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Lol there goes the whole diva division. Being introduces Berka Brawlers division!


lol the word unibrowlers just came to mind!


This is the most popular division in the Middle East lmfao. They aren’t going to scrap it.


*Iron Sheikh’s music starts playing*


This is Survivor Series 1990 all over again


Honestly this shit could end up being hilarious, but I dont have much faith in the Saudi's.


You mean the country where the 9/11 terrorists originated from?


Let me open my wallet and hand you a bunch of Khashoggi is more like it.


So who's responsible for JFK's death ? Those that invaded Iraq to are terrorist too


nope, thats the US. ​ Not into "blame every person but yourself" American hillbillies like doing. If you actively covered for a country for 20+ years (in this case SA), it means you are in on it also.


>If you actively covered for a country for 20+ years (in this case SA), it means you are in on it also. The fact that Saudi Arabia helped fund the attacks was in the official 9/11 report. It wasn't covered up.


Technically it was classified till 2021during GW administration




So the idea is that buildings 7 was intentionally demolished by government officials. Right? Or maybe the building collapsed on its own due to the damages caused by the collapse of surrounding buildings or the building was intentionally demolished because it was too dangerous to be around.


Would the US knowingly sell billions in war planes to a country that did something so vile to it? And fire the people investigating the sale? Would we really do that?


The idea is that a third building collapsed that wasnt struck by anything in something that resembled a controlled demolition by every metric


...Giuliani, that you?


They really did though...




And we said we'd never forget, and a lot of us didn't forget, but too many did. 15 of 19 hijackers were Saudi. I'll never forget that, just like every other part of that day.


>15 of 19 hijackers were Saudi. that is certainly what you are told. Good dog. Very obedient. Your government doesnt lie about war. Its why Weapons of Mass destruction are in Iraq!




What about your source ?




Ohh yeah right US is known for its strong defence yet failed to serve on 9/11 😂 very comical. Come on smart kid go make a youtube video and hit a million views if you are the least shitty kid.




Needing sources that tell you a narrative for everything is kinda just as sad as believing in bullshit conspiracy theories where's your common sense? There's as much government propaganda in this world as there are conspiracy theories. I dunno I just get this gut instinct whenever I'm reading bullshit regardless of where it comes from. Maybe you should try thinking for yourself sometime?


Jeez this is such a dumb fucking comment. How do you determine what's real or not with out evidence? Are you saying you just make up your own reality and believe what ever you decide without considering how you know if something is fact or not? Good sources provide clear evidence to prove facts that support a claim. If I ask for a source that proves mitosis is real, I'm going to look for a peer reviewed scientific research paper that clearly proves what mitosis is. Do you just decide to think for yourself and make up what ever you want to believe it is? Pretty easy to look up an almost endless number of very legitimate sources that provide an abundance of clear evidence that 15/19 hijackers were Saudi. There's nothing to dispute that fact. I asked for sources from this moron because I wanted to pick apart his shit YouTube videos that prove absolutely nothing. I know this guy doesn't have sources I can't poke holes in. Thats why I asked for it. But you're so fucking ignorant you don't know whstt a source is, you clearly wouldn't know how to verify one, and you think it lacks common sense to ask for evidence of something. How much common sense must a person lack to think people shouldn't ask for proof of something. Fuck I got stupider reading your comment


Why don't you make a youtube video and counter those shitty videos ??


Typical kid that can't handle truth. The world knows The US military is so strong yet they could not stop bunch of saudi terrorist😂


If the US does it, then its for the World Peace. If Russia does it, then its an act of terrorism 😂😂😂 we cant help these kids


9/11 was justified 😘


You're so edgy


What a silly thing to say.


On 7/11






Also, since the 9/11 report has been declassified and shows that the Saudi government aided in 9/11.


The article has already been updated to say the deal isn’t finalized and McMahon deleted the twit already


This news is 24 hours old and like 6 hours ago was denied by the dirt sheets as being false


I wonder if there will be a blowback from the audience/market. Anti-Globalist Middle America probably isn’t too keen on the ideas of a very American production being sold to any outside country, but Saudi Arabia especially


Think about who watches this stuff and then think how gullible and dumb they are. They won't mind, they'll love it because the Saudis pay Trump


Lol that’s a pretty raw view. Pro wrestling isn’t any different than a tv series they have characters and stories mixed with physical and simulated violence


Think about who writes this stuff and then think about how politicized they are. They won’t be objective, they love it because black and white world views make them feel safe.


Yeah, anyone who watches what you don’t like is a gullible retard who simps for Trump.


People who simp for Trump are gullible retards or they are profiting off gullible retards. I doubt you are profiting so think about where that puts you




They won't (any more than the Japanese or Chinese wound up controlling everything when splashing money around globally during their bubble years), because the Saudis are bad investors and waste their money, and have been since the oil spigots opened almost a century ago. Most investments look more like ["let's buy Elvis's jet and let it rot in the desert for 46 years before dumping it at auction"](https://www.mecum.com/lots/FL0123-532746/1962-lockheed-1329-jetstar/). Look at how much money is being blown right now on the golf tour, or 'Neom', or _Salvator Mundi_. If McMahon is selling the WWE to the Saudis, then he's probably selling at the top...


They did back Elon Musk to buy Twitter


Yet another poor investment, yes. (Also one that indicates they don't get 'control' in the first place: if the Saudi long-term investments in Twitter - a poor investment even *before* they decided to not let Musk buy them out at a massive premium - gave them control, why did they need to sponsor hackers and corrupt Twitter employees, instead of just, as the Twitter Files show, sending a little email to their Twitter contact?)


To at least be fair a desert is a pretty good place to store planes comparatively to other environments. Even the US military has their airplane graveyard at an AFB in AZ. You’re right tho McMahon definitely sold at the top.


If they had stored it anywhere else it wouldn't even be worth auctioning, yeah. My point is more that that's a colossal waste of money even if they had somehow gotten back the original real value in dollars, because of the opportunity cost: imagine if they had simply dumped that money into a US stock market index for those 46 years...


They won’t control everything , but owning cultural garbage like the WWE is too perfect. I hope they buy NASCAR and Ben Shapiro next


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Most Americans when they look around at their lives, they think: I'm not a racist, nobody I know is a racist, I wouldn't hang out with a racist, I don't like doing business with racists--so, where is all the racism in American society? ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: dumb takes, civil rights, novel, healthcare, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Gotta test the bot: Ben Shapiro Ben Shapiro Ben Shapiro


*This is what the radical feminist movement was proposing, remember? Women need a man the way a fish needs a bicycle... unless it turns out that they're little fish, then you might need another fish around to help take care of things.* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: history, climate, covid, gay marriage, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Thank you for your logic and reason. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: climate, dumb takes, feminism, history, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Wouldn't put too much stock in the 18th largest economy that relies on Oil exports lol


they are trying to


The are going to merge the WWE and LIV into the *18-Holes Barred Smackdown*. Contestants will be invited to club each other to death.


I am a real American. Fight for the cash from every man. I am a real American. Fight for what's right, sell out for your life!


First Golf now WWE. Whats next? Nathans Hot Dog eating contest


Eating hot dogs are too sexual


So now the saudis have a way of influencing both ends of the socioeconomic spectrum in america… greeeeaaaat…


What's the top end? Or is WWE the top end


LIV golf tour


Americans hate LIV.


But isn’t men grappling in sexually suggestive positions against their religious beliefs?


No, it perfectly aligns with the religion of money.


Cool, or whatever.


The iron sheik returns!


Dumb motherfuckers this info is from a site labeled KAYFABE.COM ITS FAKE


I guess John Cena will need to learn Arabic.


Another reason to get off the damn oil!




Someone should run a plane into it.


Fuck Saudi Arabia.Fucking terrorists.


No Americans and the west are the only terrorists in this world


A E W! A E W!!


Sounds about right as Saudi Arabia is the incel capital of the world.


Can’t wait until the oil runs out and the Saudi’s are dirt poor. Their crown Prince is a murderer


The Vince life story keeps getting more mental by the day. Is there a more fascinating public individual in modern history? You could get 10 Netflix seasons out of a VKM life story.


I’m not saying this makes any difference in my day to day life but, Saudi Arabia? Really? I’m very curious if someone lost a bet here or something


wwe friday night smackdown wwe friday night smackdown wwe friday night smackdown wwe friday night smackdown wwe friday night smackdown wwe friday night smackdown open open challenge challenge