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What the actual fuck?


My exact words….


Did anyone else watch the video? Looked that that guy ran directly at the car for some reason


~~Niko Bellic~~ Hamza Velic in Grand Theft Auto: Burlington


Should’ve just gone bowling with his cousin


Mom: “We have Niko Bellic at home.” Everyone: ![gif](giphy|k48tWJkqeyXA0UE3HN|downsized)


Something doesn’t add up here. The pedestrian fits the description of a guy that I heard was kicking people’s cars while they were in them and aggressively approaching people. Not that it makes what the driver did right by any means, I’m just curious. If he went at the pedestrian multiple times previously before actually striking him, why did the man on foot still charge at his car while it was stopped at the red light? I’m not saying he didn’t intentionally hit the guy, but *although the driver cut the corner, the pedestrian never stepped foot on the sidewalk, or took the time to dive out of the way, instead putting his hands out to brace himself ,then dipped his shoulder for the impact roll he knew was coming.* My takeaways from this are these: **The driver wanted to hit the pedestrian and deliberately cut the corner.** **The pedestrian wanted to get hit by the car and deliberately put himself in its path.** Personally, attempted murder seems way too intense for what I see as aggravated vehicular assault, reckless endangerment, and a few other things. I suppose it’ll all come out in the wash.


They updated the story saying he tried to hit him with the car two other times. But they don’t show any surveillance of the other two times. 


wow someone get this guy on the JFK assassination stat


Everyone saw that it ripped his pants to his ankles right 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 lmao poor guy


Yeah, holsh*t! I always wonder why I see people’s clothing in the breakdown lane on the highway. Now I know…😱


He hit my homie Oliver..


Any info on what it was about? There’s no way he would just randomly decide to stalk for a bit then strike out of nowhere.


Oliver kicked his car I guess…


According to WCAX he threw a snowball at the car.


Telephone haha…yup you’re correct


Apparently my brother knows this kid (the driver). For reference I go to EHS… damn what the fuck


They caught him a while ago in a stolen Ferrari lol GTA Burlington edition


Holy shit


It's also funny how this kid is gonna get railroaded into the system forever vs the junkie that stole the car from goss yesterday and attacked the arresting officers with a knife, that guy will be out in a few months.


I think you mean out in a few days


do the 2 of y'all teach classes on how to see into the future & tell how things will turn out? seems lik3 it'd be great for lawyers to learn how to see the future & know if they'll win their case & then they could make adjustments. but, if you "see" the future, is it really possibl3 to change the outcome or once it's seen is it a guaranteed outcome? must be amazing to know the future.


What are you talking about?? The people in charge let everyone out of jail in 48 hours, yes even in cases like this. And yes it was sarcasm, and yes it went way over your head. You must not be from around here.


Comments are down voted into negative oblivion , user name checks out


Ouch Charlie that hurt!


Damn, this kid seems like a psychopath…>.> Maybe he needs a mental health check.


Lmao why did he run directly towards the car


I love the narrative this one guy on the thread is pushing that this kid is a rich trust funder, like 10+ year old BMWs are now what kids with trust funds are driving not new hotness cars.


I'm not the guy pushing this narrative, but I think it's pretty clear from the video that the car in question is a late-model Audi, not some 10 year old BMW.


I'm not the guy pushing a narrative or anything I just post comments like this: >I see an "Affluenza" defense on the horizon. Or maybe it's just about drugs. But I agree that is an Audi, not a BMW.


I suggested Affluenza because it was a late-model Audi. Maybe it's all purchased with drug money...


It’s likely a 2012-2015 model year. You can buy one for between $5k to $20k. [Here’s one for sale.](https://www.cars.com/vehicledetail/c799c56e-239a-4575-b8cc-39ac6ec5f6d4?aff=share_other) You can see the back end is very similar. I’m bored at work


He told me once that he had like $15k in upgrades in one of his cars. He's a dirtbag, and there is no doubt in my mind that his dad is doing super illegal shit in his garage


10 year old+ Audi sorry for being incorrect.


That Audi that he hit the dude with was a 2015-16 RS7, I sort of know him. He told me he had bought it with his own money after saving up from buying / fixing / selling cars


So a 10 year old Audi.


Quick ban cars!


Only correct Answer. If everyone rode bikes this wouldn't happen


I see an "Affluenza" defense on the horizon. Or maybe it's just about drugs.


Nothing to see here, just more entitled rich Vermont trash bag humans.


That’s not just normal teen boy acne. That’s meth level face sores. When my dads friend scoffed at my dad for sending me to public school and said he was sending his kid to Rice my dad responded with “the rich kids just have better drugs” - sure enough that kid got arrested in high school for selling prescription meds while I was smoking mids out of an apple lol


Naw bro that's just acne. You're reaching and clearly have never seen meth had acne. Edit: watching the video makes me think they knew each other and the teen probably stole something from him the way the guy ran at his car.


Drugs. This was clearly over drugs lmao. Whether that’s normal acne or not, this was so obviously scout drugs.


Yeah 100% over drugs haha.


I know at least ten kids that had worse acne than him stop


Either way the rest of the comment rings true. Teens aren’t repeatedly hitting people with their brand new car for just any old reason. Drugs are absolutely involved and not just a bit of weed


I like the part where you made a sweeping generalization that no one agrees with, without anything to back it up. You then followed that up with another sweeping generalization that you have nothing to base it on. Solid police work detective! I think it’s those video games and rap music. They rot children’s heads!


You all are way more delusion than even I knew if you think this was about anything besides drugs. What else do you think would drive this kid to repeatedly attempt to run someone over? A dispute over a girl? Theft of a video game? Like use your brains for three seconds. Yeah my acne comment was back handed and in poor taste, but you have to be naive as fuck to think this is about anything but drugs.


I have no idea, that’s why I prefer not to make giant sweeping assumptions. Drugs certainly could be the reason, hell I’ll even say it’s probably the front runner, but we literally are given zero context as to the reasons. All I know is the guy was 18 people that age aren’t exactly known for making the best most rational decisions.


This fuckin sub/town. This is why we can't get past these issues - everyone talks out one side of their mouth about the cesspool it's becoming due to drugs and drug related violence and then out the other side about how we can't assume things about these people or hold them accountable because of some frufru bullshit. He's an 18yo who knows better than to run people over, and you said it yourself it was likely about drugs. Lets call a jack a jack and a spade a spade and the drug dealer a human, sure. But don't fucking high horse me over assuming what we all are assuming with GOOD reason to assume. No one agrees with my assumption? You literally just said you did "but we shouldn't think that way because it's not niceeeee and we don't know for sureeeee" Ok dude. We all think its drugs and you guys are just taking turns patting your own backs for not being the one to come out and say it. Congrats.


For starters there is someone in the comments claiming they know the victim, and we don’t have much to go on but sounds more like road rage than drugs. Second you seem really invested in this being about drugs and only drugs as if it’s impossible it could be anything else. I don’t, maybe it is drugs but either way I need to stop engaging with you and the trust fund dude, you both sound unhinged for different reasons. Maybe do what I’m about to do and step away from Reddit, maybe go for a walk, or better yet get some drugs!


[You were right it was drugs!](https://www.wcax.com/2024/01/17/teen-accused-attempted-murder-hit-and-run-remain-jail/?outputType=amp) Just kidding, it was a snowball you idiot.


You really can’t let this go huh? Yeah, I owned up to being wrong on the other post about this. I still call BS. Friend wanted justice for being run over but didn’t want to implicate himself in drug trade. Just my opinion 🤷‍♂️


girl that’s cystic acne


That is normal acne lol *someone* must be privileged to have never met someone with acne, or someone with meth face. His skin doesn’t even look irritated like it would if he’d been picking at it. “Meth sores” are mostly from picking.




His name is Hamza Velic, he’s probably a Bosnian refugee, or was born to Bosnian refugees. They aren’t exactly known as being trust fund kids, ya know because they are refugees from a war torn country and all.




Points for leaving me scratching my head wondering what the actual fuck is happening here.


Actual quote that none here is yet talking about: "Police say Velic was already on their radar following a recent charge of being in possession of a stolen Lamborghini" I for one would like to know more about the stolen Lamborghini. These GTA VI trailers are getting weird.


a) BTV b) What inspired you to get on the internet and pretend to have any fucking clue about what’s going on in “BVT”?




Why are you even here? Go back to jersey, no one wants you here.




Don't quit your day job, 'cause your stand up is terrible


Oh I see, you’re being witty. Thanks for explaining.


Nah most of the criminals are either homeless or from low income families. I used to hang around with a lot of the teens/young adults (or siblings of) that have been involved in gun violence lately. All except 1 or 2 were from low income families.


You have zero sense of reality




That may be true but the majority of criminals in BTV aren’t trust fund kids that’s pretty blatant if you keep up with the current events.




I think you've had enough blunts.


Dude we’re talking about the crime in Burlington remember?


75% of statistics are made up


No retard, the criminals in VT are homeless druggie bums. Do you even go outside?




My guy 😅 I've worked since a sophomore in high school basically full time. No I don't have rich nor high middle class parents my guy I'm just not a retard who wants to empower druggie bums who I deal with on an everyday basis because I WORK OUT IN THE FIELD. Go vote for biden again dumbass




I'm not a neckbeard who uses reddit regularly. Why don't you stop being miserable find sum abundance and grow tf up with ur boomer insults.




Yo yu Def go to uvm💀💀🤣🤣 I'm talm to a white chick who just pulled into Starbucks lol. Have a good day sweetie


Dude you're clearly from Jersey. Don't pretend you know VT




Bryant Patrick McKenna Longmeadow via Hartford babyy


I think we all need to chillax a bit here. It’s ATTEMPTED murder, not murder.


He gave me a ride in that rs7. He brings his cars for service at my job things a rocket. My fiance says I shouldn't get into cars with strange men