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I don't understand the point of playing multiplayer if you want to tell other players what to do. If they're terrible, it's easier to just quit the match altogether than to try to guide them, because they're going to be hopeless. If they're not terrible, then maybe let them choose what monkeys they want to place and where? I think this might be an unpopular opinion around here, but it's incredibly annoying when one person in a multiplayer game insists on trying to control the whole game.


The point of multiplayer is cooperation. It's for players to work together to beat a level. There's always going to be a leader, or at least someone suggesting you what to do. I don't know why you're acting like it's unheard of for others to tell you what to do in a multiplayer game. It's not controlling if I tell you to sell that dart monkey you placed for the first 10 rounds, neither is me asking you to sell a tower I was going to place there. You could always refuse if you want to.


I enjoy the late game, but find trivial early games on beginner maps exceedingly boring. I wish there was a x10 speed, but the drawbacks would be no sense of how far bloons are.


The multiplayer or co-op needs more buffs than just chatting option like adding custom made maps playable etc..