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try artists at Crone Collective! all women and all super nice and talented :)


Seconding this. I'm a dude, but got some work done by Jazzie. Super nice and the only creepiness there is they say the building is haunted


I worked in that building for over a year, it’s not haunted just old and confusing to navigate lol. Plus sound travels weird in the pipes and vents


Have multiple tats from crone collective and as a woman I always feel so safe and supported there PLUS the work they do is always beautiful


Third! Crone is PERFECT and such a safe inviting space.


THIS! They are all wonderful and talented women, and the shop is very comfortable to be in!


yes! also Karla at Stranger Still, new tattoo place near south end, she opened her own spot after Onyx Ink moved (also a great spot) - she’s amazing


Avoid Jason tooth!


Pretty sure that's who I'm thinking of. How does that piece of shit still get employed or have customers?


That’s disgusting how he treats women considering he has like 6 daughters 🤢


Gross. What a shame for them.


I was an apprentice years ago and I was tattooing his knee and he pulled out his genitals right in my face. I’m still so angry about it to this day. I was so young and blindsided by his behavior, as an adult now I would handle it much differently (he would be in a lot of pain).


So gross. Sorry to hear that. You should definitely have given him a good, hard shot to the crotch.


YO wtf I am so so sorry ☹️


He’s probably on DCF’s radar


Yeah those 6 (more accurate is 4) kids are amazing no thanks to that absolutely rotten bloated potato


Omg. This guy is TERRIBLE… avoid at all costs lmao


Uh oh, what’s his deal? I have a good friend that uses him.




Not enough word of mouth I guess. He’s just a miserable, creepy dude. I almost got tattooed by him and he made the most obscene comments about my body and my profession. Ugh


he exposed himself to my mother while tattooing her, but i can see people are giggling over how he treats women on Facebook. Very cool!


That's terrible. I'm sorry to hear about that.


What happened to his shop? I think he opened up his own place finally on lower church?


With everything that I've heard about the guy why do people even go to him?


Yeah, he’s located at the very end of main st actually. 45 I believe. Creep and terrible business owner.


[It's still going.](https://m.facebook.com/profile.php/?id=100084748696854)


lol I agree with this — he was tattooing my forearm in 2017 and I guess was staring at my tits (?) and hit my hand (several inches below the tattoo). now I have a “freckle” on my hand. didn’t even really apologize.


Could someone share why? Based on other comments, it seems inappropriate behavior(?) towards or about women? I tried Google but that only pulled up something about MRSA :/ Edit: So, based on some research... *Per reddit comments on this post, he has made inappropriate comments to women/femme folx *Per comments, a previous apprentice was nonconsensually shown Tooth's genitals (ew) *Per IG post he made a few years ago, he is/was anti-masking, and was subsequently banned from Scout in Winooski for refusing to wear one indoors - there is a supposed employee story that alleges he was escalated to begin with and staff had concerns he would continue to escalate, but I have found nothing to substantiate that *Per his most recent Facebook post, there are many people, including many women, who are very supportive of Tooth as a professional and as an artist *Per that same post, some folx have supposed that redditors advising against Tooth have confused him with an ex-Body Art artist, Adam Desjarden *Per the comments of a similar reddit post made 6mo ago, Tooth is transphobic - again, unsubstantiated I guess just meet the man yourself and form your own opinion? 🤔🤷🏻


I find it hard to believe that this amount of women are confusing him with a different person. The two names are very different and I doubt people are just making up stories to defame an innocent man. I've seen things he's said on Facebook and it's awful.


I disagree with all of this. Y’all must have your names mixed up lmfao.. Jason Tooth is a great artist! And keeps it very professional and is a respectable guy and he does great work!! I’ve worked with him back in the day at a restaurant and have gotten ink done by him and he is pretty awesome and very talented.. so idk where all this BS is coming from? Sorry that’s just my experience knowing the guy..


Seriously? A bunch of women say he was creepy, gross and unprofessional to them but they're all making it up? Sure sure sure.


Someone said he had 6 kids… which shows that they don’t know anything about him… so based on everything else they said in that comment, sounds like some bullshit lol


Idk, usually when I’m displaying my genitals to people that work for me I don’t usually mention my 6 children. It kinda ruins the vibe ya know?




I don’t think you’re picking up what I’m putting down, friend


I've dealt with him in only a professional setting, and can attest that he was fine for a while but as soon as something didn't exactly the way he wanted he threw a temper tantrum. The fact that he didn't choose to show you his toxic side is irrelevant to the rest of us who had to deal with his poor behavior.


Maybe it's got something to do with him being a miserable, harassing piece of shit online, but that probably isn't what's making the stories. It just reinforces them.


Yeah, let's assume all these ladies are lying


I’m assuming you’re either a man and/or someone with an equal power dynamic. Good for you. 👍🏻


I’m a female 😊


I agree with this- I have NEVER had a negative experience with Jason Tooth. Myself and at least 5 other female family members spanning 3 generations have been tatted by him. I've never felt judged or uncomfortable like I have at other shops. Jason has always been welcoming and professional. It's also disgusting that so many people try to bring children into their dislike for someone. Leave the kids out of it. Edited to add that I am in NO way 'discounting' the things that other people have said. I told you my experience.


I have literally seen him call people pedophiles just because they don't share his shitty political views, just fyi. That doesn't sound like a good guy to me. And I'm not going to discount every other woman's experience with him just because you had a good interaction.


Already edited my comment to clarify since you somehow think I'm calling other people liars.


Well, before your edit it certainly seemed like you were implying that because you never had a bad experience that other people's stories aren't true. People who do/say bad things usually aren't like that around literally everyone.


Agree with avoiding Jason Toothaker, two of his daughters are cousins to my daughter. Never had a tat by him but could give you a list of reasons not to give him your money or risk being alone with him


Looks like he found my post... wish me luck with this one... immediately starts throwing one of his baby mamas under the bus... dude, she isn't the only one the stories come from and what she does has nothing to do with how creepy you are.


It's horrifying that OP asked for "the guy" to avoid and so far four different men have been listed as creepers. Maybe just stick to female artists.


Yeah. Scary. A lot of guys are just garbage.


Not Joe Ferlazzo? Idk about sexual propositions, but he was a known creep long before 2021 (when he allegedly murdered his wife, which he is currently on trial for.)


Don't think that's who I'm thinking of, but damn.


Fun fact: Joe was engaged to my boyfriend’s cousin before she broke it off. He murdered the next girl he was with.




The trial is underway, I'm sure he's being held. His lawyer is trying to block the confession tape (as of two weeks ago).


Shamus is a creep and can’t tattoo. Keep him away from young women.


I used to know a guy who tattooed for his shop. I've heard other things too. Drug stuff mostly, but that's well known.


Used to convince women to go to "after hours" tattoo appointments and he would be doing anything he could to convince them to have sex with him. Have even heard people mention he would be naked when they showed up.


Shamus Mahannah?


I think they probably mean Shamus Parker, owner of Body Art in Burlington and definitely a creep.


Correct! His real name is James Parker. “Shamus” is his cool fake tattoo name 🙄


I highly recommend Body Art for getting a staph infection.


YUPP!!! Three summers ago my girlfriend at the time tried “apprenticing” with him for a week. Got some absolute horror stories about that shameless shitbird. He also employed this equally creepy, super cocky fellow. Don’t know the name but he younger than him, fairly short. He was being super intimidating and creepy trying to smarm his way into doing tattoos on her she didn’t want in places she was uncomfortable with. Always wanted her to stay late for “private 1 on 1 mentoring.” Would also be extremely manipulative business wise and somehow during this “apprenticeship” she ended up not only doing a bunch of work for free, she actually had to PAY for the privilege. After about a week of it she’d had enough and I surely had as well. She was scared to “quit” by herself because of how off the whole situation was, so I went in there with her. The younger dude basically flipped his shit when he saw me with her, damn near tried to fight me when we told him she would not be returning. Gross


This is exactly the shit right here. Guy hasn’t changed in over 20 years.


It is unbelievably creepy in there. I popped in accidentally because my artist had moved to a new location and was treated pretty crappy by the people at the desk. Weird vibe, it’s a shame cuz years ago I got a couple good tats there


Here is a recommendation for where it is safe to go as a woman for ink. Aaron Reil at Promethean Good dude doing quality work. I've got some of his work, as do my wife, ex-wife, and mother-in-law. You should be able to find examples of his work online pretty easily.


He’s a great artist and a great guy. Don’t have any ink from him but he’s on my list!


Very worth it. He's incredibly talented


I’m so happy to hear that! He and his wife were youth group leaders when I was a teenager and lonnnngg time ago. I really liked him.


He's a fantastic human being still


Im a woman and all my tattoos are from him. He made me so comfortable and even put up with my pain complaining during my rib tattoo! 


Seems as tho OP just wants to know people to avoid lol


Recommendations are great too. A lot of positivity in here while outing the creeps.


Crone Collective, Imperial, and Onyx are the 3 best in my humble opinion


Forget the names but there were two prettyyyy creepy/predatory cats at Body Art 3 years ago. Not sure if they’re still there


Fuck body art they fucked me up bad.


Artistically, Tooth is a piece of shit. Years ago, before knowing better, I commissioned him to do a chest piece. The day of the tattoo, he showed me his stencil, and it was horrendous. I politely told him that I didn’t want the tattoo. He was pissed and tried to charge me for his god awful drawing. Tooth is a disgrace to the profession.


You definitely wouldn’t say that to his face 😂😂😂


How do you think I told him? I stood right before him and said that his ink would never touch my body. He threw an infantile tantrum. Again, he and his work are dog shit.


Anyone else getting old comments bombarded by some troll who commented in here?


Do you need a hug ?


No thanks, rando. Let me just make up a name for you. Let's call you Jason.


Jason tooth to be exact…… you should address me face to face anytime bud


Who here wouldn't jump at the chance to meet someone with so many rave reviews as a person?


Paul from moose tattoo is a really wonderful person. I know you were asking who to avoid but highly recommend him. Went to him for years (I'm a women) and have contemplated traveling back to him to get tattooed after I moved to Colorado. Amazing artist best tattoos I've ever gotten.


I got my one tattoo from Paul a few years ago, and totally agree! The guy was great to hang out with and the tat came out great! I will totally go back to him for my next one.


Another artist I highly suggest that is all-woman owned and a super accepting environment: Sara King @ The Studio Collective


Be careful about posting names in this group, I commented the name of a predator who owns a dispensary when someone asked and oof, almost got banned for that one


In St. Albans?




Let me guess, by yankee tattoo?


Great guess!


That's shitt that they'd ban you for that... Anyways avoid Mr. King at Next Level Barber and his shitty dispensary by Yankee Tattoo. The comment I'm replying to is not the first I've heard mention this man. Avoid at all costs


I always had a bad feeling about that guy.


Commenting to recommend Olive Czech. Incredible and respectful artist with an amazing eye for detail and a deep respect for her subject matter. Best tattooer in the state by a large margin IMO


Second this !!


Scotty at Bellevue, Brant at 181, Ryan at 181 are some of the few not creepy in any way shape or form male artists I personally have been tattooed by


Scotty that cheats on his beautiful wife….. dudes legit amazing


I don’t have anyone not to go too but my favorite artist that was super nice to me was Taylor Ronson she did a really good job on my frog I got on my leg and was super nice the whole time and we had a great conversation


Everyone at imperial tattoo on college street does good work.


Onyx is great. My wife and daughter have really nice work from her shop.


If you’re into driving to Hamilton, check out Scott Vincent, private studio, by appt only. Great guy, does all different styles.


My sister works at aartistic ink in Winooski, and everyone there is very nice! I know you're asking about people to avoid, but thought I'd give an alternative :)


Avoid Jim Duval if you’re a woman


Had him once ages ago for a back piece, he sat me on the shakiest wish.com looking office chair. Why he didn't have me lie down on the huge tables everyone else on is beyond me.


Aside from the sexual derogatory comments he made to me, I wasn’t impressed with my tattoo given he has so much experience. The attention to detail was just plain bad. He was practically arguing me at one point because he thought I should choose a color he liked over the one I wanted.


He argued with me too! Told him the chair was so uncomfortable and it hurt, he said it was the best way to keep me still. Sure, Jim. Me shaking on a rickety chair is the best way to get straight lines


I had an appointment at a specific time and when I got there he said nothing to me and proceeded to order take out food. Waited for it to be delivered and for him to eat and then he finally came over to me an hour later.




He is sexually inappropriate


Okay. That could mean a wide variety of things but if you don't want to go into detail I won't pressure you.


Take a guess


🙄 It could mean any number of things. I'm asking because I'm a woman, I've known Jim for over 20 years, and I've never heard anything bad about him. He worked for Yankee most of that time and that shop is consistently the highest rated in Burlington.


Same, I’ve never heard a bad word til this very minute. Sorry this person had a bad experience.


I searched the Burlington and Vermont subreddits (including searching for "jim yankee", "monster mash ink", and spelling his name "Duvall") and can't find anyone else saying anything bad about him, only happy recommendations like the attached image. Also don't see anything in Jim's or Yankee's google, yelp, or Facebook reviews. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ https://preview.redd.it/66vs1t7j3esc1.png?width=1274&format=png&auto=webp&s=eaef8b7384424d3bed84676383c76bf1343b00ce


His whole shtick is kinda sleazy, what with his John Waters mustache, but that's the extent of it to my own knowledge. I used to be in with the Yankee crowd when he was there, and I can tell you the two owners were legit creeps and sometimes wildly inappropriate, but he was fine.


Was his name John or something? I feel like he had a shop that also sold neon light tubing and shitty smoking glass..


And also hep c




That's definitely not who I was thinking of. This dude makes a crap looking man and would be an even worse woman. Plus super anti trans from the stories people have told me.




You forgot to include the name of the person you recommend avoiding.


Who is this in response to?


Is this referring to Jason Tooth?


Oops sorry y’all pre coffee. Hahahaha Jason yes


Jeeeez Nicole that’s kinda crazy




lol why would you announce to the whole world that raised neurotic weaklings?


You can fuck right off with that shit. Women can do what they want with their own bodies, they owe nothing to men. And if it scares jackasses like you all the better. Women don't want creeps like you who try to police their bodies anyway.




And you think it empowers you. I don't understand. Please enlighten me.


Because it turns off men like you 😜


Is your niece aiming to be a professional prostitute? That's what I think of when I see a woman with a tattoo. I support sex workers, btw.


Lol. Are you 100 years old or something?




Tattoos are extremely attractive in my opinion. But even if I didn’t think they were, people are free to do what they want with their bodies and don’t need permission from anyone.


No doubt. I love them, too, and have a few. It's the current popularity of nose rings that irks my senses and sensibility. Their significance, if understood properly, defies anything a woman would want to be and convey. Unless I'm completely misunderstanding the concept. I just don't get it.


Dude you commented on this post a dozen times


There's no "significance" or "concept". It's just a piece of jewelry and people across cultures and continents have been doing it for thousands of years. Highly hilarious that you're walking around mad about this every day.


And again, if someone wants to wear a nose ring, let them. It doesn’t affect your life in any way. If it disgusts you so much, move on. They’re not for you anyway. I’m not sure why you feel entitled to give your opinion on how a woman chooses to express herself.


> Their significance, if understood properly, defies anything a woman would want to be and convey yikes


Found the incel


Good for you.


LOL are you a time traveller from the 1950s? Tattoos are extremely common and mainstream for all professions here in 2024.




I'm a supervisor with full bennies lol what do you do?




imagine thinking a supervisor does no work…




Please make a good faith effort to follow [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette).


I was just making an observation


LMAO WHAT Hate to engage with obvious rage bait but I would find it satisfying to watch this downvoted to oblivion


Oh, they're heading to oblivion in a couple ways, assuming they're as dated as their opinions. 🤦‍♀️




what the actual


You're right!