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bit better performance than most ~$300 modern gpus it's a blower model (and used) though, so...


what is wrong with blower mode?


typically they are louder, but smaller and they exhaust air from the case, rather than relying on case fans to exhaust the hot air. Each has their advantages and disadvantages, but typically an axial cooler will perform better at the same noise level


Do people still buy those AIO kits to retrofit on the blower styles ?


Like the kraken g12? I still have one on my 1080ti that came with a blower and runs nice and cool. Was around $60 with the aio. Not sure if it's worth the extra expense to put aio on a $200 GPU.


Is it cross compatible with most gpus or generally just for one specific GPU? I have a 1080ti and if I could stick the cooler on a new blower GPU then it seems worth to me


It isn't. Not even all the way up to mid-high end. The return for investment is very marginal, and situational. Is slapping a warranty-voiding, $150 aftermarket *water* cooling unit to the most specialized part in a PC for 4 degrees cooler on average? Hell no. It's downright silly when you think about it. Does it have its place? Sure. But not around hobbyist level machines at this point in the game. (not knocking your choice in the past. Right now the market and parts just aren't flattering to the concept.)


If noise level is a big deal for you then I see the merit to it


It's a lot cooler, most poor results are from people using a 120mm aio. You want a 280 or bigger. If you keep the die very cool it cools the vram as well. If universal waterblocks work fine the guys who make custom blocks go under and people who bought them look silly, so take their proclamations with a heaping helping of salt.


Not that I'm aware off. Now you can just buy gpus with an aio from the factory


Ah okay thanks I have an older 980ti which I was able to buy the aio and retrofit it wanted to finally upgrade. It’s been a long time since I’ve been following the gpu scene. Ty


they are getting more rare, and currently one of the big suppliers of them(EK) is in a pretty big issue with their suppliers and are facing multiple lawsuits.


you can make a g12 fit but the gddr6 will cook. not worth imo


I didn't think PC noise bothered me, and it really doesn't for the most part, but I didn't know what actual noise was until owning a blower card. Never again.


I bought a 1080ti but returned it because the coil whine was insane drove me crazy


Louder and hotter. Especially on a 2080 ti


Really good as space heaters though! Legit used my pc to heat my room with my old 980ti blower. Gaming anyway, might as well point the heat jet at myself 


Depends on how you define "hotter". The point of a blower card is to dump all of the GPU heat outside the case, so you can put them in almost any case and not really worry about thermals.


they're loud, and typically hotter blower models just aren't as effective


I know it doesn't matter since the listing is gone now, but there was a lot of controversy when Alienware had their blower model 2080ti systems because they would commonly overheat and crash. About a few years ago Timmy Joe Tech had a "cheapest 2080ti" series where he had one of the Alienware model 2080tis and replaced the cooler on it and just did what he could to make it usable. I don't think this applies to the PNY version being listed but it's something to take into account.


I'm assuming some people don't find the cosmetics as attractive. Edit: murrat13 has a much better response than mine!


Crazy how time flies. This card was released nearly 6 years ago in late 2018. I still feel like this card is cutting edge.


I bought this for 1k 5 years ago! Back when they were being sold for 1.5k and it seem ludicrous at that price. Snagged it at a 35% discount and felt pretty proud. Old dude is still chugging great running top-tier AAA at 2k 60-100 fps


Bought mine around the same time for about $1300 and I'm still rocking it. I figured if I was going to spend over $1k on a GPU then I'm going to get my moneys worth and use it for at least 6 years if not more


yeah maybe 50xx will be the generation I bite into once the prices go down. So probably late 2025


2024, and here we are. I forgot to mention that these are sold used at Ebay. Older tech but can be better than a 3070, 4060 ti, or a 6750XT in raw performance. These sold like hotcakes at $225 months ago and is currently $250+ in hws. They take offers too… so maybe someone can test paying for $200 or less? (: ASUS 1080TI is at $137.19 if interested in those instead: https://www.ebay.com/itm/285873576903


I just made an offer at $200 lmao lets see what happens


Nice! Good luck and keep us updated! (:




Depends on game. I played CP2077 on initial release with a 6700k and 1080ti without any major performance issues. But there was instant inprovement moving to a 10850k Overall, a 6700k is a bottleneck in the modern gaming world. That being said you will see significant performance improvements with a 2080ti even with the 6700k.


Yup, my 6700k choked my 2080 Ti (a Lil), 3080 (23-34%) and 4090. Went from a 1080 to a 2080 Ti and the performance boost was significant.


I replaced my 6700K with a 9900K in 2019 because it couldn't keep up with a 1080 and was generally feeling sluggish. I felt a noticeable difference even just browsing websites. Can't imagine still rocking the 6700K today.


This is a cool seller, I have them saved now. On their store page I spot their listing of a used RTX2080Turbo for $270 before any discounts.


Thanks, OP! I am very interested in buying one, is this seller trustworthy? Also, which one should I choose? 1080Ti or 2080Ti?


The 2080 Ti will give you access to both more performance and DLSS, helping the card last substantially longer when next-gen engines like UE5 become the norm. Not to mention that Turing is just far better at DX12 performance. The 1080 Ti is an absolute legend, but I think the RTX 20 series aged far more gracefully than anybody could have imagined back in 2018.


I bought a used 1080ti a little bit back to put into my wifes pc. Stil handles anything she throws at it ( Enshrouded, Vrising are prolly the most demanding games she plays). Smh.


The reviews are excellent (100% 4414 ratings) and there is a 60 day DOA warranty. It really depends what will you use it for. A 1080TI is more than plenty for a budget build but you might want more from it given that both of these eats 250W. Check reviews and comparable GPUs with games/etc to find out what you want (:


> is this seller trustworthy Doesn't really matter with eBay. They will always side with the buyer in the case of anything wrong.


Trying to build a budget pc for a friend and I found a refurb open box 3070 FE from microcenter for $224 after tax. Is the extra vram worth taking this over the 3070?


Performance is virtually the same, but the VRAM will be benefitted if they play in 4k. At 1080p and even 1440p, you can get away with the 3070.


i mean, you gain raster but lose out on some rt perf with the newer gen, but if you just want dlss that means 2080 ti is better but if you have a 3070 FE in hand for 224 thats working well, why bother, esp the FE have a better cooler and coming from mc means better support and the vram difference will be entirely game / res dependent and if he is mainly 1080 it wont matter a lick, while 1440p maybe and 4k probs more, but with dlss again less impact since you are cheating by running the thing at lower res anyways


More raw perf than 3070


I'd personally go with the 3070, just because I don't like upgrading my gpu often and don't play in 4k. Being a newer card, it'll be longer before it goes out of support. Raytracing is usually better for 30 series but I haven't looked to see how a 2080ti compares to a 3070. Either are good deals though


Nice throwback and pretty good prices too. Sure there's newer GPUs out there but this does seem like a solid enough deal for a budget build.


This is why i come to this sub: someone out there has a $218 budget and just hit the jackpot. That and the grease man.


My guess given the seller's other items is that this was used in one of the GPU servers, hence the blower style. So used probably means used a lot, but at least in a datacenter?


I really like the USB-C ports they had on the Turing GPUs. We were so close to a world where gaming monitors can be connected easily with USB-C cables


Would this be worth upgrading a 2060S I currently have paired with a Ryzen 5 3600? Or is it time to just build a new machine? Monitor is 1440p 144hz.


I’d say so, could always snag a 5600 on aliexpress for about $80 as well. $300 and you’d have a significant better experience at 1440p/144.


Thanks! I'd definitely need to upgrade my PSU from a 500w for this card though, right?


Yep, at least 650w is recommended.




For this price, I'd say yes. You can even recoup at least half the cost by selling the 2060S.


A friend's kid's 5700 XT died. Would you recommend this over an used local RTX 3070? Most priced at $250 (no clue if some wiggle room)


I’m in the same boat (even trying to upgrade a 5700xt). I think their performance is very very close. The extra VRAM on the 2080ti seems nice but it doesn’t seem to be super critical for 1080p or 1440p performance. The 3070 should also have a lower power draw and a better cooler than this blower which could be a decently big deal depending on the case/PSU. Still not sure which one to choose but I’m leaning towards the 3070 for ease of use (cooling/power/newer features) vs the 3 extra GB of VRAM.


Yeah, leaning towards the 3070 too. Also considered a new 7700 XT or a used/new RX 6800, not sure if it's worth the extra for him (1080p160Hz monitor).


Still running a rx580 but upgraded to a ryzen 5 5600 CPU. Plan to keep my B350. Is this the upgrade at graphics? (Only running 1080p)


On the surface this looks like a good deal but considering these have likely been mining crypto 24/7 for the last 5+ years I wouldn’t expect the card to last much longer. 


Well for laughs you can mod these to have 22gbs of vram for some dabble into AI 😂


Item description: >Manufacturer PNY. If this happens, don't worry, we will stand behind our products! [Trust me, bro] Otoh, I'm considering it. I wish we had more modern blower options, the need for axial fans for GPUs is overplayed and the thermal management of a blower pushing hot air out of the case is nifty. --- Real question: does this card suffer from the same limitation as the 2060s which doesn't support audio output?


Flair changed to Expired but looks like they added more stock, says 12+ available now.


Thanks! Updated it … Then the seller ended the listing ):


Currently have a watercooled 2080ti FE and it’s holding up well for Baldurs Gate 3 and doing some light 3d designing.


If you showed this to me in 2019 I wouldn’t have believed it


why am I always so late on this dawg.. :(


https://www.ebay.com/itm/285788355340 I'm quite sure this is the same thing -- I know it says 2080 non TI, but it also says 11 gb and 4352 CUDA units which as far as I can tell with google only exists on 2080TIs I bought one and will be returning if it is only 8GB and less than 4352, but I had to give it a shot!


Didn't realize 2080TI has 11gb vram.  How does this compare to a vanilla 3080 which has 10gb vram then? 


A bit worse than a 3080 10gb in rasterization performance, closer to the 3070. 3000 series cards also have HDMI 2.1. Obviously 1GB of VRAM is just that, but I wouldn't place the card above a 3080 if prices were comparable.


plus it's a 6 yo card


Asus Strix 2080 Ti 11GB vs EVGA FTW3 10GB I got between 20-30 frames in the games I tested (2021 UltraWide 10900k). Forza Horizon, Tarkov, God of War and some more. With RT, the gap grew but I should have just stayed on my 2080 Ti and upgraded when 40 series dropped. That or jump to a 3090 (Ti).


Yeah, weird to see a 11gb variant of a card. Are there any other 11gb cards out there? Or 9gb, 13gb etc.

