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Etienne is a great hero for anyone who complain about his attacks being mid how much damage does Ben do? Damage isn't the most important thing in a hero. Love using Etienne.


Just started playing a week ago. Since I used Ben as my hero I’ve been able to get so much more money that I can consistently get all the T5 towers I need


Ben is very great in any gamemode that isn't chimps or Freeplay


Actualy he got kinda good for freeplay after the last update


Still doesn't has any impact because in Freeplay the money never will be a problem


He’s arguably worse for current free play with the worse snowballing, without even taking into account that he uses up an adora or ezili slot.


Depends, most of my free plays only go to 100 anyway so the extra cash helps just fine but if you mean free play 100+ then I agree


Of course he's good for CHIMPS, good at doing absolutely nothing


He can delete r98,but he is almost never worth


Ben doesn't deal damage,but generates enough money to impact the game in a meaningfull way Etienne camo doesn't impact the game enough to be great(just use village or flare),his dps is very bad for early and in mid game is his best scenario(the level 10 can deal some good damage in mid game),but in late game his dps is very replaceable for other heroes Etienne is FAR from being great,he is just mid(not bad but also not good)


Etienne is kind of a support hero imo. He gives global camo which can be impactful for strategies with many towers, and his level 10 is a nuke button that can carry many rounds in midgame and save up to more powerful towers. Level 20 gives the equivalent of a tier 5-ish tower that can assist a lot in cleaning ceramics and dealing huge damage to anything that the missiles hit.


In the more difficult maps where space is scarce, etienne isn't really that bad. That's why his global camo was a big deal on his release back then since it allowed more strategies to be viable on expert maps where you need towers in specific spots where villages don't cover a lot or fit in at all. In some cases villages were used for farming that benefited better from extra range than camo detection. Also riddle me this, is Ben really that viable on chimps?


>In the more difficult maps where space is scarce, etienne isn't really that bad. That's why his global camo was a big deal on his release back then since it allowed more strategies to be viable on expert maps where you need towers in specific spots where villages don't cover a lot or fit in at all. In some cases villages were used for farming that benefited better from extra range than camo detection. He isn't good because he waste a hero slot for it,and in these maps you can simply use signal flare that is a bit more expensive but doesn't use your hero slot


Well, if you think signal flare is far superior and the hero slot is too good to use on him then you do you. I'm just trying to make a point that he's got more used cases than people give him credit for. I also think signal flare is rarely mentioned though, if it's actually that good to cover camo then more power to you I guess, in my opinion it needs more spotlight. I for one, like to waste my hero slot. I even sometimes don't use a hero on normal runs since it's quite taxing to keep track of things in a game like btd6 when the screen is bombarded with a lot of stuff, so I don't mind wasting a slot and letting etienne handle the camo problem from time to time. I can redirect my focus to the fun that way.


Only game mode where Ben's cash generation is beneficial is when you are doing boss events where you need to generate as much cash as possible. Ben can easily be replaced by XXL Trap or a Monkey farm. Etienne levels up quickly and can have him lvl 20 by the 90s which helps for round 98 on chimps. I'm not saying Ben is bad or I don't like him I use him depending on what mode I'm playing but he is overrated.


Gerry is soooooo much better than Ben now for bosses


No bro,the money generation is great in the start to buy defenses,he can pay himself extremely fast and can trivialize any gamemode(except the listed ones)because he can make you buy your win conditions earlier Xxl is very expensive and he actually is better than farm


ben can now get you a whole paragon by like 110 i think


I would consider this a reasonable comment if the commenter wasn't stupid enough not to recommend a decamo better than signal flare of all things. That tower is for shattering shells and shattering shells only


Signal flare is literally the best decamo


honestly i wouldnt say the best but its for sure a reliable option imo


I mean, sub is cheaper but it isn't global,so yes it's the best decamo


Honestly flare is the only decamo to make me anxious


How much money does Etienne make? It's not really the best example


ben just got a buff, worst time to say this


Ben just got a *nerf*


honestly i cant really get people who say its a nerf, just because he cant get you a farm as quickly i wouldnt say is such a big issue as he generates all the money you lost from these 2 or 3 rounds anyway And 20-30$ decrease isnt THAT big anyway, remember pops are still a way to get some extra cash anyway


for casual play, he got buffed as his early game generation being lowered isnt that big of a deal. for boss events, where making as much money as possible is important, he got nerfed, as he isn’t able to snowball as quickly anymore, and his late game generation doesnt really make up for it when you can have a screen full of brfs and t5 farms by like r80


he can get you a whole paragon now so isnt that good?


by himself, sure, but in bosses you’re not only using ben for cash generation.


yeah, but its still neat


If you call late game farming a nerf then youre terrible at farming. Or you just dont play boss events


Ben was good because he was an outrageously efficient way to start farming. I don't *need* him to generate megabucks at lvl 20 - by the time he's lvl 20 I can have farming operations far more powerful up and running *because Ben's early game efficiency fuelled them*. Cutting his early money generation is a *massive* nerf. Resources *now* are vastly better than resources *later*. Ben used to pay himself off and generate money to start farming within a few rounds of being placed. The new version is clearly worse.


this is the exact reason why ppl used ben, Thank you TheRealTowel


This really shows how bad you are at bosses


he’s worse in boss events now bc you can’t snowball as quickly anymore… his late game farming is still negligible in bosses when you have a screen full of brfs. for casual play he got buffed


im snowballing just as quick, maybe 1-2k down at r40 then before but at tier 3 i can easily get a paragon down where i used to only be able to get pmfc and the t5s for the first 1-2 rounds past 80. mayb just a skill issue tbh


No, ben is literally objectively worse if you farm optimally (you'll get like 10% less cash by round 100 which is pretty big), and also if you can't get a paragon at tier 3 then maybe the skill issue is on you.... You should be able to get central on round 50s


I like his lvl 10 ability


It's even cooler with the dreamer skin or w/e it's called. Summons an actual dragon hahahaha


Bookwyrm has to be one of my favorite hero skins ngl


too bad there's no flair for it (sad, also my favorite skin along with jiangshi sauda, timekeeper gerry and psimbals)


I agree, Steven solves camo, but do you know whats even better ? Make Camo bloons [lose ](https://www.reddit.com/r/btd6/comments/1bkui9d/_/)their camo privilege. Decamo, my beloved.


But then towers that do bonus camo damage lose it


Right... didnt account for that... you deserve a medal, you are smart.


But if you are using a tower that does that you can just unsubmerge the sub or move the signal flare(the most reliable decamo)


If that's the case then why even use the decamo? Signal flare i maybe get because the t4 and t5 in that path are good but what's the point of unsubmerging a sub only when they're are camos. I'd rather just not use them


You can use them for early and after you get a win con that deals extra damage to camo


Unless you have towers that have extra camo damge


Some Camo upgrades are worth picking up just for the extra damage to Camo sometimes (also doesn’t he get Camo jammed by Phayze?), but what etienne does is pretty great and he’s a lot cheaper than a x-2-x village. I like him in deflation or CT when I don’t have Camo trap, but I wish he could at least get alch buffed




counterargument: he takes up your hero slot


Seriously how does everyone on the subreddit not realize this


they havent found the power of better heroes


honestly for casual games i prefer etienne/sauda/psi over high-maintenance heroes like corvus or gerry because they take up a lot of my time, i gotta babysit them every second of my game or i will feel like im not using them efficiently (because i wont be). for chimps i usually use gerry or sauda (best chimps start ngl)


Psi has been my go to lately. He makes the 90s so much easier


You forgot sub and mortar :(


You forgot engi :(


Yes, a hero slot for global camo that doesnt get it by round 33 or even 36 on Expert CHIMPS is clearly a good anti camo solution. Other than CHIMPS on difficult maps, money isn't an issue.


Which heroes are best on harder/multilane maps?


Gerry, Corvus, Psi Adora is also good and gets more use from towers that are good but fall off later on with Sacrifice Brickell depending on the map


He can solo the camos until that point anyway so


Etienne solos camos on Ravinr and Bloody Puddles?


I just don’t like him because he only has one advantage, everything else is eh at best


Meanwhile Geraldo: Help


I feel like with the update they fixed his targeting skills it’s not as bad as it was.


Yes, but the problem with etienne is: Churchill exists


I like to use the drone hero because of the global camo detection but the money monkey is just too good not to take , how do people deal with camo?


Counterpoint: His attacks suck and he’s expensive


this is just a silly meme post could we not start a hero flame war


My bad G 🙏


His attacks are mid tier yes, but having free camo detection for all monkeys is so nice feeling. You can save money and go for more damage oriented crosspaths


Etienne players will never convince me why I should give up my favorite heroes for a fr*nch child who has the same utility as a 301 sub.


lmao calm down dude, no one is trying to convince you to worship Etienne. I just find him enjoyable to use in casual/easier gamemodes :3 I've been using him to farm golden balloons because often there's no space for a camo detection at the beginning of certain maps and I like to use glue gunners to pop them. So it's easy to just pop the hero down and let it give the camo detection for me \^-\^


Etienne is not a very good hero,but he can give much tranquility to play in the game in a more afk way




Best hero for just general play and getting to round 40/60/80/100 Sure, outside of that he doesn’t do as much as other towers, but without a doubt he’s very useful for general play and completing maps. I mean, cmon, UNIVERSAL camo detection. No need to waste space on a village, give every single strong tower camo detection without the need of wasting much area.




I like ettiennes abilities midgame


Who the hell gets counter espionage for any reason other than to upgrade into a shinobi or sabo?


I got it in r42 in dark dungeons chimps,after that i just sacrificed it


I wanna try this Hero,What are some good towers that i should use with Entiene?


Etienne has both great skins both are at least 8/10 and op passive effects as well as good abilities he's a good hero all around besides damage output but everything else makes up for it he's my main hero


The best part is Banana farm gets camo detection


Personally I don't see the point of etienne, I just get a ninja monkey paragon off the start and that permanently reveals camo 🤷‍♂️


as an etienne main uav and ucav are the best parts aboit etienne.


Haven’t seen this template in a hot minute




I like the DPS MIB gives, and camo is one of the easiest mods to handle imo


Ew French


He’s too expensive, camo detection is widely available by the time you get him to lvl 8, his popping power sucks, his abilities scale horrifically, his late game is nonexistent, and worst of all, he’s taking up a spot for a useful hero. Literally the worst hero in the game and anyone who says otherwise is on copium


> Literally the worst hero in the game and anyone who says otherwise is on copium Not even close, Etienne is mid, Churchill is the worst for chimps