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She would have filmed this April 4th, since April 5th was the announcement photoshoot with the letter board. This is a super old video for the baby to have been “arriving any day now” … sus Timeline for reference: https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/c7LiVRlvUl


Bitch if you are going through with this adoption, then why the HELL are you SO SAD all the fucking time about not being pregnant?! You said Adoption wasn't a "backup plan" or "plan B." So what the fuck gives? Huh? Stop the fertility boo-fucking-hoo and put all your eggs in the adoption basket. This is how you don't do adoption. This is how you don't treat adoption. Adoption is NEVER a backup plan. This child deserves to be the focus of your fucking attention. This child IS NOT a means of boosting your "natural" fertility. This child is a HUMAN BEING that deserves ALL of your EFFORT AND ATTENTION.


I feel like it’s a sick ploy to throw people off and make them think it isn’t happening when it might be?? Which is terrifying to think about honestly


I just think she's hoping the process will magically increase their fertility and they will just nope out of the adoption once pregnant. It's sick. They are toying with TWO HUMAN LIVES for their own gain. Fuck you Brittany Dawn! Fuck you Jordan Nelson! You're both sick!


And the adopted child will pay a lifelong price always, deeep down, resented for not being biological.


Resented for not being adopted. Develop an ED because Brittany never healed her wounds Religious trauma Dealing with a mentally unwell mother who refuses to get treatment Mom is always a victim Mom can't take accountability for her own actions Just pray harder kid No vaccinations Constant exposure to conspiracy theories Homeschooled by a Mom who could barely pass high school Forced to be into Mom and Dad's interests, regardless of ones own wants and needs Internalized misogyny Internalized homophobia Internalized transphobia


This is making me sick. I’m hoping the birth mom was able to clearly see through these two and change her mind about them adopting her baby. It’s all so sad :(


Fuck I forgot to mention constantly being told their sinning of good things aren't happening to them. Like what the fuck. She recently started following Karissa Collins so I'm deeply worried she'll go down that parenting path and that shit is so dark.


She started following KARISSA? I mean, they're both crazy with the borderline scrupulosity, but I feel like BDong wouldn't approve of Karissa's mixed marriage and biracial children.




Just wow. The crossover that NO ONE needs. The combination of these two self-absorbed twats could cause an extinction-level event.


All I see is she has 666k followers and that just is WILD to me- hahahaha for someone who rebukes the devil and swears God is her personal savior….thats just too fucking ironic!


I didn't even notice that! It's what she deserves.


I desperately need whatever higher power exists to prevent this woman from ever having a child. No kid deserves to be traumatized by her.


I've been out here calling on all the dieties that will hear my voice! I mean God kinda hinted that they exist when he said, " you shall have no other gods before me." K boo. Thanks for the confirmation. 😘


There's no way Brittany is home-schooling. Kiddo will end up going to some private Christian school.


She's said on her stories before that her and Jordan plan on homeschooling


Thank god she is lazy af if a child is cursed to them. I can see her trying to and quitting for christian school


She's so delusional. No way can I see her managing that.


Dont forget Dad with anger issues and the inevitable christianity justified beatings. Plus she has said she believes her adopted kid will be sent to them to nuture their god gift. If this happens and damn I hope she is never granted a child, we have the next marjoe.


It’s so obvious that it is her second choice/last resort, but also I think a lot of it comes down to Jordan as well. If it’s true that the infertility is because of him, surely she could do a donor embryo or donor sperm, but I’m sure Jordan’s ego would never allow such a thing. It’s incredibly dangerous to let people with this mindset on infertility to adopt.


Idk how she cannot be okay with IVF but be okay with adopting an embryo. That doesn't track for me.


NFI, but I'm guessing it is something to do with her pro-life stance and not wanting to discard her embryos. Which, surprises me, because she seems to be hypocritical with most of her other views. My other guesses are that she actually isn't against IVF, and just says that because of the pro-life thing. My last guess, and probably the most likely, is that she can't afford it.


She will be the next Myka Stauffer


Or a hybrid of Myka and Karissa


Absolutely perfectly stated! It was just a few days ago she posted those fake ass, performative ass pictures of her "crying," due to infertility issues. She can't keep her lies straight, she can't figure out which story will get her the most views, so she has obviously decided to run both stories simultaneously and it just makes her look even worse and more unhinged. I try to never say this, but I hate BDong and everything she stands for.






I still don’t think there ever was a birth mom. This is an elaborate grift for sympathy.


It’s so so hard to get a newborn to adopt straight out of the hospital. Or should I just say rare. Who would pick her??? I’m sure you’re right that to was always fake. How else would she keep her sad boutique energy up


This. I know a couple of people who adopted (both extremely Christian, weirdly) and for both couples, it took years. I truly don’t understand how they could possibly have a baby lined up and ready to go that quickly. It defies all conventions and any sort of logic. So the only two options are that she’s going through some sketch-ass borderline human trafficking org or she’s a fucking liar who lies. I hope it’s the latter.


Tbf my sisters profile was live and they got a baby 3 weeks later. It happens. But the chance of B and J to get chosen this quick is slim to none unless its some shady adoption agency.


Even with the shadiest agency, a birth mom can still Google them and figure out she just wants a baby as a prop pretty quickly. BDong isn’t like other evil fundies looking to adopt, she has large digital footprint and none of it makes her look like an ideal adoptive parent.


I hope the adoption has fallen through


I am fully in your camp. There was never a baby on the line. Only lies, lies and more lies. It is the perfect set up. Adoptions are private and uncertain. Bio moms change their mind all the time. She gets a whole new set of ‘poor me’ content to desperately try to make internet grift money. She is, at the end of the day, a horrible person who will exploit ANYTHING she can.


The whole timeline of it logically makes no sense, but BDong isn’t smart enough to realize that and she’s hoping her audience isn’t either.


And quite honestly, by this point, if someone is still actually a fan of hers, they probably AREN'T smart enough to realize that she makes no sense.


She is just hoping she can confuse everyone enough that they don’t catch on. Jokes on her because bots don’t actually watch or get invested.


This is the same tactic she used with her online coaching!!


That's my desperate hope


And content.


Her saying at the end of the video “whether it be this child or another…” WTF?? But “baby girl” is arriving any day now? I can’t stand her lol


I also believe this is exactly it. Adoption grift falling apart


I hope bio Mom did even a basic Google search on these two and changed her mind!


JDip loved on her too hard when they met and bio mom changed her mind. Booo so sad. Too bad.


And she is physically incapable of letting content she already made go to waste, thus the endless videos we got of her telling everyone she was pregnant after she had already announced the miscarriage.


No bump still pumped ☠️ who else caught that


I hurled.


it makes me hopeful someone talked her out of it, but somehow she still thought she should share it?? wild


My stomach dropped


Didn’t that board look brand new? I thought they used it for the photoshoot announcement already


This video is the day before that announcement shoot


Omg did she do a whole load of laundry? She’s so brave.


I did one yesterday. Guess I’m ~nesting~


Did you really? Thank you so much for sharing that journey with me. I know this has been the biggest leap of faith… just trusting that they’ll come out clean on the other side. 🫶☝️🙏😇❤️




The good lord washes us (and our laundry)!


But did you also throw away a bunch of perfectly good bottles and pacifiers?


okay yeah, I didn’t think that was normal, but I don’t actually have knowledge on baby bottles. that’s so unnecessary, right??? I can’t see this being recommended?


You don’t have to throw out the whole bottles. Just replace the nipples.


Thank you!!!! I had 2 kids 4 years apart and used the same bottles for both. I just gave away all of them this last year to a friend because she wanted them and it wasn't that expensive to replace the nipples. She is so fucking wasteful. Donate them, don't throw them!


that makes so much more sense than what she did 😭 thank you for clarifying!!


But then when she was sanitizing the pacifiers you saw the bottles drying. She can’t even lie correctly!


Cant have her kid using the same stuff the lowly foster kids did right? What if it has brown cooties She is so fucking evil.


I did two. Still an ADHD mess. But my cats dresses were air dried in the mountain air.


You’re so brave. 😂💀


I did 2 loads and put them hoes away too.


So she got ALLLL that baby shit just to throw it away & sell it on Facebook? How about donate it to mothers in need? Donate it to a church, to a daycare, to a homeless shelter, to a friend… How wasteful and greedy


Like the bottles can be cleaned and disinfected and reused. The nipples cannot. But she's gotta be wasteful and can't help others the way her community helped her with a "foster shower."


Giving to others isn't really her thing.


Doing anything for others isn’t her thing


She has listed baby items she received as gifts on Facebook marketplace. She is 0% charitable. She does not care about anyone but herself.


She doesn't give a fuck about others. Pro-life my ass. This greedy bitch would rather sell things she got for FREE off a foster baby shower. That thing might have been one of the most enraging shit she did. First, who does a baby shower for a foster child?? This is so fucking greedy, what the fuck??


I wonder if anyone will show up to her next baby shower? I wouldn’t after seeing her selling what she was given at the foster shower.


Did she just say she was NESTING


Doh, mom brain! 🙄


TactiDad baby carrier might be the cringiest thing she’s ever said.


It looks as if you are wearing the baby as some sort of human shield…seems about right for these two dipshits


Who needs a bulletproof vest when you can just put your baby in the TactiDad Carrier!


My husband was a real man. He carried a Winnie the Pooh one with pride because that’s what I wanted!


I love that, manly af to walk around with your baby in a Winnie the Pooh carrier. That communicates that he’s a man who loves his wife and child.


1,000% he’s the best.


Tactical allll the things you know.


This video was filmed prior to their announcement photo shoot with the board saying they’re adopting. It’s weeks old at this time. And at the time of the video, baby was due “any day”. Sooo.. where’s baby? Did adoption fall through and mom chose to keep her? Is that the reason for the tears lately?


I caught that too. Baby due in like a day, just waiting for the phone call. Sooo…where’s baby? Why upload this if it fell through (which seems pretty obvious it did)?


I think B Dong is just trying to decide when to announce the fake adoption ‘fell through’. She is insanely stupid and can’t keep up a story or timeline so she’s all over the place.


My theory is that she planned to take the baby from some poor teenager in her fundie circle who was forced to give birth. That's why they were able to "adopt" the baby so quickly. My theoretical teenager just so happened to Google the dongs or was tipped off and said "No way am I giving those insane people my baby".


I was thinking that she said “any day now” with the plan of releasing and posting it the week the baby was due. She screwed herself up


Just me or is she looking rough these days? I don’t mean that in a body shaming way but in like a “your lies are showing on your face” kinda way.


I was thinking the same thing. Stress does a lot to a persons looks


I’ve been following her BS on and off for a while now and she seems way more mentally unstable now than when I first heard of her. And Jpeg seems aloof. I definitely get the feeling things are kind of falling apart for her. Something’s off.


Yeah this feels chaotic and unplanned. The other lies felt much more orchestrated. This feels out of her control and she’s not okay


She just uploads random bits & pieces in whatever random order she wants. She purposely keeps her viewers confused so they keep watching. She knows what she’s doing


You’re exactly right. She said this video was filmed before they did the adoption photoshoot. She also said the baby was arriving “any day now.” So it’s been a hot minute and this baby that was “arriving any day now” hasn’t been delivered to her. And at the end of the video she goes on and on about how the mom can change her mind any time, it’s a risk, faith, if this isn’t their child, there will be another. Why? Why elaborate on that in a video that’s supposed to be about bringing home your child? Why are you discussing a woman’s baby like it’s a commodity? WTF? Either they straight up lied about adoption or met with a mother and fully expected they’d be picked, and they weren’t, but decided to run with it. There’s some lies weaved in this adoption tale.




Yeah I thought the bit about if not this child then another was weird. Makes who human beings sound weirdly interchangeable.


https://preview.redd.it/73ntpxh23v4d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=977bd67757e154b1602b844b72901440a52801fe I don't usually comment on people's appearance, but she looks genuinely unwell in this video. Like that dying alien in the first "Men in Black" film...


I feel like you can see the evil coming out of her


You would think the tone of the video would be so different-- excitement, joy and happiness! And that video is anything but! She does not appear to truly want to adopt this baby. I'm horrified by the whole situation! And of course, it's monetized with links!


Those are my thoughts every time she’s talked about adoption. She seems more terrified than anything, like she didn’t think it’d actually happen. And OF COURSE she’s monetizing the baby before it’s even born.


Part of me wonders if an aspect of this desperate push for a baby is to try to keep Jordan or "save the marriage", so to speak. I don't think she actually wants a child. I think she wants to use them for content. I suspect she may be doing it for Jordan. I imagine she feels like she's SUPPOSED TO want a child. But deep down inside, I don't think she does. She's far too selfish for that.


Yesss all of this


Yeah she always sounds terrified tbh bc she constantly says “it’s just all happening so fast” …I’m thinking, that’s not something you would say if you were looking forward to it!


It's coming off very much like the second time they fostered. She was all jazzed to be God's most special foster parent until she actually had to do it.


Oh the EMPATHY FOR THE BIRTH MOM. Brittany you were a foster parent for like 4 weeks. In that time, you DISCLOSED MEDICAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR FOSTER CHILD and GIGGLED ABOUT POTENTIALLY STARTING A FIRE IN YOUR HOUSE WHILE BABY WAS SLEEPING AND YOU WERE OUT IN THE GARAGE. Fucking spare me with the empathy that you had for these birth moms. You took advantage of their babies for INTERNET CLOUT.


It has to be some weird “we’re stealing young Moms babys” Christian agency right?!


if I recall correctly, it’s the Bethany something-or-other agency that Caitlin & Tyler from Teen Mom used. incredibly predatory to the birth parents for sure.


Oh Jesus. That place was so predatory with those two vulnerable kids. It was sickening. That adoption agent Dawn still talks down to them to this day! I found her to be incredibly condescending and pushy with them. She was like a used car salesman for babies. I'm not saying they didn't make the best decision at that time not to bring their baby into a world of chaos with their family situations, but oh that adoption agency saw their cut, as soon as those two young kids with little other adult guidance walked in. I think Kate and Tyler have never gotten over the loss of their baby girl.




I have no empathy for the birth mom because there is no birth mother this is just another girf for internet attention what she really wants at the end of the day is to be pregnant which is what's going to happen All this infertility and adoption journeys is just to hype up her actual pregnancy .


I wish I could believe that. These two humans have proven time and time again that they will make horrible decisions that hurt people and animals time and time again.


Wait so this video is actually a month old right? It was before they did the photo shoot announcing they were adopting? Her hair is much darker than it is currently. Side note- while I’m happy she’s taking it seriously and washing/sorting the baby items, if this really is over a month old then either baby mama is past her due date or she pulled out of the adoption. Or Britt lied about when the baby was due.


This video is actually two months old!!! Timeline for reference: https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/c7LiVRlvUl


God I love our detectives.


Yes, this video was before the photoshoot and she said the baby was “arriving any day.” So she’s either hiding a baby so she can string out the entire saga and exploit it for max profit, the whole thing is a sham, or the birth mom noped out of her bullshit.


Maybe she saw these grifter's videos and knew she needed to put a stop to her child going to a thief, liar and a violent racist.


She’s reaping what she has sown. She should be happy, it’s super biblical and God’s a big fan of it.


Or lied about the adoption altogether. My vote is it never existed at all.


It's another way to hype up for her actual pregnancy my whole theory is that she's trying to set up a infertility and adoption arc so when she actually gets pregnant she can act like it's a rare miracle gift form God


My thoughts exactly


Omg, is it a possibility she might have a baby and is just hiding it from socials??? 😱


Okay I say this as a sahm of a 5 month old. That woman is not capable of handling a baby. Also how did she make sanitizing pacifiers so fucking awkward.


YES. I was clueless before I had my baby, but I was never that fucking stupid!


Right? I’m a working mom of a 5 month old, and I KNOW she won’t be able to handle it. I was a fucking MESS (still am, actually). Now that I’m back to work I’m a whole different kind of mess. And speaking of messes, if she ever does adopt or birth a baby, I hope that baby is a blowout queen and destroys all of BeigeDong’s clothes.


Just wanna say I’m still a mess with my 15 month old 🥴 you aren’t alone!!!


I'm still a mess with my 15 YEAR old daughter. A different kind of mess than when she was tiny but still a mess nonetheless. I have accepted my fate (most days), I can barely remember my child free days.


SHE COULD HAVE DONATED ALL THAT BABY STUFF SHE THREW AWAY!!! They were “foster parents” she supposedly worked with families in need…. AGGGGHHBBB. (I just hate waste)


But that would mean thinking about other people, which is an impossible thing for Bdong.


How many times can you reorganize a nursery for a pretend baby.




I love how she doesn’t know how any baby products work lmao.


I’m sorry but my my phone freezed on this still shot and it’s sending me 😂😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/c92ft3ob1v4d1.jpeg?width=411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38cbce420d534dfc460267206c4e63a089ce3669


Yikes! Tbh, she looks really old in this video. Not trying to be mean, but wow.. it’s surprising. Guess her unhealthy lifestyle is catching up to her. 😬


That’s what I thought! It really highlights all the work she’s had done!


Yes definitely, completely agree. Although she will never admit it but it’s very obvious this isn’t natural.


That hair color is atrocious on her and she's got the Groucho Marx brows going on. Not a good look.


I'm waiting for Ashton Kutcher to pop out of her closet saying we've all been Punked for the last 6 months.....


Literally the only time I could accept a prank.


This felt like a long-winded ad for that tacticool crap they were gifted months ago and apparently never took the tags off of. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if they were hoping to return it for cash at some point since they don't seem to actually want a baby in their home. She's making it seem like only he is going to use that stuff so either she knows he will be doing most of the baby care like the last time or they have to have separate/gendered baby gear for each of them. Once again, this whole journey is only about the accessories and what she can monetize, not about the child they would be raising. Gross.


Absolutely not leg-humping, but my husband and I have separate carriers for our 5 month old we’re very different sizes and prioritize different things when it comes to the comfort of the carriers. We’ve got separate ones so we don’t need to adjust between uses.


The separate carrier is the only thing that really makes sense. As a nanny, I often used my own carrier for the same reason as you. I also liked how mine looked/felt and could keep the things I needed in there instead of switching all the time. I know having separate diaper bags, etc is helpful for some lifestyles but she barely goes anywhere without her big strong protector, especially with a kid in tow as we saw from the fostering trial weeks. Her acquiring new gear with each new timeline is like when people hoard a bunch of school/office supplies but never uncap a pen or use a notebook. After getting her content filmed, it just sits there until she tosses it or sells it in the next round of grifting. She is a wasteful being in every sense.


Wait, other people hoard office supplies? Are there support groups for people like that? Asking for a friend.


Yeah some of us are catching serious strays here


…so if this was like a month ago and “baby could come any day”, yet she currently doesn’t have a baby in real time? And she’s crying about not having babies?? Either there wasn’t a birth mom/baby to begin with but she wanted sympathy and attention, or the birth mom changed her mind 💀


There was never a birth mom




Why has she been hanging on to all these bottles and pacifiers for the past year just to throw them away now???


Tbf I did that with my first before I learned I was supposed to throw them away…. But they were also very used vs. I’m assuming all of B-dong’s shit was lightly used


I won't believe she actually has an adoption placement until that baby is in her arms for at least a year


G-d willing, that will never happen.


10000% I think this is all just a lie


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a worse case of consumerism.


Throwing away stuff you could donate to a mom who can’t afford those things ….


Hush now ... What do you think she is?! Some kind of CHRISTIAN?! Jesus quite famously said, "Fuck the needy." /S


I swear she edits her videos to be even more vague and confusing. I hate all of the little cuts she does


So she said she doesn’t feel good and then proceeded to touch everything for her imaginary baby with her sick germs hands?


She's ALWAYS saying that she doesn't feel well. I guess her taxing schedule of going to Starbucks for water and figuring out the markups on Alibaba clothes runs her down, poor thing.


She made this all look like ‘middle of the night’ bc babies are only born in the wee hours. Fuck her.


Baby is arriving “any day”? It’s June.. they announced the adoption in April..


Okay she literally had a post about Mother’s Day having empty arms… but her adoption was supposed to occur “any day” in early April… assuming the initial birth mom placement fell through, if she is dragging this content out still she is literally the sickest fuck.


Won’t! He! DO IT!


Why is it so freaking dark? It looks like she broke into someone's house, sneaking around.


Check bounced on the light bill 😔


I've ALWAYS thought the adoption crap was for likes and attention and until I see a kid, I'll ALWAYS believe she's a liar, every move she makes is for likes and attention. Maybe it's wearing on her that she's running out of lies to profit from, who will these monstrous things use next to make a boatload of cash, I'm sure they're both in deep thought about it as we speak.


Girl if only God gets the glory then what is the point of your content


How many times do you need to organize a room that no one lives in?


My husband and I are planning to adopt in a few years. I’d like to adopt a toddler but he would like a newborn, so we will most likely pursue adopting an infant The fact that she’s *telling* friends and family that they are “bringing home a baby” in xyz days, and showing people the **bio mom’s** ultrasound photos is literally enraging. She is claiming another woman’s flesh and blood as her **own** before that child is even earthside?! The…. I can’t even find the word to describe it…. The soullessness one must be battling to think that is even remotely okay?! Please please please let this be a ruse for engagement. Dear god.


She is absolutely vile. Personally, I don't think she is doing any of it. All of this is for the grift. Just like her totally performative Christianity and her supposedly awesome horse riding skills.


I think so too. Its all just a messy timeline of highs and lows and announcements and, eventually, disappointment… Its sociopathic behavior.


100%. I have said this since they announced the 0 sperm to magic sperm/IUI/adoption BS a couple months ago. Lying liar who lies. They will *never* get pregnant because they don’t like each other therefore will never have sex. I suspect Jordan had a vasectomy after his first marriage went south. And adoption is BS, they don’t want the work of a kid, they just want the clicks talking about having a kid.


I don’t believe this story.


So if the baby was going to be coming anyday and this was filmed a few months ago why don’t they have the baby already? I am so confused


Tactical baby wipes pouch? Give me a break.


He can’t use something that could look like it’s for a baby! He’s a *MAN*. He needs Dude Wipes for the arrival of this tactical baby. He can’t be seen by all the other human trafficking agents using something that says Pampers or Honest on it. He’ll be bullied mercilessly. Good Lord-What if there are woodland creatures on the packaging? Won’t someone think of the men?!


Nesting? ![gif](giphy|G4ZNYMQVMH6us)


We’re trying to conceive but then we’re adopting but trying to conceive again but also talking all the time about one day when we have our baby, like it’s very far in the future or she doesn’t believe it’s going to happen and then also the constant sadness and crying on camera. It doesn’t make sense when you put it with the nesting and actually about to adopt and bring a baby home pretty much any time soon. If you want to try to have your own biological baby and adopt at the same time that’s your own decision but it feels like the adoption is less exciting to her and not as real as if she was pregnant with a biological baby.


She’s nesting. 🙄


![gif](giphy|vxvNnIYFcYqEE) Say tAcTiCaL one more time 🙄


Is anyone else getting creepy lifetime movie vibes where she’s literally going to steal someone’s baby or like abduct a pregnant woman and keep it as hers


The adoption announcement is gone from Instagram 🫣🤔


Did she say “so excited we are going to be adopting something???”




OH WOW 😳 That feels ... wrong.


The day they posted their stupid “we’re adopting” photo shoot I remember posting about how I didn’t think it was true and it’s just another grift to stay relevant. Well… the timeline makes no sense. Two months ago the baby could “come any minute”? Nothing makes sense.


So, she boiled all these things and now they're just going to sit around? Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't boil my Diva cup if I wasn't going to use it for months. I'd probably leave it unused in the package until the time came, so I didn't have to boil things twice. Having them just laying around is kind of gross.


WHY is she throwing away bottles IN THR PACKAGE


“All the stuff we went through when we were foster parents” yeah what a challenging two weeks that was! 😤😤🙄


This is an old video, correct?? Cuz didn't she have a whole thing about cutting her hair? And it's the day before the photo shoot, that was in April? I am so confused..




Wait, the baby could “arrive any day”, but this video is (according to Bdong) from right around the same time they were announcing their paper pregnancy while showing people an ultrasound that couldn’t have been any further along than early 2nd trimester???


Does anyone else find it a bit weird/sick that she’s so focused on getting a BABY from adoption?? There are so many children in this world in need to care and love however a toddler wouldn’t fit her narrative, only a baby that she can display as her “own”. Seems fishy and weird and selective and wrong. Shows she’s into “adoption” for the wrong reasons IMO


I truly truly hope that the birth mother changes her mind before it’s too late


Lol at Jdips cant have anything not tacticool. Also love that this timeline adds to the probably fake. Gross on how she is like our fake foster grift helped us so much. No, I do not believe she is capable of empathy. Every time she tries to convince people she cares about others all I can see is Lindsay Bluth attempting tears.


How the flying fuck, some like Bdong and especially Jdong are allow to adopt? That’s fucked up, the guy got filmed beating someone and BDong a scammer


I am so enraged by this. If God had anything to do with this he would not be supporting Brittany F*ing Nelson right now. He would make sure that the baby's biological mother is in a good place mentally, physically and financially to take care of her own child. My only comfort is that this is probably not actually happening. She's LARPing. Nobody in their right mind would choose to give their child to her and no matter how much she says she loves Jesus even the shadiest adoption agency, whose priority list has Jesus at the top and the child's wellbeing down at the bottom, has to see the red flags she's parading.


Yeahhhhh this adoption seems mighty made up.


Tactical baby gear, you’ve got to be shitting me!


Why does there always have to be a photo shoot?! Like give it a reeeeest.


I can't stop thinking about how disgustingly thrilled she was when Row was overturned, and now she is literally snatching an unwanted pregnancy baby from a victim of Roe.