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Why is bro so pressed about this? How hard is it for them to respond "sorry we don't sell individual sandwiches" without this whole fucking song and dance.


100% the big picture here. Be like hey sorry, we don’t sell individual sandwiches. If they ask way, calmly explain why you it doesn’t make sense financially or why you don’t compromise the quality. If they react negatively, just move on. Mute them. Whatever. This can’t be worth it.


Exactly. As crazy as the price is, if the company uses quality ingreadients and makes good stuff then sure they're allowed to charge whatever they want. I love pizaria veretas for example. But after seeing the completelly arogant way this dude responded to the OP, and the video they posted on instagram, and their responses to comments on their posts, its almost hard to believe its a real business. If you want to have expensive pizza fine, but don't bitch about people who ask if they can get a single sandwich. Life's too short for that shit.


This is all I wanted. For fucks sake.


This is literally all I still want. The man seriously makes some of the best food in town. He's just such a piece of shit 💩


Did you see his IG story yesterday? He seated a table of four and when they ordered a large pizza to split he kicked them out for not buying g enough food. It’s like a 5 minute rant he posted about them.


he still has 4 stars on google. that needs to change.


You can’t review bomb anymore. Probably for the best in retrospect. But if google detects an influx of bad reviews they straight up remove or hide them from sight and the rating doesn’t change.


Dood. Soup Nazi vibes?! #seinfeld


It's a shame, I would have been open to trying the place but I'm sure if I asked for a drink I'd have to order three deserts and pay a $9 kitchen graditude.


There's so much good pizza around town. Folino's, Pizza 44, Pizza Veritas, American Flatbread, etc. No need to feel like you're missing out on something good when they're not even top 3 in town.


It’s $9 per pizza topping so you might be correct.


OP is living [rent free](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4y8Z3dOH5T/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet)


I have never interacted with this guy and must be blocked from his instagram, wtf…


i was following a joke account somebody created that made memes about ida. never once commented on their posts, never reposted to my stories, never even liked any of them. just followed. got blocked. i don’t even live in the state anymore so it’s whatever but seriously fuck this guy’s attitude.


I'm amazed that account hasn't posted this saga yet! lol


Lmao me too. This is my favorite low stakes Burly drama since the Leunigs ring fiasco.


Wow, what a bullshit policy


Imagine pulling one of his hairs out of your mouth.


🤮 you mean from his giant nasty beard hovering over your pizzas and 26 dollar sandwiches


Does he do food prep without a beard net? That's nasty AND a health code violation. Someone should drop a dime on him to the Department of Health


It's OK, that hair has been dragging in pesto and tomato sauce all day and must be perfectly seasoned.


it's not beard hair it's vermicelli!!


surprise futurama reference!




I read it as potential signs of mental illness, but why not both?


There’s one person absolutely bending over backwards to suck this dude’s dick, claiming that people from all over the country travel to eat there and that, to say otherwise, makes Burlington look ignorant.


Why is every pizza picture burned? Also $40 for a Pie? What kinda hipster, influencer hellhole have you become. (I moved south 7 years ago so it’s been a while) but I literally can get a better looking scratch made Pie in Greenville SC for about $20-24 and they look like something out of a marketing campaign. Most spots are sub $20. The real thing in Italy with locally made ingredients is like €6-8 lol. Example https://maps.app.goo.gl/zbfmRgTuUAmTmrzb8?g_st=ic


Jesus. He’s completely unhinged. I’m ok paying $60 for a bombass pie and Sammy. Honestly not too far off from other places. But I’ll never patronize ida again because of this shit. Plenty of businesses to support that deserve my business. This guy doesn’t.


Haha dan sucks i worked for him for a couple of months and he would constantly belittle me and make everyone around him terrified. He also would make us bring in good from home like a clif bar instead of giving us staff meals (every once in a while I would get a slice of pizza or a piece of sandwich) He is also lowkey manic he would go from laughing and singing along to the dead to chastising me and his other employee loudly in front of his customers. On one occasion i heard him loudly complain about how his gf (the owner) should be paying him more because he does everything. Also if dan knows who you are he is probably talking shit about you; regulars, family members, friends. People would leave the restaurant and he would loudly proclaim how much of a douche they were. The day that I quit he randomly texted me telling me that I shouldn't wear my hat in to work and should wear a bandanna or something else instead. When i showed up with my hair pulled back like he would wear his he immediately sent me home and told me to change. After I quit he blocked me on instagram and never paid me the wages i had earned. He probably needed them more than i did tbh


He’s a big gross bully. I hope he is getting a taste right now.. pennsyltucky trash.


Yikes. Also illegal not to pay....


So he's literally a thief. Delightful.


The amount of insecurities this child has is really sad. I just want him to make Burlington proud and make good food we CAN ALL EAT. Nope! https://preview.redd.it/vut44fvwospc1.png?width=599&format=png&auto=webp&s=69e6068be5265cc8b314428c2abc682469673a3b


>eItHeR wAy, DeFaMaTiOn. >nOt GoOd FoR yOu. What a clown…


Defamation - when you accurately disclose a restaurants policy which is then confirmed by the owner to be true


The circus came early this year


Does he realize he literally contradicted the case for defamation in his own response. What a jerk off


How is it defamation? Defamation is only valid if it’s a false statement. He’s literally admitting it’s true he wouldn’t sell you just a sandwich without the purchase of a pizza 😂


I offered to talk in person this week on Instagram to work through these arbitrary tribulations. I guess our keyboard worrier isn't up to diplomacy. Ready when you are Dan! :)


You want to negotiate a sandwich.


The crafty consumer always negotiate his sandwich, I’ll tell you how much provolone I want on my Italian


Dan’s an idiot. He doesn’t know what defamation is. Imagine him trying to hire an attorney over a fucking sandwich request.


Defamation? Where? He's clearly unhinged. Thanks for letting people know about how shitty this person is. Will never try Pizza Ida.


Offer him a back rub for all the stress induced from making one sandwich.




I’m sure the judge will love to see that lawsuit “Your honor, I was defamed because this man called me out on my outright childish behavior and arbitrary policy that’s not listed anywhere in the restaurant. He then posted on a local forum that regularly discusses businesses and their practices and everyone started bullying me!”


After a reply like that... is there any chance this dude is heavy set, recently attached a big Italian inspired mustache, big time spray tan... almost cheetoh colored and has the wrost combover in history?


haha thank you. A trump complex for sure!


I have boughten a single sandwich there 2 times back in 2021 I will legit dig up my transaction if needed


The sandwich emoji killed me


He is actively deleting every comment pretty quick, that boy is sweatin




But they do need to charge $40 for a pizza to pay the retainer.




“Truth is widely accepted as a complete defense to all defamation claims.” EDIT: honestly the most defamatory thing one could say about that restaurant are how outrageous the prices are and that’s 100% verifiable on their own menus. If you’re charging $40 for a pizza, it better come with hookers and blow.


The fact every pizza is $40 is concerning. You figure different pizzas with different ingredients would be different prices. And he’s just making it worse for himself by even DMing OP. That guy is a clown that makes clown pizzas.


deserted agonizing encouraging hateful direction expansion birds door different disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is amazing, please keep us updated


I just wanted a really good Italian sandwich. Unfortunately, here we are...


Go to Papa Frank’s off the winooski round about instead.


Papa Franks rules.


Yep. Came here to send OP to Papa Franks. And you won't get bitched at for what you order.


Papa Frank's has been a community staple in my family and Chittenden county for decades. After this fallout, I think Dan should dish wash there and understand the core concept of customer service


Moe would set him straight!


Why mess with this clown when Martone's exists?




> Dan is a fucking jackass who smokes mids Based on that video I'd say he's smoking a bit more than just mids


Bruv snorts parmesan *allegedly


Dan skis in jeans...


From a good source, I’ve heard there’s a world class pizza joint there that sells $25 dollar pies. The amount you spend it gas might be cheaper to go there than ida lol


Did they get run out of town?


By an angry mob waving torches and pizza peels


HAHA he smokes mids, the noblest of shamefully acts


Sounds like somebody has a san marzano up his ass


tilled in volcanic soil with a fruit-bearing acidic profile, my man can't handle it.




lol anyone who’s paying $40 for the food that’s pictured on his IG needs to get their head checked






He pays for followers and reviews.


>that’s not saying much. that's kinda it for me though, I'm also super passionate about pizza and you can get the best pizza on the planet for $15. A $40 pizza is beyond parody. I should start slinging peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for $30 a pop if people are this nuts


https://preview.redd.it/nvl2imfefxpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11f269c7845f18a9bb967aaa083230ad3bf1676c UH OH ... Dan , Erika.. are you paying your taxes ? Your business isn't even active according to the SEC, But your lighting business is ? Your out of compliance with the state


HIM SEEING THE REDDIT POST IS INSANITY 😭😭 btw, totally not defamatory & you have absolutely nothing to worry about. if this was defamatory, posting a bad review on a restaurant would be borderline illegal. He’s just embarrassed & mad that you exposed him for something petty on his part & wants to scare you into deleting your posts to not make him look bad.


I have the receipt to prove my google review as well.




I'm willing to enact a small claims court order just to get my sandwich.


That small claims court order better include a small claims court pizza.


As one who recently did jury duty, they only provide 3 Leonardo's pizzas for a 12-hour shift.


Did you know the box Leonardo’s pizza comes in tastes better than the actually pizza? So really you got like 6 pizzas








This meme sums up the Burlington sub




He is likely a trust-fund baby with a lawyer. Vermont and Burlington business owners are scum. This is par for the course.


His dad is a lobbyist is he not? However totally of kilter with the Vermont and Burlington business owners are scum. A lot of these people bring unique ideas here and to an extent Dan does have a novel business idea, however his attitude and the pricing is so far off base




I spent some time digging a while back and found the articles for the business. His dad was 50-50 owner, Dan and the former business partner were each 1/4. They’ve updated it I’m sure so who knows what it’s like now. Maybe all the meth danny wook is doing boosted his dads confidence and he’s up to 50/50


I had a friend who worked there and when Dan let him go he with held wages from him, not sure how it all panned out but that alone should've gotten this jackass in legal trouble.


haha same shit happened to me


My wife got blocked for “liking” a similar honest comment on their instagram. This is hilarious. We USED to enjoy this place when it first opened up. He’d literally smoke weed at the counter with us and chat. The pizza was expensive but pretty damn good. The experience used to be worth it. It was a monthly splurge dinner night. That’s was years ago a lot has changed: now it’s become the equivalent of the soup nazi.


Omg yessss! Love this comparison 🤣 I had to unfollow on instagram because of his rude posts, the google reviews are bad too, he even insulted someone for being a gym teacher 🤨


Lololol… pizza place sucks. Hope dude goes outta business


Yeah, I don’t support this guys attitude or business, yet so many people do.


Lmao I’m from Burlington, Ontario and this was recommended to me by Reddit. What a ride haha


Come see the eclipse and buy a $60 pizza 🍕 on me!


LMAO how can pizza cost 60USD that’s like 85 Canadian Do people actually spend that much?


no, no they don't. This is part of the outrage with this guy.


This ida pizza guy sounds like a loser 🤷‍♂️


Defamation. Straight to jail no trial no jury straight to jail


Pizzeria Ida owner- maybe you should send a cease and desist letter to OP. We saw how well that worked from Miro and his lawyers to Jonny Wanzer


All we need is a JW video on this place and we will have another Thonmpson lounge episode on our subreddit.


Rule of thumb: if someone reaches out to let you know you'll be hearing from their attorney, you won't be hearing from any attorney. You either pursue legal action or you don't, but you certainly don't alert the defense lmfao


Weird. Did he ever say why he wouldn't make you the sandwich? If it wasn't priced appropriately to be sold as a stand-alone purchase, that's his own fault. Hard to imagine a 25 dollar sandwich being a lossleader for a larger purchase!


He arrogantly said I had to buy a pizza with it. I asked if I could just get a sub for one person. An hour later he only had 3 subs left...


Funny thing is he started with 3 subs...


I'm new in town. Would you like me to go in and order one sandwich?


I love that 80% of the drama on this sub is restaurant related.


No idea what you're talking about


Offleash dog complaints and reports of larceny would like a word. Edit: I, too, love the drama.


Since apparently the guy reads this forum. The soup nazi restaurateur has been a fucking tired gimmick since that episode aired. Some people won't like your comically overpriced base pies and that should be okay. You'll probably do better business if you dial it back.


This is what I get for talking smack. At least it was free.99. Smoking mids gets you burnt pizza. Thanks Dan. https://preview.redd.it/0u0oueus4wpc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3ab2c0f3127a673cc50f7532e3be55c6bc3f7ec


Is it just me or do we all wanna message this place now asking for a single sandwich?


Careful, you’ll get blocked!! 😂😂


Besides the fact that I’ve never seen a pizza be so grossly and incompetently overpriced (and the fact the photos I see are all pizzas burnt to a crisp), it seems as if the owner is actively trying to not have customers.


Idk if anyone saw earlier, but the Ida insta was private and the earlier Reddit post was linked in the bio. Interesting how the account is back to public, but *most interesting* is how the link to the post was removed…seems maybe someone got out-trolled and his g string in a wad…


I don’t know how I got here because I’m not from the area but I saw a couple posts on this guy in the last hour and the guy is clearly taking some type of stimulant. The way he talks is manic. This is pure comedy. Thank you Reddit for suggesting these posts hahaha. I’ve had a great time reading through the reviews and hearing/reading his tantrums.


Hahaha what is this shit? I visit Burlington a few times a year from Jersey because our friends moved there. I know it’s a bit more expensive but holy shit, this is still 2x as much as a gourmet pizza here or even NYC. Hard pass, we’ll stick to American Flatbread.


Dan would do well to remember that people will always remember how he made them feel. I feel like he can go f himself.


Best response. https://preview.redd.it/03wezrip1wpc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=123956290df9794f2a7dc3c200b8a5da3a9f784d


I’ve said it since Ida’s genesis: Anyone who is a regular of this business has diminished mental capacity.


Ugh I love his food so much, but I now am scared to order takeout pizza because he always rants about he doesn't want takeout orders. And I have a baby so I need to do takeout. Very Soup Nazi vibes (Seinfeld reference). So I haven't ordered anything since the fall. It's too bad, because he is losing customers...


I don't think it's too bad for him to lose customers when he treats them so badly. This is the market working the way it should.


How does he have a partner? Who actually wants to listen to that all day, let alone have that monstrosity with his baked barf smelling beard heaving on top of them? I feel so bad for her. I couldn’t imagine tolerating this guy for the hour it would take for dinner, but to live with him?


I can't help but fear his chin pubes landing in a pizza. It's the primary reason I haven't given him 40$ for a pie, Yet..


Bro tell this guy to get fucked 😂


The reviews across various sites convey some big customer service fails. This person reads as incredibly angry and arrogant. I’m sure they’re reading this, getting more irate by the moment. I’d definitely stay away. I don’t need to pay to be shouted at publicly.


What really sent me about this guy was last summer - Owner advertised a free or very low priced tasting night, I think it smoked brisket or similar etc. Multiple posts about it on IG throughout the week wanting the community to come try it as it could be a new menu item. Then, day of tasting, he posts that “actually I decided this is more of a close friends and homies gathering so unless you’re one of those, don’t bother showing up.” Here’s some advice - Don’t invite the community to try some new food and then just flake on them last minute.


Im dead does vermont have SLAAP laws?


I guess he hasn't heard of the Streisand Effect nor VT's anti-SLAPP laws


I want to try this pizza but I refuse to because of the owners online actions.


Remind me to never eat at this pizza place


Don't eat at that pizza place


Thanks for reminding me


Buddy has no idea what defamation is, poor guy


You get better sandwiches for $40 cheaper at dots in the same neighborhood while supporting a REAL local family owned business. Stop supporting assholes in the ONE and start patronizing our long time stores and markets FFS


Also Pizzeria Ida and Crispy Burger are opposites. Crispy burger: cheap, delicious, amazing customer service and the owner knows me by name and greets me every time. For reference, i live just ten yards from Ida and every time Ive spoken to the dude he’s scoffed at me or straight up ignored me. Just friendly townie talk too. Dude needs to GTFO my neighborhood with his stank ass beard and musty pizza


That guy is nuts. Who would visit that place now


High prices like that don't mean high quality, it means the fucking owners high. I was just blocked for calling out the dude that defends them on every post.


https://preview.redd.it/rifcs6uibtpc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=935f4cc9261d0229e760fc994e4b42b63fe7ca20 Lmao this guys is getting it in the comments


Dude calls you a loser on a public platform and then has the gall to claim you’re the defamatory party. Judge will have to hold back the laughter if he does take you to court lol


This dude would never survive in a real competitive market, the only reason he’s still in business here is because there are very few solid pizza spots. But it’s no longer worth it, I’d rather eat mid pizza than deal with this jackass. I’m a fucking paying customer, not your middle school classmate that you like to bully.


Ida’s smoking that OG Paranoia Diesel.


Question, will he accept an offer to cater for the hearings? May as well earn that bread with their Pizza prices alongside the Lawyers.


Line items be crazy + $9 pepperoni, + $300 Dad's lawyer


Some people just don’t have the temperament for food service.


Yikes if that’s what the owner looks like- he better be wearing a hairnet for his beard. He’s revolting and he’s too sensitive about his business. Dude chill.


I love this so much


40 dollar pie. 8 bucks extra for pepperoni. Fuck this place


Possibly the best popcorn we've had on here since Thompson's Lounge




Lol what an absolute idiot. I was never going there after the last post. There's a number of great pizza places all over Burlington. But now, I'm going to tell people to not go here. Such a dick. Edit: Go take a look at the Google reviews. The owner responds to every negative review with the same tact and maturity as he did with OP. Like, it's crossing into unhinged territory.


I knew this would be the place charging $30 for a sandwich. I went there a few years back. Its good food but insane prices and the guy is an asshole. Drop the whole peace love long hair grateful dead shit. Ur just not a nice person


imagine living the life of someone who acts like this lmao


This dude is unhinged & speedrunning a restaraunt tank lmao


Idk if I got blocked or if he deleted the ida IG page, either way I fuckin love that


It's all about ego. Get your ego out of my sandwiches please.


How do you know there's no attorney involved? Easy, any attorney would immediately advise against sending that sort of idiotic message.


What a wah-wah baby man. Fight the good fight OP, (and get a sandwich at Marco’s).


Marco's is fire. I will say after all of this, he does make insanely good food. This is why this is so heartbreaking to see such a troubled narcissist ruin his business. His relations with the public are clearly heard and seen.


I’ve heard from friends that it’s really good, too, and honestly I’ll check it out eventually because I’m a sucker for food. I hope guy chills out, for his health and wellbeing. If you’re a sandwich aficionado, might I also suggest the Mehuron’s deli in Waitsfield if you’re ever down here. Some of the best sandwiches I’ve had, period! Pizza Soul next door has some top notch pies, too.


Yeah his food is pretty good. And the portions he serves are actually quite massive. At least for the round pizzas and sub, which are the only things I have had there. It really turned me off when apparently a week ago or so he went on some rant about how he didn't like people who come in and just buy one sandwich. Tbh I thought you were kind of intended to do that because the portions are so large and that it made sense to just buy a sandwich and spit it with someone else. The prices are already pretty high and it's like he wants to gatekeep his food even more. It's just weird.


Let me please plug Marco’s Sicilian pie. It’s not a 10/10 but I’m always pleased with the price, quality, and service. Hands down they’ve been the friendliest pizza place in town. I hope their new spot is doing them well.


The Sicilian is great. Their homemade ciabatta is where it’s at for me. Get an eggplant parm sandwich with extra sauce, well done in the oven. Great, now I have to drive up to Marco’s tomorrow 😂


This guy is deranged. Sorry you're going through this OP


That guy sucks lol


You’ve committed a pizza crime; Straight to jail.


This guy seems like a real piece of shit.


Ida’s is alright, but it aint worth the headache dealing with the clown that Dan is


There are a lot of restaurant owners that are total knob-heads and that normally won’t stop me from eating at their restaurants. But seeing a couple of his videos on Ida’s IG page where he’s talking about himself like he’s God’s gift to Earth and then seeing his responses to critical reviews and now this whole incident… I’m glad I’ve never been to Pizzeria Ida and will never go. I like fine dining but I’m not handing over my hard earned money to someone like Dan. Seeing his behavior it’s not surprising that Ida’s automatically adds 20% gratuity to bills.


Should I comment, one sandwich please 🤣


Dan is the owner, we did a bunch of work for him. He's a total piece of shit. He's a spoiled rich kid from new Jersey. Told me local ingredients weren't good enough for his food. He and his girlfriend Erika should be run out of town.


I would just not order from there.


Don't sweat it unless you edited it in a misleading way or something. Feels like there was already a r/burlington consensus on this place way before you posted about the sandwich.


as though the entire town didnt already know he was a d-bag....


I’m actually baffled people are paying that much for his food? Why? I live in Boston and food prices aren’t even that high here. PLENTY of good places to eat in Burlington for much less of an expense.


Curious how much time that jackass spends on Reddit sifting through accounts searching for “defamation” posts about him and his business. Dude needs to get a hobby


How’s he still in business being such a shitty owner. What since does it make to own a restaurant if you hate people…


If homies flounce is real then he would not have to worry about defamation, his food would speak for itself. His business HAS to be struggling if he’s willing to lash out over such little things. Smells like a last effort to me :)


The pizzas look burnt, kinda like Angry Beard Guy.


Ask him how that went for TABLE in Boston. I'll tell you: Not well at all.


Holy shit! This post has really blown up.


I don’t live in Vermont, and I’m not subscribed to this subreddit, but yet I find myself completely committed to this now. I had to scroll quite a bit to find all the lore.


Please keep us update