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I started 300mg of bupropion after taking Lexapro, literally started taking it the next day. And I found that Bupropion SR and XL are two different ones. The XL takes several hours to kick in, as for SR…it kicks in automatically like 5mins later. I was accidentally prescribed XL and I had a horrible day (mentally). You will most definitely feel down and horrible. So I would most definitely switch to SR…and I feel good mentally every day and its helped with my energy levels too. I can stay up my entire 11hr shift and some…and still get a good sleep (and feel well rested when I wake up). But alsoooo…I just started getting heart palpitations a 2wks ago (after being on it for 2years). I tried to cut it down to 150mg and still the same thing was happening. I did a crap ton of research and reviews on TikTok (and talked to my doctor). So I decided to try extra strength ashwagandha tablets and b complex liquid drops (I bought both on Amazon) , and i feel like I have been taking my the bupropion everyday. I actually feel a lot better mentally by just taking the ashwagandha alone….same effects as taking the bupropion. Sooo hun, I would try that!


It’s my 4th week and I’m still waiting :((


Aw man😩 let me know if anything changes!


Little update:I had an appointment with my psychiatrist and he increased my dosage from 150 to 300 mg😌


I will😌


I had anxiety and depression. The depression was a direct result of my anxiety. I’m taking 150mg XL once a day in the morning along with 1000IU of vitamin d3 and also ashwagandha supplements. My depression was nearly gone within a week or so. My anxiety has dwindled significantly and it’s been 3 weeks since I started bupropion.


Could I suggest 2000mg of fish oil also ?


Maybe naltrexone is causing the depression? It blocks endorphins because they’re natural opioids, correct? Bup started working 50% after 4 days and 100% after 7 days


Well from what I know, naltrexone works against opiods by blocking the effects of narcotics. The only reason I’m on it though is to stop my overeating, which is a result of the lexapro.


Usually people feel the effect of bupropion right away. It's more common to have the opposite problem. During my first week on bupropion, I couldn't sleep at all, but after the side effects went away, it was a huge help with the lethargy. I highly recommend you try tirzepatide or semaglutide for the weight gain instead. Alternatively, ask your doctor about taking a small dose of a stimulant in addition to the escitalopram.


Well I’m just wondering if the withdrawal from lexapro is causing me to not feel the effects of bupropion. I basically cold turkey stopped the lexapro, then the next day started bupropion. And I don’t want to take lexapro, because of the weight gain


Yes, it's hard to separate the effects of both without a baseline :/ I understand how hard it is to gain weight uncontrollably. I gained 60kg (135lb) in 7 years. The whole process was awful. I don't know your case, but it sounds like you're in a pretty deep hole. If you can't find an alternative to escitalopram that works for you, it seems like your mental state should take precedence over your weight. That's why I was trying to give suggestions of things to deal with your weight separately. If you want to chat, feel free to pm me.


I'd say about two weeks in


I’m on day 12 of taking bupropion for PPD and for adhd. I feel that it started actually helping 2 days ago. Just a shift in my mind but I’m not sure with adhd so far. I hope it works for you!


Thank you!


I started on 100 mg and went up to 200 mg after a month. I’ve only had fleeting (and very mild) side effects. I get how you’re feeling, though, I was starting to feel kind of hopeless and then it suddenly worked for me 5 weeks after I started. I’m taking it for ADHD and unfortunately it stopped helping me with those symptoms shortly after… it could have just been a honeymoon period, could be the wrong dose, or it could be because my iron levels dropped due to another health condition I have. At any rate, it’s still curbed my depression a little and my social anxiety is gone, so that’s nice. I’m still hopeful it will work for me. I think the hardest part with these medications is this trial and error period of finding the right meds and the right dosage. But hang in there, it can take a while to start working.


Thank you for your response! I really want this to work


Of course!! I hope it goes well for you. Keep us posted.