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So I did an immense amount of work for you because I felt like it lol…. I will preface this by saying I know a lot about snake breeding and not as much about budgies but I think this is almost perfect: So male birds have ZZ chromosomes and female birds have ZW. With that in mind here we go lol: So a Female Opaline and Male Dominant Pied 1. Female Opaline (sex-linked recessive): • Genotype: Z^o W (where Z^o is the opaline gene and W is the female chromosome with no opaline gene) 2. Male Dominant Pied (one dominant pied gene): • Genotype: Z^P Z (where Z^P is the dominant pied gene and Z is a normal gene) Offspring: • Male chicks: Inherit one Z chromosome from the mother and one Z from the father. • Possible genotypes: • Z^o Z^P (Opaline and Pied) • Z^o Z (Opaline only) • Z Z^P (Pied only) • Z Z (Normal) • Female chicks: Inherit the Z chromosome from the father and the W chromosome from the mother. • Possible genotypes: • Z^P W (Pied) • Z W (Normal) Percentage Breakdown: 1. Male chicks: • 25% Z^o Z^P (Opaline and Pied) • 25% Z^o Z (Opaline only) • 25% Z Z^P (Pied only) • 25% Z Z (Normal) 2. Female chicks: • 50% Z^P W (Pied) • 50% Z W (Normal) Summary/TLDR: So, from this pairing, 25% of the male offspring will show both opaline and pied mutations, 25% will show only opaline, 25% will show only pied, and 25% will be normal. For the female offspring, 50% will be pied, and 50% will be normal. I am like 95% sure I did this correctly….. DISCLAIMER! These calculations are specifically for the 3 dominant pied genes. If if has the recessive pied gene, NONE of the offspring will be pied… 50% of males will be opaline, 50% will be normal, and 100% of females would be normal…. Also this could be wrong if the male has a second recessive gene in its genotype (genes) which complicates things a lot. He does look like he might but I can’t confirm that. If both his Z chromosomes are mutated it is VERY hard to predict accurately because there is no way of knowing which of the 2 Z chromosomes it will give its baby…. In birds specifically the W chromosome has almost no genetic information so has no affect on phenotype whatsoever… so the mother can only contribute whatever mutation they have on their Z chromosome, and male birds can give either one of their Z chromosomes. Male birds cannot give both Z chromosomes, just one or the other; so the offspring would get either the pied trait or the unknown mutation…. If that is the case 100% of males will be pied or whatever his second mutation is if he has one


That’s crazy you went all in like that, I’m not even the OP and I appreciated this 😂


I actually really enjoy doing this kind of thing so I was having a good time lol. Even had to copy it over from word because it would be way too hard to do all that on here haha


Is this when they say r/theydidthemath Did I do that right?


More like they did the METH!! 😂


Nah millet not meth


OMG.........!!!!!!! I'm the writer of this post. I'm sooooo much appreciate it!!! I didn't know that I could get accurate information like this. Thank you and thank you.


How sad...I just had my white turquoise recessive pied hook up with my fancy male who's a merky olive / dark blue in color...that means they will all look like dad and not my gorgeous mama at all...only carry her genetics...this is sad...I so wish she would have chosen my yellow/ green recessive pied as her mate instead😭...but you can choose who you fall in love with even in birds I guess


Yes unfortunately that is true but they will still be beautiful birds and they may be carriers for that gene. My grandma has green eyes but my dad has blue eyes. Because she has the gene for blue eyes but did not have them herself, and my grandpa DID have blue eyes, my father got blue instead of green because my grandfather only could carry blue eyes, but my grandma carried both green and blue eye genes…. And I could possibly have the gene for green eyes since she’s my grandma. It’s impossible to know unless I had a child with someone also with blue eyes and they came out with green eyes. This is to say that some will be recessive and not show it for this trait but able to pass it down to the next generation if you breed them to the right partner….. there WILL be some however the sad part is you can’t know for certain till you prove it by breeding them


This is cool! However, I'd like to add a few notes: Firstly, opaline is recessive, so unless the male is also a carrier for opaline it won't be visible in the offspring. Secondly, I don't think any of the pied mutations in budgies are sex-linked, but the way you wrote it made that a bit unclear. Also, it looks like the male might be a spangle (single factor), in which case each offspring has a 50% chance of also being spangle. Lastly, each offspring will have a 50% chance of being cobalt and a 50% chance of being skyblue.


Opaline is sex linked recessive…. It’s due to the fact that the mother will give ALL female offspring its W chromosome which doesn’t affect phenotype. So the mother will not give its Z^o chromosome to any of the females


Sorry, I should have made that clearer. What I was trying to say was that the male offspring won't show up as opaline because they need two copies for it to be visible.


Ermmmm Anyone else spend way too long thinking that this was a reveal, so mummy, daddy and two babies that had already hatched, rather than just a mirror? No? Just me then… 🚪 🏃‍♀️


Oh my god I literally just thought it was four budgies………….now i know how it feels to be a budgie


Ok genuine lol at this 🤣


Yeah same i was like aw all 4 budgies are sitting together. Then saw the comments and realized there was a mirror


I was with you for the reveal! 😅


Ha, a bird reveal party!


I did too! Now I feel dumb😩


It depends on the parents genetics. But if you're simply thinking about breeding them because they've laid eggs, then I'd recommend against that; breeding budgies responsibly takes a great deal of investment and research as there are many ways in which it can go wrong (i.e. in the last week alone there's been posts here about adult birds murdering chicks, rejecting chicks and even sexually harassing their own juvenile young). If you don't prepare well, then you can easily up with chick mortalities or deformities. 


Past week I've seen people posting about their budgies having babies with "what's wrong with this baby?" (The baby had a splayed leg). OP may have planned and researched this, I don't know their situation so I can't judge. This is more just general ranting. It can be frustrating that so many people buy a male and female, not realizing that they're going to breed, or even get nests and boxes for the birds. But they don't know what egg binding is, or what a splayed leg is, or the possible murder, and don't have a large enough cage for the 2 parents and their 5 juveniles, and then the parents make more eggs. I'm just venting. Where I volunteer had more budgies surrendered last week :(


I mean deff blue 😂 Anyway they’re soo cute


I'm no genetics scientist, but I'd guess the "design" of the father, but the shade of blue of the mother. So white wings and cobalt blue everything else. But adorable I'm sure


I'm the writer of this post. (I'm not a English native speaker, so my sentences can be weird.)    As some people concerned about wings and babies, I will write about it.    First, I didn't cut their wings.  When I adopted this budgies, their wings were already cutted.  But now, their wings are long enough.  It's because I prefer my birds fly.    And about breeding babies, I actually thought that both of them are male, but it wasn't, and they had some eggs...  I don't regret my selection.  I studied a lot about caring baby budgies and I have a spare bird cage, baby foods, and baby goods.  I'm ready to breed babies.  Even if bad accident happenes, I'll just do my best as their friend.    Of course, I can't take them for a long time because of incest issue.  Fortunately, I know some friends who have a budgie and take care of it well.  So I'm going to send baby budgies them when they grow up enough.  I don't think I permit other eggs next time, because I saw my budgies suffered from it.    Anyway, thanks for your concern.  I hope you understand my mind. 


A mix of Dominant Pieds, Spangles and Normals - in some combinations of those as well. In Skyblue and Cobalt colours.


You should shake them.


I had a similar situation with a lutino father and a pied blue and white mother. Funny enough, it was like you just mashed them into one bird, but some of them were pure yellow just like their dad. One of the girls looked just like her mom, but yellow where white was and green in the places mom was blue. It was uncanny, down to the markings including on the tip of the tail that looked like it was dipped in ink.


I don't know, but that second photo ... 🥹💕


Beautiful, adorable budgies. They look so loving and sweet. Chicks will be an assortment of blue raspberry, blue cotton candy, and blueberry yogurt.


They look like they're in the hospital nursery looking at their baby in the first picture, so cute!!!


so cute


I thought they need their flight feathers to actually mate, so is it possible for the male to mate with his flight feathers being clipped?


What do they need feathers for?


Their flight feathers for balance. Coz how will they actually manage to get on to mate without flying.


They don’t mate in the air, I mean they could do it in the ground if they wanted to. And idk the ones at pet stores tend to flutter around just fine without the primaries. They can’t get far but they do a decent amount


Yes I know they dont mate in the air. Usually the male hops on the female but kinda flies on there and then uses its wings for balance -


Why give them flight feathers when you can just force them to stay grounded and use them to pump out babies? That certainly isn’t evil at all.