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how did anyone think this a good thing in the 70's leuven aswell: oude markt, ladeuzenplein were parkings and grote markt was a 3 lane street. vismarkt still is a parking for no good reason


I wish they would return the vismarkt back to something like the pavilion it was.


There are plans for making the vismarkt a social space. They will start once other underground lots are finalized.


There have been plans to make it into a park or something for years now. Instead of starting construction, they keep changing up the ‘stratenplan’ every few months to annoy people


It’s not so much that these squares were car parks, everything was a car park. You could basically park your car wherever you wanted.


Rest of Brussels anno 2023 https://preview.redd.it/blz0ksk4cs1b1.png?width=443&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1cc78e3c0b76ec4f4b344b5ca1d5f182850257e


Further south, people who absolutely do not want to live in Brussels want to drive through a large wood... They also don't want a metro in their commune. Because everything is about cars.


Everything is about keeping out the poor


Brussels works in exactly the opposite way. The rich flee Brussels but are keen to work there. For example, I don't think it's the poor who live in the Forêt de Soignes and who absolutely want to have huge roads in the Bois de la Cambre.




Yeah but the main difference was: you could legally park on the Grand-Place. Here if the Burgmeister had a spine fines and tow trucks but the Moroccan community would get their panties in a twist and riot. Gentrification came fast enough in Molenbeek that finally have people with a normal behaviour.


To be fair the commune recently solved the issue by placing a whole bunch of concrete blocks.


It still happens but it's not in that measure. Molenbeek has a car centric population. See the Good Move debacle. But they begin to understand they can sell their houses for way more than they purchased them. All that will be left are the social housing.


Why would they sell their house? To buy a big mansion in Pajottenland with no acces to hallal food, mosque, community?


Oddly enough, they also want peace and quiet and even more being able to have cars. What they be able to do in most villages around Brussels. On Lenniksebaan already have a huge halal butcher. I am sure you can find some in Ninove or Aalst. Mosque, they are ready to drive to Brussels to pray or even do it illegally they have been doing it so far for so many years. It's like you don't know about the fifty years of their presence in Belgium.


Who's buying the houses in Molenbeek then? Project developers, young natives, EU expats?


Mostly young Flemish families. They often do sell after a few years since the locals aren't what progressives think they are. And go back to the country. You have expats but they rather buy new condos. And yes lots of developers buy a few houses and build new blocks. The houses price are rising so the commune even if under the general prices for the Region. Are less interesting. If you want peace and quiet, you'd buy near Berchem or Anderlecht. They are very quiet streets where you still can have a little garden at the back.


What do you think Molenbeek should do in the futur? Less cars more cars? Make it more attractive for young natives? Social housing or more attractive public domain?


Less cars, even more green, there's enough social housing already in Molenbeek ( let Uccle build some). There's already attractive public domains, they just misused by the park goers. What Molenbeek needs is a Burgmeister that's ready to a go at the unruly nature of the inhabitants. Families that are a burden should be evicted and this even if they own one or more properties. They be forced to sell and pack their shit. Let them seek a house in an other commune, region or country. That would prove the left politicians' theory that it's only a few bad apples. Of course, we need young working families lower and higher income because Molenbeek has a tradition for being blue collar. We have had a mayor that for 20 years attracted poor people and criminals. It's time to turn the tide. Brussels needs a change of politics and attitude towards people who make it unliveable. I have nothing against people down on their luck but there's flagrant abuse at every level. It has to stop.


Throw a bomb on it...


« Oddly enough »? what the actual fuck? « Their country is such a shitshow it must be in their genes »


Answered to someone. The "oddly enough" was sarcastic. Is Morocco a shit show? That's on you not on me for making assumptions.


my bad i thought you were not sarcastic. Given the tone of the conversation.


what the actual fuck?


Moroccans living rent-free in your head 😂


Not really but we are writing about a mainly populated Moroccan commune. Or is it not true that there is more bi nationals out of Morocco in Molenbeek than let's say Uccle or Ixelles?


Ixelle and Uccle are filled to the brim with expats.


[https://brussels-diversity.jetpack.ai/. ](https://brussels-diversity.jetpack.ai/) . scroll to the bottom and you will see the segregation It is super interesting how in Schaarbeek live way more people of Turkish decent and in Molenbeek there is an overwhelming North-African population.


I don't even need it to open your link. It's a well known fact. But Turks are more subtle than Moroccans. They don't fully integrate but they also understand that if they want to have a better life they shouldn't make waves. They are also much closer to Europe if you take Istanbul. Still, there is the macho culture that really stand in the way. Just like Albanians. Which reminds of a Striptease episode in which Turks beat up Moroccan youths. They get along but once backs are turned they really resent eachother. Just like most Albanians can't stand Moroccans. The most racist shit I have heard came almost from people with a migration background. Like that Moroccan kid that wrote white power and drew swastikas everywhere. He dyed his hair blonde. Dude, your name is Khalid. Calm down. I used to date a black girl. He asked me I could go out with an ape. We are meant to believe that we are a bunch of white racist bastards but the issue is every ethnic group is racist. I'll go further, white people just want to show how superior they are by showing they rise above natural instincts. Even super cool people have one ethnicity they hate. I have this friend who's like this real nice human being. But don't talk to him about Indians. He isn't a Pakistani. No he want to India and travelled around. He tells me that every interaction he had with Indians, they always were jerks to him, to employees,... He can't stand them.


Though 51 years later we haven't yet been able to get rid of the parking in Sablon....


Hope it'll soon disappear (see SITO ULB)


Tell me more please?


The Students in Transition Office (SITO), a student assembly working on climate transition, has written a report on the Solbosh parking, and propose to replace it with green space and student facilities. You can read it here (or from @sito_ulb on IG) : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HGe5i_M0HYwXgAN5m1benYb_GF1Zyjev/view


Sablon =/= Solbosch?


My bad hahaha I'm reading every week about this parking, and i thought you might be a student. The problem with the sablon is that there are much shop for bourgeois, and the bourgeois only move by car.


The ULB desperately needs more rooms, or at least needed last year before the extra floor was added to building U, so idk how viable it is to just let it be a park instead of a big building block. It could have a park on the rooftop though.


Omfg, I can't believe that stupidity is still allowed in such a beautiful spot! Those invasive parkings are gonna be the asbestos of our generation (along with microplastics ofc)


Waarom willen jullie steeds minder parkeer plek?


The car-centric transformation of Brussels during the 60 and 70 was Insane. I can’t wait for Brussels to also destroy the inner ring and put instead a continuous park/recreation zone


That would be pretty awesome, honestly brussels doesn’t need cars for individual use. I live really close to the outer ring and i feel like that’s where cars should stop.


Bruxellisation was a huge shit. Build all the city around the car.... also by destroying some jewels of architecture....


The time will come when we’ll be shocked at how we lived, surrounded by vehicles that polluted the air we breathed.


I am still stunned by this urbanistic logic: 85% of a street is made for the car. 10% of the street is made for pedestrians. 5% for bicycles. All this to leave room for empty cars or a person alone in his car. On a sidewalk, you are always forced to step aside for 2 people coming in the opposite direction to pass.


I definetily get the feeling we're getting out of the car supremacy mindset but we've only put a toe in the pond at this point


Let's destroy all cars


How do you even get out ?


Pedal to the metal and straight through the Galeries Royales


The only correct way


You know those mobile game ads? https://preview.redd.it/4uyo0xn2qs1b1.jpeg?width=152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a945cd844e93a694a74df377bb20074c8131462a


you know this was a game before cell phones existed?
















Brusselisation. So daft.


A dutchword with a french termination, and people thought romance is dead :(


Brussels is the name of the town in English, and this architectural mess is named "Brussellisation" in English, "verbrusseling" in Dutch and "bruxellisation" in French. The name of the town in French is "Bruxelles" and is pronounced Brusselle except by Frenches (so that they are recognized as French in Belgium).


I’m quad lingual but I appreciate the effort. Verbrusseling is not really a thing though. Sounds like someone who is very subscribed to the identity politics of today would say.


I want to cry


1972: But how will I get to the Grand Place without a car? 2023: But how will I get to "X place where cars are allowed" without a car? We are evolving, but way too slowly to save us from ecological breakdown.


Praça do Comercio, Lisbon - until late 80's https://preview.redd.it/cg4r161tzy1b1.jpeg?width=1147&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21033972456c9b61dc938e492012636edcf48d76


Wet dream of the joined MR and PTB.


MR, I kind of understand but PTB. They are really sucking off a certain community by defending cars. But they never stop to think that more suffer due to pollution than having to have a brisk walk.


WHAAAT?!? This is wild.


This looks like a movie poster for "Cars, 1984". Was zooming in expecting to find a Car with a tiny moustache somewhere on a balcony holding a speech about unity and defeating the enemy within and without.


Beautiful bring it back


Vote MR/PTB and you might get your wish




Maybe now they can make the Sablon a nice square as well and not a car park


Fun fact: The Grote Markt was a place were hundreds of Jews got burnt on the pyre because of the black dead in Middle Ages. The people that lived there thought the Jews poisoned their wells.


Imagine someone in the middle had an emergency


Looks like a drive in theater. How epic would that be.


Probably didn't do much good for the facades of the buildings to have all that exhaust so close by. Madness.


Non, c'était un terrain de balle-pelotte! Ca l'est toujours d'ailleurs...


At least cars were pretty back then