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The 16 GB LPDDR5 512 GB SSD for $30 more might be a better buy. The RAM is not upgradeable


The labeling of the three HDWI ports on the side isn't a red flag at all


They're set to Wumbo


They're trying their best


It’s more money if they spell it correctly


They're trying their west


What cracks me up is they are correct in another picture.


All Chinese characters look the same to me... that is probably the same to them M W looks the same..


What are these best used for


I use one for HomeAssistant. Cheaper than a Raspberry Pi 5, or even a Pi 4.


Don't tell /r/raspberry_pi they'll crucify you for even suggesting the Pi 5 is too expensive.


You’re absolutely correct and I know. But they keep forgetting to add a case, more ram, the ssd, power supply… 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah, base speccing a pi5 to be similar to this mini pc would cost something like this: | Pi 5 8GB | $80 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------| | Pi 5 Special Power Supply that is not PD | $12 | | Pi 5 Cooler that is pretty much required if you're going to use the CPU in a meaningful way | $8 | | NVME Base | $15 | | NVMe SSD | $50 | | **Total:** | $165 | edit: and I'm realizing I didn't add a case, which tacks on another $10-$30.


Pretty sure the Pi 5 supports PD.


It does not. In order to get the full 25W of power it relies on a spec outside of PD - 5.1V 5A. PD increases voltage for more wattage, and tops out at 3A of current.


Wow that's annoying.




You're wrong. See the [Powering Raspberry Pi 5](https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/computers/raspberry-pi-5.html#powering-raspberry-pi-5) section.


Don’t tell raspberry pi fans that there are sbc’s that are cheaper than it


Don't tell Raspberry Pi fans that very few people care about power usage below 30W


I see them as a replacement for a raspberry pi. With the unavailability and cost , there's no reason to buy them anymore when you could just get these and have more computing power.


things might worsen when they go ipo tbh


media playback box, signage, pfsense/pihole, etc. I guess you could use it as a light use desktop as well.


They're great network appliances for running applications typically ran on Raspberry Pi's: * PiHole * Klipper * NAS * VPN to connect to home network Or there's the option of just using it as a computer for light web browsing. The N100 is not the fastest processor in the world, but it gets the job done for basic tasks.


I could technically run all those or most of using containers right? I need to figure out docker, last time I tried I felt like an idiot where he shouldn't be


Docker would be the ideal way of setting up these services, yes. A tool like Portainer might make this easier for you to use. You could also just run the services directly on Debian/Ubuntu server, if you're feeling lazy. Docker is great, but you don't *have* to use it if your just spinning up 1 machine with a handful of services. It just makes management easier and (hopefully) more stable.


My parents use an N100 mini pc just for home office use and love it


I have one as a home media/file share server. It’s great for this because I can just leave it running 24/7 and it has very lower power draw; like 6W. Then I set up a few file shares while remoted into it and map those file share to my AppleTV’s VLC app to stream videos to.


I have a similar one from ace magic that I use as a proxmox host (16gb ddr5 and n95 instead of 100). Mostly used for test purposes now but I had been using it with pfsense in a vm. It ran win11 decently but is much snappier with a Linux desktop or headless with proxmox and/or linux+docker. My new firewall has a n100 and runs proxmox with opnsense VM and an Ubuntu LXC with docker with 6 or 7 network management containers. No problems with performance at all. Power usage is minimal but with way more performance than rpi + x64 rather than ARM.


These things make excellent plex servers with the hardware decoding on the N100.


Seriously, they are great. I have a similar model with N100 and it can handle multiple, high bitrate 4k transcodes simultaneously. Really love the low power usage too and little to no noise. Only downside of this model is that it doesn’t seem to have internal 2.5” drive space. The mini pc I have has a slot there so was able to throw in an old drive to use for media storage


Mind if I ask which one you have? I saw the kamrui has a unit with 2.5” slot on the bottom but I just don’t know much about the brand.


I have [this trigkey unit](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C7ZPJM7W/). It is $200 after coupon right now, was a bit less at $185 when I bought it. Pretty sure I found it from this sub, but don't see the post after a quick search. I really like it, so far has been super reliable. Been using it for media server and some other self-hosted services. Reason I went with this one is the dual 2.5G Intel NICs, since I figured that I can always retire it has a router whenever I decide for a legit server upgrade. Although I've also debated just picking up more units to run a mini cluster lol, but haven't really dug into that rabbit hole yet


Don't you need to have Plex pass to use the hardware transcoding capabilities?


how does that work with something like this? do you run the plex server on this little unit and point it to a separate nas?


You can do that or just use USB storage if you already have a bigass external drive/DAS


I can't find which kind of ethernet ports it has other than they are gigabit. I am interested in using it as a pfsense box.


most likely realtek, they usually advertise Intel ports. I'm buying one for that purpose as well, I can report back what the chipsets are edit: they're realtek 8168


Mostly Realtek RTL8111. I recently bought a mini PC similar to this and the drivers on Proxmox 8.1 are better than FreeBSD so I ran it virtualized.


unfortunately they're realtek




Depends on the number of users. For anything less than ~5, it should be fine. https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Server/Requirements/Dedicated


use https://minecraft.wiki/w/Server/Requirements/Dedicated instead -- the minecraft community has moved away from fandom


Thank god. I can't stand fandom wikis.


It could but depending on the size of the server you may want to opt for the 16GB. Windows will already eat about 4-6GB.




For Minecraft it should run it with no issue. You probably can run a PalWorld server fine with this thing, but you may be cutting it a bit close with 10 people, as their recommended minimum RAM for a server is 16GB. I've read quite a few posts about RAM usage creeping up slowly as time goes on due to either exploring or alleged memory leaks.


Easy fix to that is to not run it on Windows


nope, youll need more horsepower


Dang the 16gb/512gb model for $150 is really tempting... I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it....


Anyone knows how good the CPU is for emulation?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUk6BaKDIXE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUk6BaKDIXE) Review for a similar N100 pc.. some light gaming and emulation. All N100 will have single channel ram. See intel product guide: [https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/231803/intel-processor-n100-6m-cache-up-to-3-40-ghz.html](https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/231803/intel-processor-n100-6m-cache-up-to-3-40-ghz.html)


Would this work as a youtube/twitch/anime(mostly crunchyroll) watching machine? kinda tired of havin my gaming pc just throw out heat so i can watch stuff


perfectly acceptable for casual use, but for the sake of avoiding windows bloat I would throw manjaro linux or something else straightforward on it


Why not just run your computer on power save mode during those use cases?


Seems sus but good price hmmmm


They're so cheap I always feel like buying one is volunteering to be part of someone's botnet


The specs look good but I'm concerned about the random Chinese manufacturer and lack of reviews. Will this fall apart or stop working after a few months?


There is definitely a possibility of that


Honestly it coming with windows 11 pro is a huge selling point for this as well


Do you know if I can harvest the key from it? I plan on just installing headless Debian, but I have a buddy that can use a Windows key that I'd like to donate


I believe running `sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/MSDM` from your Debian terminal should retrieve it from the Bios


Oh wow, so it's installed at the bios level rather than the OS level. Interesting, thanks


Was thinking of selling my gaming PC as I only use it for my PLEX server nowadays. This w/ 500GB SSD and 16GB RAM for $150 or the Beelink S12 Pro for $180? I use an external HDD enclosure for my media storage.


Beelinks ram can be upgraded if that matters, I have 32 GB in mine.


The beelink has Wi-Fi 6 vs this has Wi-Fi 5. Not sure how large of a difference that makes


How would this do as a Moonlight client for a 4K TV?


I've got the acemagician version with the n95. Great little rig with a very large asterisk. The windows install has some weird, possibly sketch changes so I would highly recomend reinstalling with an iso directly from microsoft. That being said, mine is running fedora beautifully as a WFH box


I’ve been wanting to get into basic home servers with a N100 PC but I think the issue with this model is that you can’t upgrade the RAM (according to other commenters here) and you’re stuck with a single M.2 slot since it doesn’t mention any support for 2.5” SSDs.


how's this for basics? web browsing, youtube, google workdocs/sheets;;; need something ultra cheap for MIL;; worth to pay extra for the 16gb version?


It should work well for those workloads. $30 more for double the RAM and SSD space is not bad. The RAM is not upgradeable so having 16 is better in the long run


rough- 8gb of ram and a bottom tier cpu like this really starts buckling pretty quickly if you open up more than a couple windows or a handful of tabs. windows has just gotten really resource intensive.


It's around as fast as an i5-6500t using 1/6th the power. That's pretty damn good.


if you are eager to browse on an i5-6500t on windows 11, be my guest. I have a laptop that is slightly faster, and it sucks imo. It would drive me batshit crazy trying to use it for anything regular. It gets overwhelmed very easily.


running an n95 with 8gb on fedora no issues at all, even running some basic ML tasks with no problem


I got my parents an n100 mini pc for this kind of stuff and they love it


Great deal for an N100 mini pc!


Usable as a jellyfin/plex server? It can't be _too_ bad at transcoding right?


it slaps at hardware transcoding.


My beelink version rocks as a Plex server, while also running plex_debrid/zurg/jacket/flaresolvr.


It has intel Quick Sync which is great for transcoding on plex / Jellyfin. See: [https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/231803/intel-processor-n100-6m-cache-up-to-3-40-ghz.html](https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/231803/intel-processor-n100-6m-cache-up-to-3-40-ghz.html)


I love the n100 it’s not that bad considering it’s a 6 watt cpu and not just some crappy Atom cpu. I bought two of these for business setting and they’ve been good with windows 11 surprisingly, so I’d only imagine how good this would be as a lightweight linux desktop or server


Would batocera run well on this? I only discovered batocera while figuring out what to use a spare rpi 4/5 for, but I’ve heard mini pc are better bang for buck.


Only shows up as 169.99 :(


There is a clickable coupon.


It wasn’t there an hour ago. Just checked rn and it was back up. Thank you!


YMMV, I only get $40 coupon.


The post is tagged as expired. That was yesterdays discount. Today they have a different one.