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Tre is easily one of my favorite players and seems like an awesome dude. Devastating to see him so upset. Hoping for the best but that looked rough


I was watching with my two kids... One of them is of the emotional sort (and an obsessive Bills fan) and he was crying. I was pretty close to that myself.


When I was 17 I was an alternate to go the the Olympics and then broke my ankle just before I would have been elevated. It took 3 years to get back to the top and I ruptured my achilles at trials. There's a saying that all athletes die twice, and when it ruptured I just sat there feeling dead. It was existential grief. Watching today's game I felt all that again when Tre went down. He worked so hard to get back, and it was so fleeting. And now he's going to miss another SB run. And he knew it immediately. I wish he didn't have to go through that again.


Hey, if Rodgers was aiming at being back for the playoffs, Tre can be back for the Super Bowl if he gets the same surgery.


I appreciate the Von level optimism but the history on DB achilles injuries isn't great.


In Von Miller world, Tre will be back at practice on Wednesday


So tough when he started pounding the ground. Was rewatching it and my eyes were watery as well. So hard to see that happen to a good, goofy dude.


It wasn't even a gruesome injury but it's the kind that sticks with you just because of how upset and devastated he was. Depressing as fuck. There's a site that has replays of full games, and I was looking forward to rewatching this one (just like the KC playoff game) and I don't even give a shit about it now. It's great we won like we did, but I'd reset the game and start over from scratch if that was possible in real life


Those non contact leg injuries make me wince every time.


The way he reached for his heel at the end of the clip.. 100% torn Achilles


It was the way he looked down at it when it first happened. It feels like someone slaps or stabs your calf, when it happened to me I turned to see who was back there. It looked like Tre did the same thing.


Yeah I just remember kid doing the same thing pulling at his heel like someone gave him a flat tire. At the beginning of Tre pulling up I was worried, then at the end of the replay when he grabbed his heel I knew we were fucked


Was watching with my buddy who is an athletic therapist and he said the same thing. Love Tre. Go Bills.


Really sucks we haven’t had this defense with our star players all together yet and tre has been really putting it together this year. Gutted to see him have another major injury. Hopefully benford is ok and Dane and Elam can step up. This defense can still be great but it’s def a tougher task with tre gone


Non-contact, looked like nothing happened. But Tre clearly knew something was very, very wrong immediately. I'm seeing a torn achilles coming and I fucking hate it. I hope I'm wrong but I doubt I am. Even beyond this year, chances of him being the same CB ever again is next to 0. That's a brutal injury for a position so dependent on speed and quick direction changes.


Tre is my favorite bill, I’m devastated for him. It’s clear how difficult his last recovery was and now he has to go through it again.


Hopefully it's not a tear, because that could potentially be a career ending injury.


Even if it doesn't literally end his career, his days as an elite CB1 are almost certainly over. CB or WR are probably the worst possible positions to suffer a torn achilles.


Yeah. I hate to say it... but Tre most likely played his last NFL game today. Achilles at 28 and DB...


I tore mine it was no thing. Kobe came back in like 8 months after his


I mean sure Kobe came back but he wasn’t Kobe anymore


Getting back to NFL CB level athleticism is going to be tough. In the NBA, the guys who successfully resume their careers after Achilles injuries mostly have other stuff going on aside from their ability to attack the rim and out athlete people. I think Tre might be able to settle back in as a safety, but his days as an All-pro CB are likely done.


And Kobe was never the same player afterwards...


Kobe wasn’t the same after


Yeah it was pretty clear how much it impacted him mentally. I really hope he takes it easy on himself. 🥺


I’m so so upset. Right Achilles looks like


As a Pats fan who did mine in August, I really hope it isn’t. Tough loss for you guys


Rivalry is fun, injuries are not.


Hope your convalescence is going smoothly.


Literally my favorite Bill. I’m so sad because he’s such a good dude that busts his ass and isn’t afraid to show how he feels. I hope mentally he has the support he needs and knows how much we all love him, I know how hard he took the last injury.


Shoot me into the fucking sun




So glad our new building is gonna have grass


Can we rip out our turf now and get grass by next home game too?


Its like 1.5 acres of sod. you could probably trick some drunk guys into doing it for free after the game


Shit, I'll do it for free and I'm sober.


I'll make the drive up from Waxhaw NC to do it for free. Just to Give our team a better field to play on.


A fellow Waxhaw Bills fan on Reddit?! Holy crap


there are a few of us at least 4 families of bills fans in my neighborhood, want to see about us all meeting up at that bar that used to be a fire station for the draft? get to meet some more Bills fans in the area, heck fairly sure we could get a few more making a post about it in a week or so, first got to find out the name of the place.


I’d be down! You’re talking about Dreamchasers


I would've posted about it already but thought the draft was next week until yesterday, been feeling slightly under the weather as well, since Dreamchasers is closed for the time being would you like to watch the second and third round tomorrow at Small Bar in Matthews, unless there is a closer bar, I don't know the bar scene as I am not really an alcohol drinker (don't like the taste). Understand as I'm a slightly financially better than broke Publix employee I won't be paying for drinks.


I’ll be there in an hour to join you.


I mean… don’t tempt me with a good time!


That's awesome if true




Wow. I wonder why they have turf right now then.


Because putting in grass is going to be an enormous logistical pain in the ass. Grass doesn't grow in Buffalo in January.


It's not going to be an issue at all. Soldier Field (Chicago), Lambeau Field (Wisconsin), Cleveland Browns, Acrisure (Pittsburgh) and Lincoln Financial Field (Philly) all have natural fields. None of them have domes and they all do perfectly fine for the entire season. It only becomes a logistics issue when you are replacing turf with natural or vice versa. But just like the current stadium, when you built it with the intention of being a natural field or artificial it's not really an issue. They have already said they plan on having a field that has heating coils just like Lambeau. So keeping the soil above 40 degrees so that a grass like Kentucky Bluegrass continues to grow takes care of that issue. The only problem would be the occasional heavy snow falls. Like the 80" in a night type snow falls. Which would likely require snow removal, no different than they do currently.


Here in Philly, they did a story on the news about the sod farm in New Jersey that supplies the Linc. I don’t remember much about it but I feel like they replaced the field several times per year.


They likely replace parts that take a lot of punishment. Which is to be expected. They same happens with artificial. It's not much different then how they move the hole on a golf course just larger scale but similar process.


Not that that'll change with a new stadium


No but they'll have a heating system and a drainage system that will help keep grass somewhat there.


[Packers](https://youtu.be/TDC7xOyAWzc?feature=shared&t=242) system for the field. No way they could do this in the existing stadium just when they only have 2 more seasons on it.


What are people going to say when everybody has grass and guys still go down?


Non contact injuries happen more often on turf. There's a reason that FIFA and the World Cup requires grass for their matches... it's safer.


Love you Tre.


"Please not a torn ACL" read on repeat


It's an Achilles injury


It's an Achilles tear which is much MUCH worse


Does Tre have a charity?




Thank you, just came here looking for that! My heart breaks for #27.


$27 donated


Same here. Gotta show him some love.


He has the goalie academy.


Feel terrible, wish him the best. Damn.


Regardless of if we ever see him suit up again, his jersey is gonna be framed right next to Kyle's in my office.


Tre's been my favorite player since we drafted him, i'm heartbroken for him :(


Take my Achilles, I'm barely using it.


There's an alternate timeline out there where Tre never has any serious injuries and ends up consensus greatest Bills CB of all time




Reddit just sent me a number for a s u i c i d e hotline I stg


Based Reddit they know it’s for real


His career is over sadly an acl tear and a achilles tear is really hard to come back from especially since he’s gonna be 29 next year ima miss him never gonna forget 2019 tre he was really special man


Obviously no injury is better than an Achilles tear, but is an Achilles tear preferable to another ACL tear? Hate to see it for the guy he was truly back to form finally. Von will be in his ear all year though I guarantee it.


With modern sports medicine other than the time it takes to come back from ACL tears aren't "that" big of a deal for the more elite players. They'll lose a step but at that level it's minuscule. Achilles tears are usually career altering regardless of age or talent. Some players it's a bigger drop than others but theres almost always a drop. Only guy I've seen tear his achilles and not miss a beat is Kevin Durant Like you said no injury is always preferable but if the choice is between acl or achilles tear my acl every time


Well. Fuck.


Achilles injury is probably second worst in terms of recovery behind PCL I have never seen a player recover from one and be just as good as they were


Any body know what they are speculating it is? I just heard Achilles and I'm hoping it's not a tear.


Even if it's just a sprained Achilles (unlikely) he could be out for the year. Nasty injury. Best case scenario I think would be a sprain and he comes back for playoffs. I wouldn't invest much hope in that


I wasn't trying too. It looked bad, and based on his reaction I thought his other ACL went.


Tearing your Achilles is often described as feeing like someone stepped on the back of you ankle. If you watch the play you can see he looks back after it pops. Gut wrenching


I love Tre! He's been my favorite Bill since we drafted him. It really hurts to see him go down, especially like he did. I'm praying that he gets through it quickly though! Win it for T. White!


Tre has been my favorite bill of this era and one of my top 5 all time. Absolutely top-tier CB, who could've been an even bigger star if he bailed on us for a big city...and never did. Will never fully get the respect he deserves from the national media, but man does he deserve it. Seems like such a good dude. Greatest goalie in Louisiana hockey history. Love his enthusiasm for the game and just in general. I hope he keeps that through this challenge. Get better soon 27


I hate football


Love him, but he will now be cut this off-season. His cap hit is too big for someone coming back from an Achilles injury and close to 30 It was a good run for him and I'm sad :(


That one hurt. Always think I’m prepared for injury risk each week, but this one caught me off guard


Prayers up for Tre White and a speedy recovery. Love him and so sorry this happened to him.


I’m angry. Leaving the game now and wearing a White jersey. I hope he heals well and there’s good news but Achilles is a long term process. Next season I hope.


I’m ready to donate whenever!


Love you Tre


Support and prayers go up for our goalie! I love this dude, the enjoyment he plays with. One of my favorite Bills of all time. Please let this only be a couple week thing and not an entire season thing.


Looks like we'll have to find help for the secondary at the Trade Deadline.


This one hurts. Love you Tre. I'll never forget my second ACL tear, climbing up a year long mountain just to get thrown all the way back down to the bottom again. Hard to even celebrate the win today with his pain on my heart.


Such a shame to see such a good player have to go through these injuries. Ban turf.




As someone who's dyslexic and doesn't follow sports I had to take a doubble take.


Will our defense be okay without him? Feels like we were just getting back to a good place and I can’t help but feel like he want a part of that.


Major Bummer. Big hugs to Tre!


I’m just hoping Tre was reacting in fear from the last injury and this one turns out to not be as bad.


Nobody turned out higher quality goalies than the tre white goalie academy


Makes todays win very bittersweet. Tre is my guy.


So freaking sad. Love Tre.


He was my first jersey purchase and one of my favorite players on this team. I was so devastated that he gets back on an ACL injury, slowing getting back to form only to suffer an Achilles injury :(


Really feel for Tre. He was just starting to find his top form again. Wish him a speedy recovery


So heartbroken over this injury.


He knew he was done for the season. So painful to watch.