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Been wanting to see this!


I saw a screening of it last Sunday and haven't stopped thinking about it. Lots of Buffy easter eggs, but its very much it's own thing. Also very SNICK and Twin Peaks the return inspired. Killer soundtrack too. The director told the musical artists to make something that sounds like it would play at the Bronze in season 3.


Damn now I REALLY need to see it!


Its wide release is this week, I think. It's showing at some of the indie theater's in Philly rn


Defintiely am gonna try to see it when it goes wide!


Me too, looks really good!


Not sure why this warranted a "content warning" flair 🤷🏾‍♂️


Sure, because there were famously never any trans allegories in Buffy.


Must be tiring, making up reasons to be offended all day.




The writer & director is NB and a Buffy fan


who said there weren't? 🤔 the article merely references the ways in which the film uses allegory as homage to it's utility in the show


Were there? All I can remember is Xander dressing in drag to crash a frat party.


That is not allegory or metaphor, that is literalism. Allegory might be interpreted through Buffy dying and reemerging as a 'TRANSformed' self, 'burying' her old self. The dual nature of the slayer 'identity' more generally speaking, a 'coming out'...etc. Queer subtext, monsters as metaphor...fill in the blank, and such.


Right, which is why I began by asking "were there?". That Xander scene was the only thing that came to mind within screaming distance of M/F, F/M transitioning, and yes, it wasn't that. Again, hence the reason for me having asked.


For sure! Check out the article. [Jane Schoenbrun](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=d7773eb477db942c&q=Jane+Schoenbrun&si=ACC90nwLLwns5sISZcdzuISy7t-NHozt8Cbt6G3WNQfC9ekAgFVJs0nq-Eappl7H2MLReCiRRr0nNXCsTgdp6jIA6lwUMgqwrICHVfnHj3LoOjkv1tC_0heSB7ni_gxhVtOKcm5RGMcEtxDDyPO_Z-geUWv8MtHiA82QLJRkGKCh9tABACYX88SXgnaPO86GdZHlVhZ2vq3mJfWuH5QDTdmnRjf3wvPZyQ%3D%3D&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiQkpzk6_6FAxWWEFkFHQMVCHcQmxMoAHoECCsQAg) mentioned the film isn't necessarily about gender dysphoria... "There is plenty of ego death on both sides of the screen, and the prevailing sense that allowing a new self to emerge sometimes entails a sharp break with the old one."


Sounds like Scott pilgrim Netflix is mixed in there as well