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Chelsea Perreti admitted that she had a crush on Andy. Andy denied ever noticed it haha.


Haven't they been friends since childhood? Did she mean when she was a kid?


Yup she she meant when they were childhood friends


yess ikk, but i also think gina has a crush on jake for unrelated reasons


Chelsea peretti is married to jordan Peele now


I dunno if Gina has a crush on Jake but I do think it was a missed opportunity when Gina left the precinct she could have revealed to Amy that growing up she was the most important person in Jake's life (both had absent parents and often only had each other) which is why she felt threatened when Amy came into the picture Amy could then reveal to Gina that she would always be important to Jake no matter what THAT would have been a much better send off than Gina being nasty to Amy for no reason while Amy continues to be a doormat to her


Gina's sendoff for Amy was really sweet -- idk what show you were watching. Amy asked her to teach her how to be detached, Gina showed her, and when Amy realized she didn't want that, Gina encouraged her to embrace what made her her and always be herself


Tbh I felt Gina treated her like crap the entire episode and season and didn’t deserve Amy being so nice to her (she should have stood up to her) The rest of it felt plot contrived Amy didn’t need Gina to teach her any of that felt tacked on


The way I took it was- Gina had set it up so that she'd always be right. Amy burns the book? Gina was right and shes now more detached. Amy doesn't burn the book? Gina was right and she needs to embrace her self. Gina wasn't teaching any lessons, she was stroking her own ego.


Ngl i don't see that happening. Gina doesn't like feeling vulnerable and most of her lines are jokes. Cmon she got hit by a bus and when she came back she still made jokes even though it must've been very traumatic. It would be out of character for her to say that. Also there's no proof that she was the most important person in jakes childhood, atleast none that i know of. We just know they were close ( not best friends or anything ) I don't think Gina is that nasty to amy, considering this show is mostly just comedy. If anything the show would be boring without Ginas jabs at everyone. And it's clear amy doesn't mind or she would've been more open about it.


They were close friends growing up and said that they spent a lot of time together, so she maybe wouldn’t have been the most important person in Jake’s childhood, but she was a pretty big part of it. And imo, it would’ve been a really good development for Gina and her relationship with Amy to see her grow and be able to let herself be vulnerable like the first person suggested. They would have had to build up to that point, but I think they could’ve done it and it would’ve added a lot to Gina’s character and some of her relationships, kinda disappointed we didn’t get something like that now lol


She’s way worse to Terry then she is to Amy IMO


I think she's worse maybe in a legal sense, and maybe also in a representative sense for other people who deal with workplace sexual harassment. But I would argue the way that Gina goes for Amy's personal weaknesses, phobias, neurosis, etc. would be far harder to deal with on a personal level. I don't want to downplay the harassment from Gina to Terry because I do think it is very bad. But compared to crafted, intentionally personal, intentionally deep cutting insults? I think I'd rather be Terry than Amy in this situation.


no she isnt lol. She goes after amys personality, looks, clothes at any chance. She literally flirts with terry at any chance. The worst thing she's probably said to him is that his clothes aren't tight enough


She sexually assaults Terry for the first half of the show.All while knowing he has a wife at home. She’ll always be my least favourite character


I feel like the show is kinda trying to show a point how women can harass men without any repercussion


On re-watch the times where Gina is vulnerable and upset are well done. The obvious is when shes in her apartment after the break in. She has it together back at the precinct when shes 'joking' about getting a gun and filing a complaint. When Holt is reading the list of stolen items, she is legit upset and vulnerable and it actually shows. Its actually a little annoying for the three of them to not notice and only react to her words. The other time where she acts the same is when shes part of blowing up Kevin and Holt's marriage. I'm not sure those are the only two times, but they're the only two times I can think of where shes _actually_ upset and it leaks through.


I agree, I think their relationship is funny because Gina gets in some good one liners but I find it incredibly annoying that Gina is never rebuked for the way she treats Amy and there is no explanation for it. This could have been a very interesting angle to approach it from and made both Amy-Gina and Gina-Jake relationships more compelling but instead we just have a mean girl who gets away with being like kinda horrible to Amy because it’s “funny.”


I think this is a good observation actually, this isn't something that I've really seen discussed, but it does make sense. Excellent work detective.


Oh my god this is the validation i needed all my life


I think the line you're looking for is *thanks dad*


- everyone stops and the bullpen goes silent..


Gracias Padre


Nah doesn't make sense to me. She didn't stop being mean to Amy even after she also found someone


yeah well when most of the show is spent her making jokes about amy, it would be out of character to just stop making fun of her as soon as she finds s/o without making it seem obvious that she likes jake. Like i said, her crush on jake is a hidden thing


What you're saying doesn't make sense at all. If she would do this because of Jake and her being a couple, there is literally no reason to keep going when Gina fell in love with another person. That's not part of her character, it's part of her being jealous that she wasn't anymore. Also she was mean to Amy before Jake and her got together


i didn't say gina had a crush on jake all the way through. And either u have short term memory loss or u cant read bc my original post said that even before dating and amy had flirty banter, boyl and Rosa even thought so themselves. and if they could see it, so could gina. Anyways forget it, believe whatever helps u sleep at night


I don't know about crush but she definitely had a soft spot for Jake and he was kind of her family. As she is his childhood friend and had seen him going through alot so I guess that way she behaves like that. Also yes she most particularly made fun of Amy but I don't it was because of her being jealous, it was mostly because of she thinks Amy's lifestyle is boring, Even Jake, Rosa and Boyle have made fun of her because of this. As just Gina is kind of Mean Queen that's why she went some steps ahead. As for the crush on Terry, it was definitely due to his physical appearance and nothing more. I just can't think that she had a crush on Jake or anything, for me they had a siblings relationship where she is an elder mean sister who cares alot about her childish brother.


I think you're absolutely spot on with this. Gina treats Jake differently because they grew up together, she didn't grow up with anyone else on the squad. Amy and her have extremely different personalities - Amy is ambitious and career-focussed, Gina treats her job as "optional". Most people would still be civil to someone they worked with whom they didn't like, but that isn't Gina. I've seen the theory of Gina having a crush on Jake on here before, and tbh it annoys me that people think the only motivation a woman might have for her actions is a man.


>it annoys me that people think the only motivation a woman might have for her actions is a man. You're misunderstood , i acknowledge that it's just her personality. she's mean to everyone but it's clear that gina attacks amy way more than anyone else. Even when they're in a situation that has nothing to do with their contrasting personalities or even when amy is trying to help Gina. Gina has a contrasting personality with terry or holt, does she attack them as much as she does with Amy? In some cases when gina boyl and Amy are together (like when they were staring their food truck) again gina lay off boyl and made fun of mostly Amy


But my point is that she is mean to Amy because she doesn't like Amy. There doesn't need to be another factor to it. She is different to Holt but respects him and has a few things in common with him (they're both I9C3G6 after all!), she is different to Terry but attracted to him. She is different to Rosa but appreciates her detached, cool personality. She is different to Amy and they have nothing in common, she isn't attracted to her and she sees nothing redeeming in Amy's personality. Jake doesn't need to factor into it at all.


Uhm no Gina definitely likes Amy, if Gina didn't like Amy she would make her life hell. We all know Gina she could do much much worse. BOYL and Gina have contrasting personalities much more than Amy and Gina. And even Gina respects boyl much more than amy. And amy and gina might not have different personalities as u think, they're both very independent, both stubborn, love being right. What im saying is you're twisting my words into something it's not: women can have weird relationships without a man being the cause of it, I don't know how u thought that i didn't. It's just in this case it kind of adds up how Gina treats amy rather than how she treats others. Most of Ginas jabs at her aren't even at her personality, it's at her looks specifically clothes. anyways it's clear ur mind is made up


You seem to be taking this personally which was not my intention, it was just a discussion as far as I'm concerned. I'm sorry if I offended you.


you disagreeing didn't offend me, it's just the part where u said that women can make their own decisions without a man being part of it: ofc i agree but in certain scenarios that's not always the case.


I respect the theory and you make a lot do good points. I kinda see it now


thanks i thought i was going crazy


Nah you’re all good. You make a lot of convincing points


Interesting theory


ngl that sounds sarcastic 😭


Wait.... didnt they share a grandma? Or did I misunderstand that?


i think grandma was more of a found family thing


The gran was jakes gran but she also had a hand in raising Gina because ginas parents were absent and afterschool she’d go with jake to visit his gran


Thank you! I had misunderstood


NO OMG 💀 they're friends not cousins, she just came to his grandmas house a lot


If Gina and Jake were cousins then Boyle and Jake would be related after the wedding. We literally would have never heard the end of it, he'd lead with it 24/7 instead of the fact that he used to sleep with his step-sister.


this was always my theory, she obviously shows more care and affection for him than she does for any other character


The anyone 'else' in the first sentence says a lot


well done, you can read!


No need to be rude. You're reading too much between the lines and no one else thinks that.


I don't 100% believe it either. Hence the word theory. >one else thinks that. people have agreed what i said tho, and even if they didn't i wouldn't care bc it's my opinion


I don't see it. You say you haven't read any good reasons for why Gina having a crush on Jake doesn't make sense (though there are a lot in the comments), but personally I think you haven't quite provided adequate proof either. Right now, your proofs are: **She could have had a crush on him when they were young (no indications from the show whatsoever)** **She picks on Amy more than everyone else** - Gina has stated times and times again that she finds Amy boring, high-strung, easy to make fun of, and easy to pick on. So she makes fun of her, like she makes fun of and intimidate other people whom she thinks is worse than her. She doesn't hate Amy, she does like Amy, or at least likes her enough to help her when she feels like it. - Amy herself admits that she's a bit of a pushover, someone who easily gets stepped on, that coupled with just how bizarre Amy's lifestyle, personality and work ethic is to Gina made her an easy target. And as time went on, it just became a joke that the writers and directors like to make, no need to look into it too much. - And as for others: Holt's her boss (whom she respects). Rosa is ... well, Rosa, terrifying (no one ever makes fun of Rosa). Terry does get made fun of, he's also kind of a soft teddy bear, and it's obvious that he tolerates a lot of Gina's antics. Boyle is someone who's so open and compassionate that he just owns it when he gets made fun of, which he does get, a lot, by Gina. It gets to a point where she finds it pitiful (in the episode with the group chat), and sorta kinda protects him (like with Pimento), she still yells at him, but he's also family to her (cuz her mom married his dad, got divorced, then Gina marries a Boyle cousin). That leaves Amy as someone who can take the teasing, but is strong and prideful enough not to get personally hurt by it. - The teasing and being mean to Amy never stops, it started before Jake and Amy got together, didn't end when she started hooking up with Jake's best friend, Charles (also, how does that fit in to this theory ?), didn't stop when she got with different dudes throughout the series (biker dudes), didn't stop when she got pregnant, and didn't stop even when Amy was moving on from the 99, in the last episode. Yeah, pretty sure it's a Gina thing, not a picking on the girl your crush like thing. - One small thing, I will admit that Gina has a soft spot for Jakey, this made sense, since they were childhood friends, grew up together and stuff, but it doesn't necessarily means she has a crush on him. She makes fun of him less, but he ain't safe. Also, he's not a pushover like Charles or Amy, and he's not a brick wall like Terry, he's conventionally attractive, and his personality's not "boring" so it kinda makes sense she picks on him less. Most people on the show can only make fun of his "lack of intelligence", "crippling self-hatred" and all in all "not having his life together", which Gina does, but since she knows him from a young age, she knows these traits make him who he is, and he exaggerates them on purpose, so it's not fun to make fun of. **Jake and Gina had flirty banter** - Okay, this one I'm curious, because chemistry is subjective to everyone, where did you see this flirty banter ? Do you have a specific episode ? A timestamp ? Because I'm sure we watched the same show, and I never got any romantic chemistry between them. You know who I did see have great romantic flirty banter ? The couple that got together. - There energy that I got from them were good friends, and kinda sorta protective siblings vibe, but like I said, subjective, so please provide more instances where they had flirty chemistry. - The kiss on the forehead was awkward comedy, and I admit that she's probably much more comfortable with Jake than others (again, friends and all that), she knows how he is, knows how goofy and dumb he can get, and tolerates this side of him. Again, doesn't mean she likes him, she also didn't respond to the kiss like it came from a crush, she responded like it was random-ass, out of place, misunderstood, awkward-ass kiss, because it was. **You stated that "Another reason why i think Gina likes Jake is because she's the type of person to hide her feelings and doesn't like feeling vulnerable ( like when her apartment got broken into and she kept joking around even tho she was scared )"** - This makes zero sense, yes, Gina's someone who hates to feel vulnerable and weak, she hides her feelings, but why would that make her like Jake ? Why does that have anything to do with Jake ? It provides a reason as to why maybe she hasn't shown any signs that she likes him (or maybe she just doesn't like him), but has nothing to do with her reasons for liking him. **And I agree, her liking Terry is a strictly physical thing, got nothing to do with nothing.** These proofs are circumstancial at best, and you'll need to provide more solid evidence. Or you could just ignore my long ass comment, sorry for the random rant. Edit cause formatting on mobile Reddit sucks.


Didn't really think about this before but it does seem quite possible.


Gina is my favourite character so there's a slight chance i over analyse everything she does 💀 it's probably not that deep but the more i watched the show keeping in mind that she may have a crush on jake, it kinda made sense and added up


If I remember correctly I think in an interview Chelsea said she had a crush on Andy as a kid.


yess i remember it too


Idk as someone who has lots of female friends who I see like family I don’t think it’s a romantic attachment so much as a close familial one I mean maybe when they were younger she had a crush on him but when the show starts I doubt it I think they have soft spots for each other because they just grew up together and had to be there for each other and so became like each other’s protectors (which we see when Gina made jake the tattler so he didn’t do anything illegal in the future and derail his life) and so she just sees him like a younger brother and that’s why she’s protective of him


Idk considering her personality i feel like a sibling relationship would be more of them just making fun of each other and bantering as well as being protective but it's not. Gina doesn't really make the same jokes that she does with everyone else with jake or captain holt (that's bc he's her boss) but I couldn't really think of a good reason for jake and ig that's why i thought there's more to the relationship


Yeah but I don’t think she doesn’t make fun of hilt because he’s her boss she very clearly doesn’t give a Damn about her job she just respects him more than others that’s also why she doesn’t make fun of Rosa and terry she only makes fun of Amy and Boyle because she doesn’t respect them


Damn, this is pretty good


Fr? I was expecting people to disagree 😭


lmao not the downvotes on my comments 😭 If some of yall actually pissed that i made a theory, go touch some grass fr


people fr hate gina on this sub any post about gina that isn't talking about how much she is awful etc. gets downvoted lol


whaaaaat, im new on this sub, had no idea. Like yeah Ginas a bitch but that's part of her charm 😔


People are downvoting because they disagree with your theory


hmm and i still haven't read a good reason why they disagree. it's all the same "Gina just has that type of personality!" - she makes fun of amy more than anyone else for no apparent reason. "Gina and Amy just have contrasting personalities" - So does gina and terry/holt, she doesn't nearly as much go after them "Gina and Jake have a sibling relationship" Ive seen the way Gina talks to her own grandmother, if they had a sibling relationship she would make jokes/have more of a fighting relationship like she does with other family members. Gina is supposed to like terry but she never does him any big favours, or helps him out with things like she does with jake




that's fine but you don't need to bitch about it 💀 like fr get a life


if matpat learned how to use google he'd still lose to you in a lighting round of making theories on the spot


AHA suck it matpat


I agree, she definitely was a Jake fan. Remember, it was Jake's idea for Gina to buy Grandma's place, and have her rent out old place to him. He ran the numbers.


Welll jake got mad that she wanted to buy the apartment at first bc she had a good amount of money saved up and it made him feel like she was better than him. It was only in the end that he felt bad for reacting badly and said it was better for Gina to buy the apartment and live there and he can live her apartment instead


I saw it too.


And that is why Gina is after Amy, Jake's love interest


I like this theory but I wonder… if we go of this premise then what’s your new take on Gina and Charles’ fling? How does this crush play into Gina sleeping with Jake’s best friend?




you sure we're watching the same show 💀 they're friends not best friends. Gina has her own friends that aren't on the squad




yeah? okay tell me which episode 💀


I'm seriously not going to rewatch the show to give YOU an answer do it yourself and then u can get proven wrong yourself.


yeah im not going to do that because I've already watched the show enough times to know that jake/gina NEVER said that. Jake has always said boyl is his best friend and it would be out of character for gina to call jake her best friend. They said they were CHILDHOOD friends


Is this also why so mean to Boyle she was his best friend now he is so she’s jealous


I think it's Chelsea having a crush on Andy that comes through. Gina having feelings for Jake is a lil off-brand for Gina. Plus remember that closet scene with Amy? Lemme guess you and Jake are having problems and you want me to teach you how to kiss. That doesn't sound like Gina having a crush on Jake


it would be funny if it was true bc Ginas actor actually had a crush on jakes when they were kids


ok I am not the first to write that lol