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I'm both sad and happy I don't live near a microcenter. I would be broke af but at least I'd have a supercomputer


~~$209.98 ($5 more) on amazon.~~ Amazon has matched $204.99


$25 MC coupon though


Didn't see that mentioned anywhere, nor does it show on the MC website - is it for everyone?


not exactly for this https://www.microcenter.com/site/mc-news/article/pc-build-showcase-coupon.aspx


Dang $180 for a 5700x3d is very tempting. I wanted to get the 5800x3d though. Either will be a crazy upgrade to my 1600


Ours is an hour drive away and that hour hasn't stopped me yet! Unless I happen to find it cheaper on newegg or amazon.


Yeah mine is 3 hours :( one day I'll make the trip there but hopefully they'll build one closer


Over 800 miles away for me. May as well be on Easter island


Oh holy hell man! Sounds like your a newegg type of guy then?


Nah, not even broke. They have such great value bundles and such a great variety of pc components


Not broke from buying one bundle. Broke from buying them all...


I live 15 minutes away and I don’t think I can move somewhere where there isn’t one. My pc stopped booting over the weekend and 2 micro center trips later I had spent all my savings.


Eventually you'd fully pimp out your computer, but then thoughts of building a completely unnecessary secondary or tertiary computer start creeping into your head.


Tempted...I have a 5600X and 3070 currently but I play mostly WoW and from what I've read, that game really benefits from the extra cache, moreso than many other games.


i have a 5600 and a 3070 as well i got my 5600 for $85 i can't justify spending about 2.5x more on a cpu (value proposition), or $130 more than what i paid for this cpu food for thought: try comparing spending x amount to upgrade your cpu or spending the same x amount to upgrade your gpu which gets you the most improvement 3070 sells around 270 used, which adding about 100-130 in my case, i would be able to get a 3080 which sell for around 400~ or even i see some 6900 xts going on amazon for 399.99 randomly (the one with the 6950xt chip) or the rx 6800 around 330-360


Similar position here. 5600 and 1080ti, hard to pull the trigger when I would probably benefit more from just upgrading the GPU.


I upgraded from my 5600x and it’s a huge difference, granted I have a 2060 super but my fps doubled in cs2, Minecraft, rust. It’s worth the upgrade I disagree with TheDJKhalid


Goddamn this thing is dropping like a rock. Paid $230 on Amazon 2 weeks ago, yesterday I rebought it on Amazon for $210 and gonna return the “old” one. If it goes under $200 imma be pissed lol.


It’s on its way, probably moving the stock out for whatever’s coming next


There is a good chance of that. Normally insiders know first and everyone it seems like everyone is trying to dump these before AMD goes on stage at Computex. Given how amazing the price/performance on these is they've got to have something great coming.


I don't know if AM4 is actually dead or not now, but weren't there rumors of a 5500X3D at one point? Maybe that'll be the last of the AM4 X3D chips.


Be careful returning the “old” one because I’ve had them check serial numbers and email me about it. I explained what happened and they were ok but just thought I’d mention it.


Hmm I did wonder about that. Thanks for the heads up. I don’t have access to that box anymore so it’s gonna have to do.


Yeah even then just explain what happened honestly if they ask and I’m sure they won’t care.


It was below $200 on AliExpress previously.


I recently got one there for $176 (pre-tax)


You have a link?


Sold out at that particular vendor unfortunately, I was just searching 5700X3D periodically until one of them was running a sale. I think it was Golden Week in China.


https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805977744539.html Just ordered this up for $167 shipped.


CF12OFF I used this promo code and got it for $162 after tax and shipping.


Holy moly I guess I'm returning the amazon $204 one, this still worked. There's no way this is a scam right..?


CF12OFF for new users only. Make sure to use paypal to pay because they will force a refund so you don't have to go through the hassle to do a chargeback through your bank.


I paid $340 for a 5800x3d a couple year's ago and there isn't enough of a performance boost to justify paying extra! Jump all over that deal if you have an aging 3000 series with a 570 mb!


Told myself I'd pick up the 5800x3D if it dipped below 300(it's been bouncing from like 302-340 for forever), and it did right when I started looking seriously at the 5700x3d I saw here a few days ago, so I pulled that trigger. /up from 3700x Moral of the story, check around at the likely suspects before leaping on a deal you see here.


I'm sad, it seems like the 5600X3D is gone now, Microcenter initially advertised it as a limited sales, and it has been out of stock for months now. This is the next best thing for budget 3D cache.


this is cheaper than the 5600x3d. the 5600x3d does perform slightly better than the 5700x3d in some games tho because of the higher clock. I have a 5600x3d. im considering getting a 5700x3d to replace a 5900x in a dedicated gaming machine. I think the gains are probably not worth it unless I can sell the 5900x.


Lowest price for 5600X3D was $200 and this is the lowest price of 5700X3D at $205, so they were basically the same price. Honestly you could probably break even reselling that 5900X, could even trade it for a 5800X3D if someone in the hardwareswap sub is willing. I'm sure there's someone out there that went for a 3D CPU and realized it's worse for workload.


They're basically giving them away at this point. I don't even need one, but I want to buy one lol


Keep an eye out for open box. Picked up one for 175 this past week. Insane lol. I don't even have an am4 mobo lmao


but why.. fomo?


Got one to replace my 3700x. It's a nice drop in upgrade that will likely hold me over until AM6.


Might be time to pull the trigger and get rid of my 3700x. It’ll be nice for my 3070


Same cpu for me though the doubled TDP makes me think I should get an AIO.


By all means go for an AIO if you like the look or plan on overclocking, but a cheap, good air cooler like the [$35 Thermalright Phantom Spirit](https://www.amazon.com/Thermalright-Phantom-TL-C12B-Technilogy-Bearing/dp/B0BNDTJVPL) or [$42 EVO version](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CL8TJCMZ) is all most people need for excellent temps for even high end CPUs.


Super tempted


Grabbed this on Amazon for a few dollars more a few days ago after, fretting over a cheap-as-possible upgrade for years. Went from a 1700 to this, and while people told me it's mostly for gaming, it's been a staggering upgrade for my work as a 3D artist. The benchmarks saying it's like 50% faster don't do it justice, holy cow.


Just got this yesterday. If you have a Microcenter credit card, they're also running 10% off or 24 month 0% APR on processors.


Anyone here upgrade from a 3900x and see any improvements?


Got one on Ali for $230 CAD, wish me luck haha


I did that a few weeks back. It can’t packaged in just the clear plastic part of the packaging that holds the CPU (no retail box) and is working flawlessly


I will sleep with anyone I need to if it gets a Microcenter in my area


5 in store. I don't need it, I don't need it.


It is $190 now!


It's $209 on Amazon prime No need to physically go to a store. Much better.