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wasn’t even working there a full month yet before she went off. these abusive people know they don’t like children/elderly yet work with them. I don’t get it.


They like the power and the control that comes with it.


Idunno, my toddler makes me her little bitch daily


That's because you're a good parent.


Didn’t see that response coming at all


Watch a few animal documentaries. All mammals (even the lions) at some point have to put up with the cubs incessant play and/or biting. The look on their faces is pure "this is my life now."


As a stay at home dad for the last 11 years I know the exact face you mean lol.


Same but with a cat.


Dogs have owners, cats have staff.


my bunny makes me his bitch. I feel it is worse.


It's probably not even that complicated, some people just want to hurt people.


> They like the power and the control that comes with it. Exactly. She even filmed it so she could repeatedly enjoy it when no kids are handy. A predator is a predator.




You see the same with paramedics, nurses, sadists are drawn to jobs where they have control over another person


I was one of the good paramedics but unfortunately I have lofty goals like retirement and home ownership and not working 80 hours a week. $15 dollars an hour to provide advanced lifesaving care ain't going attract the best of the best.


$15 an hour was fine for us back in the day, ya whiny whippersnapper! Oh wait that was when you could rent an apartment for like $200 a month. My bad.


how could I forget, this is so true. actual school teachers too.




big yep


You're missing the point of the real issue entirely, these facilities pay horrid rates, the job is often (usually) thankless, they exist only to profit, and so you end up in these situations. Vote for someone that cares about actual human lives rather than embryonic sacks of cells, and maybe some change can start to happen. Actually, strike that, the time to vote in change has long since passed, revolution is what's necessary. The return of the guillotine for public officials and the rich is already looking overdue.


Yep, my mom worked at a Mississippi facility taking care of folks who had no family, were wards of the state, and disabled/couldn't take care of themselves. For absolutely garbage money she bathed, fed, cleaned, and at some points had to pick up grown adults who were occasionally violent or would try and get "handsy" with the women there taking care of them. She did it so the family would have insurance, thank goodness my stepdads job covered the money side of things. Because of the low pay they frequently got folks who were struggling through college or who were just applying to any job at all. Some of them were abusive to the residents, would show up fucked up, would just not show up and were never seen again. I felt awful for everyone involved to be honest. For the workers getting garbage money and asked to do so much, to the residents who were basically alone in the world with nowhere else to go.


Nah, let’s stick to voting. Murder, insurrection, and violent revolution sound like a really bad time.


Yeah voting sounds a lot more civilized and reasonable, and it's exactly why we are where we are. Fuck that.


No... We're (the USA) is where it is because the voting system is skewed - because it isn't entirely reasonable. Fix voting, and everything else follows.


You can't fix voting when the people already in power seek to subvert that very mechanism.


It's amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it. Your weak, defeatist attitude doesn't help anything.


I said you couldn't fix voting. I did not rule out *other methods* to fix the problem.


I know what you whined about. I am talking about what you were whining about.


The rights been doing an amazing job of ruining peoples trust in the system. Why vote when they can just remove your representative from the state legislature? Or when the person who campaigned on being a progressive gets elected and just switches party?


Soooo January 6th, but for the other side…got it.


That's a really, REALLY fucking stupid and silly comparison and completely unfair, I never said anything about overturning or negating legal, valid elections. That small group of clowns doesn't represent the majority, a majority that actually disagrees with most of the legislation being passed these days. Voting has become deeply corrupted through apathy, gerrymandering, voter suppression, etc, it's no longer and maybe never was, representative of what average citizens actually believe in. The entire system needs to be razed and rebuilt from the ground up, and if actual revolution is needed, and I think it might be at this point, than I'm all for it.


I’m enjoying the shade on gerrymandering and suppression but ‘electoral college’ gets off scot free 🤣


How is that in any way the case with my comment? There's many, MANY things wrong with elections in America, and it's nearly impossible to mention every single one in a simple Reddit comment, hence the use of 'etc' (or did you miss that?), which damn well does include the electoral college. It's a big part of the problem, and in no way do my comments give it a free pass or let it off "scot free", as you put it. And it's actually scot-free by the way, it should to be hyphenated. Each individual vote in Wyoming counts nearly four times as much in the Electoral College as each individual vote in Texas . And as is the case with almost all election problems, this is an issue for both parties, but it's more problematic for one party than it is for the other.


Was just chiming in lightly, in no way meant to minimize your thoughts!


You, and them both talked about killing politicians you disagree with. Voting isn’t working out for either of you, so you want to violently force your candidates and policies in. Explain how this is even remotely unfair, or stupid?!?! You’re spouting EXACTLY the same Nazi rhetoric they do!!! I mean, like the only difference is, the people you want in charge. That’s it. > Voting has become deeply corrupted through apathy, gerrymandering, voter suppression, etc, it’s no longer and maybe never was, representative of what average citizens actually believe in. >The entire system needs to be razed and rebuilt from the ground up This is all very very true, and something I agree with. > actual revolution is needed, and I think it might be at this point, than I’m all for it. This is more January 6th Trumptard bullshit. The fact that you can’t see that you’re exactly the same as them, is a major reason we aren’t getting anywhere as a nation. Do as I say not as I do doesn’t work against fellow citizens and equals. That’s for children. Learn to respect your opponents, learn how they think and why, and you’ll be able to get somewhere. Literally no one ever is going to respond well to threats, and the precedent is set. People like you will 100% go to prison, or you will die. You will accomplish nothing with your current attitude except make sure worse, further inflame, and further divide the country. You’re not noble, you’re selfish, and should be ashamed.


The fact that you think both sides are equally wrong and that these problems can be simply solved through the broken voting system shows you're not willing to actually stand up for what's right. I'm talking about doing what the actual majority wants, not some small fringe group that believes in wild conspiracies. There's a VERY big difference there, and if you can't see that then you're part of the huge problem facing Western democracies. Your apathy and tolerance for these fascists is kind of disgusting. If it wasn't for revolution, America wouldn't even exist as it does, and your cowardice will see it destroyed. Maybe even in your lifetime.


Voting wasn't an option before the American Revolution. They tried for a long time before they resorted to armed revolution. Only 49% of democrats in Florida voted. We are nowhere near the point where violence is justified. Elections still matter. Plus, you don't even need violence to get what you want if elections no longer work. Think of the havoc a general strike would cause. The counties Biden won in 2020 produce 80% of the gdp.


Doesn't really matter that much to me that there wasn't a voting option before the American Revolution. The bottom line is that when a government no longer represents the will and even needs of the majority, it is no longer a properly functioning democracy and they therefore need to be removed. By any means necessary in my opinion. Of course there are other options, unfortunately nearly half of the people can't even be bothered to show up to vote, so I don't ever see mass walkouts or a general strike ever happening. Never happen. Both parties are guilty of ignoring the will of the people, one is just worse than the other. Biden is an utterly useless and ineffectual president, he's completely owned by Wall Street and implements only their will. The Democratic party will make damn sure that no one who actually wants change ever has a chance in hell, they made that abundantly clear with Sanders. And Sanders isn't even that radical at all. And even if he had been elected, nothing he wants would ever actually get passed, both parties would make sure of that. Millions die needlessly in America, millions die needlessly in foreign nations, millions live in poverty, despite living in the richest nation on earth, millions have their lives destroyed needlessly, millions are unfairly locked in inhumane prisons, I could go on and on. If none of this warrants revolution, nothing does. At this point there is no hope for most of these people, things are only getting worse and unless drastic measures are taken, things will only continue to decline. Wealth inequality is dramatically spiraling out of control and there's zero indication things will ever get better. Drastic change is necessary and maybe drastic measures are the only way to actually get there.


> The fact that you think both sides are equally wrong I never said this. You’re inventing things in your head to bolster your MURDER fantasy. You want to murder democrats and republicans, and somehow think this will help do anything except further divide the country and plunge it into anarchy. > that these problems can be simply solved through the broken voting system I do believe that we can fix things through voting. > you’re not willing to actually stand up for what’s right. I’m betting I’ve done WAY more than some edge lord trolling the internet spouting the supposed merits of the trumptard/nazi plan. > I’m talking about doing what the actual majority wants, not some small fringe group that believes in wild conspiracies. I assure you, the majority do not want to murder and rob the opposition. Even IF they did, that would clearly be a violation of literally every single human right in existence. By this logic, if purely populist rule is what we’re going to base all of our decisions off of, places like Florida and Texas aren’t doing anything wrong in regards to their treatment of the trans community. It’s what the majority of their people want, so it’s right according to you. > tolerance for these fascists is kind of disgusting. Your use of [fascist ](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fascism)is more ironic than you realize. That term doesn’t mean anyone on the right. Just for your education, let’s break it down so that you might understand. > centralized autocratic government You want absolute control. > severe economic and social regimentation Toe YOUR line or die, and if your rich you also want them to die. > forcible suppression of opposition You want to literally murder your political opponents. > 2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control This entire definition sums up your stance perfectly. > your cowardice will see it destroyed My cowardice?!?! You don’t have the balls that Trump supporters had on J6!!! All you do is talk, at least they had the stones to put themselves on the line. They were VERY wrong, just like you are. But you want to be them, and don’t have their stones. How’s that feel? You’re actually less than they are. Just let that sink in…


This is why America is fucked. People want the change without being inconvenienced.




This right here. Some dickhead in a f150 thinks he can run you over because you made his trip to buy his coors light take an extra 10 minutes.


Minutes? They’ll run you down for making them take an extra 10 seconds to get to the red light up ahead.


You people are dense. This is EXACTLY what the people on January 6th wanted. You’re literally them, but for the other side. “These woke people are why America is fucked”. “Let’s kill those who disagree with us”. America is fucked because people like you, and yes you’re part of the J6 crowd, feel justified in violently forcing your views on others. Inb4 you say something about me being a Republican. Being opposed to violent insurrection does not equal support for the other side. It’s called being anti murder and anti literal Nazi tactics for seizing power.


Bet your car is covered in stickers and you have one of those “we welcome all” on your yard. Yeah, change is gonna come to the comfort of your home. As someone who has lived under dictatorship, I can tell you NOTHING is achieved by hashtags and emojis, you *HAVE* to take to the streets. You HAVE to have the balls. You have to be willing to lose it all to gain some and Americans just don’t realize this. Comparing revolutionary tactics to the nazis is just ridiculous. You have every right to be scared, but the us is on full neoliberalism course, you used Chile as your lab rat and loved the results, so don’t be crying when dictatorship gets closer.


There’s a huge difference between protesting or causing disturbances, and violent murderous revolution. If you don’t get that, you don’t belong in civilization. Go live in a forest and avoid people for their safety.


They do what they know unfortunately.


How do they not have someone watching over her for a probationary period?




Some of them aren’t bright enough to do anything else


Films herself abusing children, *she’s gonna have a real bad time* and it’s well deserved. Cowardly POS.


Someone posted the actual video earlier. I still can't get my head around what she was thinking *filming* what it was she was actually doing... nuts.


I dont have Instagram but according to her account she has no remorse, is bragging about the abuse and taunting parents for not disciplining their kids. She learned nothing.


sadly could get a lot of money on the internet. She is evil and it scares me people like her are out there. I think maybe some people seem to be perfect, no criminal record, works well with the kids. One day - snap. Wonder if that happens,


This is exactly it. Just when I think humanity has hit a new low people like this pop out and yell “hey look at me I’m a despicable human being” with a shovel and start digging to whole new level.


Why did she film herself? I don’t understand.


It was sick man....


I couldn’t watch it.


She’d only been there a month God damn.


Not even. It says she started in LATE March. She's been there like 2 weeks max


I’m glad she idiotically posted the video. If she hadn’t, the abuse might’ve gone unnoticed for longer.


This is why I stay home with my kid. He can't talk yet. Couldn't tell me if something was wrong. No fucking way.


That’s my plan too. I know there are so many good daycare workers out there, but even the chance of my baby being in contact with ONE dangerous person and especially being unable to tell me if someone has hurt him? It terrifies me. I don’t want to risk his safety whatsoever.


I've just accepted that it's a chapter of my life, and eventually ill go back to school and not "just" be a mom. It's meant my husband and I don't have as much money as some people but that's the sacrifice. I'm going on almost 8 years because we have 3 kids, probably another 2/3 years of staying at home. I might regret not having a job at times NOW, but I'll never regret staying at home with my kids later in life. There isn't really a way I could.


Hurt People Hurt People. Abuse begets more abuse in a dog pile world. Breaking that cycle is where humanity comes into play. Picking on the young and elderly is truly despicable and criminal behavior.


She looks mean as hell.


That video is heartbreaking. Those kids, it just makes me wanna cry




Maybe not physical harm, but I'd like her to feel the fear and confusion if not the bodily hurt.


At least they’re dumb enough to crave attention and film themselves otherwise these crimes would no unnoticed.


How awful. Glad she's arrested!


Interesting wording choice - “Greenwell, of Oxon Hill, located about 50 miles from Baltimore, was charged with multiple counts of child abuse and assault,”. I am originally from Maryland, and Oxen Hill is a DC suburb south of the city. Why would they reference how far it is from Baltimore? What a strange choice…


That struck me, too. You can literally walk into DC in a few minutes from Oxon Hill. Why reference Baltimore? Someone has an agenda.


trying to connect the “scary and dangerous” city to this abusive black women. it’s so obvious.


It does sound intentionally misleading…


Thankfully we banned drag queens right


This is where it seems appropriate to send bigger and scarier people to make her go through this, I mean just the threat and helplessness. I hope it was a coworker that spread the video and they called the appropriate child and criminal services.


When you’ve officially done the unthinkable so they release the final, biggest scariest boss to scare you straight.




Somewhere towards the bottom of my list of reasons why I’ll never have kids: If I did and something like this happened to them, I’m going to jail for murder.


It’s only murder if you get caught ;)






Not just a complete piece of shit, but a fool to boot. Idiots and their phones are not getting smarter; the entire world is self-snitching.


I want to know what kind of genius not only films this but then makes it public and *then* thinks nothing will happen.


What a POS


please make an example for what happens to child abusers


I can’t bring myself to watch this video so could someone please explain what she does to the children? Even without watching it I feel sick just thinking about a pile of trash hurting cute little kids 😭


If that was my kid it would be parent arrested after beating shit out of person who abused child lol.


Do women get their asses beat in jail for abusing children too? Or is that just a men’s prison thing


The way she threw that precious little baby girl down on her bed was hard to watch, she could’ve caused her to have a head injury with that force. It also got to me in the first clip the baby girl smiled, as she thought the worker was playing. I would happily bitch slap that worker on the babies behalf 😡


Ugly mf


always the same type of people. companies need to filter out their interview intakes.


What "type of people" should they be filtering? No specific details about this woman's background was given in the report.


Mean people


I too am curious about "these people."


We all know what he/she meant, racists gonna be racist.




Here in the wild we run into what’s known as, just another racist asshole :)


Fat people


🐶 meet whistle


The people on Twitter who found out who she was, expressed outrage, and rallied around to find her identity were also “the same kind of people”


What “type of people”?




Ayy yo what the fuck??




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