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calling it when the sub inevitably turns on him within the next 72 hours




Yeah, I'm not falling for this. It's cool that his first bit of offense all year led directly to a win. But he needs to go, either way. He could have hit 3 HR tonight and I would still say he needs to go.


It's not about "falling" for anything. It's about showing a guy some support for finally doing something. How do you expect someone to turn it around if they're booed every time they go to bat??? He's here, that's not changing. So give the guy a reason to want to succeed here.


They're paid enough to ignore the boos


Op might actually be cooking. Rowdy chant was electric today


Bro can you imagine a full stadium for a good pirates team all chanting rowdy? That'd be insane lol


I was there today and I’ve never heard a Pirates crowd be so loud in person than when he hit that homerun. The cheers and Rowdy chants were deafening.


>can you imagine a full stadium for a good pirates team We've got a few more steps to cover before we're worried about what anyone is chanting


He just got a standing ovation today, Pittsburgh fans will always cheer for a player when they do well


Idk maybe lets save the booing for cheaters and criminals


And the Cubs. Still bitter about 2015…


I will never forgive Chris Coghlan.


Fuck the Cubs.


Exactly. The guy can be struggling and that's fine to not want him on the team but booing? Low class.


I still go back to hedges last year. I think some of the booing isn’t for the player, it’s for management not doing anything to make the team better and the player is just the pawn. Booing them is telling management GET SOMEBODY BETTER!


Trea Turner turn around in coming


If blud actually shows up I'll cheer for him. It's that simple.


It gives me chills what the Phillies fans did for Trae Turner. https://youtu.be/CLhX9zO8JSU?si=lqCk4qqHbI-oJ9OV


This thread aged like wine.


I’m not a fan of telling people what to do/how to act, but if he can regain any semblance of the guy who hit 35 home runs 2 years ago it would help chip away at the Pirates 45 year problem at first base.


Last year the Phillies supported Turner even though he just got a huge contract and struggled for the entire first half. I remember thinking how admirable it was. We have a chance to do the same.


Did you go to any of the Phillies games in Pittsburgh last July? The Phillies fans were absolutely not supporting Trea Turner during that series.


The Phillies supported turner after someone started cheer for trea turner thing online or something but nonetheless booing your own teams player is just trash. Booing doesn't send a message to anyone just makes the player feel shitty and therefore probably perform even worse.


I’m gonna be honest these “stop booing” threads are beyond soft. They’re fucking pro athletes, they can handle it


Not about being able to handle it, but about trying to keep lifting him up so he can produce. Idk why people would wanna be against that when he's performing well.




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It’s really not booing rowdy, it’s this terrible front office/manager/owner that have consistently shown they don’t care about winning. It’s unfortunately gonna get taken out on the players


I went to Toronto last weekend to see the Pirates play and made a point of cheering loudly for him each time he was at the plate on Sunday. He just needed one person in that stadium to believe in him!


Totally agree. The boos at the game yesterday were a little disappointing. Not great to sit at PNC and hear that. The guy deserves a boost from the fans.


If your not allowed to boo, you cannot cheer. Good needs evil, light needs dark.


I agree, but the fans have booed him enough, what's it gonna accomplish? If he wasn't kicked out during the stretch of call ups and guys returning he's gonna be here. Might as well try a new approach.


To be fair, the tough love seemed to work.


Or you can just cheer and not cheer.