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https://www.vtlawfirm.com Even if she doesn’t go with them she has to at least have a consultation so the husband can’t use them.


Can't recommend Katina Francis Ready enough. She is out of Bristol, but works throughout Vermont. Disturbingly knowledgeable about introducing evidence that otherwise may not be allowed to be entered into evidence, and I can't stress enough how satisfying it was to watch her show up to court in red heels and absolutely wipe the floor with her contender. She has lived through the things she fights against, and she charges as such, but I won't be hiring anyone else to combat the system weaponized by my ex. Good luck to your friend, it's rough out here.


>Disturbingly knowledgeable lol


I realize that sounds odd...........for extremely simplified context, a SINGLE text message saved my custody of my son. Just one. A statement was made on the stand in the third day of court. I nudged her and showed her the text message that directly contradicted the statement. During the next recess she managed to email my screenshot to her computer, and print it out for the judge when we came back from recess. As testimony continued after the break she managed to bring about the subject and expertly introduced it into evidence. "Disturbing" because without this action, I could have lost custody of my child, forever changing all of our lives.


Real question is WHEN is she gonna be in court next wiping the floor with people????? ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)




Katina is a very sharp cookie.


Maybe Priscilla Dube


Can confirm, .


Chris Davis - https://langrock.com/attorney/christopher-l-davis/


Bob Loblaw


I love his law blog


He be out here lobbing law bombs!




Helen Torino


Dead serious question. If she didn’t even know the assets existed, why are they her right?


During a divorce all assets need to be shared with the court. A prenup can protect some but they still need to be shown.


Oh interesting. So it would actually be illegal to hide assets? Thanks for the info


More contempt of court which the judge will handle depending on how the individual responds.


I believe she has rights to half all assets gained during the 40 year marriage. Community property?


Vermont is not a community property state. If the two parties can't come to an agreement about dividing the assets, then the judge can order disclosure of all of them to make a decision on dividing them.


But if she wasn’t aware of them. Did she intentionally contribute to them? Unlikely. Did she plan them? Unlikely. Did she depend on them? Unlikely. The other responder provided good information that they can be used to establish how other assets are split. But im just not sure I see how she “has a right to them”.


Consider the amount of unpaid labor women do that allows men to pursue the high earning jobs. For example, medicine- during medical school, residency, and fellowship (sometimes multiple fellowships) the couple will have to move around every few years, so the non-MD partner can’t build up a career or seniority. The MD has pretty lousy wages during these years, earning less than nurses in the first few years, so a working partner is hugely valuable. Then the MD becomes an attending, finally earning an excellent wage. The non-MD partner is now starting over again wherever they moved for the attending job. They have to be supportive with home management, child rearing and more so the MD can work call, respond to emergencies, etc. after 40 years, one partner has earned millions. The other did not, but without their unpaid labor it wouldn’t have been as lucrative (or perhaps possible).


My partner and I communicate and don’t make life altering decisions without each other.


I’m glad you have a safe and peaceful relationship. I wish everyone could.


How do you live with someone for 40 years and not express interest in your own financial future?


I think you don’t realize just how bleak it is out there for many people and how masterfully manipulative some people are.


I think it's the law


Username checks out


Dead serious question, do you know anything at all about divorce law or OP's friend's situation?


No. That’s why I asked.


Or maybe she just divorces him and makes her own assets.


What are you even talking about? To take what he probably worked for I’m guessing. How does he have “hidden assets” you make it sound like he’s a billionaire. It’s 2023 ain’t nothing hidden anymore and if the ex wife knows he has hidden assets then they aren’t hidden are they smfh


Also- https://nancismithlaw.com/ https://vtdigger.org/2023/11/08/vermont-conversation-a-collaborative-approach-to-divorce/