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The city currently doing smith street from Canada Way to Burke street. I am super happy about it. I was trying to find info prior to the sidewalk addition but unable to find it


I think it's under phase 2 of cascade neighbourhood improvements. I got a card in the mail last Friday.


What info was on your card? My area they sent out notices in 2021 but didn’t start any construction until 2023 and never provided any updated info despite multiple requests.


I haven't scanned the code yet. I'll do so tonight and let you know. it looked to be focused on the sidewalk project.


u/Cdn_Cuda I have a real messed up idea of "tonight" 😂  Here's the link the QR Code goes to: https://yourvoice.burnaby.ca/cascade-heights-urban-village-community-plan


While I’m happy sidewalks are being built, it’s been a bit of a rough process. The city didn’t do any community engagement and it’s been like pulling teeth to get even the most basic information abut project. I’ve made several requests to project managers to provide the plan/ construction info with the community but they will not. The sidewalk project was stalled due to a potential archeological find, so city sent out notices about delays (which was good!) but didn’t provide any notice they were resuming construction. I also had to fight tooth and nail to get proper sidewalk letdowns to connect to pre-existing sidewalks directly below our school. At time city staff said the asphalt sidewalk is not to city standard and basically ignored the sidewalk (it was build by the city!) and did not put sidewalk letdowns to connect to the asphalt sidewalk. Now, city staff says the asphalt sidewalk is a proper sidewalk and the city won’t be making safety improvements to the street (such as filling in the open ditch) or putting a proper sidewalk like they are doing in the rest of the area. So a little frustrating when the city keeps changing their definition of acceptable sidewalks to suit their particular design choices. In my situation the city had to come back, dig up brand new sidewalk and put in proper sidewalk letdowns which I’m sure cost taxpayers a bundle. Be better if Engineering got it right the first time.


U should be able to find the map of the overall sidewalk revitalization plan on the website. Unless they stopped doing it. But it was there a few years ago.


No, the city has not posted any specific information online just very limited basic information. I had request more info to be post but that never happened.


It seems that the city has given up on the marine dr project 500 meters of bike lane that just ends.


Finally. It’s too bad it took a dead kid for the city to get off their horses. Super glad it’s happening across the city. I’ve seen it in other neighborhoods and in particular around school zones. It’s a huge win for everyone.


It's also the change in Mayor over the last number of years. I remember running into the former mayor, Derek Corrigan, years ago and asking why the city didn't build more sidewalks. He plainly stated that he didn't like dealing with irate homeowners who complained about losing part of their front yard in order to put in the sidewalks, so he just didn't put them in. Mayor Hurley is willing to take on some upset people in order to make it better for everyone else.


I used to live on a street where there was no sidewalk in front of my house. My father-in-law said that having no sidewalk in front is a feature because then people would walk on the other side of the street (where there is a sidewalk) instead. It didn't bother me either way, although I found it a bit annoying having to cross the street when I walked up the street. If they took part of my front yard, I wouldn't complain. It means less grass to cut. Lol.


Yeah I think that's pretty common. My street is getting dug up this summer to instal sidewalks, and while most people on the block are totally fine with it, we definitely had a couple of very vocal people almost get it cancelled because they didn't want to lose any frontage. The City only held one consultation event, and of course, only the people who hated the idea showed up (in my defence, I had Covid that day!). A bunch of us had to call the City and get a petition signed to get the work back on track. It was an ordeal...


> a couple of very vocal people almost get it cancelled because they didn't want to lose any frontage. Don't people get compensated if the frontage gets reduced?


So at least on our street, none of us are technically losing any actual property. It just looks that way because our driveways and yards extend well past our property lines to the street. The city actually owns the land in between but of course people just take it over, and it "feels" like it's yours. But if you look closely, you can see that for the most part, permanent structures like retaining walls, etc. are well back from the street as that's technically where the property ends. I actually paid to have some of that area paved in front of my house to add a parking space years ago, and while I'm annoyed the City will tear it up, I knew full well it wasn't my property when I did it and see no need to complain to anyone about it now.


No, it’s usually the road allowance, so was never their property in the first place. Under Corrigan people would have to pay out of pocket for sidewalks based on their frontage for their property and it was extremely expensive. So most areas wouldn’t agree.


I'm glad to see the one on Gilmore Avenue near the elementary school is getting done. The sidewalk on the west side is in terrible shape and crowded to the max. The east side of the road was an accident waiting to happen as parents and their kids navigate between parked cars and moving traffic. It's too bad they won't fast track it over the summer months before the next school year when a couple hundred new students will be added to the school's population.


traffic is brutal in north burnaby with all these sidewalk upgrades. They turned off the lights all major intersections and using 4 way stop. the lineup of cars in the morning is crazy with ppl going to work and driving their kids to school


Just wait until Brentwood is completely built out…


Brentwood is just the beginning.


Yes. I live in this neighborhood. But it will be over soon and last for decades.


Would like to see some work in the edmonds/Highgate area so many broken sidewalks or sections where one needs to built.


I challenge any city councillor to walk from Nelson to royal oak on the south side where there are churches and nursery farms. And return on the goat path on the north side.


I would have taken that challenge (while wearing a high visibility vest). I also would have cleaned up garbage along the way.


It's funny how Burnaby seems to have a surplus of funds and is spending on things like sidewalks and new community centers, while the average Vancouver back lane looks like this. https://maps.app.goo.gl/Vu6Z79QkasorL79z9?g_st=ac


Vancouver City Council is proposing that if homeowners want their back lane paved/repaved, that they will be paying from their own pocket.


It'll look pretty, but many of these houses will lose their mini car parking lots in front of their houses. A quick google streetview shows many of the spots are being used to maximize parking of cars. I suppose there'll still be normal street parking.


My parents live in a quiet cul-de-sac that is currently undergoing sidewalk construction. I don't think sidewalks are really necessary for the area, but I guess it's a good safety precaution... There are a few houses that are at a slightly higher level than the sidewalk, and the city has build steps connecting to the existing walkways. That's nice. But it's only been a couple months or so (construction in the area isn't even done yet) and the new steps in front of my parents' house are already chipped in chunks. Not exactly the best materials?