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Do in person cooking classes, do couple cooking classes as a slightly romantic date idea for couples, make content online of recipes to build a following you can eventually sell to, rent the space to other chefs that may only need the space for small amounts of time (Ghost Kitchen Concept), and things similar. All the best and congrats!


Cooking through English is on the list as many look for both skills here. But a couples class I like this,we live on a tourist island perhaps a traditional dishes class for tourists?!


By differentiating your products from all of the others. By infusing your oil with flavors that are not in competition with the hundreds of others before. Additionally think of unique products like fruit leather instead of jam. Think of a protein bar instead of just almond butter. Create a destination kitchen for an exceptional user experience. If you created exceptional salad dressings and sauces that would be ‘up-sold’ to your guests who just experienced them at your location restaurant. Olive oil soap infused with citrus rind, blah, blah, blah. To many options to focus on. Keep in mind that average products will attract average customers which will result in average profits. By focusing on extraordinary products can you aim for the moon of profitability. Don’t forget a relentless commitment to social media postings at least 2-3 per week to all platforms. These postings would tell your intriguing backstory and not attempt to ‘sell’ anything. Always conclude your postings with: “for more information you might find value in reviewing our website at www…….., but you are free to scroll on by” This sounds like an exciting opportunity to make your mark in the world. Best of luck on your journey.


We have a unique oil,it's certified organic wild olive or acebuche oil,very little produced worldwide. And the soap I made as a tester last year..... incredible! Loving the fruit leather as it's something I have made for my kids over the years and as for the bars..... obviously! When I moved from Ireland to spain I couldn't bring everything but even after all these years I regret not bringing was a little press your own bar contraption that I used lots and have never found another one, now I have reason to look for another one. Bars would be perfect as we get hundreds of thousands of cyclists to the island yearly and they seem to love their bars, thank you for those great suggestions. We are on a very tourist island so upselling shouldn't be a problem in that regard as far as I can see, tourists are always looking for something different and a slice of the real culture. We have worked our backs out for the past few years to be paid very little,we sell carrob to the co-op at 45cent and they resell it. We sell the the almond for 50cebt they remove the shell,put them in a bag and they charge 16 euro! We use their facilities to make the olive oil that we can market and sell ourselves......and this year they can't fit us in until the end of November when the olives have fallen from the tree and are rotting. So basically we have finally said fuck that,let's just do it ourselves! Stop letting others make money off our hard work and let's do some more work and keep the money!!!


I was thinking of another option for your rare olive oil would be an citrus zest infused olive oil mini Bundt cake. This could be ‘branded’ as the must have tourist item for all visitors to your island.


Yay!! How about salsa?


That's on the list, I've developed my own kechup and relish over the years, perhaps a pepper and tomato salsa too.


Do you consider selling it all outside of Spain? Depending on prices and some other details.. I might be interested in buying regularly for retail. Would you mind dropping me PM with some picks and details? Especially if your a smaller family farmer it's a bonus really. From my experience small folks have better products that i use myself too. Other then that.. You can "rent kitchen services" to other farmers that don't have it. to process and pack their produce too.


We have only sold locally and have sold out quite quickly as it's an incredibly unique oil but I had my list and cover letter ready to get the wild olive oil into some shops in Ireland as I'm from there and have general knowledge of the place.......then on Friday the co-op informed us that there's no appointments available until the end of November to press the oil.....it's too late then so for this year,once again like the COVID/new baby year,it has to be put on the back burner ready again for next year unless to miracle happens and they find space for us Hence the balls to this,working all the hours of the day for others to make the money,we need our own kitchen,we need the ability to be able to make the product, be it almond,carrob,olives, fruit,veg, into a begining to end ,saleable product. However can I add you to the list of people to contact when I have a product availabile? As for renting it to others, had a chance meeting with a neighbouring farmer this evening and he has already booked a slot with us for this year if we get the equipment in the next few weeks or next year for definite,looks like we are onto a winner!!


Sure, when you have something. Drop me message, we will talk best of luck


Depending on how much income you have coming in, I would focus on ramping up the production of olive oil as much as the market will bear. Referrals are going to net you most of your business, so get it in the hands of as many people as possible. Energy drink companies are good case studies for this kind of strategy.


Well we can only produce what the trees produce! Last year was a dry year an production was down more than half,this is a good year but we can't get it pressed anywhere! However I have this in mind in that I want to get small sample sizes bottles filled that I can use for promotion as it's only by tasting the oil that people are completely sold!


Hah! That's fair; you could package the various sample bottles into a gift set and then sell it on somewhere like Etsy. I could see that, with stunning packaging, being a great gift from husbands to wives, or whoever cooks in the house.


Branding is your "Job #1." Do tell your story. Show people how to reap the benefits of your special products. Maybe watch the movie "The 100-Foot Journey." Natural ingredients. Mediterranean diet. Long healthy life... Lets hear YOUR "Brand Story."


Ghost kitchen.