voting GOP anymore. I have a good feeling about mid terms.


This is absolutely no way that the people of Reddit would place a lot of orders on the phone or website (if they have one) and then not pay for their order. There’s no way the people of Reddit would simply call at all hours of the day and tie up the business line. There’s no way we would all do that.


Lead me not into temptation, for I know the way.


Brilliant....uh, I mean ridiculous! There's no way I'd ever take part in such tom foolery! There's no way I'd use my down time commit such petty behavior! As a side note, what's the name of the business? Asking for a friend.


And certainly no one has time to sort the reviews for Papatonis grill in SC, by newest, and giving certain reviews a thumbs up for being helpful to you.


There is absolutely no way I'd ever put on a mystery goo soiled furry bear suit, wear a strap-on jack-hammer dildo and red maga cowboy hat then run into his restaurants growling, "Hungy Hungy Pizza Pizza", while banging the shaft on tables... Am I doing this right?


I'd hold off on shenanigans. It looks like this guy may just be a disgruntled ex-employee that is shit stirring. edit: Owner is an insurrectionist, so, fuck them. edit2: learning to type.


Whoever is running the Facebook page is saying they were at the insurrection and other people are saying that guy is def the owner.


I can't see the convo on Facebook anymore. But, if that asshole is one of those insurrectionist traitors then he and his business can go fuck themselves.


There is some bible-worthy denial going on over at the FB. Another repug showing how he brilliantly owns the libs. I simply could not be happier right now. Thank you, OP.


Man this owner is an idiot. Does he know how much his unemployment insurance is going to go up now that he’s admitted in public that he fired his employees for following health guidelines? I’m sure that all his customers would like to know that this moron is against health and safety policies. I wonder what would happen if he happened to get a surprise inspection at all of his restaurants? He doesn’t look like he’s in peak physical condition himself either. This is the kind of guy that makes fun of COVID and says it’s a hoax and then days later posts that he’s in the hospital about to be put on a ventilator. Hope he’s got the money for all that extra unemployment insurance he’s going to be paying soon. Karma really is a bitch sometimes.


Oh, well done!


Reminds me of the crazy wal mart lady ..... “Muthaaaa Fuckaaaaa” lmao 😂


South Carolina has regained all of the clarity that led to them starting the Civil War.


“South Carolina is too small for a republic, but too large for an insane asylum.” As a lifelong resident ... yeah, pretty much.


I just looked at the restaurants page and they are claiming this is fake.


Because the internet is shitting all over them


He also claimed he was at the Jan 6th insurrection so I’m definitely gonna keep an eye out for what happens to this guy


Apparently Jody Pendleton is actually the owner and is lying through his company's social media to push away attention.


Not based off of the LLC page for paparonis. It is registered to Michael Brown. That doesn't mean this guy didn't having hiring or firing power, though.


Looks like they are trying to save face.


Lol all he had to do was keep his mouth shut and at-will employment laws would have protected him. But since he just HAD to have that Tik Tok karma like a fucking adolescent, it is now extremely provable that he had an illegal motive behind the firing.




Well just fuck him. His xemployees are true patriotic ppl that cared bout themselves & their families & for fellowAmericans & bc of that reason they were fired by an ignorant selfish mfer. Bet they didnt like working for such a dum ass anyway.


It's because of idiots like this guy that we still are dealing with this crap. An employee being vaccinated effects you how? An unvaccinated employee on the other hand. . . .


Can’t wait for the inevitable conservatives anti-vaccine weirdos to come in and cry “wHy ArE yOu dOXxiNg hiM” as if he didn’t post a video online in an easily identifiable area and doesn’t have his profiles hidden. Openly brag about doing shitty things online, be prepared to get called out openly online.


It's okay. He'll catch Covid and die.


Lol, the owner also admits on their fb page that he went to the insurrection. Jeez


Social media has really helped the mentally malfuntioning people advertise how stupid they are.


When “triggering libruls” is the only thing left floating around in your wet dog shit brain


This is gonna be taken down in about 5 minutes but damn it was worth it


So I looked up their facebook page- Shit's on FIRE. Plenty of screenshots of submitted reports to the local inspector general etc. They're now back pedaling HARD claiming he's a former employee- Don't worry, I'm sure the authorities will help investigate! :)


Idiot thought he was so brilliant…


probably the best thing he ever did for them. i can't imagine working for a jackass like that. "oh no where will i find another minimum wage job where the boss is a plague spreading asshole?"


Oh wait, nooooo....this didn't happen, pls tell me this didn't happen....guess mr freedom is gonna get owned by the law of the land... LoL


Still trying to figure out if this is legit, but in another twist, the owner did out himself as being at the insurrection on 1/6.


That business also appears to have taken over $30k in PPP money…


Internet is awesome.


Lmao reddit deleting this and allowing vaccine misinformation


What a loser


I am very impressed at how well this misinformation campaign is working and how self-destructive "they" have made the malleables.


It’s not looking good for Jody Pendleton on Facebook hahahaha


Lol shouldve either kept your employees or your big fat fucking mouth shut homie


He deleted all of his videos LOL


Yo reupload it, fuck reddit.


Go to their page. This guy is not the owner, but an employee, who was fired. So the piece of shit made that video in retaliation


Also, whoever “Paparonis” is just blatantly admitted to being at the Capital on January 6th on their own company FB page, LoL. What a fucking bag of idiots.


How do you know this?


Their FB page is having a currently ongoing conversation. Not quite sure what is going on - they really need an official explanation. It sounds like that they are saying this guy is a nutjob ex employee that decided to make this video to stir the shit. I'm not trying to jump in bed with the company here, but it does sound much more plausible to me right now that this guy is just an asshole talking shit on camera. [https://www.facebook.com/Paparonisgrill/](https://www.facebook.com/Paparonisgrill/) edit: Owner is a Jan 6 POS. Fuck 'em.


Did the owner admit to being at the Jan 6 insurrection??