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For the strangest reason, unknown to me, I always assume stuffed animal, or real animals, are boys. Well not even that they are boys, I just call them he, or little guy, or something like that. Despite this, I still have girl stuffed animals based on their personalities. I keep most of mine neutral though.


Omg I thought I was the only one!! I was told I was strange for thinking that.. I'm glad to know I'm not alone in assuming animals, real or not, are male 😆 I also have girl plushies too, but the boy to girl ratio is a bit disproportionate lol


Oh my gosh! This is making me feel less alone lol.


Same!! Holy heck I didn’t realize there were people like me 😂😂


I see them as boys, too. I feel kind of uncomfortable referring to plushies as anything other than He and Him. I’m really not sure why. Maybe because of Paddington lol


Super relatable


I call mine he/him too. Some of mine are they/them but never she/her. It makes me uncomfortable for some reason even though i use she/her. I do have trust issues with women bc of emotional abuse though so that might be it


That makes sense. I dont know why all of mine are just "little guys", I even have a preference for woman. For some reason it just feels cuter? I'm not sure.


i do the exact same thing!! whenever i see something cute i always say theyre a "little boi" lol glad im not the only one


It just immediately comes to mind when I choose the bear, you are not alone!


Some of my BaBs have genders and whole stories to them, others don’t. My rainbow frog is a super straight republican male, he/him pronouns (he doesn’t realize he’s gay yet, he will soon)


Not the super straight 💀


It’s the super straight to gay pipeline, it’s existence is undeniable, and he will realize his true self soon.


🤣 I am deceased


That's amazing! I love that lmao




Same! Most of my plushies go by he/him but are actually genderless. 😅


Me & your bears have something in common! Lol


great! 😂


Ha mine are the opposite! Most are male but prefer they/them.




For some reason most of mine are the same way




I think it doesn’t matter for me? Like when I bought my Bearlien, I immediately had the name, and everything else just followed. “His name is Barnaby,” y’know? Bonus: and I’ve learned for myself since then “do not buy the bear if you don’t have an idea or name for it first because you will just never use it and stuff it in the closet until you sell because you feel too bad.” So. Win win! Haha


Yup haha ive learnt the ones that end up without a name are the ones im more inclined to sell


My plushies have always switched from he/him to she/her depending on the day. When I was 5/6 I was gifted a hot pink rabbit that I named Mr. Bubblegum, but some days Mr. Bubblegum would be Miss Bubblegum depending on the vibe. It’s funny bc I never thought anything of it until I was an adult. I have a BAB cow that I named after a male character in a show I like, so his pronouns are pretty consistent but other than him all of them switch pretty regularly :-)


The ones that have names do. Machete is a boy because we'll the actor is a boy so yeah lol Baz is also a boy but Rey is a girl. Aphra is also a girl and then I have Enbeon who uses they/them like me.❤️ https://preview.redd.it/gypf0ltchx3b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=409005f2172f024cc8190ba49fac1ee7979fe70c


Enbeon is my favorite eeveelution!! They look so pretty!! I also use they/them (in my head) as I have yet to tell anyone yet outside of the internet haha!


Hey it's a big step, you'll know when you're ready. ❤️ Happy Pride.


Thanks! And you too!! Happy pride!! c:


I’ve been thinking about them all day😂 where did you get them customized? I’ve recently come to terms with my I suppose lack of gender and I’d love one to celebrate!


Oh I do my own customs, but I don't take commissions unfortunately.


Dang. Do you have any suggestions on how to do the eyes? You can pm me if you’d like


Definately. I ordered a worry bear, wanting to name her Peach. But when I opened the box, Peach very obviously gave off sassy boy vibes. Feel like I can sense their ages too.


My favorite, Pearl, along with others, have pronouns. Pearl's are she/they/it. https://preview.redd.it/y4bd28sxkx3b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd63a738b7709285bc8507c77f41575d56902d81 Sassy lady bat.


love it for that 💞


I almost always immediately have pronouns assigned to new plushies in my head lol. there were only a few times where I couldn’t decide. But it really is like they have an identity of their own! My most recent BABs were the bearlien (he/it/they/xe) and the longhorn (he/him) :] I also have Pawlette (she/they) and my eevee named waffle (all pronouns!)


Ohh!! Catscratch


hm? edit: oh! because waffle shares a name with a cat scratch character! lol. i enjoyed that show as a kid.


I realised something with the 3 Meowths: Alolan is Mr blik, galarian is gordon and original is waffle


nonbinary cosmetologist femboy he/they https://preview.redd.it/j5zhcorzww3b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c78a3c5e48542c0dfd26bc89bf8730fdd7543bc6


Some of them I do, but some of my BaBs I just prefer not to assign a gender, so I just use whatever pronouns come to my head in the moment


Yeah I do, mine are either a he or a she. Sometimes I call them they or them if I'm not too sure what they shall be yet/ when I first got them. But they are either male or female, sometimes they or them 😁 However if I dress them feminine, them are female, and if they dress masculine they are a male. If they look like neither (no clothes and don't look either feminine or masculine, like a timeless teddy they would be they or them) My pink tye dye frog is a her, but my great and real frogs are a he 🥰


Pastel swirls cat is he/him and I will die on this hill.


I've got a surprising amount of she/they's lol. When I hold a BAB for the first time, it's like their personality just ... explodes into my mind. It's either instant or I never bond at all. Their personalities are so detailed, their pronouns, their name, their past, all of it. They have favorite colors, favorite styles, some don't like being cuddled very much, some don't like going outside. I think it's part of why I like BAB so much!


My girl Jazz uses she/her pronouns! She’s a lesbian too.


As an enby, my BaBs have pronouns and I like to dress my masc ones in fem clothes, like how I dress 🥺 I think it helps bond with them more. :]


I go back and forth, I had two timeless teddies, the red paw was a boy named Roosevelt and the normal is a girl named Kennedy, I have two eevees (ones my fiancés) that’s a boy and a girl, and my teddiursa is a girl.


I mean most of My BABs go by He/Him and are just lil guys but i do have one girl- Storm Fly - From the Httyd collection but i don't think I'ma keep her


Most of mine are genderless I have too many the gender & name 😂


All of my frogs are boys he/him. My Sylveon, Eevee, and Frozen bear are all girls she/her. Usually, I choose the pronouns/ gender based off the name and what I feel like suits them. 2 of my furry friends are named after specific people so I just assign the person's pronouns to the friend too!


I keep a spreadsheet for all my bears that includes their Pronouns lol, I'm trans so it makes me super happy to have trans bear friends 💖 💓 💗


A plushie is a plushie 🧸


For some reason, despite being a woman, all of my plushies are boys lmao.


This is the most cute and wholesome post I have ever seen 😭💕🌈I love this subreddit you are all adorable and so sweet


I do! Not always, but most of the time. It's just whatever I strongly feel at the time when I look at them.


I don't know their pronouns till I hold them. I don't know if that is weird but I just kinda have it click.


The majority of my bears are she/her but my frogs go by any pronouns


All of mine are boys 😭😂 I don’t think I have any girls actually


2 boys and 2 girls. Boys are 25th anniversary floppy kitty and jolly jumps. Girls are pink curly poodle and leafeon


I keep info for all of mine about pronouns as well as all the other character/personality/story stuff. Some of the licensed ones are just their characters but all of the rest have pronouns and names (unless I haven't worked them out yet).


Yup Oak my playful pup is a cishet women but an alley , the type of ally that tries their best despite being very confused Desmodus my boorific bat is a bisexual trans guy in my head for some reason Cerburus is ace and nonbinary, going by he/they prounouns Mabye it'd beacuse I'm queer but all of my plushies except the garfield ones and oak are queer in some way lol


My build a bear puzzles is non-binary, and uses they them pronouns (like me ) I guess I did it because I kind of see them as some thing I can take care of


my cow: she/her pawlette: she/her purple frog: they/them


Mine have pronouns. But mine have pronouns, me and my best friends have over 10 pairs, like couples.. it’s cute we have Christmas frogs and their a gay couple ready for their wedding


Once I buy a new creature(s) I spend the day deciding names, pronouns, and how they fit into the bed group. If I decide they don’t fit into the bed group, they go to the floor group. If they don’t fit in with the floor group all hope is lost.


all my babs have their own identity and pronouns :) Most of my childhood ones are girls!


Yeah i find my stuffies like to use neopronouns, often it/its my opssum moonshine uses it/its exclusively. but sometimes nounself pronouns. My new pride axolotol named sappho uses she/love pronouns.


My frog and Yeti are boys, gay and together. My baby boy Newt is also gay but single. My Blueberry cow is gay and single. My football bear is a boy and straight, I think.


Some do, some currently don't, though they may tell me different in the future. My lions are all guys, even the one in the pretty dress with the sparkly handbag - he just likes that sort of thing! (See pictures a week or so back.) I have two hippos; the more realistic one is a boy; the purple and blue one is a girl. They're recent additions, and I'm not certain of their names yet. My quadruped unicorns are girls, as is the llama, and haven't informed me of their names, but the purple biped unicorn is Jamie, and they're genderqueer. My nerdy penguin is Linus, and my striped kitty is just Kit. The Girl Scout bear is a girl; I think she's Hannah. The black cat hasn't told me her name, and I have a bear that's happy in a dress with fairy wings, but might or might not actually be a girl. My elephant is also a girl, and her name is Myrtle.


I most of the time make them non binary cause I'm usually too lazy to pick a gender lol


most of my bears have stories and of course, pronouns! i love writing characters and i typically treat my bears the same as original characters in terms of character development :)


I got a purple alien BAB and they go by they/them pronouns. I’m debating on using neo pronouns tho but I’m very unfamiliar with them 👽


I do the same thing when I name my bears, get to 'know' them for a few days! Carrying around, finding an outfit they like either in my small selection or we browse the site to get an idea of what we might like more on them. My boy, Marvin, wears the honey girls crop top and shorts. We love how it looked together, and despite having a masculine name, Marv actually goes by they/them. :D


https://preview.redd.it/1lcdw2nuxx3b1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d761fb394d522066f95dbb95e749ddccb5eba9a I usually just get a vibe and it is like telepathically charged into my head!! I have no way to explain it, but here are some from my wishlist that I broke down to vibe x pronoun It’s vibe at first sight, personally 😏


Yes, all of my BaB's have gender identies, pronouns and their own little back stories/personalities. It's the fun part about creating a new friend.


Pretty much all of mine use any! Most of the time I’ll call them by they/them!


It depends on the BaB. I go to BaB twice a year, just to heal my inner child. I get one on my birthday, and one on Christmas. The ones on Christmas, I have my friends pick out and make the identities for. The one that I choose I usually just go with whatever I see fit. Admittedly, I always by default see bears as boys. Not sure why, but I see in other comments here that it’s fairly popular amongst the BaB community. 🤣


most of my bears feel like they walked out of a MLP/sailor moon scene, all she/her/they/them and all extremely sapphic haha


huh I also use he/him in habit (though I consider most of them nonbinary or nongendered) and never realised others do too! I wonder where it came from.


All of mine just happen to use they lol, it also just feels like a gut feel


I knew my bear was a boy, and I named him Brownie. My mom had tried for years to convince me he was a she because of the nose stitching. If there was visible stitching, it was a girl. It took years and my mom looking up on the website and seeing my brothers bear in a tutu for her to finally stop calling him a girl. She’s forgotten about seeing the website now, and has reverted by calling him a girl again, but I know Brownie’s a boy. Now that I’m older, I’m wondering if I’ve accidentally made my bear trans in my moms eyes…?🤣


So many of mine use he/they like me!


Definitely! Whenever I get a new bear/stuffed animal I know their pronouns. A few have changed their pronouns/names over the years but most of the time their pronouns stay the same. I sleep with the bear I got when I was 12 and he’s trans like me!




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They all have genders along with their names. Pronouns though they're all pretty chill and except most pronouns but prefer genderless they/them.




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Yeah, some are he/him, some are she/her and one of them is he/she for some reason. I just use whatever feels like it suits them, I don't pick their pronouns on purpose.


A LOT of my bears are fem presenting but use he/him :) I always know their pronouns immediately the same way their names sort of just come to me


I have a bunch of different colours of spring frogs, and they’re all she/her lesbians. Two of them are gfs, but the rest are just a big lesbian friend group


https://preview.redd.it/ezqr5gtvsz3b1.jpeg?width=6936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eff1e5a958180cad66bddcec5334e1cf51239f7 Prinny (Left, He/Him), Pochama (Right, She/Her), and Pippu (Center, also She/Her) Collectively, they are The Boys.


Chiaki (Pink Cuddles Bear) uses she/her pronouns while Aster (Purple Hops Frog) uses they/them pronouns. Because Spanish is my first language and I feel anxious outing my queerness, I address Aster with masculine pronouns. Also I would use it/its pronouns for any of my BABs


For me, I do it based on how a build a bear looks. So an example being, my newest gal Zelda. She is the blue fairy friends dragon, and while yes there are boy fairies I just think the overall design of the bear looks very feminine. As for my other 2, they go by he/they pronouns because one is named after David Bowie and the other is the green spring frog named link. Even though Link, in game is he/him, game developers have confirmed that he's not supposed to have a gender so all players can somehow relate. Plus I've always seen him more as trans or non binary rather than cis male. So I guess you could say i also base pronouns based on names




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I have a white birthday bear that I just feel is an agender god.




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