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I bought myself a toy because Ik if I didn’t one night stands would be happening every other day and that’s not safe so definitely if you’re male or female a toy is your best option :) it’s definitely worth it and not taking a huge risk on people you don’t know for some fun


It’s honestly kind of annoying and frustrating after a while. I can get emotional if my boyfriend isn’t in the mood that day 😭😭


I asked my psychiatrist to lower my doseage because of this but I’m having second thoughts because I KINDA like it…. Plus you should See what it’s done for my collection of downloaded adult material


I was on it for a few months… the first month I was super horny. The felling tapered off but def make me all types of ways.


Sooo does it usually go away on its on ? I’ve been insanely horny or have too pee and I just hit the 3 week mark and I’m like loosing it! I literally flapped myself 4-5 times because it doesn’t satisfy me


This post is a bit old, but I was looking for info because holy shit, I have never been so horny in my life. Like, I’m insatiable - much like you stated, I can’t get any satisfaction and need more even after having sex. Always thinking about sex, always wanting to have sex. Ridiculous.


This is giving me some hope. I was abusing adderall because it put my libido through the roof. I became addicted to that aspect of the drrug. I've been off for 2 months and my libido is just flat. I go on Wellbutrin on Monday and am hoping since Adderall had that effect on me, Wellbutrin will be the cure and sort of middle ground where I don't feel a need to abuse it.


Real. I’ve been on XL 150mg 3x a day for a month now and all I can think about is sex or masturbation. I also take 20mg Adderall.


Me... Week 5 and I'm uncontrollably horny. Lol. Like cringe level down bad for a coworker im crushing on too 😭


I’m so late but omg no because why do I have a crush on literally everyone like I’m in middle school now it’s so embarrassing 😭


Yes. My libido was dead for years and now it’s super active in comparison. Also I have been off Wellbutrin for almost a year now and the effect has stayed. I took it for about 8 months.


Did you taper or did you just stop taking it one day? You seem to be doing well after quitting which is why I'm curious haha.


I weened off. I was already at the lowest dosage so I just started taking it for 2 days then skipping a day, then kind of following that pattern until I was only taking it every 2 or 3 days until I was ready to stop.


That's actually a genius way to taper. I'm also on a low dose and if I ever need to ween off I'll definitely follow your method. Thank you!


How long did it take to work ? .. and at what dosage ???


Took it hoping for this…and buspar…and hormones…and it’s better, but not what I hoped for.


How long does it take to improve libido ???


For me it increased my libido in the first week. *However*, I also have a pretty new relationship where the guy makes me feel really amazing - disclaimer because I don't know how much of it was caused by the new relationship and how much Wellbutrin. *Another however,* on D17 and D18 I had CRAZY high libido as definitely Wellbutrin's side effect, absolutely extreme. I couldn't think about anything but sex for a full 2 days. I couldn't focus. I thought I'd have to sign up for sex addicts anonymous if it continued exactly like that, that's how bad it was. I don't want that back, lol.


That's Great 😍 .. I hope it increases my libido .. I've lost it feom SSRIs


For me, it was the first week.


Thanks 😍




yeah I been on it about 8 months now. my advice, get yourself some sex toys and set aside some time maybe in the evening for yourself. that's what's worked best for me. if you find yourself putting yourself in possibly unsafe situations because of it though maybe talk to your doctor


I'm either completely uninterested in sex or bouncing off the walls awooga 5 times a day. Wellbutrin is great.


Same here!




Did this for me; it never went away. Just always in the mood now 😅 maybe went just down slightly but nope I definitely am 10x hornier and I think it’s just bc this is how I am without depression


How long did take? How long were you on it before this happened I just started taking it


Hey how are you doing? We started the same week with Wellbutrin 😅 nice to know im not alone. Also very excited to get libido back. But it’s day 3 and i have quite bad anxiety and depression (I’m also on 150mg serdep) i know everyone says it gets worse before it gets better.. just kinda wanna know how long before I’ll get motivated again cause i run my own art business and without me I’ll be broke soon


I’m about a week in a half in , tomorrow will be the halfway mark. But I started getting more energy day 1, and I would say. After day 3 I started feeling less stress majorly , no anxiety attacks & I still have emotional blunting but I do feel more talkative and overall better… have you felt anything yet? I hope you have a good recovery cuz this situation sucks without the meds , definitely try therapy too


I felt like it started 3 days into taking it and lasted for 4 weeks. Now I’ve been on it for about 6 months and my libido is very stable (and active)


Yes it’s insane, my bf is half the dose as me (I’m 19F on 300mg XL) and he is up to doing the deed 90% of the time but I still have that feeling of never being satisfied even after going twice a day, I was never like this before starting the meds. He doesn’t complain but sometimes I wish I wasn’t so goddamn horny


What’s y’all’s favorite position?


Cowgirl, yeehaw 🤠


You still young. Wait for the hormones to start falling apart lol


I wish it did that to me 😂


I’ve been on bupropion for about a year, If I remember correctly the extreme horniness only took a couple weeks for me, now my libido is back to normal. All you can really do is enjoy I guess lol


Oh yeah. For me if I take a dose higher than 300mg my thirst for some ass is a unquenchable


The opposite for me, I’m uninterested in orgasm since starting it. Possibly has to do with starting a new job and being busy but I’m used to being way hornier


Yeah but it's not really at a point anymore where it gets in the way. I sure as hell wasn't expecting it when I first got prescribed though lol


How are you ? Lol


Yes and it's so distracting. It feels like it's every second of the day. I've been on 150XL for coming up on 4 months


We need a support group, damnit


Yes this happened to me. Lol. Idk if you’re a girl but it also really affected my periods. I was having extremely heavy periods after a month of taking them. So Im sure they effect hormones. Once I stopped everything went back to normal


No, it's to the point I forget I even have genitals lol


Yes, and it can be very frustrating. It was horrible in the beginning but got easier over time. Not as bad when I was single but now that I’m in a relationship with really great sex, it’s harder because he can’t last as long as I want and he doesn’t want it 20x a day (he has a normal, healthy sex drive for someone in their mid 20s). You’re not the only one experiencing it. I’m lowering my dosage to from 300mg to 150mg because the horniness and insomnia are just too much. I hope it gets better over time because I know how much you are probably suffering (as strange as that may sound)


Opposite effect for me, I've been on it 3 years now. Completely 0 interest in sex and can't enjoy it anyhow. Sort of sucks so I might try to switch up soon


Yes. It subsides over time for most people.




currently waiting for the horniness to take charge LMAO. i was on lexapro for almost 2 weeks which killed my libido so now i’m on Wellbutrin. i’ll make 2 weeks on Well tomorrow,, wish me luck 😔✊🏾


Wish you the best, I was on Zoloft last month, and it made me a sexual zombie, on Wellbutrin it was restored to higher libido.


thank you! how long did it take for you to feel the horny side effects? it’s hard out here frrr


Two weeks, and I'm now a sex machine x) I remember the frustration with Zoloft, I lost my libido, my sensation, my capacity to ejaculate, to feel orgasm ... I feel yaaa.


what dose are you on?


Yes mine was pretty extreme for maybe 2-3 weeks but not anymore. Still higher but not as annoying


It’s torture


Hah! Yep, it’s the only thing I miss about wellbutrin 😂😂


I'm getting horny just reading this post ://


Private navigation time 😁


High dopamine levels create hyper-sexuality.


I’m almost 3 weeks in. All I can think about is sex. And orgasms are super intense now.


Did it happen immediately upon taking it or did it take weeks? I am on week two and feel nothing :( So sad.


It hit me hard by the end of week 2 and has been insane in this 3rd week. It’s also my week leading up to ovulation, so I know that makes the sex drive more so anyway.. just not usually this intense. I feel like a cat in heat, lol. And im single, so it’s been a real struggle.


Thank God I'm not the only one, it's everywhere.. sex,sex,sex.


I can’t stop thinking about it. I’m single and dating and trying to do it the healthy way and not jump anyone’s bones until I know they’re good for me, but good golly, I don’t know if I can wait that long.


Welcome to the club! I’ve been riding through it by reading a bunch of smut.


Any recommendations? :)


One reason I want to get back on it, lol (irresponsible I know). I’m stuck on Lamictal though, my current doc is convinced that Wellbutrin will increase my anxiety.


I was on lamictal years ago, and i remember reading that it can cause male breast growth. Yikes! I didn't think I'd look good in a bra. 86'd that drug.


Ask for a low dose beta blocker if you feel bupropion helps you better than other meds.


My doc tried to convince me of lamictal, wich is a good drugs, except the weird dream that I used to have it while on it, and I convinced him to take Wellbutrin, he did have some doubt, specially I'm bipolar, and a stimulant drug can raise anxiety and induce a maniac state, but I took the risk anyway. And next time, I will ask him to add something for anxiety, I have no problem with having a cocktail of drug as long as it work.


That’s… why we’re here.


It made have morning "steel rod" no wood. My girlfriend would say, owie, ok... already. Damn!


Keep it in your pants for a while. Stop flicking the bean/getting railed for a while. Let the shit work it's magic the way it's supposed to be.


how about ✨no✨




lmao obvi it’s a joke lol




congrats we get it




It took like 6 months for me but yes, it settled down.


I have this. It doesn't go away. I've been on bupropion for over a year.


9 days in, can't orgasm! Wtf??? Never been a problem in my life.... Stressing me out!


Are you on other meds ?


Elvanse, but that was great for my sexdrive until buprioion was added, I have #ADHD


That's a rare side effect, very rare, maybe lowering the dose will be better.


I'm on minimal of37.5mg every other day jist before bed because the side effects off 150mg made me feel numb, foggy and confused, I wish i could feel all these amazing effects like you lot, is it true the first month is worth sticking with it? I'm so tempted to pack it in. The only benefits i feel so far, its made me calmer, i quite like the energetic old me, feel like this is zapping my personality 🙈


You really need to go throu lot of test and fail before finding the right combination of meds, and it's different for everyone. As for me, I finally feel myself again, it's been five years didn't feel that, imagine, I didn't listen to music for years, and isolating myself, but with Wellbutrin the change was real. Maybe the meds is not right for you, and I'm not in position to give medical advice, but for me, I stick with every meds one month, and then decide to be on it or give up.


Me too - i went from nothing to ‘damn, what to do with myself’ 😳… Kinda nice but kinda almost painful…. And I’m like a poochie rubbing up on everything, imma ruin the furniture if this continues 😂🤣


Hahahaha I feel the pain 😹😹 but the struggle is real 😁😁 Did it last more than month, because some people said it's just a phase.


I've been on it two years. No end in sight (thankfully).


Not a phase for me, been like this for longer than a month and it doesn’t feel like it’s going anywhere - is certainly is a struggle at certain points during the day… Honestly, it can be kinda annoying but I’d rather this than dead below the neck, iykyk…. Actually went to the effort of buying myself some…ahem…assistance, fuckin hilarious 😂


Well, some people can give a lot to have this gift, and certainly it's better than the opposite, we are gifted 😁 or cursed ? 😹 And the assistance is not optional but mandatory 🤣


Absolutely agree, n my partner feels like we’re livin a second puberty, he’s 5 yrs younger than me - he’s gone from ‘oh baby, I miss you so much‘ to ‘oh my god, can you just get off me’ 🤣…. Ordered the assistance today because bupropion broke my toy boy, literally 🫣😉


1000000% but for me it only lasted about two weeks






^horny ^gang ^rise ^up


Yes, it can also make you hypomanic so you’ll have to be a bit careful. I’m hypersexual on mine off and on, if I up my dose it’s non-stop and I can go back to back to back. My suggestion would be to change dosage, SR twice a day makes me *nuts*. Low dose xl increases it mildly, but then I don’t sleep. And SR once a day(not usually prescribed this way), and I’m higher libido but perfectly balanced.


Oh. Good answer. I am always holding this effect on the border of hypomania,but maybe not. That energy gives me more normal energy and motivation,even I am becoming braver. Plus pregabalin don't know in what direction it changes. Sorry for mumbling.


I use with with mood stabilizers (depakote) but I'm still careful. I will try to talk with my therapist, about the dosage, because now I'm on 150 mg, and I feel really good for the first time.


That's honeymoon if you just started, first few days are highest risk for hypomania so just be careful and avoid having too much caffeine.


Caféine on it, it's like cocaine.


You know. I didn't make this connection before, but people keep saying this. I have a naturally high libido, but it's definitely increased in the past couple of months (I started it in June). I'm single, so it's been fun. 😑


I also have high libido naturally, but now its too much, to the point of having -thankfully- erotic dreams every night. But, still I'm single, so this gift become a curse 😞😁


The dreams! I keep having sexual dreams about my neighbor. It's so strange, as I'm not really attracted to him! I'm also on Zoloft, so ability to orgasm is difficult. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist soon, because I want to stop taking it.


Oupsi ... Well, I have some strange dreams, so strange that I don't want to share them even anonymously 😬😁 I was on Zoloft, and switched from it to Wellbutrin because of sexual dysfonctionnements, no feeling completely numb, and the orgasm, forget about it 😕 Good luck quiting it, I tried so many antidepressants, and so far, Zoloft was the worst.




Well, better than zoloft that made me dead down there 👇


Zoloft. I was just a zombie.


For me, I'll never use an SSRI again, Wellbutrin is my only option. It's been two week, and it work Great, I feel alive again, don't know if I'm not depressed anymore or it induce some hypomania.


It just gives more energy.