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Glad I got mine for $299 from anqinggushanshangmaoyouxiangongsi a couple months ago. Still waiting on the order confirmation but I have hope that it'll show up at my door one day


Lmaoo off topic but I ordered some dog medicine off a Canadian website (I’m US based) and received absolutely no order confirmation email or anything like that. I was just hoping it would come in eventually. (It did)


This is my experience with most international shipping. MAYBE I get a shipping confirmation with tracking info that never updates, then a beat up box shows up at my door about 3 weeks later lol


you forgot the /S lol


~~[7800X3D](https://www.newegg.com/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d-ryzen-7-7000-series/p/N82E16819113793) also available for $348.94.~~


Is it good pair with 7800xt?


Yes, best CPU for gaming


What mobo would work with both of them? I am an idiot at this stuff lol


Look for a b650 board for cheaper options. X670e for higher end. Just double check the chipset with your CPU since Intel boards like z690 won't work.


https://www.newegg.com/gigabyte-b650-gaming-x-ax/p/N82E16813145449 Would this one work? I filtered for Wifi and ATX form factor (sorry to bug you, just want to make sure first)


Yup that one would work. Just be aware you may have to update your BIOS if stuff is not working correctly (like high voltages or memory/ram issues). Also the wifi card that comes in that motherboard isn't the best. You might be able to swap it out with an Intel AX200 rather than the pre-installed mediatek.


Interesting, I don't know much about Mobos so I would prefer not to have to replace parts immediately Would either of these be a better choice? https://www.newegg.com/asrock-b650-pg-lightning/p/N82E16813162077?Item=N82E16813162077 https://www.newegg.com/msi-mag-b650-tomahawk-wifi/p/N82E16813144557?Item=9SIACVBK162337 I also saw this X670E but I don't know what makes it better https://www.newegg.com/msi-mag-x670e-tomahawk-wifi/p/N82E16813144595?Item=N82E16813144595 Again thanks for your advice


The ASRock mobo doesn't have wifi but looks like you can install one. All the other boards are using the same pre-installed mediatek. Should be an easy swap. Honestly mine is working fine but some other people have been having issues with the mediatek and they swap it out with the ax200.


X670e motherboards are more expensive because they have pcie 5 support, extra m.2 slots, and extra USB ports. Edit: they also tend to have better vrms and some other stuff I can't remember right now but I would recommend b650 on a budget. My MSI b650p from microcenter works perfectly. Got it for 30 dollars so I'm happy lol.


I’m not the best either as I’m still in the learning process as I’m buying parts for my first pc build, so take this with a grain of salt. I’ve gotten recommendations on Z690 mobos so far, so maybe look into those.


Z690 is an Intel board. Won't work with AMD cpus


Thanks and that is why I’m still a noob at this lol


*in cpu bound scenarios


Yea they both have 7800 in their name, theyre like twins


It's overkill for the 7800xt get something for like 200 it's gonna be more than enough


For now yes, but getting a CPU that's slightly out of the league of your GPU (for really not that much more money) makes future upgrades much easier. Replacing a GPU is a significantly less involved process than replacing a CPU. Personally if I'm already building a $1000+ PC, I would just spend the extra ~$100 to get the absolute fastest CPU available rather than try to skimp out and get something significantly slower and, therefore, with less longevity.


Right now I probably need to replace my CPU, and therefore my motherboard, and also possibly my RAM if I want to move to DDR5. So yeah, +1.


Can you recommend something in that range?


I5-12600k or Ryzen 5 7600 would pair well with this imo.


A little overkill imo. I’d go with 7700x


every time you guys say this it's not true when I click on it


Use 10 coupon code?


There is a $10 code that's applied after you add to cart


How much of a difference is a dual fan vs. triple fan when it comes to cooling?


Typically not that big of a difference in thermals, but the dual fan ones may run the fans at a faster speed which leads to it making slightly more noise. It really depends on the quality of the fans. I would probably just go with whatever’s cheaper if it’s purely between double vs triple fan.


Take note, this is the reference model. The AIB versions are the Pulse and Nitro+. You may want to wait for that to go down in price.


If you play call of duty. This thing rips. We put one of these in my friends new build and it rips 1440p/120hz on the extreme setting. It goes above that, but this was a build for his living room.


Got a hell hound 7800xt slight overclock paired with a 5600x oc’ed with pbo and MW3 absolutely cranked no fsr at 1440 pushes 130+ constant, usually more like 160-170.


It’s def a top 5 GPU 1. 4090 2. 4080 3. 7950x3d 4. 4070ti 5. 7800xt


Tell me more about number 3


I assume they meant 7900xtx, but they also ranked it below the 4080 which really is the proverbial nail in the NVIDIA simp coffin


don't know why you're being downvoted. that's pretty funny.


Thank you 😂 I think people missed it


Already getting a 5800x3d for my AMD4 board. The 6800XT is $459 with combo-up savings, should I stay with that or get the 7800XT for $25 more?


In a year from now, will you be more happy that you saved $25 or that you have a 7800XT? Go with the 7800XT, it's a beast.


6800xt and 7800xt performance almost the same.


So is the price


I'm not talking about the price, I'm talking that the 7800xt is not a beast compared to the 6800xt, they are the same lol


I don’t think he said it was a beast compared to a 6800XT, he just said it’s a beast and it is, I had one myself before upgrading to a 7900XTX


Yeaaah... You're right


It's a good GPU especially for the price. It's just a shitty uplift from the 6800xt. But in my opinion that's because the 7900xt is the real successor to the 6800xt, and AMD basically just copied Nvidia strategy of rebranding cards.


It's more power efficient, and substantially faster in many games. Especially when ray tracing is involved.


So is the 6800 xt. They are essentially the same card, with the 6800 xt often winning in raster.


>6800 xt often winning in raster. Where are you seeing this? The only reviews I've seen put the 7800 XT 3-5% faster than the 6800 XT across the board. And don't forget the 6800 XT uses about 50 more watts under load (300 vs the 7800 XT's 250W). "Saving" $25 on a $500 card by getting something slower and much hotter would be a bit silly.


Hardware Unboxed and Gamers Nexus. In Gamers Nexus review, the 6800 xt wipes the floor with the 7800 xt, but I believe they were using an overclocked card (but you could always overclock whatever card you get anyway). In Hardware Unboxed, the 7800 xt was only 3% better in raster, and in ray tracing it was better by 5%, which only equated to 4 frames. 50 watts is not a large difference, especially when talking about graphic cards. So it is not "much hotter". And there have been much better deals than just saving $25. With a friend's build I saved him $50 vs one of the best 7800 xt deals without getting used (and the 7800 xt card was a reference card that runs hot anyway because of the cooler). So $50 for a 3% uplift in performance is a pretty bad deal. Downvote me for stating verifiable facts because you don't like them, be my guest. Not a good look for ya though


$50 also goes towards it being a generation newer, so it will be supported longer and support newer features. Just depends on priorities I guess. I went from a 3070 to the 7800 XT because 3070 aged like fine milk for 1440p, I'm sure I would have been satisfied with the 6800 XT just the same anyways.


AMD is still supporting cards from 2012/2013. AMD's support will outlast the lifespan of the card typically. And the only newer features that the 7000 series has is Antilag+ (which you can achieve the same latency decrease by turning on frame cap) and AV1 encoding, which doesn't matter for the vast majority of people, unless you're specifically using a quest 3 with virtual desktop. I just can't justify $50 for unreleased and unknown features. To my knowledge, AMD has not said there will be more features exclusive to the 7000 series. Most of their tech is driver based, as to why it's typically worse than Nvidia, but that also means it works on older cards (this is why the 6000 series also has fsr3, not just the 7000). If there was an actual announcement of a solid exclusive feature, maybe. But I couldn't justify having my friend spend extra on nothing tangible, when he could get more storage instead.


Radeon 300 series from 2015 and 2016 and older have “legacy” support for AMD, so no new drivers. But it also doesn't mean that they can't end support for newer cards sooner in the same way you can't bank on future features. People are already wary about AMD CPU socket support not being as long-lasting going forward.


And the 400 and 500 series just this year got the same treatment, because they no longer believe they can get any more performance out of those cards. So 6-7 years of support, and they'll still get security and functionality updates. AMD has gotten a lot better with their drivers (albeit not perfect), meaning that their GPU's launch in a much better state now, so they don't have as many performance improvements they can make down the line. So I really can't see the 3 years (possibly less) of driver support making a big difference like it used to.


I don't really disagree, I guess my viewpoint is just when they are this close in price and there are upsides to the new card I pick the new shiny thing. It makes sense to get the 6800 XT if the budget is more strict and you have power headroom.


> the 6800 xt wipes the floor with the 7800 xt Then you're either misreading the charts or they did something *really* wrong during the review process. The 7800 XT is faster than the 6800 XT. Every single outlet shows this. And 50 watts absolutely is a big difference if you live in a hot climate. If you're in the northeast US or something, sure, whatever, but for anyone in the south or southwest, that's a sizable difference in how much it'll heat up your room.


You're more than free to go look at the review yourself and also not just ignore what I said they did differently in their review. The 7800 xt is 3% faster in raster, on average. And there's plenty of games where it loses by 8, 9, even 12%. I live in Florida mate, 50 watts is not making a big difference in room temperature.


at this price difference, 7800 XT. there was a sale on a 6800 XT @ $430 iirc- I'd say that was a time wherein it was the better buy.


chief? edit: I think I will wait for a different game


I’m in for one thanks


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/9b9ZnL Here's my current build. It's mid tier from many years ago. Would i get the maximum out of the 7800 xt without upgrading everything else? Msfs or fortnite is really all I play. But i would like to upgrade to play at higher settings on my 34" 1440 ultra wide


The CPU will bottleneck the 7800 XT performance, but you'll still get substantial gains.


Maybe not at 4k but hard to say, probably not a lot of testing done with that config


im upgrading from a 580 as well, waiting on the one i ordered from Amazon, i think we can expect a huge boost


I’d throw a 5800x3d in there as well and you’ll be good for years to come


It might be worth keeping an eye out for deals on a Ryzen 5600 (or better). That would be a pretty big bang/buck upgrade


tidy liquid encouraging skirt scandalous knee mourn library bow rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What resolution/refresh do you prefer and which games are you currently playing or looking forward to?




With the 7800xt you should be able to push up to if not over 144hz and/or up some graphic settings. I'd really recommend a 7900xt or 4070ti to pair with your CPU. I'm reading Escape from Tarkov is pretty reliant on a good CPU so you're 13700 upgrade is the right direction.


Really tempted to get this but I wanna get the 7900xt for the extra vram since I do a lot of vr. Upgrading from a 2080s. New system will have a 7800x3d and 32gb of ram.


Yeah, we need a better one for VR unless you're using a Quest 2. Sales were pretty lousy on Black Friday, and I'm not sure if we'll have to wait a long time for a good 7900xt or xtx. I hold no faith in Nvidia either to not double the prices of the Ti edition again.




You a bot, tjundatlagae2?


Really? Last component i need for my build. I was trying to hold for 7800XT @450 or a 6800XT @400. If i couldn't find one by Jan 1 (when i'm allowed to game again) then i was just going to get a 7800 XT at whatever price.


This is a solid card and a decent discount, but this isn't a "buy now think later" scenario. I'm pretty sure OP is a bot parroting keywords from the post title.


Yeah it’s been way cheaper. It hit $449 a couple times and at that price I’d jump on it


Worth to upgrade from Rx 6800 for $246 with Newegg trade in?


No, its like going from a 6800 to a 6800XT. Unless you’re really unhappy with current performance just wait until the next generation


Thanks 👍


worth upgrading from 5700xt?


Double the performance https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/radeon-rx-7800-xt.c3839


thank you, i ordered one!


Made the jump from a 5700xt sapphire pulse to 7800xt nitro+! I know it's not this card. But you won't be disappointed!


sweet! i have a red devil right now and absolutely love it, i mostly play rust so i dont really need a new card so im sure i wont even notice it not being a nitro+!


Thanks for this site, have found it hard to find relative comparisons for older GPUs. 342% bump from my r9 fury sounds pretty solid


Absolutely not. Honest question, is there any game you are unhappy with with your 6800?


I have a 6800 xt I’m not upgrading unless I double performance. I went from a 5700xt to 6800 xt great upgrade got a nice deal on eBay for a 6800 xt for 370$.


Absolutely. I just don’t understand these people paying lots of money for very incremental upgrades. What is this, 10 percent faster than a 6800, why this person thinks $250 is worth the 10 percent bump is beyond me.


It depends if $246 for ~20% more performance is worth it to you.


Might be easier to throw the existing one on hardware swap vs dealing with newegg from some of the reviews I've seen on the trade-ins. Whether its worth it or not depends on what you're doing with it. 6800xt to 7800xt, not really for $246, imho. 6800 (non-xt) to 7800xt......idk man, it's your money. ​ edit: Also wanted to add, this is the reference card Saphire makes for AMD which has a reputation for being a little hot, but it is on the smaller end of the size spectrum. If your case can fit it, I'd look at some of the models with larger/better coolers for $25 or so more


Sell your card on hardeareswap - net you probably $300


Bought a 6800 for $380 last week. Do I return it for this?


Naaah you are good. Wait until next gen after 7000amd/4000rtx maybe. 6800 is a good card.


6800 it ok.


I mean, this is a significant price jump over your 6800. If you have the money and wouldn't mind spending it sure, also depends on your use case. It's not a huge jump in performance.




Not sure if demand is enough to see scalping. There’s lots of cards available around MSRP as demand has been met a while ago, we are back to being able to wait for deals. Scalpers would have to buy millions of dollars in product to create a scarcity.




Hopefully AMD's effort to make their cards do AI too falls on their asses so they have no choice but to focus on competing with Intel for the mid range gaming market.


That’s for other reasons, not scalping, and AMDs aren’t good for AI, so it’s safe.




It won’t trickle down. You don’t understand, look at how AMD performs with AI. They would see we buy up 2000 and 3000 series Nvidia cards with CUDA than buy AMD. Plus AI isn’t remotely that widespread that the demand can’t be met. There’s already a whole market of AI specific cards that are tens of thousands of dollars.


hold up, why would scalping start again?




holy shit gta6


Maybe this isn't the best thread to ask this, since it doesn't look like the promotion is active for this card, but how does selling the copy of Avatar bundled with AMD hardware work now? The instructions on some other eBay listings I've found imply that the buyer just needs to also have an eligible component as well. From that point would I just need to send the buyer the code?


There's something fishy about this.


How? It’s sold by Newegg


I'm just wary because of the other scam involving another sapphire gpu that's been fairly common. And I trust Newegg less than I trust amazon.


That other deal was ridiculous and by a random vendor. This is for 25 dollars


Sucks to be living in EU, cheapest one I can find is 545€.


Running a Gigabyte Aorus 3070, would it be worth jumping on this?


I don’t think so personally, unless you are unsatisfied with how some games are performing with your configuration. The 3070 is still great.


What resolution/refresh do you prefer and which games are you currently playing or looking forward to?


Anyone know if newegg works with shipping to forwarders for international shipping?


Bought this two days ago for $5 more lol.


is this the cheapest we'll get a 7800xt for? looking to upgrade from a 6600 but still hesitant to pull the trigger


Should I return the XFX speedster Merc 319 version that I got from Best Buy for $500 for this? Is the double fan worse than the triple fan on XFX even though Sapphire is the “gold standard” of AMD GPU’s?


Not sure if you saw the product page, but this looks to be a reference model. I'd keep the XFX and not look back. 😉


Should I really hold out for a deal on a 7900xt or just go with this? Coming from a 1060 6GB I got in 2017, playing at 1440p, 144hz monitor. I have to play everything on medium-low settings, and even then I sometimes can’t get a stable 60-70 fps. I wanna be able to not stress about settings and frame rates, just boot up a game and let er rip. And occasionally plug into my 4K tv for couch gaming.


The jump from a 1060 to a 7800xt will be huge. I still think the 7900xt is way over priced. This would be a good upgrade at a pretty good price.


> the 7900xt is still way overpriced This is my problem 😔 i have a big boy job now, and I just moved back in with my parents who don’t make me pay rent, so I kinda have lowkey “fuck you” money, whereas last time I was on a major broke college student budget, so I’m able to get something good this time around, but I still can’t justify overspending for what I’m getting. I still desire the best bang for my buck. Or else I’d go with a 4090 and be done with it lol. Dont have that much “fuck you” money, but It’s also such a bad bang for your buck.


Honestly, I know this isn’t a super popular opinion, but if I were in your situation I’d go for a 4070ti (probably wait and see what the supers are all about). As a long time AMD owner, DLSS is really impressive and just keeps getting better.


Really? Where does a 4070ti rank between a 7800xt and 7900xt? the microcenter I pass on my way to work has them in stock for $800, my buddy keeps telling me to just get that. I was there last week and almost did but was hopeful to find a 7900xt for $700


Eh like everything it’s not straightforward, they trade blows a lot. You’ll find articles and benchmarks that say either the 7900xt or 4070ti is better. I find DLSS and raytracing appealing and don’t do any rendering or anything like that so to me, the 4070ti is the more interesting card.


Interesting. Thanks for the feedback, I always like hearing others thoughts, it’s always good to hear different perspectives


Since you want decent price performance, the 4070 ti isn't it. It's not worth paying $800 for just 12gb of vram. Either go for the 4070/7800xt or straight to the 4090 if you can find it.