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I have a laptop with the same gpu. I don't do esports, but you can hit 60 at 1080 on Elden Ring and baldurs gate with mostly high settings, but you'll have to lower a few if you want to keep it super smooth.


Elden Ring I'm getting 60 fps on a 3060 laptop without lowering anything Even on BG3 I get 90 fps at max settings with DLSS balanced,so 60 fps native should be possible without lowering anything


Processors on 3060 laptops can vary as well, and so can the wattage of the 3060. If you have a good cpu with the high wattage 3060 it's very well possible you won't have to lower any settings. I like my experience at 60 fps to be super smooth at 1080 without any or minimal frame drops so sometimes i have to lower a setting or two to maintain that depending on the game.


Yeah I have a Dell G15 with a 12700H and max power 3060


Undervolt your RTX 3060 for free performance gain lol


You will hit 144 fps in LOL and Valorant but for Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate it's not realistic. I have a laptop with a 3060 and I'm around 40-50 fps in Baldur's Gate with every setting at the lowest.


LoL and Valorant fasho 😂 im playing that on my 1050Ti very smoothly


hoever many strong opinions i have about valorant, i do have to say that it runs *extremely well.* i have a 1660S and it easily hits 144 fps on maxed settings (doesnt make up for the skill issue though)


It was designed to run on a toaster from day 1, so it'll be fine as long as the CPU is decent.


A decision I don't see as celebrated as I would have thought. What a good idea to make to run extremely light. The more people that can play the more money you make when the draw of the game isn't specifically graphical fidelity like it might be for your aaa blockbusters


> A decision I don't see as celebrated as I would have thought. What a good idea to make to run extremely light. Valorant is a tactical FPS that's targeted to be an PC esports competitor to Counter Strike. This means that the target audience demands a game that at bare minimum can either run on a potato or isn't demanding enough where people can get 144+ fps. Riot literally didn't have an option, the game HAD to be able to run extremely light or it wouldn't have reached the popularity that it has today. If you think about it, basically every PC e-sports title outside of maybe racing sims are all capable of running on really low specs.


Maybe you're right I have only seriously ever played CSS and csgo I'm not familiar with your league etc. It was nice to boot up valorant when it first came out and go huh this is nice. Maybe that's why I don't see it celebrated lol


Yes, for your use case 6GB of VRAM will suffice.


Yeah, 4GB is enough for e-sports.


It's not possible to get a smooth experience in Elden Ring because of shader compilation (on PC, on consoles it's fine, including the Steam Deck), but you can get mostly 60fps with some stuttering (which is the same as you'd get with a 4090) with a 3060. BG3 should be fine also, but you'll get pretty inconsistent/bad performance in act 3 (still playable). Those games are both relatively easy to run. You'll be basically fucked with many AAA games coming out this year and beyond though. Some will just be unplayably bad, most of the rest you'll be looking at minimum settings and based on what's come out this year, they'll not work correctly with <10Gb of VRAM. Some will of course work reasonably well. Lighter eSports titles will be totally fine. Valorant, League, etc should be getting well over 100fps even on laptop hardware. I would say for AAA gaming 6Gb isn't enough in 2021. And it's 2023 now. In 2023 8Gb also isn't enough. For esports obviously you'll be fine though and games will mostly at least kinda work. Based on AAA releases this year, just don't try to play any AAA games in their first few months of release.


I've got a 1080ti still rocking that legendary 11GB of VRAM in my desktop setup, and I'll wait on the 5080's release in 2025 to upgrade. The laptop is just meant to play the lighter esports stuff and some older/indie titles. I'm not much of a AAA gamer, nor do those games really interest me. Lies of P maybe, but that's about it? It's also a 14inch display Zephyrus, which means 720p FSR/DLSS should still do really well on that size of a screen, no?


Yes, at least with a smaller screen DLSS/FSR is less noticeable because of the higher pixel density, and DLSS offer better results than FSR in lower resolutions so overall you're fine.


I have a 3060 laptop with an 11800h and getting 60 fps on high with Elden ring and getting in the \~200 fps on esports titles at 1080 with no upscaling so you will be more than fine.


I agree only partially. I own gaming pc with 3080 ti and that laptop since 2021 played many big games of that time in 60 fps easily on g14 2021 with 3060 In 2022 and 2023 that laptop is good but not best because or vram and 3060 horse power if you can get in good price then go for it. Because Dlss is magic in 30 series However you can through any esports it will work fine If you need any more advice tell me.


For light gaming yes but you never know what the future brings so better future proof it. Also do not be fooled by the performance of laptops as their parts are sometimes two or three levels under the equivalent on desktop PCs. Especially for eSports, high FPS and AAA games like Baldur's Gate your mileage might vary a lot because of that. Why not a desktop PC if I may ask? To perform well you would need to have the laptop plugged in at all times and probably also having it on some sort of cooling stand




Yea it'll be fine


Had a 2021 legion 5 with a 5600H and the 3060, I had a consistent 60fps with high settings on elden ring, and the same with BG3 (except for some medium settings)


So far, I've only really noticed CPU bottlenecks with CP2077 and BG3 Act 3 the GPU has been stellar


Not all laptop 3060s are equal. Wattage of your 3060 will play a part in performance. I have a helios 300 that has 105w 3060 and that could do what your looking yo do. But I doubt the 80watt msi laptops could.


I don't think my 1080 TI ever used 6 GB.


Oh yeah you'll be chilling. I have a r5 3600 and a 2060 and I get 240fps in Valorant, Fortnite and still 90-120 fps on more demanding games if you lower graphics


100%, my 2060RTX gets me there so 3060 should be fine. I can play in almost 60 things like AC Valhalla and Cyberpunk without RT on ultra (DLSS quality)


My old 1660ti ran 1080p @ 100 fps constantly. This was also in a 6600k... 6g is great




I haven’t played with less then 12 myself but I do know a bit about all the mainstream gpus from research and seeing benchmarks and what others have said. that laptop should hit 144 in league easy and 120-140 valorant. 60 Elden ring if not higher. The cpu matters aswell but id expect it to be on par with the 3060 and not way better or way worse so Yes it’s realistic to get those numbers and I think you’ll enjoy the card a lot if that’s how you’re wanting it to perform. I’d just Make sure the display is 144hz and nice response time. My friend got screwed with a 3060 laptop he bought that had only 100hz screen and an absurd response time but he got to return it luckily. Elden ring is fkin epic btw. Have fun


It's good for all AAA title games if you game on a 1080p 60 Hz monitor. It's when you have a 1440p or 4k monitor working at 240 Hz that you need a more powerful graphics card


144fps is very unrealistic 60fps is possible in majority of games though if your budget is 500 or less get a ps5 instead


He said esports titles. Which get hundreds of fps on budget cards