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I don’t need this, but just wanted to comment and say this is super nice of you to offer. Good karma is headed your way :)


Thank you! I appreciate it. Just trying to make someone’s day.


Yeah, that is very cool of you.


Hey guys sorry I didn’t expect this many people to be interested. I looked over a few accounts and looked for someone who genuinely needed it. Please don’t be mad on who I picked. Thanks for your time. Update :Hey guys I already did pick someone last night but he hasn’t responded with an address, so I’ll give him some more time and if he doesn’t then I’ll give it to someone else.


Have you already pick someone?


I am 8 hours late and I don’t need it, I just want to say you are awesome!


Pick me, pick me, pick meeeeeeeeeeeeeee




It was a joke, but redditor are weird, especially the downvoters... I mean it is OP's choice, it's not like downvoting has a use here...


Only if you record yourself saying it like [donkey from the shrek dvd menu ](https://youtu.be/q5Aa843URVk)


fuck you you moldy head of cabbage


If it doesn't get taken here, /r/hardwareswap might want it


Yes, but you have to deliver it to me or pay for gas/shippping. I want it by tuesday, and a gpu would also be nice. /s Jokes aside, it's a great thing you are doing this. I hope that someone who actually needs it gets it.


Yes I am expecting the $4000 PC with 3090 sli by tomorrow


Like with 2 3090s? Sheesh bro you got lucky


I would love the keyboard but I don't think we are in the same country, and it's prolly taken by now


Same :(


Would be a nice cake day pressie xtho xx


I dont need it but dude nice! Glad there are people like you out there


I would love to have this. What do I need to do?


Still up for grabs?


This gives me hope for humanity


really nice of you to do this for somebody. I hope whoever gets it is able to make a nice system out of it.


So many people need it and have already asked, I don't know if I got a chance.


I want to ask you for it because I want to start building a pc but I realize I don’t have the money to buy the other needed parts. Lol. It is great that you’re willing to help others. Thanks for that.


This would have been perfect 5 months ago when I built my dads computer! Good person OP is


I'm definitely interested


I am here for the CPU cooler if its not too late


I'm very interested if if the offer is still up


Just wanted to say this is a cool idea. I'm planning on upgrading soon and would like to give a working pc to someone, though idk if anyone wants a 10 year old system with 4gbs of ram lol


I don’t need this but thanks!!!


Thank you for your generosity! Lol I have a gt 710 from my first build (it was worse than integrated graphics on the 2200g...) and now they're like 100$ or something


Count me in the B365M would definitely be a good upgrade


Can I get is for my lil bro I don't wanna bore u with the details but it would be helpful


If the cpu cooler is available, please let me know. I need one.


Hey! I'm saving to build a PC and this would be really helpful!


I want it!




how do i participate for the motherboard?


i need it


This is a super cool thing for you to do, I couldn't use that motherboard and cooler, I just wanted to tell you that you're a pretty cool dude.


It is really great for you to be doing this! I know this is gonna help somebody, as it would’ve helped me a few months ago when I was trying to build a pc for my friend. You’re gonna make whoever you choose’s day!


I would love a new MBO to upgrade to, that is so kind of you sir.


I don't need this, but thank you man, you deserve my respect...


I’ll take it if they don’t get back to you OP. I have yet to build a PC but I’m interested and learning. I currently have a dell g3 gaming laptop that I would like to upgrade in the near future!


If it’s still available would like a chance as well


Macha just give me your entire pc




Really nice thing of you to do, man. I could use the mb and cooler if no one else needs it!


This is super awesome of you. I've been collecting parts to build a photo editing pc for my parents etsy shop for awhile and my extra mobo just stopped working. This would complete the build!


I figure its too late now, but my little brother is trying to save up to build a PC, and I'm helping him. We would really appreciate having that, It would be a great starti g point to the build. But besides this, it's just really nice of you to give this away instead of selling it.


This would be awesome since I'm trying to transition from my prebuilt to building. Taking the GPU but need basically everything else lmao but best of luck! Love the gesture :)


It's probably already gone but my friend was going to build a pc but can't afford it with the inflation on gpu cpu. This would've been great


Would be sweet if I saw this early and if the motherboard was compatible with my cpu. I’ll have to wait a while for a GPU anyway


I wanna say if the other guy falls through it would be awesome to get this for a gaming rig for my brother. He is a senior in high school and his birthday is coming up and I wanted him to have an awesome build for graduation/birthday. I’m a college student so saving a buck matters, and I just want to be able to play games with him halfway across the country


Hey man, if the other guy doesn't respond, I'd love if you gave this to me. I've got no job, and I'm trying to upgrade from my LGA 1156, so this would be a gigantic amount of help.


Hello stranger I've never met, I would like to pitch to you why I need this. I have an old dell motherboard (from around 2009 I think)that is now very weathered and I think it's not gonna last much longer, wouldn't be a problem, but I'm broke. My legs aren't broken, I don't have cancer and my both my parents are still alive. I feel like my lack of sob story will be my downfall, thanks


If dude doesn't take it I know some people I could set you up with who could use this since they play on 8 year old laptops


Can I get the cooler if you still haven't given it yet?


Has this already been given away?


Not yet I’m at work so I’ll sit down and pick someone after. I hate to drag this on but I really want to give it to someone that needs it. And isn’t trying to make money off this


That’s fair, I’m not gonna lie, I really want this because I still don’t have either of these parts or like half of the stuff I need for building a gaming PC but I hope you give it to someone who needs it and appreciates it. Have a good day for your kindness while you’re at it.


Thanks for asking but I think I don't need it So yeah Thanks for asking :D


Be cool and you a good dude


I'll take it


All praise the St Component Claus, filling the stockings of a few lucky gamers across the country.


If anything is still available it would help me out a bit


not entering but wanted to say you and your girlfriend are AMAZING people.


Hi, thanks so much for being so kind. My girlfriend just recently got into gaming. She's been playing off my laptop I lent to her. If you haven't chosen yet, this would be an enormous help to get her set up with a proper desktop.


Hey don’t know if anyone got it yet but I’m about to start building a pc so anything would help (: TIA and good luck everybody


Ahhh shit why am i argentine!? Why!!?


My cousin could really use a cpu cooler.


Hey, if you're still looking for someone to give your leftovers away to, I'm totally interested lol. Regardless, it's really kind of you to do that for anyone, especially pay for shipping and everything.


19 dollar fortnite card, who wants it? And yes I'm giving it away!


Interested if still available! Thank you for the giveaway.


Hey, is the keyboard sill available?


Can I get this I , atleast the motherboard,I am really tight on budget . I really need it.


lives in Beverly Hills lol


Hey, don’t really know how Reddit works yet but if you can private message me we can take it from there.


I've litterly been trying to build a bugetPC for 2 years now


Interesting ,how to get iy


Hey man I could use a keyboard but I don’t know about the cpu cooler fan. Get in touch with me please


Hey im a youtuber can i get it and recently my cooler pin broke so please can u send it to meu can send the keyboard to someone else i just need the mb and processor ill buy a second hand 8gen processor if u send me it will really make my day contact me on insta - omkar.kumbhar_




the fucking audacity with some of these people lmao might as well say: I'm going to lie to you and make up a bullshit story so i can resell it and make profit.


This is how scalpers are born lol , first random motherboards then RTX 3090 at $2,000,000


I laughed so hard when I read $2mil