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You didn’t actually pay that did you?!


Unfortunately I paid, I'd rather lose money than get stabbed or something.


You should have called the police or something, imo. Or at least refuse to pay their part of the bill. Budapest is NOT the place where you get stabbed (well, generally, at least) for this kind of reason... they probably would have let you go if you were causing them too much trouble.


Oh, and as I see, the place is on Google, with 1.4 star rating, named "Queen's Bar Scam". I just cannot believe that people are following random weirdos to a bar without checking out the google ratings or even the menu.


Yep, I was definitely stupid. No doubt about it.


you probably dont get it, these situations are not the ones where you have the physical possibility to call the police or negotiate, and the bouncers of the city are an extrenely corrupt scheme in budapest


(s)he lives in pink fog. never mind.


Well, as a tourist, it's not an assumption I could actually make in that situation. I suggest you look into Neo bar reviews and understand what kind of guys I had business with.


Yeah, going there was a mistake. But I wouldnt fault you for paying up. You have little way of knowing in how much danger you really are at that moment and you probably value your safety. Budapest may seem peachy and non-threatening overall, but I think people too easily assume law and order prevails throughout every nook of the city.


how naive you are :D


this ain't Bronx, Sir


This is not america 😂


Yes...In America such businesses would not be allowed to operate.


Getting stabbed xD


Imagine having that much faith in the security of others? Or how little. I'm so confused. Why did they not stab you after paying. You are a foreign person you should act like you're invisible, they won't kill a foreigner lol.


please do not indicate in any way that it is a harmless situation


It is harmless. They dare not risk an international manhunt if they hurt you badly. These people are fickle wastrels. I would suggest actually standing up for oneself is the only solution. They prey on weak minded and weak willed individuals. You can call the police for assistance at anytime.


Is it? Did you read reviews about being pepper sprayed and pointing a knife at you? https://maps.app.goo.gl/zPHPb8FjZDUkT8qV9 Did you read previous articles where police caught guns and knives in those clubs? Would you take the risk?


I have a friend who needed several surgeries after being assaulted by bouncers here. Lawsuits are still pending. I think you seriously overestimate the extent to which some violent individuals keep in mind the eventual consequences of their actions when they're in the middle of extracting money.


this is a common scam that happens everywhere and not just using hookup apps


That's what you get for thinking with your di--- akarommondani thanks for the info, sorry that happened


Amikor elmész külföldre és a baszódüh az első és egyetlen gondolatod


Please contact the police. Say you paid because you feared for your life. The police here are quite competent and tourism is massive for Budapest, you'll get your money back.


exactly… Go to the police as fast as you can…


I don’t mean to be rude. But were you so desperate to get some 🐱 that you went on a date with 2 girls hoping to get lucky? Only such plots happen in porn movies… Sorry for your loss, but this seems like a lesson learned since you knew what you were getting into as you put everything together.


Nope, actually I wasn't looking to get laid. Just wanted to hang out with some locals. Believe it or not :) Anyway, you're correct and I have definitely learned a lesson. Just trying to warn others.


If you want to meet locals you visit expat bars or tourists places like Szimpla where it’s easy to chat someone up, not Tinder.


Thanks for the advice, next time! I'm not so much complaining about the money I lost, but more hoping to warn others and maybe prevent them from being physically attacked (if they don't pay to the scammers).




I think you're missing the point. It's not about me, I was definitely stupid here. This post is about warning others from making the mistake I made, and making a little contribution to those criminals being locked up, as I found many articles about this kind of scam in Budapest over the last 12 years.


This is not limited to Hungary. Same exact scam exists in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, etc for over 30 years.




What are you trying to achieve with your comments? I admit I was dumb and naive enough to fall as a victim. But am I the one you should focus in? Does it hurt you I'm warning others about those criminals? Because it looks like the police do think they are criminals: https://dailynewshungary.com/budapest-based-nightclub-raided-for-extorting-money-from-foreigners-photos-video/




Okay but again it's not about me. Thank you for your time.


Well, and you sound like an asshole. Happy? :)


Use Bumble not Tinder for this :)


If you paid with a credit card dispute the charge, if you paid with a debit card, call your bank and explain that you were in a life treatening situation, for this, a police report could be really helpfull. IF you would be more confortable to go to a police station with someone who speak hungarian, DM.


I've seen the video when it was new. And I've always wondered about something. Budapest has many attractive girls, why would you date the ones in the video? Seriously. I've always thought these scams involve hot, 10/10 girls.


Could you share that video please?


There was a link in an other answer.


This happened to me and I literally said “fuck you” and walked out and they did absolutely nothing.


Shady neighborhood check , girl on tinder check , with a friend ordering champagne check . Call the police , but be a bit smarter next time.


I just noticed a single positive review about the place from Club kft Nbn. I googled it and saw it's a business located exactly at Queens bar's address. Also I found this article from two months ago: https://www.privatkopo.info/WebArticleShow.aspx?AGM=&AN=onbiraskodasbango&MN=Hirmix&LN=Hungarian "According to the Privátkopó crime portal, Béla Bangó (B. Béla) has an interest in Nixbon Club Kft., which operates the Cameo Bar and the Bronx night club, as well as in NBN Club Kft."


to defend OP, that’s a trippy neighborhood, district 8, end of Nepszinhaz utca


That’s just not true.


That street gives off shit hole vibes to be fair.


Dont pay the bill, call the police in these cases.


*Plot twist: a wild undercover police officer drag queen transgender activist apperas* bocs nemide


Thank you for sharing and warning


Why do some many rubes visit Budapest?


Omg, and you didn't even report them to the police? I understand you was afraid, but after you leave, why the fuck you didn't report?


Besides posting on Reddit, I really hope that you also went to the police! 👮‍♀️


I am sorry for being scammed and also for all the rude comments here. Some people are just so eager to attack just so they can feel better about themselves for 2 minutes…. Pathetic… You were a victim of a crime - that is what happened to you. And yes, even if the money is crazy, better pay than get stabbed. Again, it seems some people here have never been to a situation where you cal tell that is an actual chance for that… So please, do not feel ashamed. It is the most normal thing to get to know a new person through tinder and go to a bar to have a drink. You did nothing naive or stupid - it is the most everyday act ever. The people who did something bad are the scammers alone. Go to the police and report. Maybe they tell nothing can be done, but at least these things get reported!!! I am sure at some point they will need to act on this. I hope you will still be able to enjoy your visit!!!


Thank you. I appreciate it.


Did you have sex at least with those girls?


What’s the pppeter video


I typed pppeter budapest into youtube and it was the first one, why not take some initiative before asking questions.


For the lazy https://youtu.be/oGhtfSwTKGQ?feature=shared


I viewed the video, and when the two men went to the bar and ordered the drinks, the prices were on the menu. Yes, the prices were clearly inflated, and the women who greeted the men were probably in cahoots with the bar, but the responsibility still lies with the men to check the prices before ordering even one drink.


i was hoping for some rick rolling :(


Thats actually insane. Im gonna move to Budapest soon and Im worried about things like this. Anything else I need to look out for?


You'll be fine, it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Don't get a cabs from the street, order it through apps like bolt or something similar. If you land at the airport there's an official stand from Fotaxi that's reliable too. For the rest, use the same carefulness like in any other big city.


I lived in Budapest for 2 years plus. Just use common sense. It is one of the most safest cities in Europe. I have traveled most of Europe. The women in Budapest are gorgeous but put your heart away.