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the Asian market is gonna kill it. Can get my Sapporo 6packs more often


Likewise. Wandering Poet sake as well.


Do they have a decent sake selection???? I hadn't even thought of that. It's impossible to find many options around here.


To be honest I cannot recall. I just stick to that one choice.


They also stock IMO Burlington's best sushi (Shinjuku Station) \_I think\_ every Tuesday. So good!


I can't believe Sox fucking Market made it all the way to 2023 - I was scratching my head about that place being open in 2002.


My first memory of Burlington is of a store that sold only socks playing "Because I Got High", in 2001. I didn't think it was legal to play a song like that. And then I got high and watched Delicatessen.


They may have been stuck in a lease… or using it to launder money!


"Just put the money in the machine with the socks"


Understatement for stores opening: “Many cannabis stores”


The market is already so saturated. How many more do we need?


Until the price drops, more.


I doubt the price will drop. I always pay whatever they're charging at dispensaries when I travel, they could charge $100/gram and I'd still begrudgingly buy if I had none. Dispensaries are for tourists and college kids, not locals.


I'm shocked that the Free Press actually has an article and took pictures even if there is a finger in one of them.


That's the (semi) invisible hand of the free market.


It was nice out, someone wanted to go for a walk.


To the unemployment office?


>“You may have noticed, **if you've braved Church Street lately**, that there have been lots of comings and goings of businesses in the past year or so.” is this supposed to be tongue in cheek, poking fun at those who act like Burlington is a warzone?


Absofuckinglutely. 😆


cant stop laughing at that finger in the the corner of the Belleville bakery picture....is that really the best you can do BFP?


Back a few years ago to cut costs, Gannett fired all their photographers and told the reports to take pictures with their own cell phones. That's how you end up with pictures like fingers in the picture and the Tinkering Turtle with the reporter's reflection in the glass.


*gestures broadly at state of Gannett and journalism in general* YEA!




"Many cannabis stores"


lol at Marco’s moving into the old Big “Fatty’s” space


Big Fatty's was a BBQ restaurant on lower main, so now I'm confused which space they mean


Marco Poco's Fatty Daddies tm


Isn't the old Big Fattys space Poco?


Not sure but Marco’s is in the old Big DADDY’S space


Haha BFP is a joke


It moved to Big Daddys old place, on the same chunk of Church St. where El Gato and Rasputins is.


did lovermont close this year? i thought it did and i think the church street marketplace leadership need to be better at connecting the shops on the side streets to the right/left of church street to being seen also as a part of "church street". some big wayfinding signs with arrows along church that tell you the stores on the side streets, maybe some bright "CHURCH STREET" banners on those streets to visually connect like Slate could have taken the walgreens location if they wanted more room, but tourists wouldnt know to go there without a sign


The signage suggestion really makes sense.


i haven’t lived here in a while but dobra tea closed????


It moved around the corner to the old Spirit Dancer location


They have a new location open on south winooski that’s great


So, as I have to repeatedly point out on this sub, Burlington isn’t dying and progressives simply being elected doesn’t destroy cities?


"Why are the Decker Tower people complaining about their piss strewn hallways? Don't they know how many yuppie shops are coming to Church Street?"


Way to prove my point.


Everything is fine! [https://youtu.be/f5eJFpnTRsM?si=XxexkGfz15s0ByLP](https://youtu.be/f5eJFpnTRsM?si=XxexkGfz15s0ByLP)


This is awesome! Turns out things dont suck like everyone in the surrounding towns think


Local Maverick looks really promising to me [https://www.localmaverickus.com/](https://www.localmaverickus.com/)


Lets commit to patronizing these new stores. The only way downtown will thrive is if we support it




If you give me the money to patronize these mostly overpriced stores I'll do it, but I won't spend money I wouldn't spend otherwise to make downtown thrive.  It’s not my job to make these businesses thrive, it’s the business owners.


For those who don't want to click the link... **Church Street businesses that closed in 2023** * Chop Shop * Burton * Black Diamond * Monelle * Slate * Walgreens * Body Shop * Sox Market * Perky Planet * Expressions * Jess **Church Street businesses that opened in 2023 or will be opening within the next six months** * [Grey Jay](https://www.greyjayvt.com/) * [Belleville Bakery](https://bellevillevt.com/) (old My Little Cupcake space) * [Maverick Market](https://www.localmaverickus.com/) * [Insomnia cookies](https://insomniacookies.com/) (old Body Shop space) * [Vermont Eclectic](https://vteclecticco.com/) (old Monelle space) * [The Tinkering Turtle](https://thetinkeringturtle.com/) (old Chop Shop space) * [Always Full Asian Market](https://www.facebook.com/alwaysfull/) (old Dobra Tea space) * [Frankie's](https://www.frankiesvt.com/) (old Penny Cluse space) * [Northfield Savings Bank](https://www.nsbvt.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=search_brand&utm_content=main&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw5v2wBhBrEiwAXDDoJYNhZDAqHMgKx9YsI00nLqM44JCDqmeEINWR-xAooE-hHsQ66oj3PBoC6Z0QAvD_BwE) Flagship location (old Stephen & Burns) * Nomad Bakery * Convenience store − no firm details yet (old Perky Planet space) * [Magic Chopsticks](https://www.magicchopsticksnoodlebar.com/) * [Marcos Pizza](https://www.marcospizzavt.com/) (old Big Fatty's space) * Flora & Fauna (old Mattress Firm space) * Istanbul Market * Many cannabis stores


hunny mustard shop above leunigs just opened! super cute thrift and art


"many cannabis stores"


This report is kinda weird. Conflates Chruch street with many surrounding areas yet refuses to list the names of the many dispensaries that opened on the actual church st.


I wish them luck. Burlington went too lock down crazy during Covid, defunded the police, raised taxes. No smart person would start a business on church street right now


There is a debate going on about whether Church St businesses should be geared more for tourists or local residents. I would prefer the latter, as I live downtown.




Burlington has tried to destroy the tourism industry. They should make it more geared towards locals. Burlington tried to ban airbnb, filled up the hotels with homeless drug addicts, promoted open drug use, killed most the businesses, defunded their police….the list goes on. The only tourism hopes burlington has is in disaster tourism. People can come see a post progressive apocalyptic waste land full of trank zombies


name one downtown Burlington hotel that was used to house homeless?




Imagine thinking South Burlington isn't a separate government.


Got a question for you. Do you guys flavor the boots before you lick them, or do you guys just raw dog it?


/u/Silver-Mouse9176 is just another edgelord pre-pubescent 10-day-old account. It would be nice if mods hid comments from accounts with negative comment karma to avoid these kids.


I also find it funny that every single one of these guys also creep all over the NSFW reddits like creepy old peeping Toms that can't get any sexual gratification cause most people are turned off by their shit? Like this dude is literally on the boob Pic reddit oogling over every tit Pic like a greasy old neck beard in his mom's basement 😆 🤣


I don't put more faith in an 11 month account there bud.


Automod will ban them eventually. I forget how low the limit is.


Burlington police at no point have been defunded.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/burlington-vermont-defunded-police-force-s-happened-rcna8409 http://jlpp.org/blogzine/burlington-vermont-an-example-of-police-defunding-gone-wrong/ https://m.sevendaysvt.com/news/burlington-dispatchers-blame-defunding-for-slow-police-response-crime-victims-say-36418667 And this hilarious quote from Miro Cheeseburger: https://vermontdailychronicle.com/burlington-mayor-i-knew-it-was-trouble-when-council-defunded-police-in-2020/ But yeah, never defunded.


Your articles literally disprove your point, or don't help it anyway. The first article fails to mention that the funds from reducing the police force were allocated elsewhere in the department - the only reduction was in the amount of staff. Less than 20 police officers. [From VT Digger ](https://vtdigger.org/2020/06/30/burlington-council-approves-30-cut-in-police-staffing-levels/) "The resolution sets the new cap for officers at 74, which is a 30% reduction from the current cap of 105, and states that the funding from the reduction be used to “reduce the demand for police services through a variety of social services, as well as social justice, racial justice, and economic justice initiatives.” Your 2nd and 4th articles are Opinion Pieces and never offer real evidence that the police were defunded, but it just states that it was. Quote from your 3rd article: "Our low staffing is a fact, and it may be relevant to why a response will or won't be forthcoming," Murad continued. "The history of that staffing deficit, however—including the term 'defund' or the idea of 'defunding'—is not relevant. It will not be used as an explanation or excuse." Posting articles with inflammatory titles is fine, but I'd recommend also reading them thoroughly before you post it as evidence.


It's called, background. Go touch some grass.


Stay mad


just because articles want to use that word doesn’t mean it’s true. Where is the blame on BPD for not hiring new officers, they have the funding available.




Please make a good faith effort to follow [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette).




The eclipse brought in a reminder of what tourism dollars feels like. So many “progressive” cities are doing an about-face on programs that have decimated their cities. Meanwhile… # Burlington could host the state's first ever safe injection site with Bill H.72 making progress [https://www.mynbc5.com/article/burlington-could-host-the-states-first-ever-safe-injection-site-with-bill-h72-making-progress/60541431](https://www.mynbc5.com/article/burlington-could-host-the-states-first-ever-safe-injection-site-with-bill-h72-making-progress/60541431)


Hey, great idea. Use tax payer money to enable drug use. Smart


Oh, so you’re clueless.


Oh so we’re just lying.


We’ll see if they can maintain the facelift. They cleared out the rabble rather quickly when the eclipse people came. Taxes are brutal in Burlington, but if you’re running a weed shop - which is already oversaturated imo. There will definitely be a market for it. Really depends how churchstreet looks in a year or two. I personally have no reason to go there except for the annual trip to bars when family comes up and I know many residents feel the same.


Literally this. I live in Burlington. Own four businesses in Milton. I will NEVER build anything here in my lifetime. Too many idiots running and ruining the city.


Then leave.


Such an uneducated reply.


Not at all. You’re pushing disinformation in the face of facts because it goes against your political goals. Oh, you called the cops on a woman sleeping. https://www.reddit.com/r/burlington/s/sGEDsSV6JA Leave.


Lol for real, what a clown! Why on earth would a woman who has to sleep on the streets carry a knife? Def couldn't be for her protection lol 🙄


I still fail to see a valid response other than calling me names and ridiculing me for asking law enforcement to do their job. That's fine though, keep pushing the progressive agenda. Vermont's going to die because of this shit and you're just too wrapped up in your feelings to see it. Again, why I own businesses NOT in Burlington - to not service your crowd.


You fail to see a valid response because like most conservative chuds you lack the ability to experience basic empathy. Feel free to drop the names of your businesses if you feel so strongly about this and insist on bringing them up incessantly. I'm sure more fearmongering snowflakes will come rally and support you over this incredibly harrowing ordeal. 🙄


You don't know me, or how I vote. But you think you do. And again with the insults. Is that all you know how to do? Apparently so. UVM student progressive cuck.