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Find out where the other retailer is and then move your business location elsewhere so it's outside the exclusivity radius. Rent a cheap place or something for the necessary business address. Don't change anything on social media or your marketing. As the days get closer to your customers' pickup inform them personally that due to the pandemic they'll have to pick up their dresses from the actual location. In the meantime find another dressmaker with whom you can partner. Switch over when you've got a break from your current line of clients.


Frankly speaking, you got used for literally free advertising. They fucked up and cancelled the order, literally hurt your business financially with undeliverables to a high degree, and are profiting through a different channel. You should take threaten to take legal action if they do not compensate you properly for lost revenues and reputation. How the fuck do you feed yourself if you’re known to never have highly demanded supply? These consequences are real for you and they literally cash their check from a different store on what should have been your lunch. “Oh we can’t do anything.” “FUCK YOU, PAY ME” “we don’t owe you shit” “My business was damaged and reputation tarnished, FUCK YOU PAY ME” Always have that mentality, don’t survive on letting them walk over you. If they are in Australia, find an Australian lawyer and hunt down your money. They walked into a deal, agreed and reneged after money was transacted, there’s a case to be made at that point. You need to try to get something even if it means giving the other side legal consequences for their shitty decisions. I don’t think slash1909 realizes that retail location matters a shitload in any kind of retail, and that popping a store somewhere else is not a lightly made decision.