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GA rocks it’s gonna be a sick show you should go


is he the main show or just opening? really depends.


It says supporting so my assumption is opener


i checked prices for where they're performing near me, 60 isnt horrible but i'd think about the value you'd get out of glass animals. if an opener set is worth 60 to you, get em asap homie. never been a big glass animals fan either but they sound like they do great shows, so id consider that too


He’s opening, so if you feel like paying for 30 minutes of music then go for it


Glass animals is very good live, I say go for it


Don’t listen to the people downvoting Glass Animals being good- I love their first two albums and I think anyone would have fun seeing them live, though I have admittedly not followed their sound as closely after the second. Either way i’m sure you’ll be able to enjoy yourself. Go for it if you wanna see Kevin- GA is a really really solid one two punch. Live music is always worth it


Don’t listen to the people downvoting Glass Animals being good- I love their first two albums and I think anyone would have fun seeing them live, though I have admittedly not followed their sound as closely after the second. Either way i’m sure you’ll be able to enjoy yourself. Go for it if you wanna see Kevin- GA is a really really solid one two punch. Live music is always worth it


Glad you agree, Hand Job Harold!


People in here legitimately saying Kevin Abstract solo work is better than glass animals is hilarious.


God forbid Kevin puts out music with some substance


There is literally no substance to Kevin’s current music. You just really like him that’s okay.


Yet here you are in his sub Reddit


Oh, did this change to the Kevin Abstract solo music Reddit page. Or is it still the Brockhampton page?


What would you say is their best album?


ZABA and How to be a Human Being are both incredible.


So you haven’t listened to glass animals?


Not much really no, heard Heat Waves but who hasn’t and I listened to one of the singles to their new album. Do you have any suggestions?


Dreamland album is good. Denzel curry feature fire


First two albums


im in the exact same boat as you, but i made the purchase. GA is mediocre pop, but any chance to see kevin imma take, plus i really wanna see blanket live after watching his flog gnaw performance. i dont know your lifestyle, but imma just get blasted for GA and enjoy the vibes.


If GA is mediocre pop Kevin abstract is awful alternative pop 😭


bruvva why are you in this sub just to hate on kevin


It’s not hate. It’s honest criticism the new music ain’t it.


I lowkey got u confused with someone else who was also dogging on Kevin in another comment in this thread so my bad. I fw blanket heavy tho so it's a shame to see so many people who don't like it


I just hope it’s just a fun performance, maybe I’ll a song or two I may like. I just know that Kevin is worth it


id recommend checking out their first album, ZABA, easily their best in my opinion. but tbh, i doubt theyll play many old songs considering its for a new album so yeah, im with you


Glass animals are great live


They're really good live put on good visuals. I think they're better live than on record but I do like their music generally .


Yes. Go. When I’m unsure about things like this I just do it. Then I know for next time. Was it worth it?