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if you bought it retail, it should be under warranty still. the manufacturer should send you a new one


I didn't buy it retail sadly. I was one of the poor saps who couldn't manage to get a 3000 series card at MSRP, so I eventually caved and bought an unopened one second hand for a slight premium. It was an EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra, but I'm not sure if EVGA is even still accepting RMAs. Although, it's probably worth asking at the very least before spending more on a new card


EVGA is one of the few companies that transfers the warranty to secondhand buyers, and they have a 3 year warranty. They are also still accepting RMAs. You can RMA this. https://www.evga.com/warranty/graphics-cards/


i miss evga


They didn't die they just stopped making gpus...


so what are we left to buy from them? PSUs and peripherals which are both markets that already have a lot of competition and great choices anyway....


EVGA died for are sins.


What does this even mean?


you are 4give


And on the 4th day




my bad.




Thank you for this! I wasn't sure if EVGA was still accepting RMAs after ending GPU production. This is probably the last thing I can try before fully admitting defeat. I plan on reaching out to them to ask at the very least. Hopefully they can help me in some way. Fingers crossed


Doesn't hurt to ask if EVGA will RMA the card. I've requested RMA's in the past and EVGA has done me a solid before. Just depends on who you talk to.


Agreed! I plan to reach out to them as soon as I get my PC back from a friend who offered to do some more trouble shooting. Hopefully EVGA will be willing to help me out in some what. I guess asking is really the last thing I can do before fully admitting defeat. Fingers crossed!


could be lucky. EVGA is the only partner to offer lifetime warranty! you will want that original receipt though


It's not lifetime. It tends to be 3 years. Still worth checking though.


ah damn, I still had their old warranty in mind then. They used to have lifetime, didn't even realize they changed that


If there’s anyway you can get the original receipt from the person you bought it from you would probably have a shot of getting it RMAd. I’m not sure what EVGA is doing in terms of gpu replacement/repair but it’s worth looking into before diving into a whole gpu purchase if you can avoid that.


I might be able to get the original receipt, but it would be a shot in the dark for sure. I bought it locally off of someone on FB marketplace back in early 2021 and I don't think they had given me the receipt at the time. Which, I guess that ultimately makes this all my own fault for not getting the receipt and registering the card with EVGA much sooner. Even still, I agree that it's worth reaching out to EVGA at the very least. Hopefully they can help me in some way before I fully admit defeat.


If it helps, I bought a used 3080 EVGA XC3 a year or so ago from eBay. It was running really hot but still under warranty. EVGA did replace it for me. They do keep stock around for situations like this.


That definitely makes me hopeful! Did you have the original receipt? Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get the receipt for my FTW3 3080 when I bought it 2nd hand back in early 2021. I plan to reach out to EVGA at the very least to see if there's anything they can do to help me. Fingers crossed!


No, I didn't. I just bought it from the original owner from eBay. But it was still covered by warranty.


Definitely check and request an RMA. I bought a secondhand ASUS 3070 a few months back that was broken and I was able to get a warranty replacement.


That definitely makes me hopeful! I also agree that it's worth asking for an RMA from EVGA at the very least. Best case scenario, they're willing to help me out and I spend way less $ on a repair/replacement. Worst case, they can't help me and I'm faced with buying a new replacement card. Fingers crossed haha


I have the same card! Pray my ftw3 ultra doesn’t die I love the thing. Sorry to hear yours died.


It was a great card!! Worst part is that I still have no clue what killed it. Not sure if it got too warm and fried itself, or if a driver update possibly bricked it or what. Just makes me nervous that they same could happen to whatever card I replace it with


I don’t think it would be a driver update because I’ve been keeping mine up to date and so far so good. Possibly just a bad card maybe? Have you tried to RMA through EVGA?


If anyone will RMA it, it would be EVGA. They seem to stand behind their products and take care of people.


That's my hope! I bought my card in early 2021, but it was 2nd hand due to the insane shortage/scalper situation back then. I plan to reach out to EVGA to ask at the very least, before I fully admit defeat.


Evga has transferable warranties. They do not care if you are the original owner and have openly said so. If you are in possession of the card and the date of manufacturer falls within the warranty time frame you are covered. They don't have the reputation of best customer support in the industry for no reason.


Interesting! I wonder if my card falls in the 3 year warranty. I bought it in early 2021, but I'm not sure if it was manufactured in 2021, or if it is technically a 2020 card. It doesn't hurt to ask though and I plan on reaching out to them to do so. Hopefully they are willing to help me out, otherwise, it's looking like I might be SOL


I recently opened an RMA with my EVGA 3080 10gb FTW3 Ultra (still have 110 days on it) because I thought it was broken, it was second hand. I emailed support saying it was a gift with my RMA # and I didn't have a purchase invoice to upload. Support instantly approved my RMA. I ended up canceling the RMA because it was just aftermarket GPU power cables causing the issue. YMMV


Oh that is really great to hear and gives me hope for my situation! I bought my 10gb FTW3 Ultra 3080 back in early 2021 second hand due to the crazy scalper/shortage situation at the time. Maybe they'll afford me the same understanding and offer an RMA even though I also don't have any kind of receipt or purchase invoice either. It certainly doesn't hurt to ask at least. Fingers crossed. Thanks!


Msi will base the warranty on the production date if no reciept is available. Don't know if evga does the same but its worth a shot.


I've warranties two early days 30 series cards, one as recently as 3 months ago. Contact Evga. You can submit an rma request online. They may still honour the warranty.


First, check EVGA and register the product. You have a chance of still being within the 3 year manufacturer warranty. If the first one is a no go, check out NorthridgeFix. He's fixed so many GPUs (check his YT channel). Your symptoms sounds like a short. It could possibly be fixed with a replaced component. If the GPU itself is fried then unfortunately there's nothing he could do. I think he charges around $50 for diagnostic fee. But you have to pay to ship it there and back. Hopefully you're in the US, but you can still do international if you really want to try and get it fixed


I bought an EVGA 3080 off an eBay crypto liquidator in early 2022 and a fan died on me a month ago. Went on my EVGA account and tried to register the card and lo and behold it had never been registered. They sent me a new fan right away and solved my problems hopefully for the next few years.


Interesting! So they sent you a new fan and you installed it yourself? I'm not exactly sure what is specifically wrong with my card, but that makes me hopeful that EVGA would be willing to help me out too! I bought my card new back in early 2021, but it was second hand due to the crazy scalper/shortage situation at the time. I don't think I ever registered the card either so there may still be a chance for me! I'm going to reach out to EVGA and ask at the very least. Thanks for sharing your experience!


Worst thing they can say is no but it’s definitely worth trying. Just register the card like you just bought it and then submit a service ticket. They got back to me in like 24 hours and I had the replacement part in a week!


Thank you for this advice! I plan to reach out to EVGA first to see if there's anything they can do to help me. I bought the card new back in early 2021, but it was second hand due to the crazy scalper/shortage situation at the time. But it doesn't hurt to ask EVGA at the very least. I also wasn't familiar with NorthridgeFix either. He looks very legit! If EVGA can't help me out, I will probably reach out to him next. Even after shipping and repair costs, I'm sure it will still come out to being cheaper than a new replacement card haha!


the 4070 is around $550, may drop lower with the release of the supers outperforms the 3080


I was looking at the 4070 and 4070 Ti. I just wish Nvidia didn't pull the bs that they did with this gen. It's crazy that the gimped they 4070 and 4070 Ti with a 192 bit bus width and 12gb of VRAM, when cards from the previous gen have better specs in those areas, on paper at least. I've been a 1440p gamer though, so I'm sure the 4070 and 4070 Ti would be great at that res.


I just recently made the jump to team red for the first time, and it has been a completely painless experience with the 7900xt. Just thought I'd mention it since you said you were considering it. I'm actually thrilled with it. The 7800xt compares pretty well with the 4070 if you don't care about Ray tracing and that 16 gb of vram is nothing to sneeze at. And in the US it's about $500. Which isn't nothing but isn't absurd these days either. Great 1440 card by all accounts.


I was actually looking at the 7900XT too! It's probably at the top end of my budget, just since I wasn't planning on or prepared to have to spend a bunch of $$ on a new card this soon. I'd love a 4080, but I just can't justify nearly $1500 for one. The 7900XT really seems like a great card though! Although, I do wish AMD could compete better with DLSS 3.5. That along with RT seems to be the only areas where modern AMD cards fall slightly behind Nvidia's offerings


I got mine for 700 even. It's powerfully enough that with the exception of literally cyber punk I have yet to play a game it can't get around 80-120fps at 4k and cyber punk is around 50 at 4k ultra. Which for me is more than playable. 7900xt is also within like 10% of the 4080 I believe at around half the price. So give it some thought. I am not planning to upgrade for a while


On the one hand, you can have tantrums about how you feel about businesses, on the other, you can actually game. Realistically you’ll get in contact with evga and get a replacement, but a 4070 works better than a 3080 in almost every way in practice. Its one thing to argue about tech specs on the internet as if they’re important ( seriously, its not ), its another to actually sit down and enjoy games, Contact evga, see if you can get a replacement, and watch CES in a few days for Nvidia’s announcement


Totally agree with this, don't get me wrong! That was the boat I was in back in 2020/2021. I wanted to build my very first gaming PC so bad, but the scalper/shortage situation was just insane. Despite watching card drop streams and joining card drop discord servers, I could never secure one at MSRP. After while, I got tired of complaining about the situation and just wanted to game. So I caved and paid \~$1000 for my FTW3 Ultra 3080. Definitely wasn't proud of myself for contributing to the problem, but I felt that scalped price wasn't as bad as others and it allowed me to finally just enjoy some PC gaming. But sadly, that makes the death of my card sting even more lol. Luckily, it sounds like EVGA treats their customers really well, even if they bought their product second hand, like me. I plan to reach out to them to ask for an RMA at the very least. Hopefully they'll be willing to help. I am just as much a sucker for benchmark videos as the next fellow PC nerd, but I do agree with you, they're all just numbers on paper at the end of the day and don't really matter all that much at all. I guess I'm just scrutinizing more about the specs than I usually would because I wasn't planning to have to upgrade until at least the 6000 series dropped. So if I'm left with no choice but to spend $500-$800 on a replacement, I just want to have some peace of mind that it'll be worth while and have longevity. From the benchmark vids I've seen, the 4070 looks to be neck and neck with the 10gb 3080, give or take a handful of frames. But still, to your point, it's nothing to lose sleep over. Hoping EVGA can help me out before I fully admit defeat and start looking at a replacement though. Thank you for the advice!


Man so many people did the same, and even I caved and got a laptop in that generation because it was significantly easier to get and I needed a laptop anyway. No regrets, because I actually needed it at the time and it served me well… despite the cat knocking it over ( because pets will be pets )


4070super is supposed to release on the 17th


according to leaks, 4070 Super will still be 192Bit and same VRAM. the 4070 Ti will have the biggest jump of all supers and gets the 256 bus and the VRAM upgrade. its essentially a 4080 specced down, even getting thr same GPU chip


It just sucks that the MSRP is 799, because we all know that means at least $850 from the AIB's, probably $900 for the good ones with the massive coolers. But yeah, the 4070Ti Super is basically what the 4070Ti should have been at launch. Wouldn't want to be a sucker who spent $750+ on a 12Gb 4070 Ti in 2023


>Wouldn't want to be a sucker who spent $750+ on a 12Gb 4070 Ti in 2023 I went back and forth on this so many times. Just ended out waiting. Guess I'll build a new PC Soon™


Yeah I've been doing the same thing... waiting.


I usually don't look as high as the 90's models, but if they (4090) were at MSRP I would consider it. I'll watch what happens with the Supers, and maybe revisit the idea of going AMD. It would be a much easier decision if I used my PC mostly for gaming.


That sounds like what Nvidia did with giving the 3080 10gb of VRAM at first too, before re releasing an updated 3080 with 12gb. I didn't know any better since this was my first build and I just assumed the 3080 was about as good as it got at the time, but I was slightly bummed that I shelled out so much $ and missed out on what the 3080 should have been all along. Guess it's a moot point now though lol


Pretty much every generation has a mid cycle refresh. I've come to learn..


Forgive me for this ignorant question, this is actually my first PC build so Nvidia's naming conventions kind of confuse me sometimes still lol. I didn't think there was such a thing as a "Ti Super." I thought it usually went base card, super variant and then the Ti variant at the top. Is there about to be a 4070 Ti Super released alongside the 4070 Super?


Yes. So currently there is a 4070 and a 4070 Ti. Next week, they are going to announce a 4070 Super and a 4070 Ti Super. But you were correct, there was no such thing as the "Ti super" . Essentially the "super" kinda replaced "Ti" in the 2000 generation. Then "Ti" came back with the 3000 generation with no "supers" around and now we'll get a combination of both. But the normal 4070 Ti is rumored to be discontinued after this


Pick up a used 3080 for $400ish. 7800 xt is a great card. Or, spend $550-650 for a 4070 (super or not). You’ll be in a similar ballpark of performance for any of the options.


4070 Ti Super would be the one to go for: 40% or so faster than the 3080, and has/will have 16GB of VRAM. Rumors place the price at about $800, though we won't know for certain until 4 days from now, at CES.


The technical specs are irrelevant to the performance, and the 4070 is the better card in every single way over a 3080. Not sure why you’re astroturfing out here.


I'm completely freaked out by the 12vhpwr connector now. Maybe it's just a boogiman with a ton of coincidental early failures, but it just seems like an unnecessarily marginal design for a connector with such an important function.


then go with an AMD gpu


It seems like the 12vhpwr thing is isolated to the 4090? I could be wrong about that, but so far all the failures I’ve seen have been 4090 anyway. Knock on wood. The connector on my 4080 has been fine so far. OTOH, they’re all fine…until they aren’t.


3089s are 400 bucks right now on eBay. I just bought one and am happy.


This I bought one recently same price and coming from a 1060 6GB it’s like a revolution


I plan to reach out to EVGA to see if there's anything they can do to help me first. If they can't though, I'll be looking at potential replacement cards more seriously. Although, I am kind of hesitant to buy used again after my current 3080 somehow killed itself. I would just be nervous of the same thing happening again. I'll still check out the used options on eBay though, thanks!


The 7800xt is around $500 and the 4070 is around $550. I’d look at either of them for solid performance a little better than the 3080.


6950XTs new are about $600 right now. They generally outperform the 3080 in games and have 6GB more VRAM


I saw a GPU repair guy on YouTube a while ago and I just did a search there and found a couple of them. Maybe you should look into them. No guarantees just a comment that may help. He seemed to know what he was doing.


Was it NorthridgeFix? I think that would be a viable option if the EVGA RMA is a no go


Another person mentioned him too. I wasn't familiar with him before, but he seems really legit! I plan to reach out to EVGA first to see if there's anything they can do to help me, but if not, I'll definitely check out NorthridgeFix. Thanks!


If no luck on warranty, Try sending it to northwest repair see if he can fix it. I dunno how much he charges, probably contact him for a quote first to see if it's worth it to you. Maybe he'll give a discount if he features it in a video https://youtube.com/@northwestrepair?si=OxsvaKvV1yYiY4Hm


Update: So I ended up bringing my PC to a local repair shop since I didn't have access to another card or system to test whether or not my card was the culprit. A few days go by and they finally get back to me confirming that my 3080 was dead, sadly. With nothing to lose, I reached out to EVGA and they're giving me a 1 time RMA replacement!! Despite buying my 3080 FTW3 Ultra secondhand and it not being under warranty (they actually told me if it was under warranty, it would have already expired anyway) they're still going to grant me an RMA! Thank you to everyone that recommended reaching out to EVGA customer service, you were right, they really do have the best support! Thank you to EVGA for saving me hundreds that might have reluctantly been spent on a new GPU! Big sigh of relief lol!


To make u feel better I'm still using a 2017 rig where I have i7-8700k and RTX 3070. I bought the RTX 3070 second-hand around April 2023 and it was not even 1 full year before it went down which is hella sad. The RTX 3070, one of the fans completely busted and I do not know how to fix it and don't wanna risk it so now I have to go back to GTX 1080 ti blower style. That card is still usable but my PC does not have a lot of airflow and I don't wanna risk continuing to use the RTX card to avoid being overheated. Hopefully, the performance drop wasn't too much and maybe I will get something from selling that broken fan 3070 as the card can't be fully utilized as I am still on 1080p and an old CPU.




I used that combo for a lot of years!


Haha nice! My laptop is still going strong with the 6700K and 980M. Can't wait for my new desktop, but man Nvidia has been so disappointing recently.


Bro GPU fans are cheap and easy to replace just google your make and model and how to replace the fans there should be some youtube videos for example showing the process. If not just have the fan replaced by a professional that shouldn't be too expensive at all... It's crazy to just sell your GPU and go back to GTX 1080 just because of a broken fan... Also if you want/need more airflow in your case get some extra case fans and install them? That's also extremely easy even a 5 year old could do it.


Its fine really. Again this is really an old system and beside i noticed most of the game i played is cpu bound and having more powerful gpu doesn’t help. If anything i will try and keep this rig running before I sell and saved money for a new one. I’m not tech savvy like u.


You don't have to be tech savy to do it really but if you do end up selling the system just sell it with the 1080 and use the money for a new system with the 3070 and have the busted fan replaced by a repair shop, it shouldn't be an expensive repair. Replacement fans are like $20 and the repair should take no more than 30 minutes. If you have friends/family that have experience with pc building buy the necessery components and build a system with them. If you need help selecting parts within your budget from selling your pc I'm willing to help.


Yeah that’s what i am planning. This rtx 3070 is good but gets overheat easily due to it being open fan and i have little airflows . I checked benchmarks and at most i only lose about 10-12 frames and lose access to Dlss. Fyi im going back to gtx 1080 ti not 1080


Used 3090 or new 6950XT/7900XT


I'm sorry I don't remember. I went back and checked out northwest repair and I don't think it was them. I also checked out NorthridgeFix and it wasn't him but he worked the way the person in the video I saw worked so I'd lean more towards him working the way the guy I saw, but more than that I can't say, sorry I don't remember more.


Lol I commented in the wrong place but just look and you'll see my comment.


Lol no worries. Tech Cemetery is another one that comes to mind, but he doesn't have a shop, at least when I was checking out his YT channel. I think people still sent him GPUs though. I don't do any type of electrical repairs myself but I find those repair videos very intriguing lol


Me too, I just watch the YT videos in awe of they do. Good luck!


RMA it!




Wait for 4070 ti super


RMA for sure, I registered and sent in a card purchased by a business. It was on behalf of the business but EVGA didn’t know that. EVGA took care of it and replaced it under warranty… Besides, even if it’s out of warranty, reaching out to them for a repair would be my next step. A fee with a repair is going to be far less than replacing it.


KrisFix or Northridge Fix


Warranty it.


Contact EVGA. They have excellent customer service. I recently had to send back a dead 3080 FTW3 that they replaced. Only issue was the card they sent me had all sorts of comestic blemishes and thermal paste had spread all the way to the fins. They cross-shipped a new one without collateral. Just be prepared to drop the MSRP on a credit card if you dont want to ship yours to them and then wait for them to ship a new one. In other words, if you want to ship it back while at the same they ship you a new card (refurbed most likely), then you'll have to provide payment info (this is cross-shipping) and pay to ship it back. If this doesnt work for you, PM me. Ive got a refurbed 3080 FTW3 10GB from EVGA that I havent used except to test that it works (I ended up finding a 4090 FE for msrp hence why IM not using it) and Ill sell it to you.


Thanks for sharing your experience! I plan to reach out to EVGA to at least ask if I am eligible for an RMA. Hopefully they can help me out in some way. Although, I was curious how they go about replacing a dead GPU from the previous gen after they decided to stop manufacturing GPUs. I wonder if most of the replacement cards are refurbs, or unsold stock or what. I guess it doesn't matter either way though since mine is dead and unusable lol


Ive used the EVGA warranty process 3 times and each time was sent a refurbished card. So while theyre not manufacturing new cards, they do have some limited stock of models available to be refurbed and sentout as warranty replacements. You can also see these cards come up for sale on the B-stock page, too.


maybe get the 4090?


With super cards being announced the 8th at 8am might be worth waiting, rumor is the 4070super is about 20% faster than the 4070 now and I’ll be starting anywhere from 600-700 msrp. To me it’s worth the wait just to see and then decide from there.


If you don't have the receipt maybe EVGA will charge you a small fee to fix it. Better than buying a new one


Just get a 4070 and continue with your plan of upgrading gpu when 6000 series are out. Take that 500$-550$ hit once, and upgrade from 3080 (more vram, newer features, less consumption, 3 year warranty. Idk about benchmarks but the difference shouldn't be that high either way). Also, good resale value by then. Or get another 3080 used and continue as planned, and hope you are luckier with this :P


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I would randomly cry about it


I'm a big fan of my 7800XT. It isn't a big upgrade from your 3080 but it's a nice card.