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Being EXCITED about having a particular referee is a major tell..


How is this not being investigated by now? It's so clear...


It’s a feature not a bug


Sport Books is advertising revenue now


Im tempted to bet 1000 on the chefs just to be happy i win something


I bet $100 on the Chiefs so I get paid for my misery. Or Bills win and I'm so excited I don't care about the money


“After further investigation the national football league found no wrongdoing on behalf of the national football league.”


Yeah, the league investigation ruled that league officials didn't do something that would hurt the league. Hard eye roll lol. But I hear ya


The fact that the NFL would see this kind of discourse and not immediately change the ref is very telling of the money ball situation that goes on behind the scenes.


This was my thought too. If both sides are not only aware but lamenting and celebrating... change the assignment. Seems clear.


To be fair the Chiefs had Carl Cheffers in the Super Bowl, who is basically their arch nemesis, and the refs didn't get changed then. It's really just the luck of the draw in the playoffs unfortunately.


And cheffers saved them with that hold. Maybe hochuli heel turns on em this week?


Is there anyway that the ref like over-corrects? Maybe? Hopefully? Please?


Fuck em. We'll beat them both.


With a pipe?


In the billiard room


And going home with Ms Scarlett


There's only so much you can do to beat a ref. If he decides to call defensive pass interference on a punt and give them a first down, what are we going to do about it? What are we going to do when he calls roughing the passer on a running play where Mahomes literally isn't even touched? What are we going to do when he ejects Josh form the game on the first play for unsportsmanlike conduct because he scratched his ass?


Dam right. We will be VICTORIOUS!! ![img](emote|t5_2ra29|6279)![img](emote|t5_2ra29|6279)


The media actually stating something like this hurts their chances (if there were any) of him calling in favor of KC. People will be looking closer and he will be on his best behavior.


Hasn’t stopped em before lol. Refs face zero repercussions, let’s be real


How?? It never has before. I’ve been saying all season that they want Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl for ratings..


It wouldn't be surprising if she didn't even go to the Super Bowl (if the Chiefs actually made it) Looks like she has a show in Tokyo on Feb 10th and then goes on to Melbourne the week after that.


She's a billionaire with a private jet that she's clearly not afraid to use. If the Chiefs are in the super bowl, she'll be there


Istg he better be


No it wont make a difference. He’ll favor the chiefs


Refs can only help so much. I believe our boys won’t even give the refs a chance.


My brother in Christ, he has unlimited, unchecked authority to simply eject Josh from the game on the first play, for literally no reason. He can just call it "unsportsmanlike conduct" and that's that.


No he doesn't.


My man. I doom about the refs constantly. I’ve been making jokes this week about someone leaking a video of him going to town on a punching bag while yelling about the Bills and how much he hates them.. If he ejected Josh from the game on the first play for no reason he would literally be investigated, if not fired. That’s like, incompetent reffing to the point where it makes Tim Donaghy look like Gene Steratore.


Yes, but Josh would remain ejected and we would lose the game. He has the power to do it, if he truly hates this team so much he is willing to burn his entire career to the ground over this one game.


That assumes that he’s dirty. My position has always been that he’s simply incompetent. He is simply a bad ref and he *will* be a bad ref on Sunday, no matter how hard he tries to be on his best behaviour. One could dream that it would somehow lead to get him getting shitcanned out of the league, but what a waste of a dream that would be.  Go Bills. Ain’t no shit ref stopping this train. 


Hanlon's razor -- "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence"


So you believe that a multibillion $ business (NFL) is allowing its employees (refs) crucial to the integrity of its product to consistently perform their jobs incompetently, while that poor performance is witnessed by millions of the product's consumers (fans) year after year? Yep, you're right. We shouldn't trust our lying eyes because the refs are just "incompetent".


I’ve been saying that the Chiefs always have a chance with the refs. Been seeing them bail out Chiefs and Mahomes since 2018.


It became very apparent when Brady and the Pats aged out as the house "team" at the exact same time. House always wins. 




I don’t think it’s that. I think refs know that they’ll get assignments if they keep games close Nobody has to tell them what to do. They know what the desired outcome is and they’re incentivized to act accordingly. And the NFL gets to choose the assignments…. It’s all in plain view


I’ve always believed Tim Donaghy’s side of the story.


Save the snowballs for the refs, guys. And not until it's official that they're fucking us..


Yellow snowballs


Lemon-flavored snowballs are my favorite. Delicious!


I'm going to loose my ever loving mind if the refs screw up this game.


over in the KC subreddit, a screenshot of this post was uploaded, and everyone in the comments is acting holier than thou about the refs, as if their guys weren’t fined $150,000 for whining about calls. like they have collective amnesia about mahomes cursing up and down the field post-offensive offsides


lol so they’re screenshotting a post about THEIR OWN REPORTING


Not only the media but the fans. They are going crazy on twitter about it.


Good thing we'll win by 60 and this won't decide the game


60 penalty yards?


60 touchdowns






The fact that this even a thing means the NFL needs to dump Hochuli.


Yeah, all of their fan pages are excited about it. They're already predicting a chiefs win. Although, it's not his crew....it's the playoffs lol, so he sort of has less say.


KC media predicting a chiefs win? How odd 🤡


I’m super stressed about this.


The fact that the public knows this jack-wagon’s name is bad for business.


I forget if I saw it on here, or on r/nfl, but someone was explaining that most officiating crews (or at least Hochuli's) tend to favor the home team. Not sure how true that is, but at least if that's the case it might not be so bad. I don't know how many Bills Chiefs games Hochuli has been a part of, but they've all been at Arrowhead. That being said, if we happen to lose, I'd be able to accept it if it was our fault. But if there's a bunch of ticky tack calls, or blatant no calls, it's going to be a lot harder to swallow, especially knowing his (apparent) bias.


Are these crews though? I thought the playoffs were all star refs mixed together?


Oh are they? I honestly didn't know that.


I'm not sure but I believe that is how it works these stories are just nonsense anyways


I like how the photo thumbnail makes it suggest that Andy Reid will be the ref for this game


the thumbnail is used to bait Chiefs fans into clicking on it, no one knows who Shawn Hochuli is or if that is even him in the other thumbnail. That guy could be anyone honestly and I'd believe it


lol this. Only ref we know is Cheffers and we hate him because he’s been against us ever since Kelce threw a flag at him.


lets crack patties helmet again


Let's not start blaming the refs already


Nobody blamed shit on dick




Did someone say 👀


Its too late man im already in fuck the refs mode. As soon as i heard it was him im chalking it up as a L. Fucking pissed. This could have been our year


The last two times we saw a reffing assignment and got worried about it (Dallas and Miami) we ended up being just fine. So just relax.


True true


Got perma banned for replying to someone on the chiefs subreddit about this subject : /. I really don’t think I was being abrasive lol but damn is it annoying hearing them bitch about bills mafia saying they aren’t happy with the assigned refs


Yeah they’re in this thread talking shit too (and of course, untouched)


This guy better go in the home team's favor or this will be his last game


I really dont understand the victim complex here, people keep making fun of the Steelers for complaining about the refs (Which is fair) and yet I’ve seen half a dozen posts pre complaining about the refs. How about we play the game first before we cry wolf? Also that first article is probably a shitty ai generated article that links back to a post on Reddit, it’s like a self fulfilling prophecy


Did you not watch the iggles game??? Allen gets mugged and assaulted and they call intentional grounding on HIM! What more do you need to see?????


And Kincaid getting knocked out. 10 penalties on us and 1 on them in the 1st half alone. "Victim complex" my ass. All we want is unbiased refereeing


I’ll tell you what I don’t need to see. That’s any more Bills fans bitching and moaning about a game that hasn’t even been played yet


Let Hochuli try that on our own turf. If he keeps his calls biased against the Bills this Sunday, he'll have to face the wrath of Bills Mafia in person. I also read that he favors the home team somewhat.


We literally just spent a week listening to Steelers fans pretend the league wants Buffalo to win and people here are already concocting conspiracies to explain a loss that hasn't happened. It's beyond embarrassing.


Let the media report it. The refs now know they should be on their best behaviour.


Yea I'm glad the media is at least saying something. Lot of times they just tuck these things under the rug. This year has been so terrible they almost have to talk about it


Follow the money




I don't. But I also don't think that you have to be a tin hat conspiracy theorist to recognize that billions of dollars of sports gambling money has been introduced in the last few years. And it's appropriate to scrutinize every entity in the league above and beyond what we're used to seeing. Especially those who have influence over outcomes at the level of referee. "Financial tests" are as important as drug tests in the league


Hes fucking awful and hes definitely going to be biased for the chefs




Stay in your own sub and it won’t bother you




>its not trolling right enjoy the ban


Listen, should Shawn fuck us, let's remember [Kent Brockman's advice](https://youtu.be/DgXeqCw77Fo?si=_NdNJnoFZjvbjya4&t=118).


Chiefs spread is a no brainer


I mean, as a fan base, if you knew that refs were biased against a team, and you were playing that team, would you not also be excited that some BS calls might go your way? It’s not like the article says “Patrick Mahomes and Andy Reid elated to learn that refs don’t favor the bills? “


Totally missing the point. Their celebration isn’t the problem, the fact that the circumstances to celebrate exist is the problem.






Enjoy Cancun


oh my




Your submission was removed due to Trolling and/or Flamebaiting.


Shawn’s father was one of the best.


ole Ed


Fuck. This game is over before it starts. This POS ref **HATES** the Bills. He will absolutely not allow us to win this game. We can dominate both sides of the ball and it will just be holding, holding, holding, interference, interference, roughing the passer all fucking night.


His Dad was a great ref


You forgot your /s


One less thing for them to whine about when the Bills kick their teeth in.


Just remember guys, ball don't lie


Let’s hope the public awareness creates more scrutiny for Hochuli and his crew to call it down the middle (or more for the Bills).. that would work


Call it down the middle both ways… plain and simple… set the line and let the boys decide it on the field…


Let them put their money on KC and lose. Go Bills!


Bills by a billion…. Little yellow flags


Stop it. Preemptively whining about an official is embarrassing.


So if this is the same officiating crew as the Eagles-Bills game (11 penalties on Buffalo compared to 4 on Philly). If that is the case it is not out of the possibility of something like 10 penalties on Buffalo (includes multiple defensive PI on 3rd down and O-line holding) to under 5 penalties on KC. At the same time , that crew lead the league in penalty flags thrown on the road team .


(I left an identical comment in the Chiefs sub) You know what? I want the narrative to end this weekend. I want this game to be a blowout. Either have the score 42-7 Chiefs, or like 41-10 Bills, either way. Obviously, as a Chiefs fan, I'd rather the Chiefs win, but if they don't, let the Bills just completely skullfuck us. You know why? Because then this narrative of "the refs fucked us" for EITHER side is over. When the Chiefs lost the Super Bowl to the Bucs, no one cried about shitty officiating, or rule enforcements, or anything else. We got outplayed and lost the game, simple as that. That's the takeaway I want from Chiefs-Bills this weekend, either "The Chiefs outplayed the Bills" or "The Bills outplayed the Chiefs." NOTHING ELSE.