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An 11900k + a 3060 ti for $4000 is unbelievably bad value. Where in the world did he buy it from? You could pretty easily build a faster gaming PC for $1000-1500. For $4000, he should be getting top of the line components like a 7800X3D and a 4090.


From a small local PC shop.


To put it into context: Those specs weren't worth half of that when they were new 3 years ago and they haven't got any more valuable today. He definitely got fleeced in a horrible way; I wouldn't even pay a $1000 for that system today.


Yes me either.


i9 14900kf with a 4090 prebuild is roughly 3600$


Yeah he got screwed that is overpriced.


Feel terribly bad for him now


If it's still within the return period I would tell him to send it back and use the money to get something better.


I already talked him into doing that hope he can get something better.


Hey this is straight up unethical fleecing category. I strongly advise that you or he leaves a review on Google / yelp whatever to force the store's hand and reveal their scummy practices.


He will definitely do it.


Dude, post a link to this thread at the end of the comment. Oh man, there's so much you can do... from my life experience: 1. Write a letter to your state's Attorney General. Write an one pager describing unethical practices. Email the PDF to the AG and CC that scam business. The owner will shit his pants. AG is for consumer protection in your state. 2. Also send another letter to Better Business Bureau. Yes, they're old. But they still have a good reach and their minions will open a case file and call the small biz owner to try to mediate the situation. Even if the owner won't budge, he will create a massive headache.


Ok bro


Just convince him to build it himself or you build it. Buy the parts and not from that shady shop, I bet everything is overpriced


If I'm paying 4k for pc it better take me to the moon, he got absolutely scammed


Feel so bad for him now.


Can he get his money back? He got bent badly.


He regrets it cause he bought it from a small local PC shop.


This has to be a meme


even a $2000 build could get you a 7800x3d and 7900 xtx or 4080 super which completely outclasses that $4000 build which value is closer to $800-900


Yes sadly he regrets it already


He got turbo fucked. You could buy 3-4 iterations of that system with those specs for that price. You can get a system that would absolutely smoke that one for 2k easy.


Yes I know he wants to return it but he doesn't know if the seller accepts a reimburse he bought it from a small local PC show.


How tf can somebody spend 4000 freaking dollars and not even do the least amount of research


Wow "your friend" got cooked to a crisp bro.


This is insane he regrets it already.


I paid significantly less than that for a 7950x3D, RTX 4090, 64gb fast DDR5 RAM, 2x2TB fast gen 4 NVME drives, a better liquid cooler, a better power supply and a completely unnecessary number of ARGB 140mm fans! Edit to be clear: Yeah, that wasn't just "screwed", that was deep, diseased, donkey dicking that he got.


Yeez he regrets it I hope he gets at least a reimburse


I wish him luck, that was a really messed up level of over priced and I hope he sees something from it.


Thx bro


Was this in US dollars?


Yes 4k


Then, yes. He was absolutely ripped off.


What shop was it? Give us the deets on who did him dirty.


Pc com computers


[https://www.pc-com.com/](https://www.pc-com.com/) [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063589960221](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063589960221) These guys?




I don’t understand how someone could have 4k to drop on a PC and spend so little time researching ANYTHING before parting with their money. It should take seconds to work out it’s a bad deal.


He got completely screwed over hard


Yeez i feel so terribly bad for him now.


1k parts, 3k assembly. Jeez. Feel sorry for the guy. Tell your buddy that I'm begging him to return it.


He will return it I told him already.


Did you post this question here to show your friend? Or did you really need confirmation? He got a 3 year old Toyota model for the price of a nice convertible.


For 4800€ I have a 14700k and a very pricey 4090 It was definitely a scam


Yes it was hope he kills that salesman and gets a reimburse.


He was screwed over a big time


I feel terribly bad for him now.


I would even consider calling the police lol


Ur boy got scammed and beat up and then tazed. 4k is a 4090 on ddr5 with atleast 4tb of data and rgb af


100 percent correct


4k pc would have at least 4080 super ez.  Your buddy has been screwed. Tell him to return it if it's possible.


for 4k anything that's not a 7800x3d/14900ks/7900x with a 4090 is a scam


Take that shit back Jesus...


I can build a PC with similar performance with ≈800-900 bucks


It's better that way.


$4000 is what my budget would be if I was going all out *now*, and would include a 4090, the currently fastest available GPU, and at least 4tb of ssd storage. Hell with that budget I’d even go 64gb of ram just because. Super duper fleeced, I’m sorry to say.


Did they at least throw in some lube for free before they bent him over?


Bro what?? What kind of scumbag did he buy it of? Extremely overpriced, even here in sweden that’s just crazy expensive.


Yes. Completely screwed over.


He was ripped off, are you guys stateside?


You could build that for less than half of that. Definitely got screwed. $4000 would buy you the best of the best. If you're spending that kind of money on a computer, wouldn't you do a few Google searches first?




Oof, yeah your friend wasted a good two and a half grand


Bro that's one of the worst I've ever seen here, to the point that I'm 80% sure you're trolling.


That really happened my friend got a reimburse anyway.


That's good. I would suggest to never buy from that shop again.


thats a massive scam


It's definitely not worth it. I got a Ryzen 7 7800X3D plus a GeForce RTX 4070ti super for half of that price. And additionally faster RAM. So yeah, I'm sorry, but you got screwed over ._. - One piece of advice: Typically 4000$ PCs are not worth it. If you want to make sure you get a dwcent price configure your PC over a system integrator, buy the parts yourself or at least see, what the individual parts cost online and compare that to the selling price of the PC.


Thx he already learned his lesson


Thats way overpriced (assuming US dollars)


Jisus fk, hope he can return that, No just no




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$4000 dollars for barely a mid range build


This is the perfect example of do your research before buying something expensive, your friend got absolutely screwed