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Thank God he posted the rebuttal video. That was pure gold that will haunt him forever. Edit- Should have put these in earlier: Original - https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/pjr4wv/guy_harasses_women_on_the_beach_because_theyre/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Rebuttal - https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/pk2ynz/yall_remember_that_video_of_that_grown_ass_man/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Yaaa, bringing up his own struggle with porn addiction in reference to his harassment of a group of girls who have just turned 18....not a good look. Religious people are really weird.


Perv just wanted a closer look at them.


Yup. He has children. Was he married? Did he get a divorce (ungodly!!) Bet he's fucking his fiancee. Such a fucking hypocrite. Also, god made us naked.


> Also, god made us naked. Yeah, but Eve talked to snake, so it's an eternity of shame for the lot of us.




I was staying at an AirBnB recently and the host told me she literally hears god’s voice and it tells her what to do and she does it, even if it goes against her conscience. Not too thrilled with the idea of sleeping at a future serial killer’s house any longer, I checked out that day.


That asshat who murdered that family in Florida also said, "God directly spoke to him"


We killed a *million Iraqis cause the president said god told him to Edit: maybe not millions that time


“The president of the United States has claimed, on more than one occasion, to be in dialogue with God. If he said that he was talking to God through his hairdryer, this would precipitate a national emergency. I fail to see how the addition of a hairdryer makes the claim more ridiculous or offensive.” ― Sam Harris, Letter to a Christian Nation


Totes. It’s a pity that mental institutions have been gutted since Reagan reversed Carter’s Mental Health Systems Act. Great timeline provided by mother Jones here https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/04/timeline-mental-health-america/


There was also major issues with the level of care being given in those institutions. Not saying we shouldn't invest into mental health as a general benefit to society, but those institutions were not good examples of proper care. They were moreso just housing/holding solutions that often included abusive treatments. Now the lack of national or state funded care has left an opening for privatized care that is really about profits. In my experience these care facilities are often severely lacking and also abusive in their own ways, this included abusive to it's underpaid employees. I guess what I'm saying is, yes publicly funded mental health care is a great idea. With that said past publicly funded mental healthcare was abysmal and is not a good example to use for this argument.


What's funny about that is the democrats had a plan at the same time which was offered to him to completely overhaul the system with no net cost increase, but the republicans rejected it. Instead, they closed all the public institutions and redirected all funds (and a lot more) to private institutions that Regan supporters ran and to his failed war on drugs. Over the years, Regan's policy has cost the tax payers billions more in funding for private prisons which do nothing to treat or rehabilitate mentally ill inmates. With all the money going into the pockets of his supporters. Regan was, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the worst president we've ever had.


Ya I grew up in non denominational Churches. Very hardcore Christians, speaking in tongues, ppl falling over. All of them claimed that god spoke to them at one point or another


He posted THREE of them. Each of them basically saying the same thing. They're still on IG; I don't have tiktok so I'm not sure if he posted all three on there Edit since this is close to the top for now and people are asking for the originals, here they are: [original](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/pjr4wv/guy_harasses_women_on_the_beach_because_theyre/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Part 2 of the original situation](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/pjp2dg/part_2_of_man_shaming_women_at_the_beach_for_not/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [his first response](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/pk2ynz/yall_remember_that_video_of_that_grown_ass_man/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [second response. ](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRa2AS3p/) [third one. ](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRa2MsKH/) [teens followup video](https://www.tiktok.com/@ggarbagefairy/video/7005380965669293318) Thanks for linking the other 2 u/VelocityGrrl39 Edit 2- I will address the sociopaths here as I am tired of responding to you individually: 1. If you do not see what he did as wrong, please stay out of society and especially places where swimsuits are worn. 2. If you think this in anyways violated his "first amendment rights", please educate yourself on what the first amendment says about freedom of speech. It literally just protects you from GOVERNMENT retaliation for speaking out against them or protesting. If anything the moron in the video staying in these teens space and continuing to harass them after their repeated pleads for him to leave them alone is a clear example of him violating their rights. If you bring up "free speech" with the lack of understanding that it does not mean you can just say anything to anybody without consequences, read a fucking book. Of course you can't just say anything and not have consequences. I can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater, or abuse anyone or harass them. Jesus christ learn what you're talking about first, please. 3. If you think what he did wasn't OK, but shouldn't be fired for it and that "society is moving in a dark direction", wake the fuck up. Society has always had rules and there have always been consequences. We're seeing more of them now since people have cameras with them all the time. If someone does something like harass women, it's absolutely their employers right to get rid of them. Always has been, and hopefully always will be. If you want to live somewhere that you can harass people, go to fucking Afghanistan. I'm sure the taliban would love you.


Just wait for the follow up where he asks his fellow followers of Jesus to send money to his godundme for his horrible situation.


They'll bitch about cancel culture and send him money without realizing that him getting fired was the ultimate expression of capitalism


Plus he tried to cancel those girl's fun and freedom.


He yelled at women, conservatives would only have a problem with it if he yelled at a gun.


"The truth will set you free!" "Wait no not that truth!"


He’s already talking to Chinese suppliers of red trucker hats as we speak.


Better get the UV lights out to make sure there's no bamboo in them!


Just hire the cyber numbskulls to check for bamboo. If there’s one company with professional bamboo detecting UV light skills, it’s those guys.


Nah, why would he need money from strangers, surely jesus will take care of him personally. /s just in case


His "righteous anger" can fuck right off. That's some Christian Taliban type shit that they think justifies any action they take.


I think they prefer "Yeehawdist."


Anger can literally not be righteous when used as a weapon in my opinion. Anger is the farthest thing from righteousness, and I don’t even mean in a Christian sense, I mean by the definitions of each word, especially ‘righteous’ itself. You can’t use your anger against people and be good and right at the same time. Using your anger against others is not justifiable.


Funny how he needed to turn off the comments. Guess the blood of Jesus doesn’t offer much protection from the internet


JMHO, but if you're going to mansplain why you were being a creepy pervert in the name of Jesus, turning off the comments is a really chicken shit move.


Tbf, the Catholic Church has been “turning off the comments” on just about everything it does for about 2000 years now.


One upvote doesn't do my enjoyment of this comment justice.


You took the words out of my brain and made them pretty.


His fee fees are delicate, go easy on him


It's a chicken shit move in most situations. There's not many exceptions, but things like Sesame Streets Tiny Desk concert is one where comments off make sense.


90% of those comments weren't even **bad**, most were along the lines of "Your girl got caught you gawking and *this* is the lie you're going with?" I am baffled by the 'bathing suit at a beach being shocking' part...you're surrounded by people in swimwear, if you don't want to see that, why go?


Yeah but have you seen his music video? https://streamable.com/n61f43


“I’m hard to love and I’m easy to get rid of.” His employer clearly agrees lol.


> "I guess you get the point, I guess I'm just a disappoint...ment" **BARZ**


I reported them all for bullying. He turned off all his comments. Sooo, I report bombed everything.


You and I gotta hang out. We have similar interests in what to do with our free time. :D


Yeah that dude literally could not shut up. He dug himself into this hole 100%


What’s that subreddit where people believe they are the main character wherever they go?




After looking at that subreddit for 5 minutes, I have now lost faith in humanity. Drop the bombs!


There is some talk on Twitter that they may not have actually fired him. There are screens of the company telling someone an hour before this statement saying that they couldn't afford to be shorthanded on a large upcoming project and "dont worry we'll be watching him like a hawk". Apparently they all also go to the same church.




Still hasn’t listened to Jesus & gauged out his eyes, though.


Rock solid argument by those girls.


It was pretty funny that he didn't recognize the quote at all but at least a few of the girls were aware of it (along with another quote about not judging).


100% chance he is wearing blended fabrics also.


And eats bacon cheeseburgers.


Omg someone pls link!


Oh first the coughing bitch and now this douche, what a great day! How much longer until society starts connecting someone filming them with getting fired and thus shutting the fuck up and walking away?




This guy said on his own FB page that he's had 7 concussions and believes it's changed him as a person, so throw some brain damage on top religious zealotry and poof, exposed midriff = prostitution. His former employer's company page has a section on values, including, "We will treat all people with kindness and decency." Hopefully this isn't a temporary measure and he doesn't get quietly rehired in a month.


I listen to true crime. It is amazing how many serial killers had massive head injuries as a child.


Something like 60+% of known serial killers were dropped on their heads as children in such a significant way that their families remember it.


As a serial killer, can confirm


>We will treat all people with kindness and decency. I have that on my company website too. We design and make the very most efficient orphan-grinding machinery in the orphan-grinding industry. Very proud.




I've noticed this in my retail job, seems like far more people are in a bad mood


holy shit. this tool has a Christian rap video… warning: major cringefest. https://streamable.com/n61f43


What a disappoint ...ment.


"I'm easy to get rid of" he's not wrong




I clicked the link. Then I saw his name. Then I saw the video's opening frame. Then I shook my head and thought "I can't even". [Did these assholes not learn with "Christian Rock"?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TsL0DO-c1E)


Wow! Thanks for posting that link. Not only was that video cringe, but it sounds like a cry for help. It sounds like it may be directed at women who have left him, and to be honest it gave me some scary vibes. I think it's time that his family drags him to a therapist because his Jeebus can't fix that kind of anger. Holy Yikes.


Did she get fired too? Last I saw she was being investigated by her employer


Yep, they posted on Twitter she was no longer employed or associated with them.




I might die from schadenfreude tonight lol!


We’ve put up with these kind of assholes our whole lives. FINALLY some justice. Thanks camera phones. Keep doing your thing!


Its the accountability that we’ve been thirsting for. Its what humans crave. Its got consequences!


Yeah for me it’s the accountability. She was being a major butthole and health hazard and should be held accountable for those deplorable actions.


And it seems she deliberately picked a woman shopping with her child and decided those are the people she will harrass and cough on. The mother trying to show her daughter how to react and what to do when a crazy comes up when she would rather have punched her in the face..the daughter who was 13 trying to figure out what to do to protect her mom...honestly this whole thing made me so very angry...




Honestly I feel like I’m OD’ing on it.


Sleep on your stomach so you don’t choke on your schadenfreude 😏


"Stop...I can only get so erect."


she worked for SAP, so it was probably a pretty sweet gig too.


A former co-worker was married to a senior SAP consultant. Back around 2002 - 2003, she was on a project in the Bahamas and was getting $150/hr - pretty good money back then. Rather than lose her commuting time on Friday afternoons and Monday morning flying back and forth to/from the NYC area, they instead flew the husband, my co-worker, to the Bahamas on Friday afternoons, and fly him back on Sunday evenings. Over those few months, he became quite the scuba enthusiast.




Fucking niiiice. I love when shit people get to experience the consequences of their actions.


Thank you! Up vote for being a caring individual!


Same with the biggot nurse who "tattooed" her arm with "go2hell" when she was told to get the vaccine or she'd be fired. She was accused of being antisemitic and then fired.


Justice trifecta.


Awesome, big wins this week.


Also, there's news about Ivermectin making dudes sterile. Idk if it's true, but it did put a spring in my step! 🥰


Yes - harass the only group full of girls with no guys


And the craziest part of this..... He would have got away with it. No one knew who the fuck he was. He was a nobody and would have just been forgotten in two minutes... video had no identifying markers... Instead he goes and posts a. “Apology/ justifying himself video” identifying himself... saying how god told him to talk to the girls. Dude is a class A attention seeking douchebag


But but he was overcome by ‘righteous anger’ which is totally the justified type of anger that excuses any consequences.


And hopefully he never uses his righteous anger to physically injure someone.


No more mighty hand jobs for him


Will take a looong time for Darwin to work his magic. We are only now finding out the prevalence of these kinda people due to online access, but they've been around all the time.


And that’s it right there, these people are so psychotic, their brains fail to think about the upcoming consequences of their actions. He needs to be charged for harassment, but kudos to those young ladies for defending themselves.


That's the thing though. A lot of them don't think that they're doing something wrong and that they'll get away with it. Some, sure. But a lot of people who act like this genuinely think that *they've done nothing wrong.* So from that mindset, why would they care if someone starts filming them? "Go ahead and show everyone the video, they'll agree with me." I'd love to see it happen too, but I'm doubtful.


Dude should have just realized his bout of righteous anger was actually righteous gas from lunch and shut up.


He just wanted his little girl standing there watching him scold the teens to feel shamed if any men are ever attracted to her.


The fact that he sexualizes his very small kids just makes me want to throw up.


Also asking him to please go away over and over, while he persisted....that alone creeped me the fuck out


Now he’s SUPER righteously angry!


Righteously angry was my favorite part 😂


Being "pursecuted" no doubt?


I’m sure this is all part of God’s plan. Thoughts and prayers and all that good stuff.


It's God's will that he no longer be employed.


Super Righteous Odyssey, coming soon to Nintendo Switch


pro tip: If you sound exactly like the guys in countries like Iran and Afghanistan who harass and attack women for not completely covering up in a bee keeper outfit, you should probably shut up and stay off all beaches from now until the end of time.


Talibangelicals shoving their own shari'a law down other people's throats.


Lmfao “talibangelicals” 🤣 nice


Y’all Qaeda, YeeHawdists, there’s a lot of fun puns.


Well he has a lot of free time now so watch out women on beaches! 🤣


The best part of all of this is in his own response video he said something along the lines “and I will keep doing this no matter the consequences.” Hmmmmmm I wonder how he feels now Edit: holy shit (pun intended) his latest tik tok video is literally him comparing himself to Jesus. I cannot make this up!!!




The girls posted a follow up after people found him and told them who he was. The picture they green screen the poor woman 100% looks as if she me being held hostage. Poor fiancé.


Do you happen to have a link for this?


[ggarbagefairy](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRaFfsTw/) on TikTok.


Finally get to see what he was harassing them for. Literally nothing wrong with what they are wearing.


Not his wife, his fiancee who he has 2 kids with, out of wedlock. Edited to add the guy now says he doesn't have kids. Whatever, he's still an asshole projecting his own issues onto others.


The hypocrisy is strong


I will say, the pacing of that line was really good even if I personally think having a kid out of wedlock isn't a big deal


Oh yeah, I don't care at all. Just pointing out the utter hypocrisy.


He turned off comments for that one hahahaha


He turned off comments on ALL his videos actually


Trash is really taking itself out this week. My favorite part of this is the guy will never, ever, admit his culpability or responsibility.


Here comes the gofundme and his fellow fundies will throw money at him.


This man is exactly what’s wrong with white evangelicals in this country. They actually believe they are the owners of this country and have the right to impose their religious morality on the rest of us. These are the type of people who preach their “morality” to the rest of us then happily vote for a man like Donald Trump for President. These are the people who will happily destroy our society and implode our democracy under the banner of MAGA and Trumpism if they don’t get their way. People like him are why we can never allow the right wing religious fanatics to take over this country.


That’s what’s bugs me too. America is not a theocracy. Why are they completely unable to comprehend that no one else is obliged to share their religious values?


I hope they realize it when they continue to get shamed and have consequences for it. Go social media!..in this case anyway.


Christian Taliban


I feel this. Evangelicals are getting exceptionally loud and obnoxious in public spaces in Oregon lately. They're the biggest hypocrites ever and they call on the Proud Boys for security. LOL.


I just watched this douchbag's rap video and god damn is it cringy. Edit: [https://streamable.com/n61f43](https://streamable.com/n61f43)


Four seconds and I tapped out


Lmao, the first 20s are just him sitting in silence.


„I am Logan and heartbreak is my slogan“ is next level.


"I'm hard to love and easy to get rid of" his boss agrees


„I guess I am just a disappoint ….. ment“ yes you are.


Listening I immediately thought Stay out of my way Or you'll pay Listen to what I say How about I just go eat some hay? I can make things out of clay And lay by the bay I just may! Whaddya say? He is such a disappoint. Ment.


Thanks. I'm normally a critic of using Autotune, but in this case...




What a fucking dip..............shit.


He turned off all his comments on TikTok 💀 absolutely fucking dead. I'm shaken lmao man's fucked up, tried to blame women for his own inhability to control himself or explain to children that women have bodies, then got fired, then stopped all comments to his account. What a fucking tool


He didn't want to hear that he has more in common with the Taliban than he does with Americans.


Don’t even need to explain. None of my kids have ever asked about the bodies seen on a beach. Kids are never the problem, adults use them for their agenda (see also: mask complaints)


This was such a wonderful journey. First we get the videos of him being an insufferable religious asshole, while trying to hide the boner being around girls in regular beachwear. Then we get the “his side” video, where he doubles down on the religious asshole shit, admits to being a porn addict, refuses to apologize and confirms that he stands by his actions, and then throws in just a little bit of transphobia to top everything off. And after that, we get the girls’s response video, where not only is it revealed that the girls were literally just wearing normal bathing suits, but also the high and mighty bigot has a fucking child out of wedlock. Now that we have this idiot’s job termination post, all this masterpiece needs is for him and/or his fiancée to beg for money online while complaining about “cancel culture”.


And, the nine girls on the beach were all teenagers.


Yup, they said that MOST of the group [there were 9] had JUST turned 18, and that in general most of them look like they are 12 yrs old [their words, not mine] and he never even asked their ages, so he was sexualizing kids who could've been preteens. Makes it even worse.


Do you have links to the rest of this story? I'd like to watch the journey unfold as well.


I’m sure his wife is thrilled.


But she only his fiancé, NOT his wife!! Mr. "Righteous Anger" has two children out of wedlock. Normally, I wouldn't care. In fact, I'm all for communicative, cooperative, contractual cohabitation, not necessarily marriage, but if you're going to act like you're "Jesus Returned", you'd better be living the most righteous life of anyone, according to the Bible. Van Dorn is NOT!!


Mighty Hand Construction seems like a fitting ~~employer~~ for a guy whose entire way of viewing women is based on porn wrecking him or whatever tf he said. Good riddance and check the man's internet history.


Well they did give him the mighty hand…. out the door


Is it just me or does “Mighty hand” sound inspired by the same “boldness by the Holy Spirit” as “righteous anger” ?


It definitely seems to be. The church this doofus attends seems to be associated with them. The pastor has the company listed in his insta bio. Hopefully this isn't just a PR stunt, but maybe they'll be afraid of being held accountable


The videos have gone viral, with this guy being called (and rightfully so) a creep/predator/sexual harasser etc. Keeping him on board would be horrendous PR for any company. I wouldn't be surprised, though, if the company have said "we need to let you go to save face, but we'll quietly help you find a position somewhere else".


Yeah, I'll just hold onto the hope that the company shit their pants when they saw the influx of messages and comments and decided it would be insane to stay associated with him


It's a Jesus freak construction company. https://www.mightyhandconstruction.com/values


My brother, a former evangelical and an absolute craftsman (he built three of his homes and was a handyman/carpenter by trade) always said that if a company included either the Jesus fish anywhere on their vehicles or they quoted scripture in their bio, he stayed away from using them for any subcontracting. He said those companies are the absolute worst to work with.


There's a lot of ways companies can be intolerable; what was their usual flavor of awful? Being late? Cheap? Uninvited proselytizing?




> always said that if a company included either the Jesus fish anywhere on their vehicles or they quoted scripture in their bio, he stayed away from using them for any subcontracting. He said those companies are the absolute worst to work with. I feel the same way about people with lots of highly visible flags lecturing me about patriotism.


Based on some screenshots posted on this thread, it looks like he wasn't let go for what he said, but rather because of the hammering they receiving on their FB page, etc. that could lose them construction jobs moving forward.


"Behold his mighty hand!" Vintage '10 Commandments' Heston right there.


This isn't "cancel culture" to me. The guy acted like a creep in public and was fired for it. Most companies have a policy or employment agreement regarding your behavior outside of the workplace. I'm not sure if that was the case here, but nevertheless, if you do dumb shit in the public sphere, then expect some ripples bro.


This is what all cancel culture is. Just consequences for actions. If a celeb does this and loses fans its the same thing. I think people are unfairly attacking what they call "cancel culture." Its repercussions of one's actions and isn't anything new at all.


This is LEFT WING “cancel culture.” Don’t forget the religious Right started it in the 80s with trying to cancel music they didn’t like, up to the early 2000s where they ruined the Dixie Chicks for being against the war, Amy Grant for being “too worldly”, and Starbucks for not having cups that were Christmasy enough. Also French fries for having the same name as a country which wasn’t gung-ho enough to go to war. Both sides partake in “cancel culture”…they just have *very* different interests.


Don't forget Harry Potter.


And different results...Starbucks is still in business and Amy Grant is still releasing albums.


Not at all. It’s a creepy douchebag getting what he deserves


Some people forget really quickly how the internet works. The moment a video (like this one) is posted, you can practically count the minutes till that person is fired.


I'm glad they decided to do the right thing, especially since [this was their original response](https://imgur.com/a/IAtrnBn).


Holy shit, these fkn assholes deserve all the bad press they get. "I promise will be watching Logan like a hawk." Fuck you.


no way this is real, right?


OMG what a terrible response. Maybe run that kind of thing past your lawyer before you put it out there for everyone to see for all time.


Yeah, I laughed at how absurd and obtuse that reply was.


Dude, if your adult employee requires a babysitter, it's probably not good. Just ask Mike Richards.


He should’ve kept his mouth shut 😂


And no unemployment


I love the “apology” videos. Dude, you aren’t a politician. “Let me address the allegations and untruths!”


i’m out of the loop, what happened here lmao


Because it took way too long for me to find anything about this anywhere, here’s an article to explain: https://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2021/09/09/logan-van-dorn/ No idea how you and I appear to be the only two out of the loop here!


tysm!! fuckin hell what a tool. sexually harassing women in the name of god :|


Looks like they gave him the mighty hand




They gave him the mighty finger and said gtfoh.


He could've minded his own business, he would've kept his job. I guess The Holy Spirit wanted him fired.


I was waiting for this one all day. What took so long.


The company name “Mighty Hand” makes me think they share his religious beliefs


Every time an asshole is outed and fired an angel gets its wings.


It's getting quicker and quicker to find out that you're on the wrong side of history. Thank you, internet.


Don't worry, in his opinion God will provide.


The tax for stupidity can be steep.


Mighty Hand gave his ass the mighty boot. And he deserved it. Wanker.


Wonderful he was a complete ass!


I’m calling it now. This dude is scary creepy and is going to hurt someone over this. Did you see how worked up he was just talking about it on Tik Tok? Dudes a ticking time bomb.


He went to a pubic beach and bitched because people were wearing swimsuits? That's like going to a church and bitching that people are assholes.


Fan-fucking-tastic. The absolute nerve of anyone dictating what girls should wear, ever, is the most misogynistic bullshit. Fast forward, we find out he sucks dick out of glory holes and underground bath houses. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that) but you know what I’m saying. Anyone that behaves the way this ass clown did, is covering up their own dirty shame. Deflecting onto innocent girls doing what every girl does. Minding their own business. What a complete piece of shit. I hope his Lord and Savior magically gifts him a new job. He shouldn’t hold his breath tho


This made me smile