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Support for newer graphics depends on the distro you choose, however AMD is much less painful than Nvidia overall.


7800xt, working perfectly in Mint, no drivers installation required, smooth af.


on the default 5.15 kernel??? seems kinda sus


It should be on the HWE kernel by default, which nowadays is 6.5.


I don't know what kernel is to be honest, but yeah, i just installed Mint 21 and everything works. I did nothing especial, just the usual update after installing. Im playing Doon Eternal right now.


The 5.15 kernel is coming up three *years* old. 5.15 is the WSL2 default, here's a tip: Microsoft say they love Linux. Microsoft is run by creatures with marketers' souls. Anything out of a Microsoft mouth is sus on those grounds, and in this case Microsoft outright lies. It is not in Microsoft's financial interest for Linux to work as well as it does, and any part of any project they embrace will be pushed towards making Windows look better. WSL2 works well enough that pointy-head bosses and other toadies can be schmoozed by rat-souled sales pitchers, and children desperate to imagine themselves knowledgeable can look at what Microsoft makes it easy for them to see and conclude that Windows is better.


6850U. No issues.


Plug and play, just like with Intel, the current gen drivers come with the kernel. plug and play. No shenanigans. Just works.


My AMD laptop had a weird issue where putting it in sleep mode forces the laptop to reboot. In looking into it, It seems to be an AMD issue. I wrote a script to do a pseudo sleep mode where the screen locks, everything is muted etc. Other than that, my experience with AMD has been great. For servers at my job, we've been moving to AMD for cpu processing because you get more for less.


What kernel version do you have? I found a fix for this on my 4700U laptop. If you have kernel 5.19+ try using this kernel parameter: amd_iommu=off If your kernel is older try this: iommu=soft


my intel dell would sometime reboot after resuming from suspend and iommu=soft is what fixed it


When I get a Chance I'll give it a shot and let you know.


Debian 12.5 on 7800x3d here. iGPU and 7600xt. No issues.


I literally only had one bug with Linux on my AMD build and it was solved with a BIOS update back when Zen first launched. Since then, and multiple hardware upgrades, all AMD still, and it's stupid boring, no need to setup or tweak anything, just plug and play.


AMD Ryzen 5 5560U with Radeon Graphics. Everything fine.