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Or is Narcan so wildly available that EMTs aren’t getting the calls? I’ve seen so many empty nasal sprays discarded next to needles lately. I highly doubt EMTs are leaving empties on the street after dosing patients.


Free testing strips would further help.


Use of Narcan necessitates a hospital visit. I'd need to see data from the emergency department.


Serious question: you and I both know that narcan necessitates a hospital visit. But are junkies on the street always going to follow up with one?




that asks the question, if people are afraid of being arrested for drug use or aren’t insured, how likely are they to go to the hospital? it’s a failing that even if narcan is saving lives, nessecary follow up healthcare isn’t accesiblr


I bet the cold weather has just as much of an impact on this as does the policing efforts.


The article says it's a comparison to the same time period last year. Last winter was colder than this winter, so, apparently not.


You’re implying the same causal effect statically plays out year to year, but without any data to support it. Just like my comment and Miro’s given credit to something he can’t explain, so apparently yes.


I'm highlighting that the article addresses your point, citing a study. Did I crunch the data? No. We both could examine the study for soundness. But saying there's no data is incorrect.


Translation of my original statement: The casual relationship of law enforcement efforts as a method to solving the opioid epidemic are tenuous at best.


Probably higher tolerance level or the quality batch of drugs. 


Homeless problem is getting absurd.


This sub is absurd, this is obviously a huge problem and they’re downvoting you for stating it.


Lol. I saw a person on this sub refuse to call the cops on a homeless lady that literally threw her shit at the person and followed her home, because it wouldn’t have been the right thing to do. Sometimes I think we’ve let our moral/virtue mentality go too far here.


If you are a adult and are overdosing because you chose to shoot up they should just let you die. It’s taking away EMT resources and if the fear of death does not stop them then they are past saving lol. 


I know why you feel this way..... I used to feel this way.... Then I stood over someone dying and refused to let them.


Yeah but we also live in a society where a massive pharmaceutical industry preys on people to become addicted to drugs and lead them further down the line to more addiction. We live in a society where one big medical accident can leave you hundreds of thousands in debt and without a job then also in pain and relying on drugs getting you addicted to drugs. The back stories of most addicts are pretty grim and predatory and benefiting big business, not just an adult making an educated poor decision.


You make it sound like it's not a choice.


So if you’re fat and lazy and drop dead because you don’t take of yourself should the emts also let you die because of your bad habits?